public void DrawRectangle(Rect frame, Size corner, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { if (corner.Width > 0 || corner.Height > 0) { using (var path = new GraphicsPath()) { var xdia = corner.Width * 2; var ydia = corner.Height * 2; if (xdia > frame.Width) { xdia = frame.Width; } if (ydia > frame.Height) { ydia = frame.Height; } // define a corner var Corner = Conversions.GetRectangleF(frame); path.AddArc(Corner, 180, 90); // top right Corner.X += (float)(frame.Width - xdia); path.AddArc(Corner, 270, 90); // bottom right Corner.Y += (float)(frame.Height - ydia); path.AddArc(Corner, 0, 90); // bottom left Corner.X -= (float)(frame.Width - xdia); path.AddArc(Corner, 90, 90); // end path path.CloseFigure(); if (brush != null) { graphics.FillPath(brush.GetBrush(frame), path); } if (pen != null) { graphics.DrawPath(pen.GetPen(), path); } } } else { if (brush != null) { graphics.FillRectangle(brush.GetBrush(frame), Conversions.GetRectangleF(frame)); } if (pen != null) { var r = Conversions.GetRectangleF(frame); graphics.DrawRectangle(pen.GetPen(), r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height); } } }
public void DrawRectangle(Rect frame, Size corner, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { if (corner.Width > 0 || corner.Height > 0) { var geometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (var context = geometry.Open()) { bool isStroked = pen != null; const bool isSmoothJoin = true; var diag = corner.Diagonal; var cornerRadius = new { TopLeft = diag, TopRight = diag, BottomRight = diag, BottomLeft = diag }; var rect = frame.GetRect(); context.BeginFigure(rect.TopLeft + new Vector(0, cornerRadius.TopLeft), brush != null, true); context.ArcTo(new System.Windows.Point(rect.TopLeft.X + cornerRadius.TopLeft, rect.TopLeft.Y), new System.Windows.Size(cornerRadius.TopLeft, cornerRadius.TopLeft), 90, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, isStroked, isSmoothJoin); context.LineTo(rect.TopRight - new Vector(cornerRadius.TopRight, 0), isStroked, isSmoothJoin); context.ArcTo(new System.Windows.Point(rect.TopRight.X, rect.TopRight.Y + cornerRadius.TopRight), new System.Windows.Size(cornerRadius.TopRight, cornerRadius.TopRight), 90, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, isStroked, isSmoothJoin); context.LineTo(rect.BottomRight - new Vector(0, cornerRadius.BottomRight), isStroked, isSmoothJoin); context.ArcTo(new System.Windows.Point(rect.BottomRight.X - cornerRadius.BottomRight, rect.BottomRight.Y), new System.Windows.Size(cornerRadius.BottomRight, cornerRadius.BottomRight), 90, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, isStroked, isSmoothJoin); context.LineTo(rect.BottomLeft + new Vector(cornerRadius.BottomLeft, 0), isStroked, isSmoothJoin); context.ArcTo(new System.Windows.Point(rect.BottomLeft.X, rect.BottomLeft.Y - cornerRadius.BottomLeft), new System.Windows.Size(cornerRadius.BottomLeft, cornerRadius.BottomLeft), 90, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, isStroked, isSmoothJoin); context.Close(); } dc.DrawGeometry(brush?.GetBrush(), pen?.GetPen(), geometry); } else { dc.DrawRectangle(brush?.GetBrush(), pen?.GetPen(), frame.GetRect()); } }
public void DrawText(string text, Rect frame, Font font, TextAlignment alignment = TextAlignment.Left, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { var formattedText = new FormattedText(text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Windows.FlowDirection.LeftToRight, font.GetTypeface(), font.Size, null); formattedText.SetForegroundBrush(brush?.GetBrush()); dc.DrawText(formattedText, frame.BottomLeft.GetPoint()); }
public void DrawEllipse(Rect frame, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { if (brush != null) { graphics.FillEllipse(brush.GetBrush(frame), Conversions.GetRectangleF(frame)); } if (pen != null) { graphics.DrawEllipse(pen.GetPen(), Conversions.GetRectangleF(frame)); } }
public void DrawRectangle(Rect frame, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { if (brush != null) { graphics.FillRectangle(brush.GetBrush(frame), Conversions.GetRectangleF(frame)); } if (pen != null) { var r = Conversions.GetRectangleF(frame); graphics.DrawRectangle(pen.GetPen(), r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height); } }
