public void Token(string token, QueryTranslator q)
			if (token != null)

			string alias = q.GetPathAlias(path.ToString());
			if (alias != null)
				Reset(q); //reset the dotcount (but not the path)
				currentName = alias; //after reset!
				currentPropertyMapping = q.GetPropertyMapping(currentName);
				if (!ignoreInitialJoin)
					JoinSequence ojf = q.GetPathJoin(path.ToString());
						joinSequence.AddCondition(ojf.ToJoinFragment(q.EnabledFilters, true).ToWhereFragmentString); //after reset!
					catch (MappingException me)
						throw new QueryException(me);
					// we don't need to worry about any condition in the ON clause
					// here (toFromFragmentString), since anything in the ON condition 
					// is already applied to the whole query
			else if (".".Equals(token))
				if (dotcount == 0)
					if (!continuation)
						if (!q.IsName(token))
							throw new QueryException("undefined alias or unknown mapping: " + token);
						currentName = token;
						currentPropertyMapping = q.GetPropertyMapping(currentName);
				else if (dotcount == 1)
					if (currentName != null)
						currentProperty = token;
					else if (collectionName != null)
						//IQueryableCollection p = q.GetCollectionPersister( collectionRole );
						//DoCollectionProperty( token, p, collectionName );
						continuation = false;
						throw new QueryException("unexpected");
					// dotcount>=2

					// Do the corresponding RHS
					IType propertyType = PropertyType;

					if (propertyType == null)
						throw new QueryException("unresolved property: " + currentProperty);

					if (propertyType.IsComponentType)
					else if (propertyType.IsEntityType)
						DereferenceEntity(token, (EntityType) propertyType, q);
					else if (propertyType.IsCollectionType)
						DereferenceCollection(token, ((CollectionType) propertyType).Role, q);
					else if (token != null)
						throw new QueryException("dereferenced: " + currentProperty);