public void AggregateCount() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("a1", 20); Animal a2 = new Animal("a2", 10); s.Save(a1); s.Save(a2); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { // Count in select object result = s.CreateQuery("select count(distinct from Animal a").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(long), result.GetType()); Assert.AreEqual(2, result); result = s.CreateQuery("select count(*) from Animal").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(long), result.GetType()); Assert.AreEqual(2, result); // Count in where if (TestDialect.SupportsHavingWithoutGroupBy) { result = s.CreateQuery("select count( from Animal a having count(>1").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof (long), result.GetType()); Assert.AreEqual(2, result); } } }
public void Lower() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("lower"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("ABCDEF", 1f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select lower(an.Description) from Animal an"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", lresult[0]); hql = "from Animal an where lower(an.Description)='abcdef'"; Animal result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("ABCDEF", result.Description); //test only parser hql = "select lower(an.Description) from Animal an group by lower(an.Description) having lower(an.Description)='abcdef'"; lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); } }
public void Cast() { const double magicResult = 7 + 123 - 5*1.3d; IgnoreIfNotSupported("cast"); // The cast is used to test various cases of a function render // Cast was selected because represent a special case for: // 1) Has more then 1 argument // 2) The argument separator is "as" (for the other function is ',' or ' ') // 3) The ReturnType is not fixed (depend on a column type) // 4) The 2th argument is parsed by NH and traslated for a specific Dialect (can't be interpreted directly by RDBMS) using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 1.3f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql; IList l; Animal result; // Rendered in SELECT using a property hql = "select cast(a.BodyWeight as Double) from Animal a"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.That(l[0], Is.TypeOf(typeof (double))); // Rendered in SELECT using a property in an operation with costant hql = "select cast(7+123-5*a.BodyWeight as Double) from Animal a"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.AreEqual(magicResult, (double)l[0], 0.00001); // Rendered in SELECT using a property and nested functions if (!(Dialect is Oracle8iDialect)) { hql = "select cast(cast(a.BodyWeight as string) as Double) from Animal a"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.That(l[0], Is.TypeOf(typeof(double))); } // TODO: Rendered in SELECT using string costant assigned with critic chars (separators) // Rendered in WHERE using a property if (!(Dialect is Oracle8iDialect)) { hql = "from Animal a where cast(a.BodyWeight as string) like '1.%'"; result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } // Rendered in WHERE using a property in an operation with costants hql = "from Animal a where cast(7+123-2*a.BodyWeight as Double)>0"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); // Rendered in WHERE using a property and named param hql = "from Animal a where cast(:aParam+a.BodyWeight as Double)>0"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetDouble("aParam", 2D) .UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); // Rendered in WHERE using a property and nested functions if (!(Dialect is Oracle8iDialect)) { hql = "from Animal a where cast(cast(cast(a.BodyWeight as string) as double) as int) = 1"; result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } // Rendered in GROUP BY using a property hql = "select cast(a.BodyWeight as Double) from Animal a group by cast(a.BodyWeight as Double)"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.That(l[0], Is.TypeOf(typeof(double))); // Rendered in GROUP BY using a property in an operation with costant hql = "select cast(7+123-5*a.BodyWeight as Double) from Animal a group by cast(7+123-5*a.BodyWeight as Double)"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.AreEqual(magicResult, (double)l[0], 0.00001); // Rendered in GROUP BY using a property and nested functions if (!(Dialect is Oracle8iDialect)) { hql = "select cast(cast(a.BodyWeight as string) as Double) from Animal a group by cast(cast(a.BodyWeight as string) as Double)"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.That(l[0], Is.TypeOf(typeof(double))); } // Rendered in HAVING using a property hql = "select cast(a.BodyWeight as Double) from Animal a group by cast(a.BodyWeight as Double) having cast(a.BodyWeight as Double)>0"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.That(l[0], Is.TypeOf(typeof(double))); // Rendered in HAVING using a property in an operation with costants hql = "select cast(7+123.3-1*a.BodyWeight as int) from Animal a group by cast(7+123.3-1*a.BodyWeight as int) having cast(7+123.3-1*a.BodyWeight as int)>0"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.AreEqual((int)(7 + 123.3 - 1 * 1.3d), l[0]); // Rendered in HAVING using a property and named param (NOT SUPPORTED) try { hql = "select cast(:aParam+a.BodyWeight as int) from Animal a group by cast(:aParam+a.BodyWeight as int) having cast(:aParam+a.BodyWeight as int)>0"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).SetInt32("aParam", 10).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.AreEqual(11, l[0]); } catch (QueryException ex) { if (!(ex.InnerException is NotSupportedException)) throw; } catch (ADOException ex) { if (Dialect is Oracle8iDialect) { if (!ex.InnerException.Message.StartsWith("ORA-00979")) throw; } else { string msgToCheck = "Column 'Animal.BodyWeight' is invalid in the HAVING clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause."; // This test raises an exception in SQL Server because named // parameters internally are always positional (@p0, @p1, etc.) // and named differently hence they mismatch between GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. if (!ex.InnerException.Message.Equals(msgToCheck)) throw; } } // Rendered in HAVING using a property and nested functions if (!(Dialect is Oracle8iDialect)) { string castExpr = "cast(cast(cast(a.BodyWeight as string) as double) as int)"; hql = string.Format("select {0} from Animal a group by {0} having {0} = 1", castExpr); l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, l[0]); } } }
public void AggregateAvg() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("a1", 20); Animal a2 = new Animal("a2", 10); s.Save(a1); s.Save(a2); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { // In Select object result = s.CreateQuery("select avg(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(double), result.GetType()); Assert.AreEqual(15D, result); // In where if (TestDialect.SupportsHavingWithoutGroupBy) { result = s.CreateQuery("select avg(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a having avg(a.BodyWeight)>0").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(double), result.GetType()); Assert.AreEqual(15D, result); } } }
