public StudentSearch(StaffDashboard dashboard, Staff staff) { Dashboard = dashboard; InitializeComponent(); this.staff = staff; ShowAll(); }
private void GoBack_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Hide(); if (mUser is Student) { StudentDashboard studentDashboardWindow = new StudentDashboard((Student)mUser); studentDashboardWindow.Show(); } else { StaffDashboard staffDashboard = new StaffDashboard((PersonalSupervisor)mUser); } }
private void GoBack_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (mUser is Staff) { Staff staff = mUser as Staff; StaffDashboard staffDashboard = new StaffDashboard((Staff)mUser, staff.messages1); staffDashboard.Show(); } //if it is staff this should be null and goto catch block StudentDashboard studentDashboardWindow = new StudentDashboard((Student)mUser); studentDashboardWindow.Show(); }
private void GoBack_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Hide(); if (mStudent != null) { StudentDashboard studentDashboardWindow = new StudentDashboard(mStudent); studentDashboardWindow.Show(); } else { StaffDashboard staffDashboardWindow = new StaffDashboard(mStaff, mStaff.messages1); staffDashboardWindow.Show(); } }
public AddDeleteUserWindow(StaffDashboard dashboard) { InitializeComponent(); mDashboard = dashboard; Supervisor.Text += "Write N/A if not applicable"; SqlCommand supervisors_ = new SqlCommand(); supervisors_.CommandText = "select FirstName, LastName from [Users_] where Classification='Personal Supervisor';"; supervisors_.Connection = mConnection; mConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader supervisorReader = supervisors_.ExecuteReader(); supervisorReader.Close(); mConnection.Close(); }
public void Login_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string username = Username.Text; string password = Password.Password; mConnection.Open(); SqlCommand search = new SqlCommand(); //search.CommandText = "select User_Id, password, Classification, FirstName, LastName,email,password,Supervisor from [Users_]"; search.CommandText = "select User_Id, password, Classification, FirstName, LastName,email,password,Supervisor,Message.Body,Message.Subject,Message.Sender from [Users_] full outer join Message on FirstName+' '+LastName=Message.Receiver "; search.Connection = mConnection; SqlDataReader reader = search.ExecuteReader(); string classification = ""; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader[0].ToString() == username) { username_match = true; if (reader[1].ToString() == password) { classification = reader[2].ToString(); password_match = true; break; } } } if (username_match && password_match) { int userId = int.Parse(reader[0].ToString()); string firstName = reader[3].ToString(); string lastName = reader[4].ToString(); string userName = firstName + " " + lastName; string MessageSubject = reader[9].ToString(); string messageBody = reader[8].ToString(); string _sender = reader[10].ToString(); Message message = new Message(0, DateTime.Now, MessageSubject, messageBody, _sender, null); List <Message> messages = new List <Message>(); messages.Add(message); switch (classification) { case "Student": this.Hide(); Student student = new Student(userId, userName, messages); StudentDashboard dashboard = new StudentDashboard(student); dashboard.Show(); break; case "Student Hub": this.Hide(); StudentHub studentHub = new StudentHub(userId, userName, classification, messages); StaffDashboard staffDashboard = new StaffDashboard(studentHub, messages); staffDashboard.Show(); break; case "Personal Supervisor": this.Hide(); PersonalSupervisor personalSupervisor = new PersonalSupervisor(userId, userName, classification, messages); StaffDashboard staffDashboard_PS = new StaffDashboard(personalSupervisor, messages); staffDashboard_PS.Show(); break; case "Director of Study": this.Hide(); DirectorOfStudy director = new DirectorOfStudy(userId, userName, classification, messages); StaffDashboard staffDashboard_DoS = new StaffDashboard(director, messages); staffDashboard_DoS.Show(); break; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid credentials", "Access Denied", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); InitializeComponent(); } mConnection.Close(); }
private void Login_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string username = Username.Text; string password = Password.Password; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(); var path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\DataBase\Users.mdf"; connection.ConnectionString = @"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=" + path + ";Integrated Security=True"; connection.Open(); SqlCommand search = new SqlCommand(); search.CommandText = "select User_Id, password, Classification, FirstName, LastName,email,password,Supervisor,Message.Body,Message.Subject from [Users_] full outer join Message on FirstName+' '+LastName=Message.Receiver "; search.Connection = connection; SqlDataReader reader = search.ExecuteReader(); string Classification = ""; // What is it for? while (reader.Read()) { if (reader[0].ToString() == username) { username_match = true; if (reader[1].ToString() == password) { Classification = reader[2].ToString(); password_match = true; break; } } } if (username_match && password_match) { int userId = int.Parse(reader[0].ToString()); string firstName = reader[3].ToString(); string lastName = reader[4].ToString(); string userName = firstName + " " + lastName; string MessageSubject = reader[9].ToString(); string messageBody = reader[8].ToString(); Message message = new Message(0, DateTime.Now, MessageSubject, messageBody, null, null); switch (Classification) { case "Student": this.Hide(); List <Message> messages = new List <Message>(); messages.Add(message); Student student = new Student(userId, userName, messages); StudentDashboard dashboard = new StudentDashboard(student); dashboard.Show(); break; case "Student Hub": this.Hide(); Staff staff = new Staff(userId, userName); StaffDashboard staffDashboard = new StaffDashboard(staff); staffDashboard.Show(); break; case "Personal Supervisor": this.Hide(); StaffDashboard staffDashboard_PS = new StaffDashboard(); staffDashboard_PS.Show(); break; case "Director of Study": this.Hide(); StaffDashboard staffDashboard_DoS = new StaffDashboard(); staffDashboard_DoS.Show(); break; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid credentials", "Access Denied", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); InitializeComponent(); } }