public static void HandleAscomCOMException(Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); var architecture = DllLoader.IsX86() ? "x86" : "x64"; var invertedArchitecture = DllLoader.IsX86() ? "x64" : "x86"; Notification.Notification.ShowError(string.Format(Locale.Loc.Instance["LblAscomInterOpDriverException"], invertedArchitecture, architecture)); }
private static double JPL_EPHEM_END_DATE = 2525008.5; // Last date of data in the ephemerides file static NOVAS() { DllLoader.LoadDll(Path.Combine("NOVAS", DLLNAME)); short a = 0; var ephemLocation = Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "External", "JPLEPH"); var code = EphemOpen(ephemLocation, ref JPL_EPHEM_START_DATE, ref JPL_EPHEM_END_DATE, ref a); if (code > 0) { Logger.Warning($"Failed to load ephemerides file due to error {code}"); } }
static SOFA() { DllLoader.LoadDll(Path.Combine("SOFA", DLLNAME)); }