コード例 #1
        public void ResignManifest()
            var lf             = new LoggerFactory();
            var resignerLogger = new ResignerLoggingExtensions(lf.CreateLogger <ResignerLoggingExtensions>());

            var d = DateTime.Now;

            using var testContentStream = ResourcesHook.GetManifestResourceStream("Resources.ResignTestManifest.zip");

            using var m = new MemoryStream();
            var zipContent = m.ToArray();

            var m1 = new ContentEntity {
                Content = zipContent, PublishingId = "1", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.Manifest, Created = d, Release = d

            var dbc = _contentDbProvider.CreateNew();

            dbc.Content.AddRange(new[] {
                new ContentEntity {
                    Content = new byte[0], PublishingId = "2", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfig, Created = d, Release = d
                new ContentEntity {
                    Content = new byte[0], PublishingId = "3", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfigV2, Created = d, Release = d
                new ContentEntity {
                    Content = new byte[0], PublishingId = "4", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.ExposureKeySet, Created = d, Release = d
                new ContentEntity {
                    Content = new byte[0], PublishingId = "5", ContentTypeName = "Meh", Type = ContentTypes.ExposureKeySetV2, Created = d, Release = d


            var resigner = new NlContentResignCommand(_contentDbProvider.CreateNew, TestSignerHelpers.CreateCmsSignerEnhanced(lf), resignerLogger);

            resigner.ExecuteAsync(ContentTypes.Manifest, ContentTypes.ManifestV2, ZippedContentEntryNames.Content).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            //check the numbers
            Assert.Equal(6, dbc.Content.Count());

            var m2 = dbc.Content.Single(x => x.PublishingId == "1" && x.Type == ContentTypes.ManifestV2);

            Assert.Equal(m1.Created, m2.Created);
            Assert.Equal(m1.Release, m2.Release);

            var ms1 = new MemoryStream(zipContent);

            using var zip1 = new ZipArchive(ms1);

            var ms2 = new MemoryStream(m2.Content);

            using var zip2 = new ZipArchive(ms2);

            Assert.True(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(zip1.ReadEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.Content), zip2.ReadEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.Content)));
            Assert.NotEqual(zip1.GetEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.NlSignature), zip2.GetEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.NlSignature));
コード例 #2
        public void Re_sign_all_existing_earlier_content()
            var lf             = new LoggerFactory();
            var resignerLogger = new ResignerLoggingExtensions(lf.CreateLogger <ResignerLoggingExtensions>());

            //Add some db rows to Content
            var dbc = _contentDbProvider.CreateNew();

            var d            = DateTime.Now;
            var laterDate    = d.AddDays(1);
            var publishingId = "1";

            using var testContentStream = ResourcesHook.GetManifestResourceStream("Resources.ResignAppConfig.zip");
            using var m = new MemoryStream();
            var zipContent = m.ToArray();

            //Adding identical content items
            var sourceAppConfigContent1 = new ContentEntity {
                Content = zipContent, PublishingId = publishingId, ContentTypeName = ".", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfig, Created = d.AddMilliseconds(1), Release = laterDate
            var sourceAppConfigContent2 = new ContentEntity {
                Content = zipContent, PublishingId = publishingId, ContentTypeName = ".", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfig, Created = d.AddMilliseconds(2), Release = laterDate
            var sourceAppConfigContent3 = new ContentEntity {
                Content = zipContent, PublishingId = publishingId, ContentTypeName = ".", Type = ContentTypes.AppConfig, Created = d.AddMilliseconds(3), Release = laterDate



            Assert.Equal(3, dbc.Content.Count());

            var resigner = new NlContentResignCommand(_contentDbProvider.CreateNew, TestSignerHelpers.CreateCmsSignerEnhanced(lf), resignerLogger);

            resigner.ExecuteAsync(ContentTypes.AppConfig, ContentTypes.AppConfigV2, ZippedContentEntryNames.Content).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            //check the numbers
            Assert.Equal(6, dbc.Content.Count());

            var resignedAppConfigContent = dbc.Content.Where(x => x.PublishingId == publishingId && x.Type == ContentTypes.AppConfigV2);

            var originalContentStream = new MemoryStream(zipContent);

            using var originalZipArchive = new ZipArchive(originalContentStream);
            foreach (var i in resignedAppConfigContent)
                //Created is bumped by a few ms so can't be compared here
                Assert.Equal(sourceAppConfigContent1.Release, i.Release);

                var s = new MemoryStream(i.Content);
                using var z = new ZipArchive(s);

                Assert.True(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(originalZipArchive.ReadEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.Content), z.ReadEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.Content)));
                Assert.NotEqual(originalZipArchive.GetEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.NlSignature), z.GetEntry(ZippedContentEntryNames.NlSignature));

            //Repeating should have no effect
            resigner.ExecuteAsync(ContentTypes.AppConfig, ContentTypes.AppConfigV2, ZippedContentEntryNames.Content).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            Assert.Equal(6, dbc.Content.Count());