private string GetProcedureParameterLine(MySqlSchemaRow isRow) { string result; using (MySqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = new MySqlCommand(string.Format("SHOW CREATE {0} `{1}`.`{2}`", isRow["ROUTINE_TYPE"], isRow["ROUTINE_SCHEMA"], isRow["ROUTINE_NAME"]), this.connection).ExecuteReader()) { mySqlDataReader.Read(); if (mySqlDataReader.IsDBNull(2)) { result = null; } else { string @string = mySqlDataReader.GetString(1); string string2 = mySqlDataReader.GetString(2); MySqlTokenizer mySqlTokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(string2); mySqlTokenizer.AnsiQuotes = (@string.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1); mySqlTokenizer.BackslashEscapes = (@string.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") == -1); string a = mySqlTokenizer.NextToken(); while (a != "(") { a = mySqlTokenizer.NextToken(); } int num = mySqlTokenizer.StartIndex + 1; a = mySqlTokenizer.NextToken(); while (a != ")" || mySqlTokenizer.Quoted) { a = mySqlTokenizer.NextToken(); if (a == "(" && !mySqlTokenizer.Quoted) { while (a != ")" || mySqlTokenizer.Quoted) { a = mySqlTokenizer.NextToken(); } a = mySqlTokenizer.NextToken(); } } result = string2.Substring(num, mySqlTokenizer.StartIndex - num); } } return(result); }
public static UserData[] LoadAll(MySqlConnection Connection) { Contract.Requires(Connection != null, "Connection is null."); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand(loadAllQuery, Connection).ExecuteReader(); List<UserData> r = new List<UserData>(); object[] row = new object[5]; int count; while (reader.Read()) { count = reader.GetValues(row); r.Add(new UserData() { _name = (string)row[0], _id = (ulong)row[1], _pass = (string)row[2], _friendlyName = (string)row[3], _gold = (uint)row[5] }); } return r.ToArray(); }
protected MySqlSchemaCollection QueryCollection(string name, string sql) { MySqlSchemaCollection schemas = new MySqlSchemaCollection(name); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand(sql, this.connection).ExecuteReader(); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { schemas.AddColumn(reader.GetName(i), reader.GetFieldType(i)); } using (reader) { while (reader.Read()) { MySqlSchemaRow row = schemas.AddRow(); for (int j = 0; j < reader.FieldCount; j++) { row[j] = reader.GetValue(j); } } } return(schemas); }
private MySqlSchemaCollection GetTable(string sql) { MySqlSchemaCollection mySqlSchemaCollection = new MySqlSchemaCollection(); MySqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = new MySqlCommand(sql, this.connection).ExecuteReader(); for (int i = 0; i < mySqlDataReader.FieldCount; i++) { mySqlSchemaCollection.AddColumn(mySqlDataReader.GetName(i), mySqlDataReader.GetFieldType(i)); } using (mySqlDataReader) { while (mySqlDataReader.Read()) { MySqlSchemaRow mySqlSchemaRow = mySqlSchemaCollection.AddRow(); for (int j = 0; j < mySqlDataReader.FieldCount; j++) { mySqlSchemaRow[j] = mySqlDataReader.GetValue(j); } } } return(mySqlSchemaCollection); }
public virtual List <MySqlError> ReportWarnings(MySqlConnection connection) { List <MySqlError> list = new List <MySqlError>(); using (MySqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = new MySqlCommand("SHOW WARNINGS", connection) { InternallyCreated = true }.ExecuteReader()) { while (mySqlDataReader.Read()) { list.Add(new MySqlError(mySqlDataReader.GetString(0), mySqlDataReader.GetInt32(1), mySqlDataReader.GetString(2))); } } MySqlInfoMessageEventArgs mySqlInfoMessageEventArgs = new MySqlInfoMessageEventArgs(); mySqlInfoMessageEventArgs.errors = list.ToArray(); if (connection != null) { connection.OnInfoMessage(mySqlInfoMessageEventArgs); } return(list); }
private void buttonDbTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { reopenDatabase(); comboBoxSchema.Items.Clear(); MySqlDataReader dr = new MySqlCommand("SHOW DATABASES;", _conn).ExecuteReader(); while(dr.Read()) { comboBoxSchema.Items.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } dr.Close(); }
