コード例 #1
        public static string Transfer(String fromAddress, Int64 amount, String toAddress, String assetId, String senderWifKey)
            NBitcoin.Network network = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet;
            NBitcoin.BitcoinSecret _key = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet.CreateBitcoinSecret(senderWifKey);

            //Get bitcoin balance, 0.0006 is required
            Decimal fundingBalance = 0;

            const Decimal BITCOIN_TRANSACTION_FEE = 0.00006M;

            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinToAddress = new BitcoinAddress(toAddress);
            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinFromAddress = new BitcoinAddress(fromAddress);

            CoinPrism txRepo = new CoinPrism(true);
            var ccutoxs = txRepo.GetTransactions(fromAddress);
            var utxos = txRepo.Get(fromAddress).Where(ux => ux.value > 10000).ToList();

            //hard coded, worked
            //var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("f131c91b3ce35f83258a3db54f5547daecc2a61142f598a39a8491ed2844eb28"),
            //    fromOutputIndex: 0,
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(3000), //20000
            //    scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData("76a914b9ad2f3f358c24ec207abf72125790e67301284488ac")));

            //var forfees = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("a86a907f36071754ff4fdc4e27de4ec92272f239de5236af5f4806133ac66d0f"),
            //    fromOutputIndex: 0,
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(97322000), //9957600
            //    scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData("76a914b9ad2f3f358c24ec207abf72125790e67301284488ac")));

            //Coin from Bob
            var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("dc19133d57bf9013d898bd89198069340d8ca99d71f0d5f6c6e142d724a9ba92"),
                fromOutputIndex: 0,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //20000
                scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create("mxSimcis5yCPkBaFZ7ZrJ7fsPqLXatxTax").ScriptPubKey);

            //Coin from Alice
            var forfees = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("b4326462d6d3b522d7e2c06d9c904313f546395eb62661b06b57195691f5fe5f"),
                fromOutputIndex: 1,
                amount: Money.Coins(1m), //9957600
                scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create("muJjaSHk99LGMnaFduU9b3pWHdT1ZRPASF").ScriptPubKey);

            //var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(utxos[0].transaction_hash),
            //    fromOutputIndex: utxos[0].output_index,
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(60000), //20000
            //    scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(utxos[0].script_hex)));

            //var forfees = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(utxos[1].transaction_hash),
            //    fromOutputIndex: utxos[1].output_index,
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(60000), //20000
            //    scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(utxos[1].script_hex)));

            BitcoinAssetId assetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(assetId, Network.TestNet);
            var alice = NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress.Create(toAddress, NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);

            ulong u = Convert.ToUInt64(amount);
            ColoredCoin colored = coin.ToColoredCoin(assetIdx, u);

            //var satoshi = Key.Parse(, Network.TestNet);
            string aliceWIF = "cPKW4EsFiPeczwHeSCgo4GTzm4T291Xb6sLGi1HoroXkiqGcGgsH";
            var satoshi = Key.Parse(aliceWIF, Network.TestNet);

            var bobKey = new BitcoinSecret("cMdLBsUCQ92VSRmqfEL4TgJCisWpjVBd8GsP2mAmUZxQ9bh5E7CN");
            var aliceKey = new BitcoinSecret("cPKW4EsFiPeczwHeSCgo4GTzm4T291Xb6sLGi1HoroXkiqGcGgsH");
            var txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
            var tx = txBuilder
                .AddCoins(forfees, colored)
                .SendAsset(alice, new AssetMoney(assetIdx, u))
                //.SendAsset(satoshi.PubKey, new NBitcoin.OpenAsset.AssetMoney(assetIdx, u))
            var ok = txBuilder.Verify(tx);
            return "ok";
コード例 #2
        private string GetScriptString(NBitcoin.Transaction transaction)
            var output = transaction.Outputs.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.Equals(Money.Zero));

            if (output == null)
                transaction.ToString(); //TODO: UnCOmment exception
            //throw new Exception("Transaction without integration output:  " + transaction.GetHash().ToString());
                    var coin   = new NBitcoin.Coin(transaction, output);
                    var script = coin.GetScriptCode().ToString();
                    script = script.Replace("OP_RETURN ", "");
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to process transaction output", e);

コード例 #3
        private GetTransactionResponse GetTransactionInfo(TransactionEntry tx, bool colored, BlockInformation block)
            var response = new GetTransactionResponse()
                TransactionId = tx.TransactionId,
                Transaction   = tx.Transaction,
                IsCoinbase    = tx.Transaction.IsCoinBase,
                Fees          = tx.Fees,
                Block         = block,
                FirstSeen     = tx.FirstSeen

            for (int i = 0; i < tx.Transaction.Outputs.Count; i++)
                var            txout = tx.Transaction.Outputs[i];
                NBitcoin.ICoin coin  = new NBitcoin.Coin(new NBitcoin.OutPoint(tx.TransactionId, i), txout);
                if (colored)
                    var entry = tx.ColoredTransaction.GetColoredEntry((uint)i);
                    if (entry != null)
                        coin = new NBitcoin.ColoredCoin(entry.Asset, (NBitcoin.Coin)coin);
            if (!response.IsCoinbase)
                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Transaction.Inputs.Count; i++)
                    NBitcoin.ICoin coin = new NBitcoin.Coin(tx.SpentCoins[i].OutPoint, tx.SpentCoins[i].TxOut);
                    if (colored)
                        var entry = tx.ColoredTransaction.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(ii => ii.Index == i);
                        if (entry != null)
                            coin = new NBitcoin.ColoredCoin(entry.Asset, (NBitcoin.Coin)coin);