public void DrawPath(IEnumerable <PathOp> ops, Pen pen, Brush brush) { StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext geometryContext = streamGeometry.Open()) { foreach (var op in ops) { var mt = op as MoveTo; if (mt != null) { geometryContext.BeginFigure(mt.Point.GetPoint(), true, false); continue; } var lt = op as LineTo; if (lt != null) { geometryContext.LineTo(lt.Point.GetPoint(), true, false); continue; } var at = op as ArcTo; if (at != null) { /* * Point c1, c2; * at.GetCircles(pp, out c1, out c2); * var circleCenter = at.LargeArc ^ !at.SweepClockwise ? c2 : c1; * var rotationAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(at.Point.Y - circleCenter.Y, at.Point.X - circleCenter.X); * geometryContext.ArcTo(at.Point.GetPoint(), at.Radius.GetSize(), rotationAngle, * at.LargeArc, at.SweepClockwise ? SweepDirection.Clockwise : SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, * true, false * );*/ throw new NotImplementedException(); } var ct = op as CurveTo; if (ct != null) { geometryContext.BezierTo(ct.Control1.GetPoint(), ct.Control2.GetPoint(), ct.Point.GetPoint(), true, false); } throw new NotSupportedException(); } } dc.DrawGeometry(brush?.GetBrush(), pen?.GetPen(), streamGeometry); }
public void DrawEllipse(Rect frame, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { dc.DrawEllipse(brush?.GetBrush(), pen?.GetPen(), frame.Center.GetPoint(), frame.Width / 2, frame.Height / 2); }
public void DrawRectangle(Rect frame, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { dc.DrawRectangle(brush?.GetBrush(), pen?.GetPen(), frame.GetRect()); }
public void DrawPath(IEnumerable <PathOp> ops, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { using (var path = new GraphicsPath()) { var bb = new BoundingBoxBuilder(); var position = Point.Zero; foreach (var op in ops) { var mt = op as MoveTo; if (mt != null) { var p = mt.Point; position = p; bb.Add(p); continue; } var lt = op as LineTo; if (lt != null) { var p = lt.Point; path.AddLine(Conversions.GetPointF(position), Conversions.GetPointF(p)); position = p; bb.Add(p); continue; } var at = op as ArcTo; if (at != null) { var p = at.Point; path.AddLine(Conversions.GetPointF(position), Conversions.GetPointF(p)); position = p; bb.Add(p); continue; } var ct = op as CurveTo; if (ct != null) { var p = ct.Point; var c1 = ct.Control1; var c2 = ct.Control2; path.AddBezier(Conversions.GetPointF(position), Conversions.GetPointF(c1), Conversions.GetPointF(c2), Conversions.GetPointF(p)); position = p; bb.Add(p); bb.Add(c1); bb.Add(c2); continue; } var cp = op as ClosePath; if (cp != null) { path.CloseFigure(); continue; } throw new NotSupportedException("Path Op " + op); } var frame = bb.BoundingBox; if (brush != null) { graphics.FillPath(brush.GetBrush(frame), path); } if (pen != null) { graphics.DrawPath(pen.GetPen(), path); } } }
public void DrawPath(IEnumerable <PathOp> ops, Pen pen = null, Brush brush = null) { using (var path = new GraphicsPath()) { var bb = new BoundingBoxBuilder(); var position = Point.Zero; foreach (var op in ops) { var mt = op as MoveTo; if (mt != null) { var p = mt.Point; position = p; bb.Add(p); continue; } var lt = op as LineTo; if (lt != null) { var p = lt.Point; path.AddLine(Conversions.GetPointF(position), Conversions.GetPointF(p)); position = p; bb.Add(p); continue; } var at = op as ArcTo; if (at != null) { var p = at.Point; Point c1, c2; at.GetCircles(position, out c1, out c2); var circleCenter = (at.LargeArc ^ at.SweepClockwise) ? c1 : c2; var rect = new Rect(circleCenter - at.Radius, at.Radius * 2); var startAngle = Conversions.RadToDeg((float)Math.Atan2(position.Y - circleCenter.Y, position.X - circleCenter.X)); var endAngle = Conversions.RadToDeg((float)Math.Atan2(p.Y - circleCenter.Y, p.X - circleCenter.X)); var sweepAngle = endAngle - startAngle; if (at.SweepClockwise && sweepAngle < 0) { // If we want to go CW, sweepAngle needs to be positive sweepAngle += 360.0f; } else if (!at.SweepClockwise && sweepAngle > 0) { // If we want to go CCW, sweepAngle needs to be negative sweepAngle -= 360.0f; } path.AddArc(Conversions.GetRectangleF(rect), startAngle, sweepAngle); position = p; bb.Add(p); continue; } var ct = op as CurveTo; if (ct != null) { var p = ct.Point; var c1 = ct.Control1; var c2 = ct.Control2; path.AddBezier(Conversions.GetPointF(position), Conversions.GetPointF(c1), Conversions.GetPointF(c2), Conversions.GetPointF(p)); position = p; bb.Add(p); bb.Add(c1); bb.Add(c2); continue; } var cp = op as ClosePath; if (cp != null) { path.CloseFigure(); continue; } throw new NotSupportedException("Path Op " + op); } var frame = bb.BoundingBox; if (brush != null) { graphics.FillPath(brush.GetBrush(frame), path); } if (pen != null) { graphics.DrawPath(pen.GetPen(), path); } } }