public override int DeleteInactiveProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate) { ProfileType? profileType = null; if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous) profileType = ProfileType.Anonymous; else if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated) profileType = ProfileType.Authenticated; int profilesDeleted = 0; using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { ProfileUserDataStore profileStore = new ProfileUserDataStore(transaction); IList<ProfileUser> users = profileStore.FindByFields(ApplicationName, null, userInactiveSinceDate, profileType, PagingInfo.All); profilesDeleted = users.Count; foreach (ProfileUser user in users) { profileStore.Delete(user.Id); } transaction.Commit(); } return profilesDeleted; }
public static void ExecuteSqlScript(string script, string connectionName, bool throwExceptions) { var cfgHelper = NHibernateConfigurationManager.ConfigurationHelper; var session = cfgHelper.GetCurrentSession(connectionName); using (var tran = new TransactionScope(connectionName)) { try { var cmd = session.Connection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = script; session.Transaction.Enlist(cmd); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerFacade.Log.LogException(typeof(SqlExecutor), ex); if (throwExceptions) throw; } tran.Commit(); } }
public override void AddUserToProject(out int id, string username, string projectRole, Project project) { var user = SEOMembershipManager.GetUser(username); var projectRoleObj = GetProjectRoleByName(projectRole); if (projectRoleObj == null) throw new ProjectRoleNameMustExistException("the project role must exist " + projectRole); if (projectRoleObj.IdRoleType != (Int32)RoleType.ProjectRole) throw new ProjectRoleNameMustExistException("the project role must exist " + projectRole); using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { var projectUser = new ProjectUser { Project = project, ProjectRole = projectRoleObj, SEOToolsetUser = user, Enabled = true, MonitorEmails = false }; var ds = DSProjectUser.Create(_connName); ds.Insert(projectUser); tran.Commit(); id = projectUser.Id; } }
public override void AddUsersToRoles(string[] usernames, string[] roleNames) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { RoleDataStore roleStore = new RoleDataStore(transaction); //Find the roles Role[] roles = new Role[roleNames.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < roleNames.Length; i++) { //Find the role Role role = roleStore.FindByName(ApplicationName, roleNames[i]); if (role == null) throw new RoleNotFoundException(roleNames[i]); roles[i] = role; } UserInRoleDataStore usersInRolesStore = new UserInRoleDataStore(transaction); foreach (string userName in usernames) { foreach (Role role in roles) { UserInRole userInRole = new UserInRole(ApplicationName, userName, role.Name); usersInRolesStore.Insert(userInRole); } } transaction.Commit(); } }
public override Article CreateArticle(Category category, string owner, string name, string title, string description, string body) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { ArticleDataStore articleStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction); if (articleStore.FindByName(name) != null) throw new ArticleNameAlreadyExistsException(name); CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction); dataStore.Attach(category); Article article = new Article(category, name, owner, title, description, body); article.Author = owner; if (category.AutoApprove) article.Approved = true; articleStore.Insert(article); transaction.Commit(); return article; } }
public override int DeleteInactiveProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate) { ProfileType? profileType = null; if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous) profileType = ProfileType.Anonymous; else if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated) profileType = ProfileType.Authenticated; int profilesDeleted; using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { var profileStore = DSSEOProfile.Create(_connName); IList<SEOProfile> users = profileStore.FindByFields(ApplicationName, null, userInactiveSinceDate, profileType, PagingInfo.All); profilesDeleted = users.Count; foreach (var user in users) { profileStore.Delete(user.Id); } transaction.Commit(); } return profilesDeleted; }
public static void ExecuteInTransaction(OnTransaction onTransaction, string connectionName) { using (var t = new TransactionScope(connectionName)) { if (onTransaction != null) if (onTransaction(connectionName)) t.Commit(); } }
public override int CreateSubscriptionLevel(string level, Role role, double price) { var ds = DSSubscriptionLevel.Create(_connName); int id; using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { id = ds.CreateSubscriptionLevel(level, role, price); tran.Commit(); } return id; }
public override int CreateSubscriptionProperty(string propertyName) { var ds = DSSubscriptionProperty.Create(_connName); int id; using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { id = ds.CreateSubscriptionProperty(propertyName); tran.Commit(); } return id; }
public override void CreateSubscriptionDetails(int accountId, IDictionary<int, string> propertyValues) { var ds = DSSubscriptionDetail.Create(_connName); using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { foreach (var keyValuePair in propertyValues) { ds.CreateSubscriptionDetail(accountId, keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value); } tran.Commit(); } }
