/** * Constructs a new ServiceTicket with a Unique Id, a TicketGrantingTicket, * a Service, Expiration Policy and a flag to determine if the ticket * creation was from a new Login or not. * * @param id the unique identifier for the ticket. * @param ticket the TicketGrantingTicket parent. * @param service the service this ticket is for. * @param fromNewLogin is it from a new login. * @param policy the expiration policy for the Ticket. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the TicketGrantingTicket or the * Service are null. */ public ServiceTicketImpl(string id, TicketGrantingTicketImpl ticket, Service service, bool fromNewLogin, ExpirationPolicy policy) : base(id, ticket, policy) { //Assert.notNull(ticket, "ticket cannot be null"); //Assert.notNull(service, "service cannot be null"); this.service = service; this.fromNewLogin = fromNewLogin; }
/** * Constructs a new TicketGrantingTicket. * * @param id the id of the Ticket * @param ticketGrantingTicket the parent ticket * @param authentication the Authentication request for this ticket * @param policy the expiration policy for this ticket. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Authentication object is null */ public TicketGrantingTicketImpl(string id, TicketGrantingTicketImpl ticketGrantingTicket, Authentication authentication, ExpirationPolicy policy) : base(id, ticketGrantingTicket, policy) { //base(id, ticketGrantingTicket, policy); //Assert.notNull(authentication, "authentication cannot be null"); this.authentication = authentication; }
/** * Constructs a new Ticket with a unique id, a possible parent Ticket (can * be null) and a specified Expiration Policy. * * @param id the unique identifier for the ticket * @param ticket the parent TicketGrantingTicket * @param expirationPolicy the expiration policy for the ticket. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the id or expiration policy is null. */ public AbstractTicket(string id, TicketGrantingTicketImpl ticket, ExpirationPolicy expirationPolicy) { //Assert.notNull(expirationPolicy, "expirationPolicy cannot be null"); //Assert.notNull(id, "id cannot be null"); this.id = id; this.creationTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks; this.lastTimeUsed = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks; this.expirationPolicy = expirationPolicy; this.ticketGrantingTicket = ticket; }
/** * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the credentials are null. */ //@Audit( // action="TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET", // actionResolverName="CREATE_TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET_RESOLVER", // resourceResolverName="CREATE_TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET_RESOURCE_RESOLVER") //@Profiled(tag = "CREATE_TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET", logFailuresSeparately = false) //@Transactional(readOnly = false) public string createTicketGrantingTicket(Credentials credentials) { //Assert.notNull(credentials, "credentials cannot be null"); try { Authentication authentication = this.authenticationManager .authenticate(credentials); TicketGrantingTicket ticketGrantingTicket = new TicketGrantingTicketImpl( this.ticketGrantingTicketUniqueTicketIdGenerator .getNewTicketId(TicketPrefix.TicketGrantingTicket_PREFIX), authentication, this.ticketGrantingTicketExpirationPolicy); this.ticketRegistry.addTicket(ticketGrantingTicket); return ticketGrantingTicket.getId(); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { throw new TicketCreationException(e); } }