public void SwansonMe(Message message, IMessageClient client) { var httpclient = GetJsonServiceClient(""); var html = httpclient.Get<string>("/random"); var linkMatch = Regex.Match(html, "<div class=\"stat-media-wrapper\"><a href=\"\\d+)\"><img\\ssrc=\"(.*)\"\\salt"); client.ReplyTo(message, linkMatch.Groups[2].Value); }
private object[] BuildParameters(MethodInfo method, Message message, IMessageClient client, Dictionary<string, string> inputParameters) { ParameterInfo[] methodParameters = method.GetParameters(); var result = new object[methodParameters.Count()]; for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < result.Length; parameterIndex++) { ParameterInfo parameter = methodParameters[parameterIndex]; if (parameter.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Message))) { result[parameterIndex] = message; } else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(IMessageClient)) { result[parameterIndex] = client; } else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(IBrain)) { result[parameterIndex] = _brain; } else if (inputParameters.ContainsKey(parameter.Name)) { result[parameterIndex] = Convert.ChangeType(inputParameters[parameter.Name], parameter.ParameterType); } } return result; }
public void Recieve(Message message, IMessageClient client) { IRestClient httpClient = GetJsonServiceClient(""); var response = httpClient.Get<HttpWebResponse>("/img.php"); var imageUrl = response.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri; client.ReplyTo(message, imageUrl); }
public void PityTheFool(Message message, IMessageClient client, string phrase) { var pity = GetRandomItem(new List<string> { "I Pity The Fool", "Pity The Fool", "Thou Shalt pity the fool", "Pity thee", "Be pitiful for those", "cast pity towards those" }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(phrase)) { phrase = GetRandomItem(new List<string> { "who breaks the build", "who doesn't test before check-in", "who is last to the dessert tray", "who doesn't login to campfire", "who isn't nBot" }); } MemeGen(message, client, "1646", "5353", pity, phrase); }
public void SearchStackOverflow(Message message, IMessageClient client, string query) { try { var authCode = Robot.GetSetting<string>("StackappsApiKey"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authCode)) throw new ArgumentException("Please supply the StackappsApiKey"); var result = GetGZipedJsonServiceClient(string.Format("{0}&key={1}", Uri.EscapeDataString(query), Uri.EscapeDataString(authCode))) .Get<SearchResult>("/"); if (result.Questions.Any()) { client.ReplyTo(message, string.Format("Top 5 Search results for: {0}", query)); foreach (Question question in result.Questions.OrderByDescending(q => q.answer_count).Take(5)) { client.ReplyTo(message, string.Format("{0} responses to: {1} {2}", question.answer_count, question.title, "" + question.question_answers_url)); } } else { client.ReplyTo(message, string.Format("No results found for {0}", query)); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventLog.WriteEntry("NBot-Sosearch", ex.ToString()); client.ReplyTo(message, "Error in searching Stack Overflow."); } }
public void XkcdMe(Message message, IMessageClient client, string number) { IRestClient jsonClient = GetJsonServiceClient(""); var result = new RootObject(); string jsonResponse; try { jsonResponse = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(number) || number == "xkcd me") ? jsonClient.Get<string>("/info.0.json") : jsonClient.Get<string>(string.Format("/{0}/info.0.json", number)); } catch (Exception) { jsonResponse = jsonClient.Get<string>("/1/info.0.json"); } result.Value = JsonObject.Parse(jsonResponse); string imgUrl = result.Value.Child("img").Replace("\\", ""); string altText = result.Value.Child("alt"); //Reply with two messages back to back client.ReplyTo(message, imgUrl); client.ReplyTo(message, altText); }
public void RollDice(Message message, IMessageClient client, string sides) { var dice = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); //default to typical 6 side die int numSides = 6; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sides) || int.TryParse(sides, out numSides)) { if (numSides <= 0) { //negative number var result = "I'm sorry, i will not roll a " + numSides.ToString() + " sided dice without adult supervision. That would tear a hole in the universe..."; client.ReplyTo(message, result); Thread.Sleep(5000); client.ReplyTo(message, "No... you don't qualify as an adult"); } else { //good number var result = "You rolled a " + dice.Next(1, numSides + 1) + " on a " + numSides.ToString() + " sided dice"; client.ReplyTo(message, result); } } else { //non number, or too large a number var result = "I can't roll a " + sides + " I am but a meager .net bot"; client.ReplyTo(message, result); } }
public void Hear(Message message, IMessageClient client, IBrain brain) { string time = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); string result = time + " in the room " + message.RoomId; var userName = client.GetUser(message.UserId).Name; brain.SetValue(LastSpokeKey(userName), result); }
public void DoExcuseMe(Message mesage, IMessageClient client) { IEntity user = client.GetUser(mesage.UserId); IRestClient httpClient = GetJsonServiceClient(""); var result = httpClient.Get<string>("/"); Match matches = Regex.Match(result, "<a href=\"/\" .*>(.*)</a>"); string excuse = matches.Groups[1].Value; client.ReplyTo(mesage, string.Format("{0}, your excuse is \"{1}\".", user.Name, excuse)); }
