private void FormSync_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { listViewSyncUp.View = View.Details; listViewSyncUp.FullRowSelect = true; listViewSyncUp.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending; listViewSyncUp.HideSelection = false; // keep selection highlighted (grey) on blur listViewSyncUp.Columns.Clear(); listViewSyncUp.Columns.Add("Name", nameWidth, HorizontalAlignment.Left); listViewSyncUp.Columns.Add("Qty", qtyWidth, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listViewSyncUp.Columns.Add("Size", sizeWidth, HorizontalAlignment.Right); // meh .. seems have to use resizing events // listViewSyncUp.AutoResizeColumn(0, ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); ResizeColumns(); ListVideoInfo.Save(); Sync.Load(); if (Sync.syncSettings.syncUp == DateTime.MinValue) { MyFormField.SetLabelText(labelLastSyncUp, "Not yet"); } else { MyFormField.SetLabelText(labelLastSyncUp, Sync.syncSettings.syncUp); } SetList(); }
private void buttonRemoveSource_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFormField.DelayButtonClick(buttonRemoveSource); if (currentSource == null) { return; } string message = "Are you sure you want to remove this Video Source?" + Environment.NewLine; message += "Alias: " + currentSource.alias + Environment.NewLine; message += "Type: " + currentSource.type + Environment.NewLine; message += "Directory: " + + Environment.NewLine; string lastScanned = currentSource.lastScanned.ToLocalTime().ToString(); if (currentSource.lastScanned == DateTime.MinValue) { lastScanned = "Not yet"; } message += "Last Scanned: " + lastScanned + Environment.NewLine; if (MessageBox.Show(message, "Confirm Removal", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { listViewSource.SelectedItems[0].Remove(); // remove entry from settings Config.settings.sources.Remove(currentSource); List <VideoInfo> currentVideoInfos = ListVideoInfo.GetList(); int nbrOrigVideoInfos = currentVideoInfos.Count(); currentVideoInfos.RemoveAll(s => s.sourceAlias == currentSource.alias); int nbrRemovedVideoInfos = nbrOrigVideoInfos - currentVideoInfos.Count(); ListVideoInfo.SetList(currentVideoInfos); // meh, but works FormMain formMain = (FormMain)this.Owner; SubFormListView subFormListView = formMain.GetSubFormListView(); subFormListView.SetListViewInfos(ListVideoInfo.GetList()); MyLog.Add("Removed " + currentSource.alias + " and it's " + nbrRemovedVideoInfos + " VideoItems"); // datatable xml will be updated on main form close // settings xml will be updated on main form close currentSource = null; buttonRemoveSource.Enabled = false; } }
public void RunCalcStats(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { MyLog.Add("Setting Stats"); subFormProgress.Value(0); subFormProgress.Text("Setting Stats.."); if (!CalcVideoInfoStats.Load()) { stopwatchCalcStats = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // stopped when background worker completed calcVideoInfoStats.Calc(ListVideoInfo.GetList()); } else { LoadVideos_Completed(sender, e); } }
/// <summary> /// ensure some fields are set in listVideoItems /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool EnsureVideoInfos() { int index = 0; foreach (VideoInfo videoInfo in listVideoInfos) { // may not be neccessary to re-calc hash .. prob somewhat expensive to do string hash = ListVideoInfo.CreateHash(videoInfo); listVideoInfos[index].hash = hash; // set index; used for quick search listVideoInfos[index].index = index; index++; } return(true); }
private void FormMain_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { loadVideos.AbortBackgroundWorkers(); // meh Application.DoEvents(); // save settings if (!Config.Save(this)) { } // save video sources if (!ListVideoInfo.Save()) { } }
private int CalcStatsForSource(string sourceAlias) { List <VideoInfo> listVideoInfos = ListVideoInfo.GetList(); if (listVideoInfos == null) { return(0); } listVideoInfos = listVideoInfos.FindAll(x => x.sourceAlias == sourceAlias).ToList(); if (listVideoInfos == null) { return(0); } int nbrVideos = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && != null).Count(); return(nbrVideos); }