コード例 #4
        //public static string Transfer4(String fromAddress, Int64 amount, String toAddress, String assetId, String senderWifKey)
        //    NBitcoin.Network network = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet;
        //    //NBitcoin.BitcoinSecret _key = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet.CreateBitcoinSecret(senderWifKey);
        //    NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinToAddress = new BitcoinAddress(toAddress);
        //    NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinFromAddress = new BitcoinAddress(fromAddress);
        //    //UTXOS
        //    NBitcoin.BlockrTransactionRepository blkrRepo = new BlockrTransactionRepository(network);
        //    var x = blkrRepo.GetUnspentAsync(fromAddress).Result.ToList();
        //    CoinPrism txRepo = new CoinPrism(true);
        //    //Get a UTXO to fund.  Make sure its large enough, order by size.  Maybe order by date?
        //    var fundingUTXO = txRepo.Get(fromAddress).Where(ux => ux.value > 10000).OrderByDescending(o => o.value).First();
        //    Debug.Assert(fundingUTXO.spent == false);
        //    //Note last emmitting tx = 55ef4ea701ee0df5aac55d56a068d2488780da827aca3c08615cfa92dbfc470e
        //    //55ef4ea701ee0df5aac55d56a068d2488780da827aca3c08615cfa92dbfc470e
        //    var ccutoxs = txRepo.GetTransactions(fromAddress);
        //   // var xxx = ccutoxs.Where(c => c.hash == "55ef4ea701ee0df5aac55d56a068d2488780da827aca3c08615cfa92dbfc470e").ToList();
        //    //Find output which contains an incoming asset
        //    var assetOutput = ccutoxs.FirstOrDefault(i => i.outputs.Any(o => o.asset_id == assetId)).outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == assetId);
        //    //Colour coin utxo that was sent
        //    var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(assetOutput.transaction_hash),
        //        fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(assetOutput.index),
        //        amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
        //        scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create(fromAddress).ScriptPubKey);
        //    //var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(xxx[0].hash),
        //    //    fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(1),
        //    //    amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
        //    //    scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create(fromAddress).ScriptPubKey);
        //    //Arbitary coin
        //    var forFees = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(fundingUTXO.transaction_hash),
        //        fromOutputIndex: fundingUTXO.output_index,
        //        amount: Money.Satoshis(fundingUTXO.value), //20000
        //        scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(fundingUTXO.script_hex)));
        //    BitcoinAssetId assetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(assetId, Network.TestNet);
        //    var alice = NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress.Create(toAddress, NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);
        //    ColoredCoin colored = coin.ToColoredCoin(assetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(assetOutput.asset_quantity));
        //    //FROM NIC
        //    var bobKey = new BitcoinSecret(BobWIFKey);
        //    //var aliceKey = new BitcoinSecret("cPKW4EsFiPeczwHeSCgo4GTzm4T291Xb6sLGi1HoroXkiqGcGgsH");
        //    var txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
        //    var tx = txBuilder
        //        .AddKeys(bobKey)
        //        .AddCoins(forFees)
        //        .Send(bitcoinToAddress, "0.0005")
        //        .SetChange(bitcoinFromAddress)
        //        .SendFees(Money.Coins(0.001m))
        //        .BuildTransaction(true);
        //    var ok = txBuilder.Verify(tx);
        //    Submit(tx);
        //    var hex = tx.ToHex();
        //    return hex;
        public static string SimpleTransfer(String fromAddress, Int64 amount, String toAddress, String assetId, String senderWifKey)
            NBitcoin.Network network = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet;
            //NBitcoin.BitcoinSecret _key = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet.CreateBitcoinSecret(senderWifKey);
            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinToAddress = new BitcoinAddress(toAddress, network);
            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinFromAddress = new BitcoinAddress(fromAddress, network);

            CoinPrism txRepo = new CoinPrism(true);

            //Get a UTXO to fund.  Make sure its large enough, order by size.  Maybe order by date?
            var fundingUTXO = txRepo.GetUnspent(fromAddress).Where(ux => ux.value > 10000).OrderByDescending(o => o.value).First();

            //Note last emmitting tx = 55ef4ea701ee0df5aac55d56a068d2488780da827aca3c08615cfa92dbfc470e

            //var ccutoxs = txRepo.GetTransactions(fromAddress);

            //var xxx = ccutoxs.Where(c => c.hash == "55ef4ea701ee0df5aac55d56a068d2488780da827aca3c08615cfa92dbfc470e").ToList();

            //Find output which contains an incoming asset
            //var assetOutput = ccutoxs.FirstOrDefault(i => i.outputs.Any(o => o.asset_id == assetId)).outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == assetId);

            ////Colour coin utxo that was sent
            //var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(assetOutput.transaction_hash),
            //    fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(assetOutput.index),
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
            //    scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create(fromAddress).ScriptPubKey);

            //var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(xxx[0].hash),
            //    fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(1),
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
            //    scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create(fromAddress).ScriptPubKey);

            //Arbitary coin
            var coinsToSend = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(fundingUTXO.transaction_hash),
                fromOutputIndex: fundingUTXO.output_index,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(fundingUTXO.value), //20000
                scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(fundingUTXO.script_hex)));

            //BitcoinAssetId assetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(assetId, Network.TestNet);
            //var toAddress = NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress.Create(toAddress, NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);

            //ColoredCoin colored = coin.ToColoredCoin(assetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(assetOutput.asset_quantity));

