コード例 #1
        //add links to the components connecting it with the initVertex

        void AddComponent(int compID, SingleSourceShortestPaths shortestPaths)
            this.joinedComps[compID] = true;

            //take a node clsosest to the initVertex
            int node = -1;
            int dist = Int32.MaxValue;

            foreach (Edge l in this.comps[compID])
                if (shortestPaths.GetDistTo(l.source) < dist)
                    dist = shortestPaths.GetDistTo(l.source);
                    node = l.source;

                if (shortestPaths.GetDistTo(l.target) < dist)
                    dist = shortestPaths.GetDistTo(l.target);
                    node = l.target;

            //find a link entering the component from the outside
            Edge link = null;

            while (this.nodesToCompIds[node] == compID)
                if (node == this.initVertex) //this component is already connected to the initVertex

                link = shortestPaths.Pred[node];
                node = link.source;

            while (true)
                this.linksToCompIDs[link] = this.closureID;

                int sourceCompID = nodesToCompIds[link.source];
                if (sourceCompID == -1)
                    link = shortestPaths.Pred[link.source];
                    nodesToCompIds[link.target] = closureID;
                else if (sourceCompID == closureID)
                else                  //we hit a component from comps
                    this.joinedComps[sourceCompID] = true;
コード例 #2
        void Process()
            if (this.numberOfVertices == 0)

            if (this.mustEdges == null || this.mustEdges.Length == 0)
                newML = new Edge[0];
                newOL = this.optionalEdges;
            //first check with the hope that we are fine
            //that means that we have only one weakly
            //connected component containing the initVertex
            if (comps.Length == 1)
                foreach (Edge link in comps[0])
                    if (this.initVertex == link.target || this.initVertex == link.source)
                        newML = this.mustEdges;
                        newOL = this.optionalEdges;

            //connect each component with the initial vertex

            //nothing is joined at the beginning
            joinedComps = new bool[comps.Length];

            #region organizing the node to component id map
            this.nodesToCompIds = new int[this.numberOfVertices];

            for (int i = 0; i < nodesToCompIds.Length; i++)
                nodesToCompIds[i] = -1;                //does not belong to any component
            for (int compID = 0; compID < comps.Length; compID++)
                foreach (Edge link in comps[compID])
                    nodesToCompIds[link.source] = nodesToCompIds[link.target] = compID;

            //if initVertex does not belong to any components mark it as belonging to the
            //bigger component
            if (this.nodesToCompIds[this.initVertex] == -1)
                this.nodesToCompIds[this.initVertex] = this.closureID;
                this.joinedComps[this.nodesToCompIds[this.initVertex]] = true;


            SingleSourceShortestPaths shortestPaths =
                new SingleSourceShortestPaths(
                    new BasicGraph(this.initVertex, this.mustEdges, this.optionalEdges),


            //use the spanning tree of the SingleSourceShortestPaths
            //to connect the components with initVertex

            if (this.nodesToCompIds[this.initVertex] == -1)
                this.nodesToCompIds[this.initVertex] = this.closureID;

            bool done = false;
            //add the first component - may be is the only one
            AddComponent(0, shortestPaths);
            while (!done)
                done = true;

                //find non-joined component
                for (int compID = 0; compID < comps.Length; compID++)
                    if (joinedComps[compID] == false)
                        done = false;
                        AddComponent(compID, shortestPaths);

            this.newML = new Edge[linksToCompIDs.Count];

            this.linksToCompIDs.Keys.CopyTo(this.newML, 0);

            this.newOL = new Edge[this.optionalEdges.Length - newML.Length + mustEdges.Length];

            int j = 0;
            foreach (Edge l in optionalEdges)
                if (linksToCompIDs.Contains(l) == false)
                    this.newOL[j++] = l;