コード例 #1
        // GET: /vraag/VoteUp/QuestionID
        public ActionResult VoteUp(int id)
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) // check if logged in
                // get user stuff
                var userVoiting = from userVote in db.Users
                                  where userVote.UserName == User.Identity.Name
                                  select userVote;
                // get the info of the question which is getting the vote
                var QuestionGettingVoted = from vraag in db.Questions
                                           where vraag.QuestionID == id
                                           select vraag;
                // check if they yielded some info (and not more then one)
                if (userVoiting.Count() == 1 && QuestionGettingVoted.Count() == 1)
                    var UserVoting = userVoiting.First();
                    // check if this is a up vote or a second time vote (so downvote)
                    var voteInfo = from vote in db.Votes
                                   where vote.UserID == UserVoting.UserID && vote.QuestionID == id
                                   select vote;
                    // cast this question to a single so we can do somestuff
                    var Question = QuestionGettingVoted.First();
                    // get the info of the person which made this question
                    var userGettingVoted = from user in db.UserMeta
                                           where user.UserId == Question.UserId
                                           select user;
                    if (voteInfo.Count() == 1) // if so we are downvotting
                        // remove the vote from the datebase
                        Question.Votes -= 1; // lower the votes on this question
                        userGettingVoted.First().Votes -= 1; // and on the user
                        db.SaveChanges(); // save
                    else // else we are upvoting (firsttime)
                        // create a new vote
                        VoteUser newVote = new VoteUser() { QuestionID = Question.QuestionID, UserID = UserVoting.UserID };
                        Question.Votes += 1; // increase the votes on this question with one
                        userGettingVoted.First().Votes += 1; // and the user that made this question
                        db.Votes.Add(newVote); // add the vote to the db
                        db.SaveChanges(); // save
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Je account bestaat niet of de vraag bestaat niet.");
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Je moet ingelogd zijn om te stemmen.");

            // redirect us to the right page
            if (!Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath.Contains("vraag"))
                return RedirectToAction("index", "default");
                return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath);
コード例 #2
 // GET: answer/voteup/answerID
 public ActionResult VoteUp(int id)
     // check if we are logged in
     if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
         // if so get the stuff of this user
         var userVoiting = from userVote in db.Users
                           where userVote.UserName == User.Identity.Name
                           select userVote;
         // get the stuff of this answer (which gets the vote up or down
         var AnswerGettingVoted = from Answers in db.Answers
                                  where Answers.AnswerID == id
                                  select Answers;
         // check if that did return some stuff
         if (userVoiting.Count() == 1 && AnswerGettingVoted.Count() == 1)
             // cast it to a single
             var UserVoting = userVoiting.First();
             // check if this is a up vote or a second time vote (so downvote)
             var voteInfo = from vote in db.Votes
                            where vote.UserID == UserVoting.UserID && vote.AnswerID == id
                            select vote;
             // cast the answer to a single
             var answer = AnswerGettingVoted.First();
             // get the userMeta of the person whoes answer it is
             var userGettingVoted = (from user in db.UserMeta
                                    where user.UserId == answer.UserId
                                    select user).Single();
             if (voteInfo.Count() == 1)
                 // downvote :<
                 answer.Votes -= 1;
                 userGettingVoted.Votes -= 1;
                 // upvote
                 VoteUser newVote = new VoteUser() { AnswerID = answer.AnswerID, UserID = UserVoting.UserID };
                 answer.Votes += 1;
                 userGettingVoted.Votes += 1;
         else // if we didn't find the answer of the account didn't exist
             ModelState.AddModelError("", "Je account bestaat niet of het antwoord bestaat niet.");
     // then return them back to their page they came from
     if (!Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath.Contains("vraag"))
         return RedirectToAction("index", "default");
         return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath);