コード例 #1
 private void ProcessInviteCommand(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, AppUser user)
     if (user.UserRole != UserRole.Parent)
         //STEP - make sure user is a Parent, if not say only parents can invite sitters.
         _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, MessageTemplates.OnlyParentsCanSendSignupInvites(), user.Id);
         _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndAwait(msgInbound, "Ok, I'll invite someone to join your MySitters. What is their mobile number?", user.Id, InboundMessageType.SignupInvite);
コード例 #2
        public string DaysOfWeekStartingToday(AppUser user)
            DateTime now = user.ToLocalTime(TimeUtil.GetCurrentUtcTime());

            var days = new List<string>();
            var day = (DayOfWeekMessage) (int) now.DayOfWeek;

            while (days.Count < 7)
                day = (DayOfWeekMessage) (((int) day + 1)%7);

            return string.Join(" ", days); // "Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat or Sun?";
コード例 #3
        public void ProcessResponseToSignupInvite(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, TxtMsgAwaitingResponse awaiting, AppUser user)
            MessageAffirmativeType affirmativeType = MessageUtility.ParseAffirmativeType(msgInbound);
            string feedback = null;
            Parent parent = _parentRepository.GetById(awaiting.ParentId, true);
            if (parent == null)
                throw new Exception("Error while processing inbound message. Parent not found with ID" + awaiting.ParentId);
            // If user answers 'yes'.
            if (affirmativeType == MessageAffirmativeType.yes)
                // If user already exists we simply add hib to parent's sitterhub.
                if (user != null)
                    if (user.UserRole == UserRole.Sitter)
                        // ..sure if this user is a sitter.
                        AddSitterToParentMySitters(user.Id, parent, msgInbound.MobilePhone);
                        feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatUserAddedToSitters(parent);
                        // Otherwise we cannot add user because he is not a sitter.
                        feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatInvitedUserIsNotASitter();
                    // If user doesn't exist we need to create new one.
                    // Create new (default) sitter profile.
                    var newSitter = new SignupInfo
                        User = new AppUser
                            FirstName = "New Sitter",
                            LastName = "",
                            Email = "",
                            MobilePhone = msgInbound.MobilePhone,
                            UserRole = UserRole.Sitter,
                        Pass = GeneratePassForNewUser() //FutureDev: text this password to sitter as their new temp password.
                    newSitter.SitterSignupInfo = new SitterSignupInfo {ParentEmail = "", ParentMobile = ""};

                    SignupResult result = new SignupRepository().SaveNewSignup(newSitter, false, false);
                    if (!result.IsSuccess)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to create new profile for sitter during parent invite." + result.Error);
                    // If there were no errors we can continue.
                    // We need to add newly created user into parent's sitterhub.
                    AddSitterToParentMySitters(result.NewId, parent, msgInbound.MobilePhone);
                    // Send message about new account created and user successfully added to parent's hub.
                    feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatUserAddedToSittersAndProfileCreated(parent, newSitter.Pass);
                // If user answered 'no'.
            else if (affirmativeType == MessageAffirmativeType.no)
                // TODO: separate failure message.
                // We send message to sitter that we didn't added him to parent's hub.
                feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatDeclineInvitationToSitterhub(parent);
                _parentRepository.CancelInviteSitter(parent.Id, msgInbound.MobilePhone, true);
                // If user's answer can't be parsed.
                feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatSitterInvalidResponseToJobOrSignup(false);
            // Update state of message.
            _txtMsgInboundDal.UpdateState(msgInbound.Id, TxtMsgProcessState.Processed);
            // If sitter's answer was successfully parsed we can mark this message as processed.
            if (affirmativeType != MessageAffirmativeType.Unknown)
            // TODO: where we send messages to parent? Seems like we can do it here.
            if (feedback != null)
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, feedback, user.Id);
コード例 #4
        public void ProcessPostJobConversation(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, TxtMsgAwaitingResponse awaiting, AppUser parentUser)
            string conversationContext;
            string msg;