private void BwOnDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; while (_running) { if ((worker.CancellationPending == true)) { e.Cancel = true; return; } else { // Perform a time consuming operation and report progress. String str1, str2; MySqlDataReader rd1, rd2; MySqlConnection Con = new MySqlConnection( "Data Source=;Database=chatapp;Uid=chatappuser;pwd=1234@ChatAppUser;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;"); // SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Test;User ID=;Password=;Connection Timeout=600"); Con.Open(); rd1 = new MySqlCommand( "select top 1 Chat from chat where where email ='" + label4.Text + "'order by id Desc", Con) .ExecuteReader(); rd1.Read(); str1 = rd1["Chat"].ToString(); rd1.Close(); rd2 = new MySqlCommand( "select top 1 UserInitial from chat where email ='" + label4.Text + "' order by id Desc", Con) .ExecuteReader(); rd2.Read(); str2 = rd2["UserInitial"].ToString(); rd2.Close(); if (str1 != str2) { MySqlDataReader rd3, rd4; rd3 = new MySqlCommand( "select top 1 UserInitial from chat where email ='" + label4.Text + "'order by id desc", Con).ExecuteReader(); var value = rd3.Read(); rd3.Close(); if (richTextBox1.InvokeRequired) { richTextBox1.BeginInvoke( new MethodInvoker(() => richTextBox1.Text += richTextBox1.Text + " <br /> " + value)); } else { richTextBox1.Text = richTextBox1.Text + " <br /> " + value; } rd4 = new MySqlCommand( "Update top 1 chat set Chat = UserInitial where email ='" + label4.Text + "'order by id desc", Con).ExecuteReader(); rd4.Read(); rd4.Close(); Con.Close(); } // Thread.Sleep(1000); //sleep 1 second } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } }
private bool isWhitelisted(string guid, string name) { bool result = true; try { MySqlConnection mySqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(this.sqlSource); mySqlConnection.Open(); string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + this.sqlTable + " WHERE guid = @guid AND name = @name"; MySqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = new MySqlCommand(cmdText, mySqlConnection) { Parameters = { new MySqlParameter("@guid", guid), new MySqlParameter("@name", name) } }.ExecuteReader(); if (mySqlDataReader.Read()) { result = true; } else if (numPlayers > this.allowedPlayers) { this.write(" " + name + " disconnected, not a donator. GUID: " + guid, ConsoleColor.Yellow); this.write("Player Slots Allowed: " + this.allowedPlayers, ConsoleColor.Yellow); this.write("Player Number: " + numPlayers, ConsoleColor.Yellow); result = false; } else { this.write(" " + name + " connected, but is not a donator. GUID: " + guid, ConsoleColor.Yellow); this.write("Player Slots Allowed: " + this.allowedPlayers, ConsoleColor.Yellow); this.write("Player Number: " + numPlayers, ConsoleColor.Yellow); result = true; } mySqlConnection.Close(); } catch { this.write("Could not get to the whitelist!\nPlease check all MYSQL settings\nAnd check the config.txt\nAnd make shure the user has rights to the Database.\nGood luck xD", ConsoleColor.Red); } return result; }
public object[] DLookupA(string table, string fieldName, string clauses, string[] orderByFieldNames, bool orderByAsc) { List<object> data = new List<object>(); bool connectedP = isConnectedDo; string query = ""; try { query = "SELECT " + fieldName + " FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + clauses + ")" + ((orderByFieldNames.Length > 0) ? " ORDER BY " + getOrderByData(orderByFieldNames) + " " + ((orderByAsc) ? "ASC" : "DESC") : ""); if (dbType == DatabaseType.MSSQL) { getQueryDbChanger(query, SqlTypes.SELECT); SqlDataReader Dr = new SqlCommand(query, MSSQLConn).ExecuteReader(); while (Dr.Read()) { data.Add(Dr[0]); } Dr.Close(); } else if (dbType == DatabaseType.MYSQL) { MySqlDataReader Dr = new MySqlCommand(query, MySQLConn).ExecuteReader(); while (Dr.Read()) { data.Add(Dr[0]); } Dr.Close(); } else if (dbType == DatabaseType.MSACCESS2003 | dbType == DatabaseType.MSACCESS2007) { OleDbDataReader Dr = new OleDbCommand(query, MSDBSQLConn).ExecuteReader(); while (Dr.Read()) { data.Add(Dr[0]); } Dr.Close(); } } catch (Exception eee) { OnError(eee); data.Clear(); data.Add("ERROR: " + eee.Message); data.Add("ERRORI: " + table); data.Add("ERRORI: " + fieldName); data.Add("ERRORI: " + clauses); data.Add("ERRORI: " + query); } finally { if (!connectedP) closeConnection(); } return data.ToArray(); }
