コード例 #1
 private void gvStudents_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
     if (e.RowIndex >= 0)
         int            admissionNo = Convert.ToInt32(gvStudents.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Addmission_Number"].Value);
         YearlyFeeEntry fd          = new YearlyFeeEntry();
         fd.admissionNo = admissionNo;
コード例 #2
        private void toolStripMenuItem9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            YearlyFeeEntry fs       = new YearlyFeeEntry();
            string         userName = lblUserName.Text.Replace("Welcome ", "");

            Control[] ctrl     = fs.Controls.Find("lblUname", true);
            Label     lblUname = (Label)ctrl.FirstOrDefault();

            lblUname.Text = userName;
            fs.Operation  = "Update";
コード例 #3
        private void addToolStripMenuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            YearlyFeeEntry ne = new YearlyFeeEntry();

コード例 #4
        private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string gender = string.Empty;

            if (RBMale.Checked)
                gender = "M";
            else if (rbFemale.Checked)
                gender = "F";
            string Category = string.Empty;

            if (rbGeneral.Checked)
                Category = "General";
            else if (rbSC.Checked)
                Category = "SC";
            else if (rbOBC.Checked)
                Category = "OBC";
            else if (rbBC.Checked)
                Category = "BC";
            else if (rbEWS.Checked)
                Category = "EWS";
                if (txtName.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Name  can not be blank");

                else if (txtFatherName.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please fill Father name ");

                else if (txtMotherName.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please fill Mother name ");
                else if (txtDOB.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please Select Date of Birth");
                else if (txtAddress1.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please fill  Address ");
                else if (txtCity.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please fill City  ");
                else if (txtPhone.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Phone Number! ");
                else if (txtAadharNo.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please fill your Adhar Card number ");
                else if (txtNationality.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select your Nationality ");
                else if (gender == "")
                    MessageBox.Show(" Please select Gender ");

                else if (Category == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select  Category ");
                //else if (GetSiblingNumber() == true && Operation != "Update")
                //    MessageBox.Show("Two siblings already added!");
                //    txtSibling.Text = string.Empty;
                    SqlParameter[] m = new SqlParameter[61];
                    m[0]  = new SqlParameter("@Name", txtName.Text);
                    m[1]  = new SqlParameter("@Stud_In_Class", txtStudyingClass.Text);
                    m[2]  = new SqlParameter("@Class", ddlClass.Text);
                    m[3]  = new SqlParameter("@Session_Year", lblSession.Text);
                    m[4]  = new SqlParameter("@RollNumber", txtRollNo.Text);
                    m[5]  = new SqlParameter("@Addmission_Number", Convert.ToInt32(txtAdmissionNo.Text));
                    m[6]  = new SqlParameter("@Admission_Date", Convert.ToDateTime(TxtAdmissionDate.Text));
                    m[7]  = new SqlParameter("@Acc_Number", txtAccNo.Text);
                    m[8]  = new SqlParameter("@FatherName", txtFatherName.Text);
                    m[9]  = new SqlParameter("@MotherName", txtMotherName.Text);
                    m[10] = new SqlParameter("@Gender", gender);
                    m[11] = new SqlParameter("@Category", Category);
                    m[12] = new SqlParameter("@SiblingClass", txtSibling.Text);
                    m[13] = new SqlParameter("@SiblingSchool", txtSibling.Text);
                    m[14] = new SqlParameter("@Nationality", txtNationality.Text);
                    m[15] = new SqlParameter("@EmailId", txtEmail.Text);
                    m[16] = new SqlParameter("@Address1", txtAddress1.Text);
                    m[17] = new SqlParameter("@Address2", txtAddress2.Text);
                    m[18] = new SqlParameter("@City", txtCity.Text);
                    m[19] = new SqlParameter("@PhoneRes", txtPhone.Text);
                    m[20] = new SqlParameter("@PhoneOff", txtEmergencyPhone.Text);
                    m[21] = new SqlParameter("@AadharCardNo", txtAadharNo.Text);
                    m[22] = new SqlParameter("@SRN_No", txtSRNo.Text);
                    m[23] = new SqlParameter("@CBSC_REG_No", txtCBSCNo.Text);
                    m[24] = new SqlParameter("@BankAccount_No", txtBankAccountNo.Text);
                    m[25] = new SqlParameter("@IFSC", txtIFSC.Text);
                    m[26] = new SqlParameter("@DiscountType", txtDiscountType.Text);
                    m[27] = new SqlParameter("@BloodGroup", txtBloodGroup.Text);
                    m[28] = new SqlParameter("@BoarderRequired", txtBoarder.Text);
                    m[29] = new SqlParameter("@Route_No", txtRouteNo.Text);
                    m[30] = new SqlParameter("@ORG_Adm_no", txtOrgAdmNo.Text);
                    m[31] = new SqlParameter("@MobileSms", MobileForSMS.Text);
                    m[32] = new SqlParameter("@Stopage", txtStoppage.Text);
                    m[33] = new SqlParameter("@Income", txtIncome.Text);
                    m[34] = new SqlParameter("@DND", txtDND.Text);
                    m[35] = new SqlParameter("@BPL", txtBPL.Text);
                    m[36] = new SqlParameter("@DisabilityType", txtDisabilityType.Text);
                    m[37] = new SqlParameter("@CWSN", txtFascilty.Text);
                    m[38] = new SqlParameter("@HomeLessChild", txtHomeLess.Text);
                    m[39] = new SqlParameter("@Extra_Exam", txtExtraExam.Text);
                    m[40] = new SqlParameter("@Last_Exam_Appear", txtLastExamAppear.Text);
                    m[41] = new SqlParameter("@Last_Exam_Passed", txtLastExamPassed.Text);
                    m[42] = new SqlParameter("@Last_Exam_Percent", txtLastPercentage.Text);
                    m[43] = new SqlParameter("@Stream_11", txtStream11.Text);
                    m[44] = new SqlParameter("@Free_Edu", txtFreeEducation.Text);
                    m[45] = new SqlParameter("@Trade_Skill", txtTradeSkill.Text);
                    m[46] = new SqlParameter("@DisAdvantages", txtDisadvantage.Text);
                    m[47] = new SqlParameter("@MotherToung", txtMothertongue.Text);
                    m[48] = new SqlParameter("@Medium_of_Instruction", txtMediumFoInfra.Text);
                    m[49] = new SqlParameter("@Previous_year_Att", txtPreviousYearAttendance.Text);
                    m[50] = new SqlParameter("@Previous_Year_Status", txtLastYearStatus.Text);
                    m[51] = new SqlParameter("@Other_Info", txtOtherInformation.Text);
                    m[52] = new SqlParameter("@DOB", Convert.ToDateTime(txtDOB.Text));
                    m[53] = new SqlParameter("@StdId", SqlDbType.Int);
                    m[54] = new SqlParameter("@UDF1", SqlDbType.Text);
                    m[55] = new SqlParameter("@UDF2", SqlDbType.Text);
                    m[56] = new SqlParameter("@UDF3", SqlDbType.Text);
                    m[57] = new SqlParameter("@UserName", lblUname.Text);