            if (MessageUtility.IsCancelRequested(msgInbound))
                msg = "Ok, job posting cancelled";
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndDeleteAwaiting(msgInbound, msg, parentUser.Id, awaiting);

            switch (msgInbound.InboundMessageType)
                case InboundMessageType.PostJob_Step2_DayOfWeek:
                    DayOfWeekMessage? dayOfWeek = MessageUtility.ParseDayOfWeek(msgInbound.Message);
                    if (dayOfWeek == null)
                        msg = string.Format("Invalid day of week, post a job for which day: {0}? Or say 'cancel'", new NewCommandManager().DaysOfWeekStartingToday(parentUser));
                        _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, msg, parentUser.Id);
                        conversationContext = JsonSerializerHelper.Serialize(new PostJobViaTxtAnswers {DayOfWeek = dayOfWeek.Value});
                        msg = "What time?";
                        _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndAwait(msgInbound, msg, parentUser.Id, InboundMessageType.PostJob_Step3_StartTime, awaiting, conversationContext);
                case InboundMessageType.PostJob_Step3_StartTime:
                    JobTimeSmall startHour = MessageUtility.ParseStartTime(msgInbound.Message, _log);
                    if (startHour == null)
                        msg = string.Format("Please enter a valid job start time. Valid examples: 9am, 9pm, 12:30am, 10:00pm. What time?");
                        _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, msg, parentUser.Id);
                        var postJobAnswers = JsonSerializerHelper.DeSerialize<PostJobViaTxtAnswers>(awaiting.ConversationMemory);
                        postJobAnswers.StartHour = startHour;
                        conversationContext = JsonSerializerHelper.Serialize(postJobAnswers);
#if OFF
                        var sits = ListSittersForParent(msgInbound.UserId);
                        if (sits == null)
                            msg = "Unable to post job because you do not have any sitters. Please invite babysitters to your MySitters."; //FutureDev: do this earlier
                            _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, msg);
                            newAwaitingType = InboundMessageType.PostJob_Step5_Confirm;
                            msg = string.Format("Which sitters? {0}", sits);
                        msg = MessageUtility.FormatJobConfirm(postJobAnswers, parentUser, _parentRepository);
                        _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndAwait(msgInbound, msg, parentUser.Id, InboundMessageType.PostJob_Step5_Confirm, awaiting, conversationContext);
#if OFF
                case InboundMessageType.PostJob_Step4_SelectSitters:
                    int? sitterId = ParseSitterNum(msgInbound.Message, msgInbound.UserId);


                case InboundMessageType.PostJob_Step5_Confirm:
                    MessageAffirmativeType affirmative = MessageUtility.ParseAffirmativeType(msgInbound, true);

                    if (affirmative == MessageAffirmativeType.yes)
                        var pa = JsonSerializerHelper.DeSerialize<PostJobViaTxtAnswers>(awaiting.ConversationMemory);

                        var jobSM = new PostJobSM();

                        jobSM.DateTimeStartDte = MessageUtility.CalcJobStartTime(pa).AddHours(- parentUser.TimezoneOffset); // Convert to UTC
                        jobSM.Duration = 3; // note, default to 3
                        jobSM.JobInvites = new List<JobInvite>();
                        List<ParentMySitterSM> psitters = _parentRepository.GetSittersForParent(parentUser.Id).Sitters;
                        foreach (ParentMySitterSM s in psitters)
                            jobSM.JobInvites.Add(new JobInvite { SitterId = s.Id, InvitedDate = TimeUtil.GetCurrentUtcTime(), RatePerHour = s.Rate, State = InvitationState.InvitePending });

                        jobSM.ParentId = parentUser.Id;

