コード例 #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("Push Subscribe Basic Sync", args, Usage)
                                    .DefaultCount(0, true) // true indicated 0 means unlimited
                                                           // .DefaultDurable("push-sub-basic-sync-durable")

            int count = helper.Count < 1 ? int.MaxValue : helper.Count;

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // The stream (and data) must exist
                    JsUtils.ExitIfStreamNotExists(c, helper.Stream);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // Build our subscription options.
                    // * A push subscription means the server will "push" us messages.
                    // * Durable means the server will remember where we are if we use that name.
                    // * Durable can by null or empty, the builder treats them the same.
                    // * The stream name is not technically required. If it is not provided, the
                    //   code building the subscription will look it up by making a request to the server.
                    //   If you know the stream name, you might as well supply it and save a trip to the server.
                    PushSubscribeOptions so = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder()
                                              .WithDurable(helper.Durable) // it's okay if this is null, the builder handles it

                    // Subscribe synchronously, then just wait for messages.
                    IJetStreamPushSyncSubscription sub = js.PushSubscribeSync(helper.Subject, so);

                    int red = 0;
                    while (count > 0)
                            Msg msg = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                            Console.WriteLine("\nMessage Received:");
                            if (msg.HasHeaders)
                                Console.WriteLine("  Headers:");
                                foreach (string key in msg.Header.Keys)
                                    foreach (string value in msg.Header.GetValues(key))
                                        Console.WriteLine($"    {key}: {value}");

                            Console.WriteLine("  Subject: {0}\n  Data: {1}\n", msg.Subject, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Data));
                            Console.WriteLine("  " + msg.MetaData);

                            // Because this is a synchronous subscriber, there's no auto-ack.
                            // The default Consumer Configuration AckPolicy is Explicit
                            // so we need to ack the message or it'll be redelivered.

                        catch (NATSTimeoutException) // timeout means there are no messages available
                            count = 0;               // ran out of messages

                    Console.WriteLine("\n" + red + " message(s) were received.\n");

            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("NATS JetStream Push Subscribe Bind Durable", args, Usage)
                                    .DefaultCount(0, true) // true indicated 0 means unlimited

            int count = helper.Count < 1 ? int.MaxValue : helper.Count;

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // The stream (and data) must exist
                    JsUtils.ExitIfStreamNotExists(c, helper.Stream);

                    // The durable consumer must already exist. Usually it would be made in configuration
                    // or via the NATS CLI but we are making it here.
                    // Important: The consumer must have a deliver subject when made this way or it will be
                    // understood to be a pull consumer by the server.
                    // NOTE: If you ran this example already, the consumer will have been created
                    //       This is not a problem if it is exactly the same. Most ConsumerConfiguration
                    //       properties are not modifiable once created.
                    ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                    c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext().AddOrUpdateConsumer(helper.Stream, cc);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // bind subscribe to the stream - either variety will work
                    // V1. Version designed specifically for this purpose.
                    PushSubscribeOptions so = PushSubscribeOptions.BindTo(helper.Stream, helper.Durable);

                    // V2. optional long form
                    // PushSubscribeOptions so = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder()
                    // .WithBind(true)
                    // .WithStream(helper.Stream)
                    // .WithDurable(helper.Durable)
                    // .Build();

                    // Subscribe synchronously, then just wait for messages.
                    IJetStreamPushSyncSubscription sub = js.PushSubscribeSync(helper.Subject, so);

                    int red = 0;
                    while (count > 0)
                            Msg msg = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                            Console.WriteLine("\nMessage Received:");
                            if (msg.HasHeaders)
                                Console.WriteLine("  Headers:");
                                foreach (string key in msg.Header.Keys)
                                    foreach (string value in msg.Header.GetValues(key))
                                        Console.WriteLine($"    {key}: {value}");

                            Console.WriteLine("  Subject: {0}\n  Data: {1}\n", msg.Subject, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Data));
                            Console.WriteLine("  " + msg.MetaData);

                            // Because this is a synchronous subscriber, there's no auto-ack.
                            // The default Consumer Configuration AckPolicy is Explicit
                            // so we need to ack the message or it'll be redelivered.

                        catch (NATSTimeoutException) // timeout means there are no messages available
                            count = 0;               // ran out of messages

                    Console.WriteLine("\n" + red + " message(s) were received.\n");

            catch (Exception ex)