コード例 #1
ファイル: NFSAttributes.cs プロジェクト: zousenming/NFSClient
        //for nfs 4
        //nfs_fh4 _fh;

        public NFSAttributes(int cdateTime, int adateTime, int mdateTime, NFSItemTypes type, NFSPermission mode, long size, byte[] handle)
            this._cdateTime = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(cdateTime);
            this._adateTime = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(adateTime);
            this._mdateTime = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(mdateTime);
            this._type      = type;
            this._size      = size;
            this._mode      = mode;
            this._handle    = (Byte[])handle.Clone();
コード例 #2
ファイル: NFSAttributes.cs プロジェクト: mushuanli/nekodrive
 public NFSAttributes(int cdateTime, int adateTime, int mdateTime, NFSItemTypes type, NFSPermission mode, long size, Byte[] handle)
     this._cdateTime = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(cdateTime);
     this._adateTime = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(adateTime);
     this._mdateTime = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(mdateTime);
     this._type = type;
     this._size = size;
     this._mode = mode;
     this._handle = (Byte[])handle.Clone();
コード例 #3
ファイル: FileAttributes.cs プロジェクト: mushuanli/nekodrive
        public void xdrDecode(XdrDecodingStream xdr)
            this._type = (NFSItemTypes)xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._mode = new NFSPermission();
            this._mode.Mode = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._nlink = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._uid = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._gid = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._size = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._blocksize = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._rdev = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._blocks = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();

            /* Calculate File Size (>4GB) */
            //int fileSize = (int)this._size;

            //double blockForFile = (double)fileSize / (double)this._blocksize;
            //double blocksOnDisk = blockForFile + 0.49;
            //blocksOnDisk = System.Math.Round(blocksOnDisk);

            ///* I think it's a bug on blocks value, cause some times blocks value
            // * comes 8 value greater than calculated size. 
            // * Following fixes the related bug(?) */
            //if (blocksOnDisk <= ((this._blocks / 8) - 1))
            //{ this._blocks -= 8; }

            //double diff = (blocksOnDisk - blockForFile) * this._blocksize;

            //long bytesInBlock = (long)(this._blocks / 8) * (long)this._blocksize;         
            //bytesInBlock -= (int)diff;

            //this._size = bytesInBlock >= 0? bytesInBlock : _size;
            /* ---- */

            this._fsid = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._fileid = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._atime = new NFSTimeValue(xdr);
            this._mtime = new NFSTimeValue(xdr);
            this._ctime = new NFSTimeValue(xdr);
コード例 #4
ファイル: FileAttributes.cs プロジェクト: zjianliu/NFSClient
        public void xdrDecode(XdrDecodingStream xdr)
            this._type = (NFSItemTypes)xdr.xdrDecodeInt();

            this._mode = new NFSPermission();
            this._mode.Mode = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();

            this._nlink = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._uid = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._gid = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
            this._size = xdr.xdrDecodeLong();
            this._used = xdr.xdrDecodeLong();
            this._rdev = new SpecInformation();
            this._fsid = xdr.xdrDecodeLong();
            this._fileid = xdr.xdrDecodeLong();
            this._atime = new NFSTimeValue(xdr);
            this._mtime = new NFSTimeValue(xdr);
            this._ctime = new NFSTimeValue(xdr);
コード例 #5
ファイル: NFSv2.cs プロジェクト: mushuanli/nekodrive
        public void CreateFile(string FileFullName, NFSPermission Mode)
            if (_ProtocolV2 == null)
                throw new NFSConnectionException("NFS Client not connected!"); 

            if (_MountProtocolV2 == null)
                throw new NFSMountConnectionException("NFS Device not connected!"); 

            if (Mode == null)
                Mode = new NFSPermission(7, 7, 7); 

            string ParentDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(FileFullName);
            string FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileFullName);

            NFSAttributes ParentItemAttributes = GetItemAttributes(ParentDirectory);

