private void comboBoxFilter_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { ModelClass modelSearch = new ModelClass(); if (textBoxSearch.Text != "") { if (comboBoxFilter.SelectedIndex == 0) { DataTable dataTbl = modelSearch.SearchTask(textBoxSearch.Text); dataGridSearch.ItemsSource = dataTbl.DefaultView; } else if (comboBoxFilter.SelectedIndex == 1) { DataTable dataTbl = modelSearch.SearchExam(textBoxSearch.Text); dataGridSearch.ItemsSource = dataTbl.DefaultView; } else if (comboBoxFilter.SelectedIndex == 2) { DataTable dataTbl = modelSearch.SearchClass(textBoxSearch.Text); dataGridSearch.ItemsSource = dataTbl.DefaultView; } } else { dataGridSearch.ItemsSource = null; } }
private void buttonSignIn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int status; ModelClass model = new ModelClass(); status = model.SignIn(textBoxEmail.Text, passwordBoxPassword.Password); switch (status) { case 0: labelAlert.Content = "Wrong Username or Password!"; textBoxEmail.Text = null; passwordBoxPassword.Password = null; break; case 1: View_Home home = new View_Home(); App.Current.MainWindow = home; this.Close(); home.Show(); model.UserKey(textBoxEmail.Text); break; case 911: System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Can not Sign Up because of a severe Database problem! Please try later."); break; default: labelAlert.Content = "Duplicate Username and Password!"; break; } }
private void buttonNTSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ModelClass model = new ModelClass(); model.TaskInsertion(textBoxNTSubject.Text, textBoxNTType.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(datePickerNT.SelectedDate), textBoxNTTitle.Text, textBoxNTDetail.Text); RefreshTask(); if (comboBoxCurrentTask.SelectedIndex == 0) RefreshDataCurrentTask(); else RefreshDataPastTask(); }
private void buttonNESave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ModelClass model = new ModelClass(); model.ExamInsertion(textBoxNESubject.Text, textBoxNEModule.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(datePickerNEDate.SelectedDate), textBoxNEStartTime.Text, textBoxNEDuration.Text, textBoxNESeat.Text, textBoxNERoom.Text); RefreshExam(); if (comboBoxCurrentTask.SelectedIndex == 0) RefreshDataCurrentExam(); else RefreshDataPastExam(); }
private void buttonNCSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ModelClass model = new ModelClass(); model.ClassInsertion(textBoxNCSubject.Text, textBoxNCModule.Text, textBoxNCRoom.Text, textBoxNCBuilding.Text, textBoxNCTeacher.Text, datePickerNCDate.Text, textBoxNCStartTime.Text, textBoxNCEndTime.Text); RefreshClass(); RefreshDataClass(); }
private void buttonSignUp_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (textBoxFirstName.Text != "" && textBoxLastName.Text != "" && textBoxEmail.Text != "" && textBoxConfirmEmail.Text != "" && passwordBoxPassword.Password != "" && passwordBoxConfirmPassword.Password != "") { ModelClass model = new ModelClass(); if (model.SignUpInsertion(textBoxFirstName.Text, textBoxLastName.Text, textBoxEmail.Text, passwordBoxPassword.Password)) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Congratulation! You have successfully signed up for My Study Life."); View_Home home = new View_Home(); App.Current.MainWindow = home; this.Close(); home.Show(); } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Can not Sign Up because of a severe Database problem! Please try later."); } } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Fields can not be empty. All fields are required. Please try again."); } }