            //FROM NIC
            //var bobKey = new BitcoinSecret(BobWIFKey);
            var aliceKey = new BitcoinSecret(AliceWIFKey);
            var txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();

            var tx = txBuilder
                .Send(bitcoinToAddress, Money.Coins(0.003M))
                //.SendAsset(bitcoinToAddress, new AssetMoney(assetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(amount)))

            var ok = txBuilder.Verify(tx);

            String hex = tx.ToHex();
            return hex;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: LykkeCity/Prototypes
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var goldGuy = new BitcoinSecret("KyuzoVnpsqW529yzozkzP629wUDBsPmm4QEkh9iKnvw3Dy5JJiNg");
            var silverGuy = new BitcoinSecret("L4KvjpqDtdGEn7Lw6HdDQjbg74MwWRrFZMQTgJozeHAKJw5rQ2Kn");

            var firstPerson = new BitcoinSecret("5Jnw9Td7PaG6PWBrU7ZCfxyVXsHSsNxdZ9sg5dnZstcr12DLVbJ");
            var secondPerson = new BitcoinSecret("5Jn4zJkzS2BWNu7AMRTdSJ6mS7JYfJg27oXKAichaRBbp97ZKks");
            var exchangeEntity = new BitcoinSecret("5KA7FeABKmMKerWmkJzYM9FdoqScZEMVcS9u6wvT3EhgF5ZUWv5");

            var bitcoinProviderEntity = new BitcoinSecret("5Jcz2A17aAt4bcQP5GEn6itt72JsLwrksNRVKqazy7n284b1bKj");

            var issuanceCoinsTransaction = new Transaction()
                Outputs =
                    new TxOut("1.0", goldGuy.PubKey),
                    new TxOut("1.0", silverGuy.PubKey),
                    new TxOut("1.0", firstPerson.PubKey),
                    new TxOut("1.0", secondPerson.PubKey),

            IssuanceCoin[] issuanceCoins = issuanceCoinsTransaction
                        .Select((o, i) => new Coin(new OutPoint(issuanceCoinsTransaction.GetHash(), i), o))
                        .Select(c => new IssuanceCoin(c))

            var goldIssuanceCoin = issuanceCoins[0];
            var silverIssuanceCoin = issuanceCoins[1];
            var firstPersonInitialCoin = new Coin(new OutPoint(issuanceCoinsTransaction, 2), issuanceCoinsTransaction.Outputs[2]);
            var secondPersonInitialCoin = new Coin(new OutPoint(issuanceCoinsTransaction, 3), issuanceCoinsTransaction.Outputs[3]);

            var goldId = goldIssuanceCoin.AssetId;
            var silverId = silverIssuanceCoin.AssetId;

            var txRepo = new NoSqlTransactionRepository();
            txRepo.Put(issuanceCoinsTransaction.GetHash(), issuanceCoinsTransaction);

            var ctxRepo = new NoSqlColoredTransactionRepository(txRepo);

            TransactionBuilder txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();

            // Issuing gold to first person
            // This happens in gold issuer client
            Transaction tx = txBuilder
                .IssueAsset(firstPerson.GetAddress(), new AssetMoney(goldId, 20))

            txRepo.Put(tx.GetHash(), tx);
            var ctx = tx.GetColoredTransaction(ctxRepo);
            var coloredCoins = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, ctx).ToArray();
            ColoredCoin firstPersonGoldCoin = coloredCoins[0];

            // Issuing silver to second person
            // This happens in silver issuer client
            txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
            tx = txBuilder
                .IssueAsset(secondPerson.GetAddress(), new AssetMoney(silverId, 30))

            txRepo.Put(tx.GetHash(), tx);
            ctx = tx.GetColoredTransaction(ctxRepo);
            coloredCoins = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, ctx).ToArray();
            ColoredCoin secondPersonSilverCoin = coloredCoins[0];

            // Sending first person gold to exchange
            // This happens in first user client
            var bitcoinProviderCoin = CreateTransactionFeeCoin(bitcoinProviderEntity.PubKey, txRepo);
            txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
            tx = txBuilder
                .SendAssetToExchange(exchangeEntity.GetAddress(), new AssetMoney(goldId, 5))
            txRepo.Put(tx.GetHash(), tx);
            ctx = tx.GetColoredTransaction(ctxRepo);
            coloredCoins = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, ctx).ToArray();
            ColoredCoin firstPersonColoredCoinInExchange = coloredCoins[1];

            // Creating the time-locked transaction which the first user can post to the
            // network to claim his/her coin from exchange (it works if the exchange does not touch the coins
            // This happens in exchange and the transaction is delivered to first user client
            bitcoinProviderCoin = CreateTransactionFeeCoin(bitcoinProviderEntity.PubKey, txRepo);
            txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
            tx = txBuilder
                .SendAsset(firstPerson.PubKey, new AssetMoney(firstPersonColoredCoinInExchange.Amount.Id,
                .SetLockTime(new LockTime(1000000))
            string reclaimTransactionForFirstUser = tx.ToHex();

            // Create first person exchange request
            // This happens in first person client
            JObject firstPersonRequestToExchange = CreateExchangeRequest("ExactMatch", goldId.ToString(),
                silverId.ToString(), 5, 2);
            var firstRequestSignature = firstPerson.PrivateKey.SignMessage(firstPersonRequestToExchange.ToString(Formatting.None));

            // Sending second person silver to exchange
            // This happens in second person client
            bitcoinProviderCoin = CreateTransactionFeeCoin(bitcoinProviderEntity.PubKey, txRepo);
            txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
            tx = txBuilder
                .SendAssetToExchange(exchangeEntity.GetAddress(), new AssetMoney(silverId, 12))
            txRepo.Put(tx.GetHash(), tx);
            ctx = tx.GetColoredTransaction(ctxRepo);
            coloredCoins = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, ctx).ToArray();
            ColoredCoin secondPersonColoredCoinInExchange = coloredCoins[1];