public override Category CreateCategory(string name, string displayName) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction); Category category = new Category(name, displayName); dataStore.Insert(category); transaction.Commit(); return category; } }
private void AddContact(Contact contact) { //ContactDataStore.Create(WebApp.GetSession("DefaultDB")); ConnectionParameters parameters = ConfigurationHelper.Create("DefaultDB"); using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(parameters)) { ContactDataStore dataStore = new ContactDataStore(transaction); dataStore.Insert(contact); transaction.Commit(); } }
///<summary> ///If the promotion has times of use, then it is updated ///</summary> ///<param name="promoCode"></param> public override void Consume(string promoCode) { var ds = DSPromoCode.Create(_connName); var promo = ds.FindByCode(promoCode); if (!promo.TimesUsed.HasValue || !promo.MaxUse.HasValue) return; if (promo.TimesUsed.Value >= promo.MaxUse.Value) throw new Exceptions.ExceededMaximumUsageException(); promo.TimesUsed++; using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { ds.Update(promo); tran.Commit(); } }
public override void AddPermissionToRole(string role, string permission) { using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { var dsPermission = DSPermission.Create(_connName); var dsRole = DSRole.Create(_connName); var dsRolePermission = DSPermissionRole.Create(_connName); dsRolePermission.Insert(new PermissionRole { Permission = dsPermission.FindByName(permission), Role = dsRole.FindByName(role) }); tran.Commit(); } }
public override Item CreateItem(Category category, string owner, string title, string description, string url, string urlName, DateTime newsDate) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction); Item item = new Item(category, owner, title, description, url, urlName, newsDate); dataStore.Insert(item); transaction.Commit(); return item; } }
public override void CreateAccount(Account account) { using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { var ds = DSAccount.Create(_connName); if (account.Owner == null) { account.Owner = GetTopLevelAccount(); } if (ds.FindByName(account.Name) != null) { tran.Rollback(); throw new DuplicatedEntityException("Account"); } ds.Insert(account); tran.Commit(); } }
public override int CreateRankingMonitor(int idProject, string loginName, int[] idKeywordLists, out int keywordsTotal) { var dsKeyword = DSKeyword.Create(_connName); var keywords = dsKeyword.FindUniqueByKeywordLists(idKeywordLists); keywordsTotal = keywords.Count; var keywordAnalysis = new List<KeywordAnalysis>(); foreach (var keyword in keywords) { var keywordAnalysisItem = new KeywordAnalysis { Keyword = keyword, Status = "P" }; var keyword1 = keyword; if (keywordAnalysis.Exists(Item => Item.Keyword == keyword1)) continue; keywordAnalysis.Add(keywordAnalysisItem); } var rankingMonitorRun = new RankingMonitorRun { AnalysisType = "M", ExecutionDate = DateTime.Now, Project = new Project { Id = idProject }, Status = new Status { Name = "P" }, User = loginName }; using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { var dsRankingMonitorRun = DSRankingMonitorRun.Create(_connName); var dsKeywordAnalysis = DSKeywordAnalysis.Create(_connName); dsRankingMonitorRun.Insert(rankingMonitorRun); keywordAnalysis.ForEach(KeywordAnalysis => { KeywordAnalysis.RankingMonitorRun = rankingMonitorRun; dsKeywordAnalysis.Insert(KeywordAnalysis); }); tran.Commit(); } return rankingMonitorRun.Id; }
public override void AddCompetitor(out int id, string name, string url, string description, Project project) { using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { var ds = DSCompetitor.Create(_connName); var ce = new Competitor(); if (name != null) ce.Name = name; if (url != null) ce.Url = url; if (description != null) ce.Description = description; if (project != null) ce.Project = project; ds.Insert(ce); tran.Commit(); id = ce.Id; } }
public override void AddUsersToRole(string[] userNames, string roleName) { Check.Ensure(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(roleName), "roleName must not be null nor Empty"); Check.Ensure(userNames.Length > 0, "At least one username must be provided"); using (var tran = new TransactionScope(_connName)) { var dsUser = DSSEOToolsetUser.Create(_connName); var dsRole = DSRole.Create(_connName); for (var i = 0; i < userNames.Length; i++) { var user = dsUser.FindByName(userNames[i]); if (user != null) { user.UserRole = dsRole.FindByName(roleName); } dsUser.Update(user); } tran.Commit(); } }
public override FileAttachment CreateFileAttachment(Article article, string name, string contentType, byte[] contentData) { FileAttachment attachment = new FileAttachment(article, name, contentType, contentData); //Check attachment if (attachment != null) Attachment.FileHelper.CheckFile(attachment, article.Category.AttachExtensions, article.Category.AttachMaxSize); using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction); dataStore.Attach(article); FileAttachmentDataStore attachmentStore = new FileAttachmentDataStore(transaction); attachmentStore.Insert(attachment); transaction.Commit(); return attachment; } }