public void AggregateSum() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("a1", 20); Animal a2 = new Animal("a2", 10); s.Save(a1); s.Save(a2); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { object result = s.CreateQuery("select sum(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(double), result.GetType()); Assert.AreEqual(30D, result); result = s.CreateQuery("select sum(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a having sum(a.BodyWeight)>0").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(double), result.GetType()); Assert.AreEqual(30D, result); } }
public void Current_TimeStamp() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("current_timestamp"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 1.3f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select current_timestamp() from Animal"; IList result = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); } }
public void Concat() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("concat"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 1f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select concat(a.Description,'zzz') from Animal a"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdefzzz", lresult[0]); // MS SQL doesn't support || operator if (!(Dialect is MsSql2000Dialect)) { hql = "from Animal a where a.Description = concat('a', concat('b','c'), 'd'||'e')||'f'"; Animal result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } } }
public void Locate() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("locate"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 20); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select locate('bc', a.Description, 2) from Animal a"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, lresult[0]); hql = "from Animal a where locate('bc', a.Description) = 2"; Animal result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } }
public void Trim() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("trim"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abc ", 1); Animal a2 = new Animal(" def", 2); Animal a3 = new Animal("___def__", 3); s.Save(a1); s.Save(a2); s.Save(a3); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select trim(a.Description) from Animal a where a.Description=' def'"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual("def", lresult[0]); hql = "select trim('_' from a.Description) from Animal a where a.Description='___def__'"; lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual("def", lresult[0]); hql = "select trim(trailing from a.Description) from Animal a where a.Description= 'abc '"; lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual("abc", lresult[0]); hql = "select trim(leading from a.Description) from Animal a where a.Description=' def'"; lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual("def", lresult[0]); // where hql = "from Animal a where trim(a.Description) = 'abc'"; lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, lresult.Count); hql = "from Animal a where trim('_' from a.Description) = 'def'"; Animal result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("___def__", result.Description); hql = "from Animal a where trim(trailing from a.Description) = 'abc'"; result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.BodyWeight); //Firebird auto rtrim VARCHAR hql = "from Animal a where trim(leading from a.Description) = 'def'"; result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(" def", result.Description); Animal a = new Animal(" abc", 20); s.Save(a); s.Flush(); hql = "from Animal a where trim(both from a.Description) = 'abc'"; lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, lresult.Count); } }
public void SubStringTwoParameters() { // All dialects that support the substring function should support // the two-parameter overload - emulating it by generating the // third parameter (length) if the database requires three parameters. IgnoreIfNotSupported("substring"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 20); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql; // In the select clause. hql = "select substring(a.Description, 3) from Animal a"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, lresult.Count); Assert.AreEqual("cdef", lresult[0]); // In the where clause. hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, 4) = 'def'"; var result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); // With parameters and nested function calls. if (!(Dialect is FirebirdDialect)) // Firebird only supports integer literals for start (and length). { hql = "from Animal a where substring(concat(a.Description, ?), :start) = 'deffoo'"; result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, "foo") .SetParameter("start", 4) .UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } } }
public void SubString() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("substring"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 20); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql; hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, 2, 3) = 'bcd'"; Animal result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, 2, 3) = ?"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, "bcd") .UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); if (Dialect is FirebirdDialect) { // Firebird only supports integer literals for start (and length). return; } // Following tests verify that parameters can be used. hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, 2, ?) = 'bcd'"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, 3) .UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, ?, ?) = ?"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, 2) .SetParameter(1, 3) .SetParameter(2, "bcd") .UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); hql = "select substring(a.Description, ?, ?) from Animal a"; IList results = s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, 2) .SetParameter(1, 3) .List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count); Assert.AreEqual("bcd", results[0]); } }
public void AggregateSumNH1100() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("a1", 20); Animal a2 = new Animal("a1", 10); s.Save(a1); s.Save(a2); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Assert.Throws<QueryException>(() => s.CreateQuery("select distinct new SummaryItem(a.Description, sum(BodyWeight)) from Animal a").List<SummaryItem>()); } }
public void AggregateMin() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("a1", 20); Animal a2 = new Animal("a2", 10); s.Save(a1); s.Save(a2); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { object result = s.CreateQuery("select min(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(float), result.GetType()); //use column type Assert.AreEqual(10F, result); if (TestDialect.SupportsHavingWithoutGroupBy) { result = s.CreateQuery("select min(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a having min(a.BodyWeight)>0").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(float), result.GetType()); //use column type Assert.AreEqual(10F, result); } } }