public static Request getItem() { Request r = new Request(); try { MySqlDataReader rdr = new MySqlCommand("SELECT `id`,`steam_id`,`type`,`priority` FROM `queue` WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `queue_id` FROM `queue_status` WHERE `active`=1 AND `status`=" + (int)RequestStatus.Waiting + ") ORDER BY `priority` DESC, `id` ASC LIMIT 1", QueueConnection).ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { r.ID = rdr.GetInt32(0); r.User = rdr.GetUInt64(1); r.TradeType = (Bot.TradeTypes)rdr.GetInt32(2); r.Priority = rdr.GetInt32(3); } rdr.Close(); r.Data = new string[Int32.Parse((new MySqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(`data`) FROM `queue_items` WHERE `queue_id`=" + r.ID, conn)).ExecuteScalar().ToString())]; rdr = (new MySqlCommand("SELECT `data` FROM `queue_items` WHERE `queue_id`=" + r.ID, conn)).ExecuteReader(); int i = 0; while (rdr.Read()) r.Data[i++] = rdr.GetString(0); rdr.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Error getting new request: " + e.Message); } return r; }
public object DLookup(string table, string fieldName, string clauses, string[] orderByFieldNames, bool orderByAsc) { object data = null; bool connectedP = isConnectedDo; try { string query = "SELECT TOP 1 " + fieldName + " FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + clauses + ")" + ((orderByFieldNames.Length > 0) ? " ORDER BY " + getOrderByData(orderByFieldNames) + " " + ((orderByAsc) ? "ASC" : "DESC") : ""); if (dbType == DatabaseType.MSSQL) { getQueryDbChanger(query, SqlTypes.SELECT); SqlDataReader Dr = new SqlCommand(query, MSSQLConn).ExecuteReader(); if (Dr.Read()) { data = Dr[0]; } Dr.Close(); } else if (dbType == DatabaseType.MYSQL) { MySqlDataReader Dr = new MySqlCommand(query, MySQLConn).ExecuteReader(); if (Dr.Read()) { data = Dr[0]; } Dr.Close(); } else if (dbType == DatabaseType.MSACCESS2003 | dbType == DatabaseType.MSACCESS2007) { OleDbDataReader Dr = new OleDbCommand(query, MSDBSQLConn).ExecuteReader(); if (Dr.Read()) { data = Dr[0]; } Dr.Close(); } } catch (Exception eee) { OnError(eee); data = eee.Message; } finally { if (!connectedP) closeConnection(); } return data; }
public object DLookup(string sqlQuery) { object data = null; bool connectedP = isConnectedDo; try { if (dbType == DatabaseType.MSSQL) { getQueryDbChanger(sqlQuery, SqlTypes.SELECT); SqlDataReader Dr = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, MSSQLConn).ExecuteReader(); if (Dr.Read()) { data = Dr[0]; } Dr.Close(); } else if (dbType == DatabaseType.MYSQL) { MySqlDataReader Dr = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, MySQLConn).ExecuteReader(); if (Dr.Read()) { data = Dr[0]; } Dr.Close(); } else if (dbType == DatabaseType.MSACCESS2003 | dbType == DatabaseType.MSACCESS2007) { OleDbDataReader Dr = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, MSDBSQLConn).ExecuteReader(); if (Dr.Read()) { data = Dr[0]; } Dr.Close(); } } catch (Exception eee) { OnError(eee); data = eee.Message; } finally { if (!connectedP) closeConnection(); } return data; }
private static List<string> GetTableNames() { try { m_Connection.Open(); MySqlDataReader mysqlDR = new MySqlCommand(ConfigConst.MysqlCmd, m_Connection).ExecuteReader(); List<string> tables = new List<string>(); while (mysqlDR.Read()) { string table = mysqlDR.GetString(0); if (!tables.Contains(table) && table.Contains(ConfigConst.TableNameKeyWord)) { tables.Add(table); } } m_Connection.Close(); return tables; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Error : " + e.Message); throw; } }