private void InnerMessageProducerOnMessageProduced(Message message) { if (MessageProduced != null) { if (_filters.Any(filter => filter.FilterMessage(message))) { return; } MessageProduced(message); } }
public void FindMemeGenerator(Message message, IMessageClient client, string url) { IRestClient httpClient = GetJsonServiceClient( string.Format( "{0}", url)); var response = httpClient.Get<string>(""); client.ReplyTo(message, response); }
public void PingMe(Message message, IMessageClient client, string location) { var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = "ping.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = location; startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; var process = Process.Start(startInfo); process.WaitForExit(5000); var result = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); client.ReplyTo(message, result); }
public void PageUser(Message message, IMessageClient client, string name) { string regex = string.Format("(.*)({0})(.*)", name); List<IEntity> rooms = client.GetAllRooms().ToList(); string sentFrom = client.GetUser(message.UserId).Name; IEntity requestedRoom = rooms.Single(r => r.Id == message.RoomId); const string pageMessage = "Paging {0} ... Paging {0} ... Your presence is requested by {1} in the \"{2}\" room."; const string failureMessage = "Sorry, nobody by the name {0} could be found."; const string userIsInYourRoom = "Lulz!! {0} is in your room."; var roomsUserIsIn = new List<IEntity>(); bool hasMatch = false; foreach (IEntity room in rooms) { IEnumerable<IEntity> usersInRoom = client.GetUsersInRoom(room.Id); foreach (IEntity user in usersInRoom) { if (Regex.IsMatch(user.Name, regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { roomsUserIsIn.Add(room); string response = string.Format(pageMessage, user.Name, sentFrom, requestedRoom.Name); if (room.Id == requestedRoom.Id) response = string.Format(userIsInYourRoom, user.Name); client.Send(response, room.Id); hasMatch = true; } } } if (!hasMatch) { string response = string.Format(failureMessage, name); client.Send(response, requestedRoom.Id); } else { var responseMessage = new StringBuilder(); responseMessage.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}, \"{1}\" was found in the following rooms:", sentFrom, name)); foreach (IEntity room in roomsUserIsIn) { responseMessage.AppendLine(string.Format("- {0}", room.Name)); } client.Send(responseMessage.ToString(), requestedRoom.Id); } }
public void DoIsItDownForYou(Message message, IMessageClient client, string site) { try { IRestClient jsonClient = GetJsonServiceClient(DownForMeSite); var result = jsonClient.Get<string>(site); Match match = Regex.Match(result, SiteIsUpReges); client.ReplyTo(message, match.Success ? string.Format("It's just you. {0} is up for me.", site) : string.Format("Oh no {0} is down for me too!!!!! *PANIC*", site)); } catch (Exception e) { client.Send("Oh no I am Down!!! *UberPanic*", message.RoomId); } }
private void MemeGen(Message message, IMessageClient client, string generatorId, string imageId, string text0, string text1) { IRestClient httpClient = GetJsonServiceClient( string.Format( "{0}&imageID={3}&text0={1}&text1={2}", generatorId, text0, text1, imageId)); var response = httpClient.Get<MemeGeneratorResponse>(""); client.ReplyTo(message, response.Result.InstanceImageUrl); }
private void Translate(Message message, IMessageClient client, string textToTranslate) { try { var result = GetJsonServiceClient(string.Format("{0}&format=json", UrlEncode(textToTranslate))) .Get<string>("pirate"); client.ReplyTo(message, result); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLog.WriteEntry("NBot-PirateTranslator", ex.ToString()); client.ReplyTo(message, "PirateTranslator crashed!"); } }
private void MemeGen(Message message, IMessageClient client, string urlString, string text1, string text2) { try { var result = GetJsonServiceClient(string.Format("{0}&t1={1}&t2={2}", UrlEncode(urlString), UrlEncode(text1), UrlEncode(text2))) .Get<string>(""); string startOfUrl = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("http")); string imgUrl = startOfUrl.Substring(0, startOfUrl.IndexOf("\"")); client.ReplyTo(message, imgUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLog.WriteEntry("NBot-MemeCaptain", ex.ToString()); client.ReplyTo(message, "MemGenerator crashed!"); } }
public void ChuckNorrisJoke(Message message, IMessageClient client, string name) { IRestClient jsonClient = GetJsonServiceClient(""); RootObject result; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { result = jsonClient.Get<string>("random?firstName=" + name + "&lastName=").FromJson<RootObject>(); } else { result = jsonClient.Get<string>("random").FromJson<RootObject>(); } client.ReplyTo(message, result.Value.Joke); }
public void HandlePowerShellCommand(Message message, IMessageClient client, string command, string parameters) { if (_commands.ContainsKey(command)) { var filePath = _commands[command]; var scriptParameters = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters) ? string.Empty : parameters; var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = "powershell.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = string.Format("-File {0} {1}", filePath, scriptParameters); startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; var process = Process.Start(startInfo); process.WaitForExit(5000); var result = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); client.ReplyTo(message, result); } }