                        _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndDeleteAwaiting(msgInbound, "Congrats! Job posted. You can view details at mysitterhub.com", parentUser.Id, awaiting);
                    else if (affirmative == MessageAffirmativeType.no)
                        _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndDeleteAwaiting(msgInbound, "Ok, Job posting cancelled", parentUser.Id, awaiting); //note, this will only get hit when the user says "no".
                        _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, "Please say 'yes' to post job or 'cancel'", parentUser.Id);

                    throw new Exception("InboundMessageType not recognized in ProcessPostJobConversation. " + msgInbound.InboundMessageType);
コード例 #5
 public void ProcessSelfSignupConversation_Step2(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, TxtMsgAwaitingResponse awaiting, AppUser user)
コード例 #6
        public void ProcessSelfSignupConversation_Step1(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, TxtMsgAwaitingResponse awaiting, AppUser user)
            bool deleteAwaiting = true;
            if (MessageUtility.IsCancelRequested(msgInbound))
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, "Ok, signup cancelled", user.Id);
            else if (msgInbound.Message == "sitter" || msgInbound.Message == "parent" || msgInbound.Message == "babysitter")
                bool isSitter = (msgInbound.Message == "sitter" || msgInbound.Message == "babysitter");
                // STEP - Create new AppUser
                var newUser = new SignupInfo
                    User = new AppUser
                        FirstName = "New Self Signup",
                        LastName = "",
                        Email = "",
                        MobilePhone = msgInbound.MobilePhone,
                        UserRole = isSitter ? UserRole.Sitter : UserRole.Parent,
                    Pass = GeneratePassForNewUser()
                if (isSitter)
                    newUser.SitterSignupInfo = new SitterSignupInfo {ParentEmail = "", ParentMobile = ""};

                SignupResult result = new SignupRepository().SaveNewSignup(newUser, false);
                if (result.IsSuccess)
                    _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("Ok, you have signed up for mysitterhub.com, you can login at mysitterhub.com with your mobile number and password: {0}.", newUser.Pass), user.Id);
                    //_omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("You can finish filling out your profile. What is your name? Or say 'cancel'."));
                    //_txtMsgAwaitingResponseDal.Insert(new TxtMsgAwaitingResponse(outboundTxtMsgId, 0, msgInbound.MobilePhone, InboundMessageType.SelfSignup_Step2_Name, 0)); //FutureDev
                    _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("Error while signing up:" + result.Error), user.Id);
                    new LogUtil().LogMessage("signup unsuccessful " + result.Error);
                    deleteAwaiting = false;
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("Invalid response, are you a 'parent' or a 'sitter'? Or say 'cancel' to quit the signup process."), user.Id);
                deleteAwaiting = false;

            if (deleteAwaiting)
コード例 #7
        public void ProcessSitterResonseToJobPosting(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, TxtMsgAwaitingResponse awaiting, AppUser user)
            string feedback = null;
            bool stillAwaiting = true;
            Job job = _jobRepo.GetById(awaiting.JobId);

            if (job == null)
                string msgError = "Unable to find job with id " + awaiting.JobId;
                _log.Error(msgInbound.MobilePhone, msgError, null);
                _txtMsgInboundDal.UpdateState(msgInbound.Id, TxtMsgProcessState.Error, msgError);
            var response = new SitterJobInviteResponseSM
                JobId = job.Id,
                SitterId = awaiting.WaitingForUserId,
                Message = msgInbound.Message

            MessageAffirmativeType aff = MessageUtility.ParseAffirmativeType(msgInbound);

            if (aff == MessageAffirmativeType.yes)
                response.Response = SitterResponse.Accept;
                feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatSitterAcceptJob();
                stillAwaiting = false;
            else if (aff == MessageAffirmativeType.no)
                response.Response = SitterResponse.Decline;
                feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatSitterDeclineJob("parent"); //TODO
                stillAwaiting = false;
                response.Response = SitterResponse.Unrecognized;
                feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatSitterInvalidResponseToJobOrSignup(true);
                stillAwaiting = true;
            _jobRepo.ProcessSitterResponse(response, job);