            CreateArguments dpArgCreate = new CreateArguments();
            dpArgCreate.Attributes = new CreateAttributes();
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.LastAccessedTime = new NFSTimeValue();
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.ModifiedTime = new NFSTimeValue();
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.Mode = Mode;
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.UserID = this._UserID;
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.GroupID = this._GroupID;
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.Size = 0;
            dpArgCreate.Where = new ItemOperationArguments();
            dpArgCreate.Where.Directory = new NFSHandle(ParentItemAttributes.Handle, V2.RPC.NFSv2Protocol.NFS_VERSION);
            dpArgCreate.Where.Name = new Name(FileName);

            ItemOperationStatus pDirOpRes =

            if (pDirOpRes == null ||
                pDirOpRes.Status != NFSStats.NFS_OK)
                if (pDirOpRes == null)
                    throw new NFSGeneralException("NFSPROC_CREATE: failure");

コード例 #6
ファイル: NFSv3.cs プロジェクト: mushuanli/nekodrive
        public void CreateFile(string FileFullName, NFSPermission Mode)
            if (_ProtocolV3 == null)
            { throw new NFSConnectionException("NFS Client not connected!"); }

            if (_MountProtocolV3 == null)
            { throw new NFSMountConnectionException("NFS Device not connected!"); }

            if (Mode == null)
            { Mode = new NFSPermission(7, 7, 7); }

            string ParentDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(FileFullName);
            string FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileFullName);

            NFSAttributes ParentItemAttributes = GetItemAttributes(ParentDirectory);

            MakeFileArguments dpArgCreate = new MakeFileArguments();
            dpArgCreate.How = new MakeFileHow();
            dpArgCreate.How.Mode = MakeFileHow.MakeFileModes.UNCHECKED;
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes = new MakeAttributes();
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.LastAccessedTime = new NFSTimeValue();
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.ModifiedTime = new NFSTimeValue();
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.Mode = Mode;
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.SetMode = true;
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.UserID = this._UserID;
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.SetUserID = true;
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.GroupID = this._GroupID;
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.SetGroupID = true;
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.Size = 0;
            dpArgCreate.How.Attributes.SetSize = true;
            dpArgCreate.How.Verification = new byte[NFSv3Protocol.NFS3_CREATEVERFSIZE];
            dpArgCreate.Where = new ItemOperationArguments();
            dpArgCreate.Where.Directory = new NFSHandle(ParentItemAttributes.Handle, V3.RPC.NFSv3Protocol.NFS_V3);
            dpArgCreate.Where.Name = new Name(FileName);

            ResultObject<MakeFileAccessOK, MakeFileAccessFAIL> pCreateRes =

            if (pCreateRes == null ||
                pCreateRes.Status != NFSStats.NFS_OK)
                if (pCreateRes == null)
                { throw new NFSGeneralException("NFSPROC3_CREATE: failure"); }

コード例 #7
ファイル: NFSv3.cs プロジェクト: mushuanli/nekodrive
        public void CreateDirectory(string DirectoryFullName, NFSPermission Mode)
            if (_ProtocolV3 == null)
            { throw new NFSConnectionException("NFS Client not connected!"); }

            if (_MountProtocolV3 == null)
            { throw new NFSMountConnectionException("NFS Device not connected!"); }

            if (Mode == null)
            { Mode = new NFSPermission(7, 7, 7); }

            string ParentDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(DirectoryFullName);
            string DirectoryName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(DirectoryFullName);

            NFSAttributes ParentItemAttributes = GetItemAttributes(ParentDirectory);

            MakeFolderArguments dpArgCreate = new MakeFolderArguments();
            dpArgCreate.Attributes = new MakeAttributes();
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.LastAccessedTime = new NFSTimeValue();
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.ModifiedTime = new NFSTimeValue();
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.Mode = Mode;
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.SetMode = true;
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.UserID = this._UserID;
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.SetUserID = true;
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.GroupID = this._GroupID;
            dpArgCreate.Attributes.SetGroupID = true;
            dpArgCreate.Where = new ItemOperationArguments();
            dpArgCreate.Where.Directory = new NFSHandle(ParentItemAttributes.Handle, V3.RPC.NFSv3Protocol.NFS_V3);
            dpArgCreate.Where.Name = new Name(DirectoryName);