            // Create second person exchange request
            // This happens in second person client
            JObject secondPersonRequestToExchange = CreateExchangeRequest("ExactMatch", silverId.ToString(),
                goldId.ToString(), 30, 0.5f);
            var secondRequestSignature = secondPerson.PrivateKey.SignMessage(secondPersonRequestToExchange.ToString(Formatting.None));

            // Creating exchange reason
            // This happens in exchange
            var exchangeReason = CreateExchangeMatch(firstPersonRequestToExchange, firstRequestSignature,
                secondPersonRequestToExchange, secondRequestSignature, exchangeEntity.PrivateKey);

            // Performing the exchange operation
            // This happens in exchange
            bitcoinProviderCoin = CreateTransactionFeeCoin(bitcoinProviderEntity.PubKey, txRepo);
            txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
            tx = txBuilder
                .PerformExchangeOperation(firstPerson.GetAddress(), new AssetMoney(silverId, 10),
                secondPerson.GetAddress(), new AssetMoney(goldId, 5), exchangeReason.ToString(Formatting.None))
            txRepo.Put(tx.GetHash(), tx);
            ctx = tx.GetColoredTransaction(ctxRepo);
            coloredCoins = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, ctx).ToArray();

            txRepo.Put(tx.GetHash(), tx);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Code as per nic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromAddress"></param>
        /// <param name="amount"></param>
        /// <param name="toAddress"></param>
        /// <param name="assetId"></param>
        /// <param name="senderWifKey"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string TransferAsFromNic(String fromAddress, Int64 amount, String toAddress, String assetId, String senderWifKey)
            NBitcoin.Network network = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet;
            NBitcoin.BitcoinSecret _key = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet.CreateBitcoinSecret(senderWifKey);
            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinToAddress = new BitcoinAddress(toAddress);
            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinFromAddress = new BitcoinAddress(fromAddress);

            CoinPrism txRepo = new CoinPrism(true);

            //Get a UTXO to fund.  Make sure its large enough, order by size.  Maybe order by date?
            var fundingUTXO = txRepo.GetUnspent(fromAddress).Where(ux => ux.value > 10000).OrderByDescending(o => o.value).First();

            var ccutoxs = txRepo.GetTransactions(fromAddress);

            //Find output which contains an incoming asset
            var assetOutput = ccutoxs.FirstOrDefault(i => i.outputs.Any(o => o.asset_id == assetId)).outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == assetId);

            var coin_nic = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("dc19133d57bf9013d898bd89198069340d8ca99d71f0d5f6c6e142d724a9ba92"),
                fromOutputIndex: 0,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
                scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create("mxSimcis5yCPkBaFZ7ZrJ7fsPqLXatxTax").ScriptPubKey);

            if (1 == 2)
                //Find the coin bob sent
                //Coin from Bob

                //Coin from Alice
                var forfees_nic = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("b4326462d6d3b522d7e2c06d9c904313f546395eb62661b06b57195691f5fe5f"),
                    fromOutputIndex: 1,
                    amount: Money.Coins(1m), //9957600
                    scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create("muJjaSHk99LGMnaFduU9b3pWHdT1ZRPASF").ScriptPubKey);

            //Colour coin utxo that was sent
            var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(assetOutput.transaction_hash),
                fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(assetOutput.index),
                amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
                scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create("mxSimcis5yCPkBaFZ7ZrJ7fsPqLXatxTax").ScriptPubKey);

            //Arbitary coin
            var forfees = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(fundingUTXO.transaction_hash),
                fromOutputIndex: fundingUTXO.output_index,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(fundingUTXO.value), //20000
                scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(fundingUTXO.script_hex)));

            BitcoinAssetId assetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(assetId, Network.TestNet);
            var alice = NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress.Create(toAddress, NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);

            ColoredCoin colored = coin.ToColoredCoin(assetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(assetOutput.asset_quantity));

            //FROM NIC
            var bobKey = new BitcoinSecret("cMdLBsUCQ92VSRmqfEL4TgJCisWpjVBd8GsP2mAmUZxQ9bh5E7CN");
            var aliceKey = new BitcoinSecret("cPKW4EsFiPeczwHeSCgo4GTzm4T291Xb6sLGi1HoroXkiqGcGgsH");
            var txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();

            var tx = txBuilder
                .AddKeys(bobKey, aliceKey)
                .AddCoins(forfees, colored)
                .SendAsset(alice, new AssetMoney(assetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(amount)))

            var ok = txBuilder.Verify(tx);
            return "ok";
コード例 #7
        private static ColoredCoin GetCoin(String assetId, UInt64 amount)
            if (assetId == "")


            var goldCoin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("dc19133d57bf9013d898bd89198069340d8ca99d71f0d5f6c6e142d724a9ba92"),
                fromOutputIndex: 0,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
                scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create("mxSimcis5yCPkBaFZ7ZrJ7fsPqLXatxTax").ScriptPubKey);