                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    picQR.Image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
                    byte[] qrCode = ms.GetBuffer();

                    m[58] = new SqlParameter("@QRCode", qrCode);
                    m[59] = new SqlParameter("@Section", ddlSection.Text);

                    MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream();
                    pictureStudent.Image.Save(ms1, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
                    byte[] studentPhoto = ms1.GetBuffer();

                    m[60] = new SqlParameter("@StudentPhoto", studentPhoto);

                    m[53].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                    if (Operation == "Update")
                        m[5] = new SqlParameter("@Addmission_Number", Convert.ToInt32(txtAdmissionNo.Text));
                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Connection.Connection_string, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "StudentInfo_Update", m);
                        object o           = m[5].Value;
                        int    admissionNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtAdmissionNo.Text);

                        MessageBox.Show("Information update Successfull");
                        Students st = new Students();
                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Connection.Connection_string, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "StudentInfo_Insert", m);
                        MessageBox.Show("Admission Successfull");

                        //if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Please click OK to enter annual fee structure\n else click Cancel to print application form"), "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        YearlyFeeEntry su = new YearlyFeeEntry();
                        su.admissionNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtAdmissionNo.Text);
                        CommonFunctions.SendSMS(txtPhone.Text, "Dear " + txtName.Text + " Welcome to Aarsha Public School! Your AdmissionNo is " + txtAdmissionNo.Text + ", RollNo is " + txtRollNo.Text + " Class is " + ddlClass.Text + " " + ddlSection.Text + ".");
                            CommonFunctions.SendEmail(txtEmail.Text, "Welcome to Aarsha Public School", "Dear " + txtName.Text + "<br/><br/> Welcome to Aarsha Public School!<br/> Your AdmissionNo is " + txtAdmissionNo.Text + ", RollNo is " + txtRollNo.Text + " and Class is " + ddlClass.Text + " " + ddlSection.Text + ".");
            catch (Exception ex)