コード例 #1
ファイル: GameplayScreen.cs プロジェクト: Ben-Cortina/My-Life
 void SaveState(object sender, PlayerIndexEventArgs e)
     eventSave = ((PaymentScreen)sender).PaymentEvent;
     transactionsSave = GlobalVariables.Finance.Transactions.Count-1 ;
コード例 #2
ファイル: GameplayScreen.cs プロジェクト: Ben-Cortina/My-Life
 void NewDay(object sender, PlayerIndexEventArgs e)
     bool done = quizComplete;
     foreach(CalendarEvent cE in todaysEvents)
         done = (done && cE.Completed);
     if (done)
         int year = GlobalVariables.Date.Year;
         todaysEvents = calendar.DateEvents(GlobalVariables.Date);
         transactionsSave = -1;
         eventSave = todaysEvents[0];
         if (GlobalVariables.Date.Year != year)
             calendar.Events = GenerateEvents();
         quizComplete = false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: GameplayScreen.cs プロジェクト: Ben-Cortina/My-Life
        /// <summary>
        /// Load graphics content for the game.
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()
            if (content == null)
                content = new ContentManager(ScreenManager.Game.Services, "Content");

            SpriteFont font = content.Load<SpriteFont>("EventFont");
            SpriteFont midFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>("MediumButtonFont");
            SpriteFont calendarFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>("CalendarFont");
            SpriteFont dashboardFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>("DashboardFont");
            gameFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>("gamefont");
            background = content.Load<Texture2D>("finance");
            dashboardTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("gradient");
            textBoxTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("textbox");
            calendarTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("calendar");
            smallCalendarTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("vcalendar_new");
            summaryTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Money Calculator");
            bookTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("book_icon");
            testTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Exams_icon_100");
            undoTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("undo-icon-64");
            backTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Back_64");
            continueTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Continue_64");
            noteTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("note-small");
            todayTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Calendar blank 128");

            transactionsSave = -1;

            #region Generate Tiles

            Tile today = new Tile()
                Position = new Vector2(margin.X * 2, margin.Y),
                Background = todayTexture,
                Screen = this,
                Size = new Vector2(128, 128),
                TileAlignment = Tile.Alignment.Fill,
            today.Selected += ShowDash;

            note1 = new Tile()
                Text = "  Credit Card \n  Payment Due",
                Position = new Vector2(margin.X * 2, margin.Y * 8),
                Background = noteTexture,
                Size = new Vector2(noteTexture.Width, noteTexture.Height),
                Font = font,
                Screen = this,
                TextColor = Color.Red,
            note1.Selected += LoadPaymentScreen;

            note2 = new Tile()
                Text = "Car Repair",
                Position = note1.Position + new Vector2(note1.Size.X + margin.X * 2, 0),
                Background = noteTexture,
                Size = new Vector2(noteTexture.Width, noteTexture.Height),
                Font = font,
                Screen = this,
                TextColor = Color.Red,
            note2.Selected += LoadPaymentScreen;

            note3 = new Tile()
                Text = " Cell Phone\nPayment Due",
                Position = note2.Position + new Vector2(note2.Size.X + margin.X * 2, 0),
                Background = noteTexture,
                Size = new Vector2(noteTexture.Width, noteTexture.Height),
                Font = font,
                Screen = this,
                TextColor = Color.Red,
            note3.Selected += LoadPaymentScreen;

            bankT = new Tile()
                Size = new Vector2(margin.Y * 2.5f, margin.Y * 2f),
                Position = new Vector2(GlobalVariables.ScreenWidth - margin.Y * 4, margin.Y * 2),
                Screen = this,
                TileIteraction = Tile.Interaction.Image,
                Scale = .8f,
                Background = summaryTexture,
                TileAlignment = Tile.Alignment.Center,
            bankT.Selected += LoadBank;

            calendarT = new Tile()
                Size = new Vector2(margin.Y * 2.5f, margin.Y * 2.5f),
                Position = bankT.Position + new Vector2(0, bankT.Size.Y + margin.Y * 2),
                Background = smallCalendarTexture,
                Screen = this,
                TileIteraction = Tile.Interaction.Image,
                Scale = .8f,
                TileAlignment = Tile.Alignment.Center,
            calendarT.Selected += ShowDash;

            book = new Tile()
                Size = new Vector2(margin.Y * 2.7f, margin.Y * 2.5f),
                Position = calendarT.Position + new Vector2(0, calendarT.Size.Y + margin.Y * 2),
                Background = bookTexture,
                Screen = this,
                TileIteraction = Tile.Interaction.Image,
                Scale = .8f,
                TileAlignment = Tile.Alignment.Fill,
            book.Selected += LoadTransactionScreen;

            test = new Tile()
                Size = new Vector2(margin.Y * 2.5f, margin.Y * 2.5f),
                Position = book.Position + new Vector2(0, book.Size.Y + margin.Y * 2),
                Background = testTexture,
                Screen = this,
                TileAlignment = Tile.Alignment.Fill,
                TileIteraction = Tile.Interaction.Image,
                Scale = .8f,
            test.Selected += LoadQuiz;

