コード例 #1
ファイル: MXFKey.cs プロジェクト: rayden84/MXFInspect
        /// <summary>
        /// Locate the key name (if found)
        /// </summary>
        private void FindKeyName()
            MXFShortKey skey = this.GetShortKey();

            if (knownKeys.ContainsKey(skey))
                this.Name = knownKeys[skey].Name;
                IsKnown   = true;
                IsKnown = false;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Locate the key name (if found)
        /// </summary>
        private void FindKeyName()
            MXFShortKey skey = this.ShortKey;

            if (m_ULDescriptions.ContainsKey(skey))
                this.Name     = m_ULDescriptions[skey][0];
                this.m_fIsUID = false;
                this.Name     = "UID";             // Not in the global UL list, probably an unique ID
                this.m_fIsUID = true;
コード例 #3
        static MXFKey()
            m_ULDescriptions = new Dictionary <MXFShortKey, string[]>();

            //Parse SMPTE Labels register

            XElement   regEntries;
            XNamespace ns = "http://www.smpte-ra.org/schemas/400/2012";

            regEntries = XElement.Parse(MXF.Properties.Resources.Labels);

            foreach (var el in regEntries.Element(ns + "Entries").Elements(ns + "Entry"))
                UInt64 value1                   = 0;
                UInt64 value2                   = 0;
                string UL_string                = "";
                string name_string              = "";
                string definition_string        = "";
                string defining_document_string = "";
                var    x = el.Element(ns + "UL");
                if (x != null)
                    UL_string = x.Value.Replace("urn:smpte:ul:", "").Replace(".", "");
                    continue;  // No UL --> ignore this entry
                value1 = Convert.ToUInt64(UL_string.Substring(0, 16), 16);
                value2 = Convert.ToUInt64(UL_string.Substring(16, 16), 16);
                MXFShortKey shortKey = new MXFShortKey(value1, value2);
                x = el.Element(ns + "Name");
                if (x != null)
                    name_string = x.Value;
                x = el.Element(ns + "Definition");
                if (x != null)
                    definition_string = x.Value;
                x = el.Element(ns + "DefiningDocument");
                if (x != null)
                    defining_document_string = x.Value;
                //Debug.WriteLine(shortKey.ToString() + name_string +  definition_string + defining_document_string);
                m_ULDescriptions.Add(shortKey, new string[] { name_string, definition_string, defining_document_string });

            // Parse SMPTE Elements register

            ns         = "http://www.smpte-ra.org/schemas/335/2012";
            regEntries = XElement.Parse(MXF.Properties.Resources.Elements);

            foreach (var el in regEntries.Element(ns + "Entries").Elements(ns + "Entry"))
                UInt64 value1                   = 0;
                UInt64 value2                   = 0;
                string UL_string                = "";
                string name_string              = "";
                string definition_string        = "";
                string defining_document_string = "";
                var    x = el.Element(ns + "UL");
                if (x != null)
                    UL_string = x.Value.Replace("urn:smpte:ul:", "").Replace(".", "");
                    continue;  // No UL --> ignore this entry
                value1 = Convert.ToUInt64(UL_string.Substring(0, 16), 16);
                value2 = Convert.ToUInt64(UL_string.Substring(16, 16), 16);
                MXFShortKey shortKey = new MXFShortKey(value1, value2);
                x = el.Element(ns + "Name");
                if (x != null)
                    name_string = x.Value;
                x = el.Element(ns + "Definition");
                if (x != null)
                    definition_string = x.Value;
                x = el.Element(ns + "DefiningDocument");
                if (x != null)
                    defining_document_string = x.Value;
                //Debug.WriteLine(shortKey.ToString() + name_string +  definition_string + defining_document_string);
                m_ULDescriptions.Add(shortKey, new string[] { name_string, definition_string, defining_document_string });

            //Parse SMPTE Groups register

            ns         = "http://www.smpte-ra.org/ns/395/2016";
            regEntries = XElement.Parse(MXF.Properties.Resources.Groups);

            foreach (var el in regEntries.Element(ns + "Entries").Elements(ns + "Entry"))
                UInt64 value1            = 0;
                UInt64 value2            = 0;
                string UL_string         = "";
                string name_string       = "";
                string definition_string = "";
                string notes_string      = "";
                var    x = el.Element(ns + "UL");
                if (x != null)
                    UL_string = x.Value.Replace("urn:smpte:ul:", "").Replace(".", "");
                    continue;  // No UL --> ignore this entry
                value1 = Convert.ToUInt64(UL_string.Substring(0, 16), 16);
                value2 = Convert.ToUInt64(UL_string.Substring(16, 16), 16);
                MXFShortKey shortKey = new MXFShortKey(value1, value2);
                x = el.Element(ns + "Name");
                if (x != null)
                    name_string = x.Value;
                x = el.Element(ns + "Definition");
                if (x != null)
                    definition_string = x.Value;
                x = el.Element(ns + "Notes");
                if (x != null)
                    notes_string = x.Value;
                //Debug.WriteLine(shortKey.ToString() + name_string +  definition_string + defining_document_string);
                m_ULDescriptions.Add(shortKey, new string[] { name_string + " - " + definition_string, "", notes_string });