public void SubString() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("substring"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 20); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql; bool twoArgSubstringSupported = Dialect.Functions["substring"] is AnsiSubstringFunction; if (twoArgSubstringSupported) { hql = "select substring(a.Description, 3) from Animal a"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, lresult.Count); Assert.AreEqual("cdef", lresult[0]); } hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, 2, 3) = 'bcd'"; Animal result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, 2, 3) = ?"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, "bcd") .UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, 2, ?) = 'bcd'"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, 3) .UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, ?, ?) = ?"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, 2) .SetParameter(1, 3) .SetParameter(2, "bcd") .UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); hql = "select substring(a.Description, ?, ?) from Animal a"; IList results = s.CreateQuery(hql) .SetParameter(0, 2) .SetParameter(1, 3) .List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count); Assert.AreEqual("bcd", results[0]); if (twoArgSubstringSupported) { hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.Description, 4) = 'def'"; result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } } }
public void CastNH1446() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("cast"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 1.3f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { // Rendered in SELECT using a property string hql = "select cast(a.BodyWeight As Double) from Animal a"; IList l = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1.3f, (double)l[0], 0.00001); } }
public void Length() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("length"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("12345", 20); Animal a2 = new Animal("1234", 20); s.Save(a1); s.Save(a2); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select length(a.Description) from Animal a where a.Description = '1234'"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(4, lresult[0]); hql = "from Animal a where length(a.Description) = 5"; Animal result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("12345", result.Description); } }
public void CastNH1979() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("cast"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 1.3f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select cast(((a.BodyWeight + 50) / :divisor) as int) from Animal a"; IList l = s.CreateQuery(hql).SetInt32("divisor", 2).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); } }
public void Abs() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("abs"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("Dog", 9); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select abs(a.BodyWeight*-1) from Animal a"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(9, lresult[0]); hql = "from Animal a where abs(a.BodyWeight*-1)>0"; lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, lresult.Count); hql = "select abs(a.BodyWeight*-1) from Animal a group by abs(a.BodyWeight*-1) having abs(a.BodyWeight*-1)>0"; lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, lresult.Count); } }
public void Current_TimeStamp_Offset() { if (!Dialect.Functions.ContainsKey("current_timestamp_offset")) Assert.Ignore(Dialect + " doesn't support current_timestamp_offset function"); IgnoreIfNotSupported("current_timestamp_offset"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 1.3f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select current_timestamp_offset() from Animal"; IList result = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); } }
public void Mod() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("mod"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 20); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select mod(cast(a.BodyWeight as int), 3) from Animal a"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, lresult[0]); hql = "from Animal a where mod(20, 3) = 2"; Animal result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); hql = "from Animal a where mod(cast(a.BodyWeight as int), 4)=0"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } }
public void Str() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("str"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 20); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select str(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), lresult[0].GetType()); hql = "from Animal a where str(123) = '123'"; Animal result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } }
public void Sqrt() { IgnoreIfNotSupported("sqrt"); using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 65536f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql = "select sqrt(an.BodyWeight) from Animal an"; IList lresult = s.CreateQuery(hql).List(); Assert.AreEqual(256f, lresult[0]); hql = "from Animal an where sqrt(an.BodyWeight)/2 > 10"; Animal result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", result.Description); } }
public void ParameterLikeArgument() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("abcdef", 1.3f); s.Save(a1); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { string hql; IList l; Animal result; // Render in WHERE hql = "from Animal a where cast(:aParam as Double)>0"; result = (Animal)s.CreateQuery(hql).SetDouble("aParam", 2D).UniqueResult(); Assert.IsNotNull(result); // Render in WHERE with math operation hql = "from Animal a where cast(:aParam+a.BodyWeight as Double)>3"; result = (Animal) s.CreateQuery(hql).SetDouble("aParam", 2D).UniqueResult(); Assert.IsNotNull(result); // Render in all clauses hql = "select cast(:aParam+a.BodyWeight as int) from Animal a group by cast(:aParam+a.BodyWeight as int) having cast(:aParam+a.BodyWeight as Double)>0"; l = s.CreateQuery(hql).SetInt32("aParam", 10).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, l.Count); } }
public void AggregateMax() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { Animal a1 = new Animal("a1", 20); Animal a2 = new Animal("a2", 10); s.Save(a1); s.Save(a2); s.Flush(); } using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { object result = s.CreateQuery("select max(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(float), result.GetType()); //use column type Assert.AreEqual(20F, result); result = s.CreateQuery("select max(a.BodyWeight) from Animal a having max(a.BodyWeight)>0").UniqueResult(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(float), result.GetType()); //use column type Assert.AreEqual(20F, result); } }