private static IEnumerable<int> CheckAndAddProducts(IList<string> productSubNumbers, string productMainDescr, IList<string> productSubDescriptions) { var productIds = new List<int>(); var productAttributes = new List<string>(); if (productSubNumbers.Count > 1) { var attributes = "Rozmiar"; var productNumberLength = productSubNumbers[0].Length - 2; string productNumber = productSubNumbers[0].Substring(0, productNumberLength); const string attributesRegex = "((rozm\\.)|(Rozmiar)|(rozmiar))\\s*\\w*"; foreach (var productSubDescription in productSubDescriptions) { var temp = new Regex(attributesRegex).Match(productSubDescription).Value; try { productAttributes.Add(temp.Split(' ')[1]); } catch(Exception) { try { productAttributes.Add(temp.Split('.')[1]); } catch(Exception) { var tempSubDescr = productSubDescription.Split(' '); productAttributes.Add(tempSubDescr[tempSubDescr.Length - 1]); } } } var productTemp = new Regex(attributesRegex).Match(productSubDescriptions[0]).Value; string productName = ""; try { productName = productSubDescriptions[0].Replace(productTemp, ""); } catch(Exception) { var tempProductNameAll = productSubDescriptions[0].Split(' '); var tempProductName = ""; for (var i = 0; i < tempProductNameAll.Length - 1; i++) { tempProductName += tempProductNameAll[i] + " "; } productName = tempProductName; } for (var i = 0; i < productSubNumbers.Count; i++) { attributes += String.Format(",({0}) {1}", productSubNumbers[i], productAttributes[i]); } var selectQuery = "select * from jos_vm_product where product_sku = " + productNumber; selectQuery = productSubNumbers.Aggregate(selectQuery, (current, productSubNumber) => current + (" or attribute like \"%" + productSubNumber + "%\"")); var selectCommand = new MySqlCommand(selectQuery, _mySqlConnect).ExecuteReader(); if (!selectCommand.Read()) { selectCommand.Close(); var insertQuery = String.Format("insert into jos_vm_product (vendor_id, product_parent_id, product_sku, product_s_desc, product_desc, product_thumb_image, product_full_image, product_publish, product_weight, product_weight_uom, product_length, product_width, product_height, product_lwh_uom, product_url, product_in_stock, product_available_date, product_availability, product_special, product_discount_id, ship_code_id, cdate, mdate, product_name, product_sales, attribute, custom_attribute, product_tax_id, product_unit, product_packaging, child_options, quantity_options, child_option_ids, product_order_levels) VALUES (1, 0, {0}, '', '{1}', '', '', 'Y', '0.0000', 'kg', '0.0000', '0.0000', '0.0000', 'cm', '', 0, 1279843200, '', 'N', 0, NULL, 1279922325, 1279922577, '{2}', 0, '{3}', '', 3, 'szt.', 0, 'N,N,N,N,N,Y,20%,10%,', 'none,0,0,1', '', '0,0')", productNumber, productMainDescr, productName, attributes); var insertCommand = new MySqlCommand(insertQuery, _mySqlConnect); insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); productIds.Add((int)insertCommand.LastInsertedId); } else { productIds.Add(selectCommand.GetInt32("product_id")); selectCommand.Close(); } } else { for (var j = 0; j < productSubNumbers.Count; j++) { var selectQuery = "select * from jos_vm_product where product_sku = " + productSubNumbers[j]; selectQuery = productSubNumbers.Aggregate(selectQuery, (current, productSubNumber) => current + (" or attribute like \"%" + productSubNumber + "%\"")); var selectCommand = new MySqlCommand(selectQuery, _mySqlConnect).ExecuteReader(); if (!selectCommand.Read()) { selectCommand.Close(); var insertQuery = String.Format("insert into jos_vm_product (vendor_id, product_parent_id, product_sku, product_s_desc, product_desc, product_thumb_image, product_full_image, product_publish, product_weight, product_weight_uom, product_length, product_width, product_height, product_lwh_uom, product_url, product_in_stock, product_available_date, product_availability, product_special, product_discount_id, ship_code_id, cdate, mdate, product_name, product_sales, attribute, custom_attribute, product_tax_id, product_unit, product_packaging, child_options, quantity_options, child_option_ids, product_order_levels) VALUES (1, 0, {0}, '', '{1}', '', '', 'Y', '0.0000', 'kg', '0.0000', '0.0000', '0.0000', 'cm', '', 0, 1279843200, '', 'N', 0, NULL, 1279922325, 1279922577, '{2}', 0, '', '', 3, 'szt.', 0, 'N,N,N,N,N,Y,20%,10%,', 'none,0,0,1', '', '0,0')", productSubNumbers[j], productMainDescr, productSubDescriptions[j]); var insertCommand = new MySqlCommand(insertQuery, _mySqlConnect); insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); productIds.Add((int)insertCommand.LastInsertedId); } else { productIds.Add(selectCommand.GetInt32("product_id")); selectCommand.Close(); continue; } } } return productIds; }