/// <summary> /// load videos from disk into list /// </summary> public void FilterListView() { stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // stopped when background worker completed FilterInfo filterInfo = subFormFilterForm.GetFilterForm(); subFormListView.listViewColumnSorter.sortColumnIndex = FilterEnums.sortColumn.GetValueByKey(filterInfo.sortColumn); subFormListView.listViewColumnSorter.sortOrderIndex = filterInfo.sortOrderIndex; subFormFilterForm.Enabled = false; subFormListView.Enabled = false; subFormVideoForm.Enabled = false; subFormGallery.Enabled = false; MyLog.Add("Filter sources -->"); // since static, no need to pass in .. but has allowed for conatiner to be replaced .. tree, datatabel, etc backgroundWorkerFilterSource.Run(ListVideoInfo.GetList(), filterInfo); }
// after form loaded private void FormMain_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFormField.HighlightFormFieldsOnFocus(this); loadVideos.AddAccessToSubForms(subFormListView, subFormGallery, subFormVideoForm, subFormFilterForm, subFormProgressMain); Application.DoEvents(); // meh // ensure required app dirs exist MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"cache"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"cache\gallery"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"config"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"data"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"filters"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"libs"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"libs\ffmpeg\bin"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"logs"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"stats"); MyFile.EnsureDirectoryExists(@"sync"); if (Config.settings.sources.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No Video Sources found. Add some and Scan.."); ShowFormSources(); return; } if (ListVideoInfo.Load()) { loadVideos.FilterListView(); } else { loadVideos.LoadFromDisk(); } }
protected void BackgroundWorkerBuildGalleryImages_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { // result of scan .. continue processing .. stopwatchBuildGalleryImages.Stop(); MyLog.AddElapsed(stopwatchBuildGalleryImages.Elapsed); List <VideoInfo> videoInfos = (List <VideoInfo>)sender; if (videoInfos != null) { // set list again so get gallery thumbnails ListVideoInfo.SetList(videoInfos); MyLog.Add("Setting Gallery"); subFormProgress.Value(0); subFormProgress.Text("Setting Gallery.."); subFormGallery.SetPosters(ListVideoInfo.GetList()); } RunCalcStats(sender, e); }
private void CalcStatsForSource(ConfigSettings.Source source) { List <VideoInfo> listVideoInfos = ListVideoInfo.GetList(); if (listVideoInfos == null) { return; } listVideoInfos = listVideoInfos.FindAll(x => x.sourceAlias == source.alias).ToList(); if (listVideoInfos == null) { return; } int nbrVideos = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && != null).Count(); // int nbrPosters = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && x.files.poster != null).Count(); // int nbrFanarts = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && x.files.fanart != null).Count(); // int nbrImages = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && x.files.images != null).Count(); // int nbrMBs = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && x.files.mb != null).Count(); // int nbrMVEs = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && x.files.mve != null).Count(); // int nbrXBMCs = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && x.files.xbmc != null).Count(); // int nbrOthers = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null && x.files.others != null).Count(); int nbrFiles = listVideoInfos.Where(x => x.files != null).Sum(x => x.files.qty); // int nbrNonVideos = nbrImages + nbrMBs + nbrMVEs + nbrXBMCs + nbrOthers; int nbrNonVideos = nbrFiles - nbrVideos; labelVideoFileQty.Text = nbrVideos.ToString(); labelOtherFilesQty.Text = nbrNonVideos.ToString(); }
public static bool ThumbnailsAlreadySet() { List <VideoInfo> videoInfos = ListVideoInfo.GetList(); int nbrThumbnails = videoInfos.Where(x => x.files.posterThumbnail != null).Count(); long thumbnailCachesize = MyFile.DirectorySize(@"cache\gallery", "poster*.jpg"); bool thumbnailsSet; // if thumbnails set in list (nbrThumbnails > 0), but cache empty (thumbnailCachesize == 0) // assume intent is to rebuild app thumbnails, so thumbnailsSet = false // so thumbnails set only if set in list and set in cache if (nbrThumbnails > 0 && thumbnailCachesize > 0) { thumbnailsSet = true; } else { thumbnailsSet = false; } return(thumbnailsSet); }