            ResultObject<MakeFolderAccessOK, MakeFolderAccessFAIL> pDirOpRes =

            if (pDirOpRes == null ||
                pDirOpRes.Status != NFSStats.NFS_OK)
                if (pDirOpRes == null)
                { throw new NFSGeneralException("NFSPROC3_MKDIR: failure"); }

コード例 #8
ファイル: NFS.cs プロジェクト: zjianliu/NFSClient
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new file with permission
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileFullName">File full name</param>
        /// <param name="Mode">File permission</param>
        public void CreateFile(String FileFullName, NFSPermission Mode)
            FileFullName = CorrectPath(FileFullName);

            this._nfsInterface.CreateFile(FileFullName, Mode);
コード例 #9
ファイル: NFS.cs プロジェクト: zjianliu/NFSClient
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new directory with Permission
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DirectoryFullName">Directory full name</param>
        /// <param name="Mode">Directory permissions</param>
        public void CreateDirectory(String DirectoryFullName, NFSPermission Mode)
            DirectoryFullName = CorrectPath(DirectoryFullName);

            String ParentPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(DirectoryFullName);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentPath) &&
                String.Compare(ParentPath, ".") != 0 &&

            this._nfsInterface.CreateDirectory(DirectoryFullName, Mode);
コード例 #10
ファイル: NFSv4.1.cs プロジェクト: zjianliu/NFSClient
        public void CreateFile(string FileFullName, NFSPermission Mode)
            if (_CurrentItem != FileFullName)
                _CurrentItem = FileFullName;

                String[] PathTree = FileFullName.Split(@"\".ToCharArray());

                string ParentDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(FileFullName);
                NFSAttributes ParentAttributes = GetItemAttributes(ParentDirectory);

                //make open here
                List<nfs_argop4> ops = new List<nfs_argop4>();
                ops.Add(SequenceStub.generateRequest(false, _sessionid.value,
            _sequenceID.value.value, 12, 0));
                //dir  herez
                ops.Add(PutfhStub.generateRequest(new nfs_fh4(ParentAttributes.Handle)));
                //let's try with sequence 0
                ops.Add(OpenStub.normalCREATE(PathTree[PathTree.Length - 1], _sequenceID.value.value, _clientIdByServer, NFSv4Protocol.OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WRITE));

                COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(ops, "");
                if (compound4res.status == nfsstat4.NFS4_OK)
                    //open ok
                    currentState = compound4res.resarray[2].opopen.resok4.stateid;

                    _cwf = compound4res.resarray[3].opgetfh.resok4.object1;

                    throw new NFSConnectionException(nfsstat4.getErrorString(compound4res.status));

コード例 #11
ファイル: NFSv4.1.cs プロジェクト: zjianliu/NFSClient
        public void CreateDirectory(string DirectoryFullName, NFSPermission Mode)
            if (_ProtocolV4 == null)
            { throw new NFSConnectionException("NFS Client not connected!"); }

            int user = 7;
            int group = 7;
            int other = 7;

            if (Mode != null)
               user = Mode.UserAccess;
               group = Mode.GroupAccess;
               other = Mode.OtherAccess;

            string ParentDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(DirectoryFullName);
            string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(DirectoryFullName);
            NFSAttributes ParentItemAttributes = GetItemAttributes(ParentDirectory);

            //create item attributes now
           fattr4 attr = new fattr4();

           attr.attrmask = OpenStub.openFattrBitmap();
           attr.attr_vals = new attrlist4();
           attr.attr_vals.value = OpenStub.openAttrs(user,group,other,4096);

            List<nfs_argop4> ops = new List<nfs_argop4>();

            ops.Add(SequenceStub.generateRequest(false, _sessionid.value,
                    _sequenceID.value.value, 12, 0));
            ops.Add(PutfhStub.generateRequest(new nfs_fh4(ParentItemAttributes.Handle)));

            COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(ops, "");

            if (compound4res.status == nfsstat4.NFS4_OK)
                //create directory ok
            else { throw new NFSConnectionException(nfsstat4.getErrorString(compound4res.status)); }
コード例 #12
ファイル: NFSv4.1.cs プロジェクト: zjianliu/NFSClient
        public NFSAttributes GetItemAttributes(string ItemFullName, bool ThrowExceptionIfNotFound = true)
            if (_ProtocolV4 == null)
            { throw new NFSConnectionException("NFS Client not connected!"); }