public static void getTencentNews(string url, MySqlConnection conn) { string filename = "", publishdate = "", typename = "", sql = ""; string[] picimg = new string[200]; string[] pictxt = new string[200]; int picimgPos = 0, pictxtPos = 0; HttpWebRequest httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse(); Stream receiveStream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.Default); string htmlstr = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); //htmlstr是新闻标题页源代码 streamReader.Close(); try { //正则表达式获取<a href></a>内容url MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(htmlstr, "<a target=\"_blank\" class=\"linkto\" href=\"(.*?).htm\"(.*?)>(.*?)</a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match in matches) { //matches2 获取 matches 中的新闻标题 MatchCollection matches2 = Regex.Matches(match.Value.ToString(), "(>)(.*?)(</a>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match2 in matches2) { filename = match2.Value.ToString().Substring(1).Replace("</a>", ""); sql = "insert into files(filename,typename,typeid,filecontent,publisher,publishdate,link) values('" + filename + "',"; } //matches3 获取 matches 中的新闻网址 MatchCollection matches3 = Regex.Matches(match.Value.ToString(), "href=\"([^\"]*?)\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match3 in matches3) { string filecontent = ""; picimgPos = 0; pictxtPos = 0; string newshtml = match3.Value.ToString().Substring(5).Replace("\"", ""); //newshtml 是新闻网址 HttpWebRequest httpRequest2 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(newshtml); HttpWebResponse httpResponse2; try { httpResponse2 = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest2.GetResponse(); } catch (WebException ex) { httpResponse2 = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response; } Stream receiveStream2 = httpResponse2.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader streamReader2 = new StreamReader(receiveStream2, Encoding.Default); string htmlstr2 = streamReader2.ReadToEnd(); //htmlstr2是新闻详情页的源代码 streamReader2.Close(); //matches5 获取新闻内的图片 MatchCollection matches5 = Regex.Matches(htmlstr2, "<img alt=(.*?) src=\"(.*?)\">", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match5 in matches5) { picimg[picimgPos] = match5.Value.ToString(); picimgPos++; } //matches6 获取新闻内图片的说明 MatchCollection matches6 = Regex.Matches(htmlstr2, "<p class=pictext align=center>(.*?)</p>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match6 in matches6) { pictxt[pictxtPos] = match6.Value.ToString(); pictxtPos++; } //matches7 获取新闻发布时间 MatchCollection matches7 = Regex.Matches(htmlstr2, "<span class=\"article-time\">(.*?)</span>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match7 in matches7) { MatchCollection matches8 = Regex.Matches(match7.Value.ToString(), ">(.*?)</span>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match8 in matches8) { publishdate = match8.Value.ToString().Substring(1).Replace("</span>", ""); } } //matches9 获取新闻类型 MatchCollection matches9 = Regex.Matches(htmlstr2, "<a target=\"_blank\" accesskey=\"5\" href=\"(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)</a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match9 in matches9) { MatchCollection matches10 = Regex.Matches(match9.Value.ToString(), ">(.*?)</a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match10 in matches10) { typename = match10.Value.ToString().Substring(1).Replace("</a>", ""); } } for (int i = 0; i < (picimgPos > pictxtPos ? pictxtPos : picimgPos); i++) filecontent = filecontent + picimg[i] + pictxt[i]; MatchCollection matches4 = Regex.Matches(htmlstr2, "<P style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em\">(.*?)