private void buttonScan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button button = (Button)sender; if (selectedVideoInfo != null && selectedVideoInfo.videoItem != null) { button.Enabled = false; button.Text = "Scanning.."; string directory = selectedVideoInfo.videoDirectory; MyLog.Add("Scanning: " + directory); ParseVideo parseVideo = new ParseVideo(); selectedVideoInfo = parseVideo.ReadDirectory(directory); subFormFileList.SetList(selectedVideoInfo); SetForm(selectedVideoInfo); ListVideoInfo.UpdateVideoInfoList(selectedVideoInfo); MyFormField.DelayButtonClick(button, "Scan"); } }
public VideoItem MergeVideoItemWith(VideoInfo videoInfo) { return(ListVideoInfo.MergeVideoItems(videoItem, videoInfo.videoItem)); }
public List <VideoInfosScanSource> ScanSource(List <string> sources, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEvent) { if (sources.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("sources cannot be empty", "sources"); } ParseVideo parseVideo = new ParseVideo(); // Abort the operation if the user has canceled. // Note that a call to CancelAsync may have set // CancellationPending to true just after the // last invocation of this method exits, so this // code will not have the opportunity to set the // DoWorkEventArgs.Cancel flag to true. This means // that RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs.Cancelled will // not be set to true in your RunWorkerCompleted // event handler. This is a race condition. if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { doWorkEvent.Cancel = true; return(null); } // Data structure to hold names of subfolders to be examined for files. Stack <DirInfo> dirNodes = new Stack <DirInfo>(1000); List <VideoInfosScanSource> videoInfosScanSources = new List <VideoInfosScanSource>(); percentComplete = 0; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentComplete, "Processing sources.."); // get the root dirs from each source int nbrSources = sources.Count(); int processingSource = 0; foreach (string source in sources) { percentComplete = (int)Math.Floor((double)processingSource / (double)nbrSources * 100); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentComplete, "Scanning source " + source + ".."); List <VideoInfo> videoInfos = new List <VideoInfo>(10000); string sourceAlias = Config.SourceDirectory2Alias(source); IEnumerable <string> directories = MyFile.EnumerateDirectories(source, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); int nbrDirectories = directories.Count(); int processingDirectory = 0; foreach (string directory in directories) { MyLog.Add("Scanning: " + directory); VideoInfo videoInfo = parseVideo.ReadDirectory(directory); if (videoInfo == null || videoInfo.videoItem == null || videoInfo.videoItem.title == null || videoInfo.files == null || == null) { processingDirectory++; continue; } videoInfo.sourceAlias = sourceAlias; videoInfo.videoDirectory = directory; // see if any existing item or new videoInfo.index = videoInfos.Count; string hash = ListVideoInfo.CreateHash(videoInfo); videoInfo.hash = hash; VideoInfo foundVideoInfo = ListVideoInfo.FindVideoInfo("hash", hash); bool bNew = false; if (foundVideoInfo == null) { bNew = true; } if (bNew || foundVideoInfo.added == null || foundVideoInfo.added == DateTime.MinValue) { videoInfo.added = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (bNew || foundVideoInfo.updated == null || foundVideoInfo.updated == DateTime.MinValue) { videoInfo.updated = videoInfo.added; } if (!bNew) { // TODO ? needed? found item in list, merge list item with scanned item, scanned item wins videoInfo = ListVideoInfo.MergeVideoInfos(foundVideoInfo, videoInfo); } videoInfos.Add(videoInfo); processingDirectory++; if (processingDirectory % 1 == 0) { percentComplete = (int)Math.Floor((double)processingDirectory / (double)nbrDirectories * 100); string progressMessage = "Scanned " + processingDirectory + " of " + nbrDirectories + " directories\n" + directory.