            BitcoinAssetId assetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(assetId, Network.TestNet);
            return goldCoin.ToColoredCoin(assetIdx, amount);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Coin.cs プロジェクト: woutersmit/NBitcoin
		public IssuanceCoin(OutPoint outpoint, TxOut txout)
			Bearer = new Coin(outpoint, txout);
コード例 #9
 public IssuanceCoin(Coin bearer)
     this.Bearer = bearer;
コード例 #10
        //take in tx parameters, return tx object
        public static TxSerial CreateTx(string extPubKey, string pubToAddr, string chgAddr, int walletId, long satToSend, long fee, bool testnet)
            CheckNullOrEmpty(new object[] { extPubKey, pubToAddr, ElectrumXhost },
                             new string[] { "extPubKey", "pubToAddr", "ElectrumXhost" });

            string err = "";

            if (satToSend == 0)
                err += "satoshiToSend = 0, ";
            if (fee == 0)
                err += "satoshiFee = 0, ";
            if (err != "")
                throw new Exception("[CreateTx] " + err);

            //get first 100+100 child address from ext pub key
            List <Tuple <string, string> > recAddrList = GetDerivedKeys(extPubKey, 0, 20, false, testnet);         //receive addresses
            List <Tuple <string, string> > chgAddrList = GetDerivedKeys(extPubKey, 0, 20, true, testnet);          //change addresses

            //TODO - create process for getting next change address, so address never used twice
            if (chgAddr == null || chgAddr == "")             //get first chg addr for extPubKey
                chgAddr = chgAddrList.First().Item1;

            //server status check
            string info = ElectrumX.GetServerInfo(ElectrumXhost, ElectrumXport);

            if (info == null)
                throw new Exception("[CreateTx] ElectrumX Server Check Failed");

            string[] recAddrListAddr = new string[recAddrList.Count];            //short address
            string[] recAddrListExt  = new string[recAddrList.Count];            //long address
            int      ctr             = 0;

            foreach (var t in recAddrList)
                recAddrListAddr[ctr++] = t.Item1;                 //short
            ctr = 0;
            foreach (var t in recAddrList)
                recAddrListExt[ctr++] = t.Item2;                 //long - hash
            string[] chgAddrListAddr = new string[recAddrList.Count];
            string[] chgAddrListExt  = new string[recAddrList.Count];
            ctr = 0;
            foreach (var t in chgAddrList)
                chgAddrListAddr[ctr++] = t.Item1;
            ctr = 0;
            foreach (var t in chgAddrList)
                chgAddrListExt[ctr++] = t.Item2;

            //get all UTXOs (unspent inputs) from receive addresses
            UTXO[] recUTXOs = ElectrumX.GetUTXOs(recAddrList, ElectrumXhost, ElectrumXport);
            UTXO.SetAddressType(recUTXOs, 0);             //receiver
            //get all UTXOs (unspent inputs) from change addresses
            UTXO[] chgUTXOs = ElectrumX.GetUTXOs(chgAddrList, ElectrumXhost, ElectrumXport);
            UTXO.SetAddressType(chgUTXOs, 1);             //change

            //start new tx
            TransactionBuilder bldr = new TransactionBuilder();

            bldr.Send(new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(pubToAddr), Money.Satoshis(satToSend)); //amount to send to recipient
            bldr.SetChange(new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(chgAddr));                         //send change to this address
            bldr.SendFees(Money.Satoshis(fee));                                        //miner (tx) fee

            //collect all UTXOs
            List <UTXO> allUTXOs = new List <UTXO>();


            List <ICoin> lstTxCoins = new List <ICoin>();           //Coin is a UTXO

            //add new coin for each UTXO
            foreach (UTXO x in allUTXOs)             //tx builder will select coins from this list
                BitcoinPubKeyAddress fromAddr = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(x.Address);
                NBitcoin.Coin        cn       = null;
                //create new coin from UTXO
                bldr.AddCoins(cn = new NBitcoin.Coin(
                                  new OutPoint(new uint256(x.Tx_hash), x.Tx_pos),              //tx that funded wallet, spend this coin
                                  new TxOut(Money.Satoshis(x.Value), fromAddr.ScriptPubKey))); //specify full coin amount, else SetChange ignored
                lstTxCoins.Add(cn);                                                            //add coin to transaction, may not be used
                x.tmp = cn;                                                                    //link UTXO with coin

            List <UTXO> usedUTXOs = new List <UTXO>();              //coins actually used in tx

            NBitcoin.Transaction tx = bldr.BuildTransaction(false); //sort\filter coins, some coins will not be needed\used
            //coin objects not stored in tx, so we need to determine which coins were used
            //scan tx inputs for matching coins, ignore other coins
            foreach (UTXO u in allUTXOs)
                foreach (TxIn i in tx.Inputs)
                    if (i.PrevOut == ((NBitcoin.Coin)u.tmp).Outpoint) //this coin in tx
                        usedUTXOs.Add(u);                             //this UTXO will be used\spent in tx
            //populate return object
            TxSerial txs = new TxSerial()
                SendAmt      = satToSend,
                Fee          = fee,
                ExtPublicKey = extPubKey,
                ToAddress    = pubToAddr,
                ChgAddress   = chgAddr,
                WalletId     = walletId
            txs.ExtPublicKey = extPubKey;

            foreach (UTXO u in usedUTXOs)
                u.tmp = null;                 //don't serialize coin object, will rebuild coins in signing process
            txs.InputUTXOs = new List <UTXO>();
            //string jsn = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(txs, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Coin.cs プロジェクト: woutersmit/NBitcoin
		public ColoredCoin(AssetMoney asset, Coin bearer)
			Amount = asset;
			Bearer = bearer;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Coin.cs プロジェクト: tohidkazemi/NBitcoin
 public IssuanceCoin(OutPoint outpoint, TxOut txout)
     Bearer = new Coin(outpoint, txout);
コード例 #13
        public static ColoredCoin MakeColouredCoin(String assetId, String txhash, UInt32 output_index, Int64 output_value, Script scriptPubKey, UInt64 asset_quantity)
            //DO THE FROM
            ////Colour coin utxo that was sent
            var fromCoin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(txhash),
                //fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(fromAssetOutput.index),
                fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(output_index),
                amount: Money.Satoshis(output_value), //default fee
                scriptPubKey: scriptPubKey);