public override void DeleteItem(Item item) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction); dataStore.Delete(item.Id); transaction.Commit(); } }
public override void UpdateCategory(Category category) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction); dataStore.Update(category); transaction.Commit(); } }
public override void UpdateFileAttachment(FileAttachment attachment) { //Check attachment if (attachment != null) Attachment.FileHelper.CheckFile(attachment, attachment.Article.Category.AttachExtensions, attachment.Article.Category.AttachMaxSize); using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { FileAttachmentDataStore dataStore = new FileAttachmentDataStore(transaction); dataStore.Update(attachment); transaction.Commit(); } }
public override void DeleteFileAttachment(FileAttachment attachment) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { FileAttachmentDataStore dataStore = new FileAttachmentDataStore(transaction); dataStore.Delete(attachment.Id); transaction.Commit(); } }
/// <summary> /// Update the specified article. Increment the version if required. /// </summary> /// <param name="article"></param> /// <param name="backupVersion">If true the previous article version is saved as a backup in the VersionedArticle and the current version is incremented.</param> public override void UpdateArticle(Article article, bool backupVersion) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction); VersionedArticle versionedArticle = null; if (backupVersion) { //Retrive the previous version (before saving the new instance) and save a versioned row Article prevVersion = dataStore.FindByKey(article.Id); if (prevVersion == null) throw new ArticleNotFoundException(article.Id); versionedArticle = new VersionedArticle(prevVersion); VersionedArticleDataStore versionedStore = new VersionedArticleDataStore(transaction); versionedStore.Insert(versionedArticle); //Increment the current article version article.IncrementVersion(); } //flag the entity to be updated and attach the entity to the db // I must use InsertOrUpdateCopy because if backupVersion = true there is already a // persistent entity in the session and I must copy the values to this instance. The Update method in this case throw an exception article = dataStore.InsertOrUpdateCopy(article); transaction.Commit(); } }
public override void DeleteArticleVersion(VersionedArticle article) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { VersionedArticleDataStore dataStore = new VersionedArticleDataStore(transaction); dataStore.Delete(article.Id); transaction.Commit(); } }
public override bool DeleteRole(string roleName, bool throwOnPopulatedRole) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { RoleDataStore roleStore = new RoleDataStore(transaction); UserInRoleDataStore userInRoleDataStore = new UserInRoleDataStore(transaction); //Find role Role role = roleStore.FindByName(ApplicationName, roleName); if (role == null) throw new RoleNotFoundException(roleName); IList<UserInRole> listUserInRole = userInRoleDataStore.FindForRole(ApplicationName, roleName); if (throwOnPopulatedRole && listUserInRole.Count > 0) throw new System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException("Cannot delete a populated role."); foreach (UserInRole ur in listUserInRole) userInRoleDataStore.Delete(ur.Id); roleStore.Delete(role.Id); transaction.Commit(); } return true; }
public override void CreateRole(string roleName) { //Check required for MSDN if (roleName == null || roleName == "") throw new System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException("Role name cannot be empty or null."); if (roleName.IndexOf(',') > 0) throw new ArgumentException("Role names cannot contain commas."); if (RoleExists(roleName)) throw new System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException("Role name already exists."); using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { RoleDataStore roleStore = new RoleDataStore(transaction); roleStore.Insert(new Role(ApplicationName, roleName)); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void CreateAccountAndUser(Account account, SEOToolsetUser user) { using (var tran = new TransactionScope(Provider.ConnectionString)) { if (account.CompanyIdCountry.HasValue && account.CompanyIdCountry == -1) account.CompanyIdCountry = null; if (user.Country != null && user.Country.Id == -1) user.Country = null; Provider.CreateAccount(account); user.Account = account; MembershipCreateStatus status; SEOMembershipManager.CreateUser(user, out status); if (status != MembershipCreateStatus.Success) throw new MembershipCreateUserException(status); SEORolesManager.AddUserToRole(user.Login, "Administrator"); tran.Commit(); } }
public override void RemoveUsersFromRoles(string[] usernames, string[] roleNames) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration)) { UserInRoleDataStore usersInRolesStore = new UserInRoleDataStore(transaction); foreach (string userName in usernames) { foreach (string roleName in roleNames) { UserInRole userInRole = usersInRolesStore.Find(ApplicationName, userName, roleName); if (userInRole == null) throw new UserInRoleNotFoundException(userName, roleName); usersInRolesStore.Delete(userInRole.Id); } } transaction.Commit(); } }