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last() + ".."; // progressMessage = directory.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last() + ".."; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentComplete, progressMessage); // Thread.Sleep(1000); // dev if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { doWorkEvent.Cancel = true; return(null); } } } // foreach directory VideoInfosScanSource videoInfosScanSource = new VideoInfosScanSource(); videoInfosScanSource.videoInfos = videoInfos; videoInfosScanSource.sourceAlias = sourceAlias; videoInfosScanSources.Add(videoInfosScanSource); processingSource++; } // end foreach source // add items to main list .. but not here .. in completed event // ListVideoInfo.Clear(); // ListVideoInfo.AddItems(videoInfos); percentComplete = 100; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentComplete, "Completed scan"); // meh, so completed msg shows Thread.Sleep(500); return(videoInfosScanSources); }
public bool SaveForm() { // MyLog.Add("SaveForm"); bool ret = true; VideoItem videoItem = selectedVideoInfo.videoItem; if (comboBoxIMDBRating.Text == "") { comboBoxIMDBRating.Text = "0"; } videoItem.imdbRating = Convert.ToDecimal(comboBoxIMDBRating.Text); videoItem.lastPlayed = (DateTime)labelLastPlayed.Tag; videoItem.movieset = textBoxMovieSet.Text; videoItem.mpaa = comboBoxMPAA.Text; videoItem.notes = richTextBoxNotes.Text; if (comboBoxPlayCount.Text == "") { comboBoxPlayCount.Text = "0"; } videoItem.playCount = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxPlayCount.Text); videoItem.plot = richTextBoxPlot.Text; if (comboBoxRating.Text == "") { comboBoxRating.Text = "0"; } videoItem.rating = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxRating.Text); if (textBoxRunTime.Text == "") { textBoxRunTime.Text = "0"; } videoItem.runtime = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxRunTime.Text); videoItem.title = textBoxTitle.Text; videoItem.actors = new List <VideoItemActor <string, string> > { }; videoItem.directors = new List <VideoItemDirector <string> > { }; for (int index = dataGridViewActors.Rows.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (dataGridViewActors.Rows[index].IsNewRow) { continue; } string name = dataGridViewActors.Rows[index].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string role = dataGridViewActors.Rows[index].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(role)) { if (role.ToLower() == "director") { videoItem.directors.Add(new VideoItemDirector <string>(name)); } else { // VideoItemActor<string, string> actor = new VideoItemActor<string, string>(name, role); videoItem.actors.Add(new VideoItemActor <string, string>(name, role)); } } } videoItem.tags = new List <VideoItemTag <string> > { }; for (int index = dataGridViewTags.Rows.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (dataGridViewTags.Rows[index].IsNewRow) { continue; } string tag = dataGridViewTags.Rows[index].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag)) { videoItem.tags.Add(new VideoItemTag <string>(tag)); } } videoItem.genres = new List <VideoItemGenre <string> > { }; for (int index = dataGridViewGenres.Rows.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (dataGridViewGenres.Rows[index].IsNewRow) { continue; } string genre = dataGridViewGenres.Rows[index].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) { videoItem.genres.Add(new VideoItemGenre <string>(genre)); } } // videoItem.tagline = textBoxTagLine.Text; // not yet videoItem.upc = textBoxUPC.Text; videoItem.tmdbId = textBoxTMDB.Text; videoItem.imdbId = textBoxIMDB.Text; videoItem.source = comboBoxSource.Text; videoItem.version = comboBoxVersion.Text; videoItem.watched = checkBoxWatched.Checked ? "YES" : "NO"; if (comboBoxYear.Text == "") { comboBoxYear.Text = "0"; } videoItem.year = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxYear.Text); videoItem.encoding.codec = comboBoxCodec.Text; if (textBoxBitrate.Text == "") { textBoxBitrate.Text = "0"; } videoItem.encoding.bitrate = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxBitrate.Text); if (textBoxHeight.Text == "") { textBoxHeight.Text = "0"; } videoItem.encoding.height = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxHeight.Text); if (textBoxWidth.Text == "") { textBoxWidth.Text = "0"; } videoItem.encoding.width = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxWidth.Text); // selectedVideoInfo.source = labelSource.Text; // readonly // = labelDirectory.Text; // readonly selectedVideoInfo.updated = DateTime.UtcNow; selectedVideoInfo.edited = true; // reset form in case prior validation changed any fields selectedVideoInfo.videoItem = videoItem; SetForm(selectedVideoInfo); if (!ListVideoInfo.SettingsOkToSaveVideoInfo()) { MessageBox.Show("Nothing to save to.