            BitcoinAssetId bitcoinAssetId = new BitcoinAssetId(assetId, Network.TestNet);
            ColoredCoin coin = fromCoin.ToColoredCoin(bitcoinAssetId, asset_quantity);

            return coin;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Coin.cs プロジェクト: tohidkazemi/NBitcoin
 public IssuanceCoin(Coin bearer)
     Bearer = bearer;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Coin.cs プロジェクト: tohidkazemi/NBitcoin
 public ColoredCoin(AssetMoney asset, Coin bearer)
     Amount = asset;
     Bearer = bearer;
コード例 #16
 public ScriptCoin(Coin coin, Script redeem)
     : base(coin.Outpoint, coin.TxOut)
     Redeem = redeem;
コード例 #17
ファイル: TransactionBuilder.cs プロジェクト: crowar/NBitcoin
		private void Sign(TransactionSigningContext ctx, ICoin coin, IndexedTxIn txIn)
			var input = txIn.TxIn;
			if(coin is StealthCoin)
				var stealthCoin = (StealthCoin)coin;
				var scanKey = FindKey(ctx, stealthCoin.Address.ScanPubKey.ScriptPubKey);
				if(scanKey == null)
					throw new KeyNotFoundException("Scan key for decrypting StealthCoin not found");
				var spendKeys = stealthCoin.Address.SpendPubKeys.Select(p => FindKey(ctx, p.ScriptPubKey)).Where(p => p != null).ToArray();
				ctx.AdditionalKeys.AddRange(stealthCoin.Uncover(spendKeys, scanKey));
				var normalCoin = new Coin(coin.Outpoint, coin.TxOut);
				if(stealthCoin.Redeem != null)
					normalCoin = normalCoin.ToScriptCoin(stealthCoin.Redeem);
				coin = normalCoin;
			var scriptSig = CreateScriptSig(ctx, coin, txIn);
			if(scriptSig == null)
			ScriptCoin scriptCoin = coin as ScriptCoin;

			Script signatures = null;
			if(coin.GetHashVersion() == HashVersion.Witness)
				signatures = txIn.WitScript;
				if(scriptCoin != null)
						txIn.ScriptSig = Script.Empty;
					if(scriptCoin.RedeemType == RedeemType.WitnessV0)
						signatures = RemoveRedeem(signatures);
				signatures = txIn.ScriptSig;
				if(scriptCoin != null && scriptCoin.RedeemType == RedeemType.P2SH)
					signatures = RemoveRedeem(signatures);

			signatures = CombineScriptSigs(coin, scriptSig, signatures);

			if(coin.GetHashVersion() == HashVersion.Witness)
				txIn.WitScript = signatures;
				if(scriptCoin != null)
						txIn.ScriptSig = new Script(Op.GetPushOp(scriptCoin.GetP2SHRedeem().ToBytes(true)));
					if(scriptCoin.RedeemType == RedeemType.WitnessV0)
						txIn.WitScript = txIn.WitScript + new WitScript(Op.GetPushOp(scriptCoin.Redeem.ToBytes(true)));
				txIn.ScriptSig = signatures;
				if(scriptCoin != null && scriptCoin.RedeemType == RedeemType.P2SH)
					txIn.ScriptSig = input.ScriptSig + Op.GetPushOp(scriptCoin.GetP2SHRedeem().ToBytes(true));
コード例 #18
ファイル: TransactionBuilder.cs プロジェクト: crowar/NBitcoin
		private int EstimateScriptSigSize(ICoin coin)
			if(coin is IColoredCoin)
				coin = ((IColoredCoin)coin).Bearer;

			int size = 0;
			if(coin is ScriptCoin)
				var scriptCoin = (ScriptCoin)coin;
				coin = new Coin(scriptCoin.Outpoint, new TxOut(scriptCoin.Amount, scriptCoin.Redeem));
				size += new Script(Op.GetPushOp(scriptCoin.Redeem.ToBytes(true))).Length;

			var scriptPubkey = coin.GetScriptCode();
			foreach(var extension in Extensions)
					size += extension.EstimateScriptSigSize(scriptPubkey);
					return size;

			size += coin.TxOut.ScriptPubKey.Length; //Using heurestic to approximate size of unknown scriptPubKey
			return size;
コード例 #19
        public static String FromNewAddressToAlice()
            const String AliceAddress = "muJjaSHk99LGMnaFduU9b3pWHdT1ZRPASF";

            String senderKey = "93KgTTe7YrwEFtfcHYL9Bsm1p4PcQEfxaqEw3CBcUCbx17Xc4Nk";
            String senderAddress = "mtZk7YUMEK3rGWa91VfvYXAJaK8iw6DMvV";

            NBitcoin.Network network = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet;

            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinToAddress = new BitcoinAddress(AliceAddress, network);
            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinFromAddress = new BitcoinAddress(senderAddress, network);

            CoinPrism txRepo = new CoinPrism(true);

            //Get a UTXO to fund.  Make sure its large enough, order by size.  Maybe order by date?
            var fundingUTXO = txRepo.GetUnspent(bitcoinFromAddress.ToString()).Where(ux => ux.value > 10000).OrderByDescending(o => o.value).First();

            //var ccutoxs = txRepo.GetTransactions(fromAddress);