            _txtMsgInboundDal.UpdateState(msgInbound.Id, TxtMsgProcessState.Processed);

            if (feedback != null)
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, feedback, user.Id);

            if (!stillAwaiting)

            if (aff == MessageAffirmativeType.yes && job != null)
                    // STEP - Send confirm to parent, and closed notice to other sitters
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _log.Error(job.ParentId.ToString(), "error while SendParentNoticeOfSitterAccept(). msgInbound.Id:" + msgInbound.Id, ex);
コード例 #8
        public void ProcessSignupInviteConversation(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, TxtMsgAwaitingResponse awaiting, AppUser user)
            string mobileToInvite = PhoneUtil.CleanAndEnsureCountryCode(msgInbound.Message);
            if (MessageUtility.IsCancelRequested(msgInbound))
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndDeleteAwaiting(msgInbound, string.Format("Ok, invitation cancelled."), user.Id, awaiting);
            if (!PhoneUtil.IsValidPhoneNumber(mobileToInvite))
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid mobile number to invite to signup for mysitterhub.com. Please enter 10 digit number. Or say 'cancel'.", msgInbound.Message), user.Id);

            int parentId = awaiting.WaitingForUserId;
            AppUser parentUser = new AppUserDal().GetById(parentId);

            if (parentUser.UserRole != UserRole.Parent)
                //STEP - make sure user is a Parent, if not say only parents can invite sitters.
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, MessageTemplates.OnlyParentsCanSendSignupInvites(), user.Id);
                //STEP - confirm sending invite
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, "Sending invite to " + mobileToInvite, user.Id);
                var sitterInvite = new InviteToSignup {MobilePhone = mobileToInvite};
                ServiceResult result = new ParentRepository().AddSitterInviteByMobile(parentId, sitterInvite);
                if (!result.IsSuccess)
                    _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, "Error while sending invite to " + mobileToInvite + " please try again.", user.Id);
コード例 #9
 private void ProcessStatusCommand(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, AppUser user)
     _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, "Ok, I'll list your jobs. Your open jobs are..", user.Id);
     //FutureDev: implement
コード例 #10
 private void ProcessHelpCommand(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, AppUser user)
     _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, "mysitterhub.com help. " + MessageTemplates.FormatValidCommands(user.UserRole), user.Id);
コード例 #11
        public void ProcessPostJobCommand(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, AppUser parentUser)
            if (parentUser.UserRole != UserRole.Parent)
                string msg3 = string.Format(MessageTemplates.MySitterHubPefix() + " Sorry, only parents can post jobs.");
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, msg3, parentUser.Id);
            int count = new ParentRepository().GetSitterCountForParent(parentUser.Id);
            if (count == 0)
                string msg2 = string.Format(MessageTemplates.MySitterHubPefix() + " Sorry, you can't post a job until you have added sitters. Say 'invite' to invite sitters.");
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, msg2, parentUser.Id);

            string msg = string.Format("I'll post a job for you. Which day: {0}?", DaysOfWeekStartingToday(parentUser));
            _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndAwait(msgInbound, msg, parentUser.Id, InboundMessageType.PostJob_Step2_DayOfWeek);
コード例 #12
        private void ProcessSignupCommand(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, AppUser user)
            if (user != null)
                _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, "You are already signed up for mysitterhub.com", user.Id);

            string msg = MessageTemplates.MySitterHubPefix() + " OK, I'll sign you up for mysitterhub.com, the easiest way to hire a sitter. Would you like to signup as a parent or a sitter?";
            _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessageAndAwait(msgInbound, msg, AppUser.NotSignedUpUserId, InboundMessageType.SelfSignup_Step1_ParentOrSitter);
コード例 #13
        public void SendPasswordToUserWhoForgotPassword(AppUser parent, string code)
            var txtMsg = new TxtMsgOutbound
                MobilePhone = parent.MobilePhone,
                Message = MessageTemplates.FormatSendPasswordToUserWhoForgotPassword(code),
                OutboundMessageType = OutboundMessageType.ForgotPassword,
                ReceipientId = parent.Id,
                SenderId = parent.Id