\nNot configured to save Video infomration.\nChange in Tools -> Options."); ret = false; } else { if (ListVideoInfo.SaveVideoInfo(selectedVideoInfo)) { buttonSave.Text = "Saved"; ret = true; } else { buttonSave.Text = "Error"; ret = false; } } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// background process getting VideoInfos completed /// used for ScanSource and FilterSource /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void VideoInfos_RunWorkerCompleted(string action, string message, object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { // First, handle the case where an exception was thrown. if (e.Error != null) { MyLog.Add(e.Error.ToString()); subFormProgress.Text(e.Error.Message); } else if (e.Cancelled) { // Next, handle the case where the user canceled the operation. // Note that due to a race condition in the DoWork event handler, the Cancelled // flag may not have been set, even though CancelAsync was called. subFormProgress.Text("Canceled"); } else { // Finally, handle the case where the operation succeeded. if (action == "scan") { List <VideoInfosScanSource> videoInfosScanSources = (List <VideoInfosScanSource>)e.Result; if (videoInfosScanSources == null) { MyLog.Add(message + " Null VideoItems"); MyLog.AddElapsed(stopwatch.Elapsed); LoadVideos_Completed(sender, e); return; } MyLog.Add(message); MyLog.AddElapsed(stopwatch.Elapsed); subFormProgress.Text("Applying.."); subFormProgress.Value(0); int nbrAppliedSources = 0; int nbrSourcesToApply = videoInfosScanSources.Count(); foreach (VideoInfosScanSource videoInfosScanSource in videoInfosScanSources) { MyLog.Add("Applying " + videoInfosScanSource.sourceAlias + " with " + videoInfosScanSource.videoInfos.Count().ToString() + " VideoItems"); int progress = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)(nbrSourcesToApply - nbrAppliedSources) / nbrSourcesToApply * 100); subFormProgress.Text("Applying " + videoInfosScanSource.sourceAlias + ".."); subFormProgress.Value(progress); // sources scanned less than settings, // so remove scanned sources from existing list // and replace with scanned list List <VideoInfo> currentVideoInfos = ListVideoInfo.GetList(); if (currentVideoInfos == null) { ListVideoInfo.SetList(videoInfosScanSource.videoInfos); } else { currentVideoInfos.RemoveAll(s => s.sourceAlias == videoInfosScanSource.sourceAlias); currentVideoInfos.AddRange(videoInfosScanSource.videoInfos); ListVideoInfo.SetList(currentVideoInfos); } // videoInfos = videoInfos.Union(currentVideoInfos).ToList(); nbrAppliedSources++; } } else // filter { List <VideoInfo> videoInfos = (List <VideoInfo>)e.Result; if (videoInfos == null) { MyLog.Add(message + " Null VideoItems"); MyLog.AddElapsed(stopwatch.Elapsed); LoadVideos_Completed(sender, e); return; } MyLog.Add(message + " " + videoInfos.Count().ToString() + " VideoItems"); MyLog.AddElapsed(stopwatch.Elapsed); subFormProgress.Text("Applying.."); subFormProgress.Value(0); ListVideoInfo.SetList(videoInfos); } MyLog.Add("Setting List"); subFormProgress.Value(0); subFormProgress.Text("Setting List.."); subFormListView.SetListViewInfos(ListVideoInfo.GetList()); Application.DoEvents(); // meh, not needed but allow ui redraw if ( { MyLog.Add("Building Gallery"); subFormProgress.Text("Building Gallery.."); subFormProgress.Value(0); stopwatchBuildGalleryImages = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // stopped when background worker completed // build to either create thumbnails or get existing thumbnails // will call LoadVideos_Completed() via RunCalcStats() when done buildGalleryImages.Build(ListVideoInfo.GetList()); } else { RunCalcStats(sender, e); } } }