</P>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match4 in matches4) { filecontent = filecontent + match4.Value.ToString().Replace("'", "\\'"); } conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader_select_typeid = new MySqlCommand("select typeid from type where typename='" + typename + "'", conn).ExecuteReader(); int typeid = 99; while (reader_select_typeid.Read()) { if (reader_select_typeid.HasRows) typeid = reader_select_typeid.GetInt32(0); else new MySqlCommand("insert into type(typename) values('" + typename + "')", conn).ExecuteNonQuery(); } reader_select_typeid.Close(); MySqlDataReader reader_typeid = new MySqlCommand("select typeid from type where typename='" + typename + "'", conn).ExecuteReader(); if (reader_typeid.Read()) typeid = reader_typeid.GetInt32(0); reader_typeid.Close(); sql += "'" + typename + "'," + typeid + ",'" + filecontent + "','UM','" + publishdate + "','" + newshtml + "')"; MySqlDataReader reader_filename = new MySqlCommand("select filename from files where filename='" + filename + "'", conn).ExecuteReader(); if (reader_filename.HasRows || filecontent.Equals("") || filecontent.Length < 300) { reader_filename.Close(); } else { reader_filename.Close(); new MySqlCommand(sql, conn).ExecuteNonQuery(); } conn.Close(); } } } catch (Exception msg) { } }
private int CheckForProduct(int articleNr) { var selectQuery = String.Format("select product_id from jos_vm_product where product_sku = \"{0}\" or attribute like \"%{0}%\"", articleNr); var selectCommand = new MySqlCommand(selectQuery, _mySqlConnect).ExecuteReader(); if (!selectCommand.Read()) { selectCommand.Close(); return 0; } var temp = selectCommand.GetInt32("product_id"); selectCommand.Close(); return temp; }
private void AddPriceForProduct(int productNr, double price) { price = CheckPrice(price); if (productNr == 0) return; var selectQuery = String.Format("select product_id from jos_vm_product_price where product_id = {0}", productNr); var selectCommand = new MySqlCommand(selectQuery, _mySqlConnect).ExecuteReader(); var priceString = price.ToString().Replace(',', '.'); if (!selectCommand.Read()) { selectCommand.Close(); //nie znaleziono ceny w bazie var insertCommand = String.Format("insert into jos_vm_product_price (product_id, product_price, product_currency, product_price_vdate, product_price_edate, cdate, mdate, shopper_group_id, price_quantity_start, price_quantity_end) values ({0}, '{1}', 'EUR', 0, 0, 1280422085, 1280422085, 5, 0, 0)", productNr, priceString); new MySqlCommand(insertCommand, _mySqlConnect).ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { selectCommand.Close(); //znaleziono cenę w bazie var updateCommand = String.Format("update jos_vm_product_price set product_price = \"{0}\" where product_id = {1}", priceString, productNr); new MySqlCommand(updateCommand, _mySqlConnect).ExecuteNonQuery(); //Euro - EUR, Poland - PLN updateCommand = String.Format("update jos_vm_product_price set product_currency = 'EUR' where product_id = {0}", productNr); new MySqlCommand(updateCommand, _mySqlConnect).ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
public static Dictionary<string, object>[] Select(string table, string where, string order, string limit, string fields) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where)) { where = " WHERE " + where; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(order)) { order = " ORDER BY " + order; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(limit)) { limit = " LIMIT " + limit; } string sql = "SELECT " + fields + " FROM `" + table + "`" + where + order + limit; lock (mySqlReaderLock) { using (MySqlDataReader resultSet = new MySqlCommand(sql, DefaultConnection()).ExecuteReader()) { List<Dictionary<string, object>> rtn = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>(); while (resultSet.Read()) { Dictionary<string, object> row = new Dictionary<string, object>(); for (int j = 0; j < resultSet.FieldCount; j++) { row[resultSet.GetName(j)] = resultSet.GetValue(j); } rtn.Add(row); } return rtn.ToArray(); } } }
private List<string> GetTableNames() { try { this.m_Connection.Open(); MySqlDataReader mysqlDR = new MySqlCommand(MyConst.MysqlCmd, this.m_Connection).ExecuteReader(); List<string> tables = new List<string>(); while (mysqlDR.Read()) { string table = mysqlDR.GetString(0); if (!tables.Contains(table) && table.Contains(MyConst.TableNameKeyWord)) { tables.Add(table); } } this.m_Connection.Close(); return tables; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + e.Message); throw; } }