            //Find output which contains an incoming asset
            //var assetOutput = ccutoxs.FirstOrDefault(i => i.outputs.Any(o => o.asset_id == assetId)).outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == assetId);

            var coin_nic = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("5a2359ec87780561306b2d6fbe4151704ef0c97ab09ab51548502d1431a96331"),
                fromOutputIndex: 1,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(100000000), //default fee
                scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create(senderAddress).ScriptPubKey);

            ////Colour coin utxo that was sent
            //var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(assetOutput.transaction_hash),
            //    fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(assetOutput.index),
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
            //    scriptPubKey: BitcoinAddress.Create("mxSimcis5yCPkBaFZ7ZrJ7fsPqLXatxTax").ScriptPubKey);

            ////Arbitary coin
            //var forfees = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(fundingUTXO.transaction_hash),
            //    fromOutputIndex: fundingUTXO.output_index,
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(fundingUTXO.value), //20000
            //    scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(fundingUTXO.script_hex)));

            //BitcoinAssetId assetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(assetId, Network.TestNet);
            //var alice = NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress.Create(toAddress, NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);

            //ColoredCoin colored = coin.ToColoredCoin(assetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(assetOutput.asset_quantity));

            //FROM NIC
            var senderSecret = new BitcoinSecret(senderKey);
            //var aliceKey = new BitcoinSecret("cPKW4EsFiPeczwHeSCgo4GTzm4T291Xb6sLGi1HoroXkiqGcGgsH");
            var txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();

            var tx = txBuilder
                .Send(bitcoinToAddress, new Money(1000))

            var ok = txBuilder.Verify(tx);
            return "ok";
コード例 #20
        public static string Trade(String fromAddress, Int64 fromAmount, String fromAssetId, String toAddress, Int64 toAmount, String toAssetId)
            NBitcoin.Network network = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet;

            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinToAddress = new BitcoinAddress(toAddress, network);
            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinFromAddress = new BitcoinAddress(fromAddress, network);

            CoinPrism txRepo = new CoinPrism(true);

            //Get a UTXO to fund.  Make sure its large enough, order by size.  Maybe order by date?
            var fundingUTXO = txRepo.GetUnspent(fromAddress).Where(ux => ux.value > 10000).OrderByDescending(o => o.value).First();
            var fundingToUTXO = txRepo.GetUnspent(toAddress).Where(ux => ux.value > 10000).OrderByDescending(o => o.value).First();

            if (fundingUTXO == null | fundingToUTXO == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Need more btc");

            //Find unspent utxos with assets
            var assetFromFundingUtxos = txRepo.GetUnspent(fromAddress).Where(ux => ux.asset_id == fromAssetId).ToList();
            var assetToFundingUtxos = txRepo.GetUnspent(toAddress).Where(ux => ux.asset_id == toAssetId).ToList();

            //Note last emmitting tx = 55ef4ea701ee0df5aac55d56a068d2488780da827aca3c08615cfa92dbfc470e
            //var fromCCutoxs = txRepo.GetTransactions(fromAddress);
            //var toCCutoxs = txRepo.GetTransactions(toAddress);

            ////Find new tx first (DEBUG ONLY)
            //var allOutputsForAsset = fromCCutoxs.OrderBy(a => a.block_time)
            //    .Where(i => i.outputs.Any(o => o.asset_id == fromAssetId)) // && i.outputs.Any(oo => oo.addresses.Contains(fromAddress)))
            //    //.outputs.OrderByDescending(o => o.asset_quantity)
            //    //.Where(o => o.asset_id == assetId && o.asset_quantity >= amount && o.addresses.Contains(fromAddress));
            //    .ToList();

            ////Find output which contains an incoming asset
            //var fromAssetOutput = fromCCutoxs.OrderByDescending(a => a.block_time)
            //    .FirstOrDefault(i => i.outputs.Any(o => o.asset_id == fromAssetId)) // && i.outputs.Any(oo => oo.addresses.Contains(fromAddress)))
            //    //.outputs.OrderByDescending(o => o.asset_quantity)
            //    //.outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == assetId && o.asset_quantity >= amount && o.addresses.Contains(fromAddress));
            //    .outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == fromAssetId && o.asset_quantity >= fromAmount);

            //todo, could be many
            var fromAssetOutput = assetFromFundingUtxos.SingleOrDefault(u => u.asset_quantity >= fromAmount);
            var toAssetOutput = assetToFundingUtxos.SingleOrDefault(u => u.asset_quantity >= toAmount);

            if (fromAssetOutput == null | toAssetOutput == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Not enough assets");

            //DO THE FROM
            ////Colour coin utxo that was sent
            var fromCoin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(fromAssetOutput.transaction_hash),
                //fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(fromAssetOutput.index),
                fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(fromAssetOutput.output_index),
                amount: Money.Satoshis(fromAssetOutput.value), //default fee
                scriptPubKey: bitcoinFromAddress.ScriptPubKey);

            BitcoinAssetId fromAssetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(fromAssetId, Network.TestNet);

            ColoredCoin fromColored = fromCoin.ToColoredCoin(fromAssetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(fromAssetOutput.asset_quantity));

            ////TODO:  NEED MULTIPLE COINS
            //var toCoin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(toAssetOutput.transaction_hash),
            //    fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(toAssetOutput.output_index),
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(toAssetOutput.value), //default fee
            //    scriptPubKey: bitcoinToAddress.ScriptPubKey);

            BitcoinAssetId toAssetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(toAssetId, Network.TestNet);
            ColoredCoin toColored = MakeColouredCoin(toAssetOutput, toAssetId, bitcoinToAddress.ScriptPubKey);