public void HandleStatusChange(Message message, IMessageClient client, IBrain brain, string query) { string time = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); //string result = "wut"; var userName = client.GetUser(message.UserId).Name; if (query.ToLower().StartsWith("in")) { //result = "i recognize " + message.UserId + " checked in at " + time; brain.SetValue(LastCheckinKey(userName), time); brain.RemoveKey(LastCheckoutKey(userName)); } else if (query.ToLower().StartsWith("out")) { //result = "i recognize " + message.UserId + " checked out at " + time; brain.SetValue(LastCheckoutKey(userName), time); brain.RemoveKey(LastCheckinKey(userName)); } //client.ReplyTo(message, result); }
public void HandleGetStatus(Message message, IMessageClient client, IBrain brain, string userName) { string result = userName; bool needsAnd = false; bool neverSeenThem = true; if (brain.ContainsKey(LastCheckinKey(userName))) { result += " last checked in at " + brain.GetValue(LastCheckinKey(userName)); neverSeenThem = false; needsAnd = true; } if (brain.ContainsKey(LastCheckoutKey(userName))) { if (needsAnd) { result += ","; } result += " last checked out at " + brain.GetValue(LastCheckoutKey(userName)); neverSeenThem = false; needsAnd = true; } if (brain.ContainsKey(LastSpokeKey(userName))) { if (needsAnd) { result += " and"; } result += " last spoke at " + brain.GetValue(LastSpokeKey(userName)); neverSeenThem = false; } if (neverSeenThem) { result = "I ain't never seen " + userName + " come round these parts"; } client.ReplyTo(message, result); }
public void StarProduction() { Console.Clear(); Action<string> messageRcieved = line => { var message = new Message { Channel = Channel, Type = "TestMessage", RoomId = "ConsoleRoom", UserId = "ConsoleUser", Content = line }; FireMessageProduced(message); }; _listner = new ConsoleListner(messageRcieved); _listner.StartListening(); }
public void CreateJoinMe(Message message, IMessageClient client) { var authCode = Robot.GetSetting<string>("JoinMeAuthCode"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authCode)) { throw new ArgumentException("Please set the JoinMeAuthCode."); } var result = GetJsonServiceClient(string.Format("{0}", authCode)) .Get<String>("/"); string[] stuff = result.Split(new[] { ':', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string code = stuff[2].Trim(); string ticket = stuff[4].Trim(); string presenter = string.Format("Presenter:{0}&ticket={1}", code, ticket); string viewer = string.Format("Viewer:{0}", code); client.ReplyTo(message, presenter); client.ReplyTo(message, viewer); }
public void InsanityWolf(Message message, IMessageClient client, string phrase1, string phrase2) { MemeGen(message, client, "45", "20", phrase1, phrase2); }
public void CourageWolf(Message message, IMessageClient client, string phrase1, string phrase2) { MemeGen(message, client, "303", "24", phrase1, phrase2); }
public void SayHello(Message message, IMessageClient client) { var user = client.GetUser(message.UserId); client.ReplyTo(message, string.Format(GetRandomItem(_hellos), user.Name)); }
public void SayGoodMorning(Message message, IMessageClient client) { var user = client.GetUser(message.UserId); client.ReplyTo(message, string.Format(GetRandomItem(_mornings), user.Name)); }
private void Manatee(Message message, IMessageClient client) { client.ReplyTo(message, string.Format("{0}.jpg", GetRandomNumber(1, 30))); }
public void DoAchievement(Message message, IMessageClient client, string caption) { string encodedCaption = UrlEncode(caption); string url = string.Format("{0}.png", encodedCaption); client.ReplyTo(message, url); }
private void OnMessageProduced(Message message) { try { IAdapter adapter = _adapters[message.Channel]; var pipeline = message.Content.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); IMessageClient client = null; string[] previousSegmentOutput = new string[] { }; for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < pipeline.Length; segmentIndex++) { var segment = message.CloneWithNewContent(pipeline[segmentIndex]); var pipedMessageClient = client as PipedMessageClient; // Replace the input to the next command with the output of the previous if (pipedMessageClient != null) { var content = pipedMessageClient.ReplaceInput(segment.Content.Trim()); previousSegmentOutput = pipedMessageClient.Output; segment = segment.CloneWithNewContent(content); } client = segmentIndex == pipeline.Length - 1 ? adapter.Client : new PipedMessageClient(adapter.Client); foreach (var route in _routes.Where(r => r.IsMatch(segment))) { var inputParameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); IRoute routeToProcess = route; var roomSecurityRoute = route as IRoomSecurityRoute; if (roomSecurityRoute != null) { routeToProcess = roomSecurityRoute.InnerRoute; } if (routeToProcess is IMessageParameterProvider) { inputParameters = ((IMessageParameterProvider)routeToProcess).GetInputParameters(segment); } else if (routeToProcess is IPipedParameterProvider) { inputParameters = ((IPipedParameterProvider)routeToProcess).GetInputParameters(previousSegmentOutput); } var routeParameters = BuildParameters(route.EndPoint, segment, client, inputParameters); routeToProcess.EndPoint.Invoke(routeToProcess.Handler, routeParameters); } } } catch (Exception e) { Robot.Log.WriteError(string.Format("An error has occurred while processing message \"{0}\"", message.Content), e); } }