            ItemFullName = ItemFullName.Replace(".\\.\\", ".\\");

            if (useFHCache)
            if (cached_attrs.ContainsKey(ItemFullName))
                return (NFSAttributes)cached_attrs[ItemFullName];
            //we will return it in the old way !! ;)
            NFSAttributes attributes = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemFullName))
                //should not happen
                return attributes;

                return new NFSAttributes(0, 0, 0, NFSItemTypes.NFDIR, new NFSPermission(7, 7, 7), 4096, _rootFH.value);


            nfs_fh4 currentItem = _rootFH;
            int initial = 1;
            String[] PathTree = ItemFullName.Split(@"\".ToCharArray());

            if (useFHCache)
                string parent = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(ItemFullName);
                //get cached parent dir to avoid too much directory
                if (parent != ItemFullName)
                    if (cached_attrs.ContainsKey(parent))
                        currentItem.value = ((NFSAttributes)cached_attrs[parent]).Handle;
                        initial = PathTree.Length - 1;

            for (int pC = initial; pC < PathTree.Length; pC++)
                List<int> attrs = new List<int>(1);

                List<nfs_argop4> ops = new List<nfs_argop4>();

                ops.Add(SequenceStub.generateRequest(false, _sessionid.value,
                        _sequenceID.value.value, 12, 0));



                COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(ops, "");

                if (compound4res.status == nfsstat4.NFS4_OK)

                    currentItem = compound4res.resarray[3].opgetfh.resok4.object1;

                    //nfs_fh4 currentItem = compound4res.resarray[3].opgetfh.resok4.object1;

                    Dictionary<int, Object> attrrs_results = GetattrStub.decodeType(compound4res.resarray[4].opgetattr.resok4.obj_attributes);

                    nfstime4 time_acc = (nfstime4)attrrs_results[NFSv4Protocol.FATTR4_TIME_ACCESS];

                    int time_acc_int = unchecked((int)time_acc.seconds.value);

                    nfstime4 time_modify = (nfstime4)attrrs_results[NFSv4Protocol.FATTR4_TIME_MODIFY];

                    int time_modif = unchecked((int)time_modify.seconds.value);

                    int time_creat = 0;
                    //linux should now store create time if it is let's check it else use modify date
                    if (attrrs_results.ContainsKey(NFSv4Protocol.FATTR4_TIME_CREATE))
                        nfstime4 time_create = (nfstime4)attrrs_results[NFSv4Protocol.FATTR4_TIME_CREATE];

                        time_creat = unchecked((int)time_create.seconds.value);
                        time_creat = time_modif;

                    //3 = type
                    NFSItemTypes nfstype = NFSItemTypes.NFREG;

                    fattr4_type type = (fattr4_type)attrrs_results[NFSv4Protocol.FATTR4_TYPE];

                    if (type.value == 2)
                        nfstype = NFSItemTypes.NFDIR;

                    //4 = mode is int also
                    mode4 mode = (mode4)attrrs_results[NFSv4Protocol.FATTR4_MODE];

                    byte other = (byte)(mode.value.value % 8);

                    byte grup = (byte)((mode.value.value >> 3) % 8);

                    byte user = (byte)((mode.value.value >> 6) % 8);

                    NFSPermission per = new NFSPermission(user, grup, other);

                    uint64_t size = (uint64_t)attrrs_results[NFSv4Protocol.FATTR4_SIZE];
                    //here we do attributes compatible with old nfs versions
                    attributes = new NFSAttributes(time_creat, time_acc_int, time_modif, nfstype, per, size.value, currentItem.value);

                else if (compound4res.status == nfsstat4.NFS4ERR_NOENT)
                    return null;


                    throw new NFSConnectionException(nfsstat4.getErrorString(compound4res.status));

           // if(attributes.NFSType == NFSItemTypes.NFDIR)
            cached_attrs.Add(ItemFullName, attributes);

            return attributes;