            //Arbitary coin
            var fromFeeCoin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(fundingUTXO.transaction_hash),
                fromOutputIndex: fundingUTXO.output_index,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(fundingUTXO.value), //20000
                scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(fundingUTXO.script_hex)));

            var toFeeCoin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(fundingToUTXO.transaction_hash),
                fromOutputIndex: fundingToUTXO.output_index,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(fundingToUTXO.value), //20000
                scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(fundingToUTXO.script_hex)));

            //FROM NIC
            var key1 = new BitcoinSecret(BobWIFKey);
            var key2 = new BitcoinSecret(CarolWIFKey);
            var txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();

            var tx = txBuilder
                .AddKeys(key1, key2)
                .AddCoins(fromFeeCoin, fromColored)
                .SendAsset(bitcoinToAddress, new AssetMoney(fromAssetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(fromAmount)))
                //.AddKeys(key1, key2)
                .AddCoins(toFeeCoin, toColored)
                .SendAsset(bitcoinFromAddress, new AssetMoney(toAssetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(toAmount)))

            var ok = txBuilder.Verify(tx);
            var response = Submit(tx);

            return response;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Coin.cs プロジェクト: woutersmit/NBitcoin
		public IssuanceCoin(Coin bearer)
			Bearer = bearer;
コード例 #22
        public static string Transfer(String fromAddress, Int64 amount, String toAddress, String assetId)
            NBitcoin.Network network = NBitcoin.Network.TestNet;

            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinToAddress = new BitcoinAddress(toAddress, network);
            NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress bitcoinFromAddress = new BitcoinAddress(fromAddress, network);

            CoinPrism txRepo = new CoinPrism(true);

            //Get a UTXO to fund.  Make sure its large enough, order by size.  Maybe order by date?
            var fundingUTXO = txRepo.GetUnspent(fromAddress).Where(ux => ux.value > 10000).OrderByDescending(o => o.value).First();

            if (fundingUTXO == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Need more btc");

            //Find unspent utxos with assets
            var assetFundingUtxos = txRepo.GetUnspent(fromAddress).Where(ux => ux.asset_id == assetId).ToList();

            //Note last emmitting tx = 55ef4ea701ee0df5aac55d56a068d2488780da827aca3c08615cfa92dbfc470e
            var ccutoxs = txRepo.GetTransactions(fromAddress);

            //Find new tx first
            var allOutputsForAsset = ccutoxs.OrderBy(a => a.block_time)
                .Where(i => i.outputs.Any(o => o.asset_id == assetId)) // && i.outputs.Any(oo => oo.addresses.Contains(fromAddress)))
                //.outputs.OrderByDescending(o => o.asset_quantity)
                //.outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == assetId && o.asset_quantity >= amount && o.addresses.Contains(fromAddress));

            //Find output which contains an incoming asset
            var assetOutput = ccutoxs.OrderByDescending(a => a.block_time)
                .FirstOrDefault(i => i.outputs.Any(o => o.asset_id == assetId)) // && i.outputs.Any(oo => oo.addresses.Contains(fromAddress)))
                //.outputs.OrderByDescending(o => o.asset_quantity)
                //.outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == assetId && o.asset_quantity >= amount && o.addresses.Contains(fromAddress));
                .outputs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.asset_id == assetId && o.asset_quantity >= amount);

            if (assetOutput == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Not enough assets");

            ////Colour coin utxo that was sent
            var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(assetOutput.transaction_hash),
                fromOutputIndex: Convert.ToUInt32(assetOutput.index),
                amount: Money.Satoshis(assetOutput.value), //default fee
                scriptPubKey: bitcoinFromAddress.ScriptPubKey);

            //HACKE FOR 1 USD FROM ALICE BACK TO BOB.  TX 47~48
            //ADDRESS WAS ALICE
            //Colour coin utxo that was sent
            //var coin = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256("b52454d26d9020a241d3d3173270bf0b0e218fc4cf21d18c8ac34d8d29f0f988"),
            //    fromOutputIndex: 2,
            //    amount: Money.Satoshis(600), //default fee
            //    scriptPubKey: bitcoinFromAddress.ScriptPubKey);

            //Arbitary coin
            var forfees = new Coin(fromTxHash: new uint256(fundingUTXO.transaction_hash),
                fromOutputIndex: fundingUTXO.output_index,
                amount: Money.Satoshis(fundingUTXO.value), //20000
                scriptPubKey: new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(fundingUTXO.script_hex)));

            BitcoinAssetId assetIdx = new BitcoinAssetId(assetId, Network.TestNet);
            //var recipient = NBitcoin.BitcoinAddress.Create(toAddress, NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);

            ColoredCoin colored = coin.ToColoredCoin(assetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(assetOutput.asset_quantity));
            //ColoredCoin colored = coin.ToColoredCoin(assetIdx, 44696);

            //FROM NIC
            var key1 = new BitcoinSecret(BobWIFKey);
            var key2 = new BitcoinSecret(CarolWIFKey);
            var txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();

            var tx = txBuilder
                .AddKeys(key1, key2)
                .AddCoins(forfees, colored)
                .SendAsset(bitcoinToAddress, new AssetMoney(assetIdx, Convert.ToUInt64(amount)))

            var ok = txBuilder.Verify(tx);
            var response = Submit(tx);

            return response;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Coin.cs プロジェクト: woutersmit/NBitcoin
		public ScriptCoin(Coin coin, Script redeem)
			: base(coin.Outpoint, coin.TxOut)
			Redeem = redeem;
コード例 #24
 public ColoredCoin(AssetMoney asset, Coin bearer)
     this.Amount = asset;
     this.Bearer = bearer;