            undoButton = new Tile()
                Size = new Vector2(undoTexture.Width, undoTexture.Height),
                Position = new Vector2(GlobalVariables.ScreenWidth / 2 - undoTexture.Width / 2 - margin.Y * 2, margin.Y * 17),
                Screen = this,
                Font = midFont,
                ButtonColor = buttonColor,
                Background = undoTexture,
                TileIteraction = Tile.Interaction.Image,
                Scale = .8f,
                TileAlignment = Tile.Alignment.Fill,

            undoButton.Selected += Undo;

            continueButton = new Tile()
                Position = undoButton.Position + new Vector2(undoButton.Size.X + margin.Y * 2, 0),
                Screen = this,
                Background = continueTexture,
                Font = midFont,
                ButtonColor = buttonColor,
                TileIteraction = Tile.Interaction.Image,
                Scale = .8f,
                Size = new Vector2(continueTexture.Width, continueTexture.Height),
            continueButton.Selected += NewDay;

            backButton = new Tile()
                Size = new Vector2(backTexture.Width, backTexture.Height),
                Position = undoButton.Position - new Vector2(backTexture.Width + margin.Y * 2, 0),
                Screen = this,
                TileIteraction = Tile.Interaction.Image,
                Scale = .8f,
                Background = backTexture,
            backButton.Selected += OnCancel;


            calendar = new Calendar();
            calendar.Size = new Vector2(GlobalVariables.ScreenWidth * 0.3f, GlobalVariables.ScreenHeight * 0.35f);
            calendar.Position = new Vector2(GlobalVariables.ScreenWidth - calendar.Size.X -margin.X * 1.5f, margin.Y * 1.5f);
            calendar.Screen = this;
            calendar.Events = GenerateEvents();
            calendar.Font = calendarFont;
            calendar.Background = calendarTexture;

            dashboard = new DashboardScreen();
            dashboard.Calendar = calendar;
            dashboard.Screen = this;
            dashboard.Font = dashboardFont;
            dashboard.TextBox = textBoxTexture;
            dashboard.Background = dashboardTexture;

            int year = GlobalVariables.Date.Year;
            GlobalVariables.Date = GlobalVariables.Date.AddDays(-1);
            todaysEvents = calendar.DateEvents(GlobalVariables.Date);
            eventSave = todaysEvents[0];
            if (GlobalVariables.Date.Year != year)
                calendar.Events = GenerateEvents();
            quizComplete = false;


            // A real game would probably have more content than this sample, so
            // it would take longer to load. We simulate that by delaying for a
            // while, giving you a chance to admire the beautiful loading screen.

            // once the load has finished, we use ResetElapsedTime to tell the game's
            // timing mechanism that we have just finished a very long frame, and that
            // it should not try to catch up.
コード例 #4
ファイル: GameplayScreen.cs プロジェクト: Ben-Cortina/My-Life
        List<CalendarEvent> GenerateEvents()
            List<CalendarEvent> evs = new List<CalendarEvent>();
            CalendarEvent temp;
            DateTime date;

            //Credit Card bills
            String name = "Credit Card Payment";
            date = new DateTime(GlobalVariables.Date.Year, GlobalVariables.Date.Month + 1,1);
            while (date.AddDays(-1).Year == GlobalVariables.Date.Year)
                temp = new CalendarEvent();
                temp.DueDate = date.AddDays(-1);
                temp.Name = name;
                temp.Due += CreditBill;
                date = date.AddMonths(1);

            name = "Pay Day";
            date = GlobalVariables.Date;
            while (date.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Friday)
                date = date.AddDays(1);

            while (date.Year == GlobalVariables.Date.Year)
                temp = new CalendarEvent();
                temp.DueDate = date;
                temp.Name = name;
                temp.Due += PayDay;
                temp.Completed = true;
                date = date.AddDays(7);

            return evs;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Calendar.cs プロジェクト: Ben-Cortina/My-Life
 void SupriseEvent(Random n)
     CalendarEvent temp;
     int ran = n.Next(0, 100);
     if (ran < 5)
         temp = new CalendarEvent()
             Name = "Car Repair",
             Amount = n.Next(1,40)*50,
             DueDate = GlobalVariables.Date,
     else if (ran < 15)
         temp = new CalendarEvent()
             Name = "Receive Medical Help",
             Amount = n.Next(1, 40) * 50,
             DueDate = GlobalVariables.Date,
     else if (ran < 35)
         temp = new CalendarEvent()
             Name = "Get Gas",
             Amount = n.Next(40, 80) ,
             DueDate = GlobalVariables.Date,
     else if (ran < 65)
         temp = new CalendarEvent()
             Name = "Bought Luxury",
             Amount = n.Next(40, 300),
             DueDate = GlobalVariables.Date,
         temp = new CalendarEvent()
             Name = "Random Expense",
             Amount = n.Next(1, 50),
             DueDate = GlobalVariables.Date,