コード例 #1
        private void InitializeTestEntities()
            _jobsearch1 = new JobSearch { Companies = new List<Company>() };
            _jobsearch2 = new JobSearch { Companies = new List<Company>() };
            _company1 = new Company { Contacts = new List<Contact>(), Tasks = new List<Task>(), JobSearch = _jobsearch1 };
            _company2 = new Company { Contacts = new List<Contact>(), Tasks = new List<Task>(), JobSearch = _jobsearch2 };
            _contact1 = new Contact { Tasks = new List<Task>(), Company = _company1 };
            _contact2 = new Contact { Tasks = new List<Task>(), Company = _company2 };

            _contactTask1 = new Task { Contact = _contact1, CompletionDate = null, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 5, 4, 5) };
            _contactTask2 = new Task { Contact = _contact2, CompletionDate = null, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 6, 4, 5) };
            _companyTask1 = new Task { Company = _company1, CompletionDate = null, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5) };
            _companyTask2 = new Task { Company = _company2, CompletionDate = null, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5) };
            _closedTask1 = new Task { Company = _company1, CompletionDate = DateTime.Now, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) };
            _closedTask2 = new Task { Company = _company2, CompletionDate = DateTime.Now, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5) };

コード例 #2
 public void InitializeEntities()
     _search = new JobSearch
         Name = "Name"
コード例 #3
        public virtual ActionResult Edit(JobSearch jobSearch)
                // Determine if we are editing or adding a jobsearch
                if (jobSearch.Id == 0)
                    jobSearch = _createJobSearchCommand.ForUserId(CurrentUserId)

                // Set the current user's last visited job search to this one
                return RedirectToAction(MVC.Task.Index());
            // Show validation errors to the user and allow them to fix them
            catch (ValidationException ex)
                foreach (var error in ex.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);

                return View(jobSearch);
コード例 #4
        public void User_Not_Authorized_When_Contact_Doesnt_Belong_To_User_Jobsearch()
            // Setup
            var user = new User();
            var user2 = new User();
            var search = new JobSearch { User = user };
            var company = new Company { JobSearch = search };
            var contact = new Contact { Company = company };


            IProcess<ContactAutorizationParams, AuthorizationResultViewModel> process = new AuthorizationProcesses(_context);

            // Act
            AuthorizationResultViewModel result = process.Execute(new ContactAutorizationParams
                ContactId = contact.Id,
                RequestingUserId = user2.Id

            // Verify
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Result was null");
            Assert.IsFalse(result.UserAuthorized, "User was incorrectly authorized");
コード例 #5
        private void InitializeTestEntities()
            _changedDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
            _startDate = new DateTime(2011, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

            _jobSearch = new JobSearch();
            Company company = new Company { JobSearch = _jobSearch };
            _user = new User();
            _contact = new Contact { Company = company };

            _task = new Task
                Name = "Starting Name",
                CompletionDate = null,
                TaskDate = _startDate,
                Category = "Starting Category",
                Company = company,
                Notes = "Starting Notes",
                History = new List<TaskHistory>()


            // Mocks
            _contactAuthMock = new Mock<IProcess<ContactAutorizationParams, AuthorizationResultViewModel>>();
            _contactAuthMock.Setup(x => x.Execute(It.IsAny<ContactAutorizationParams>())).Returns(new AuthorizationResultViewModel { UserAuthorized = true });

            _taskAuthMock = new Mock<IProcess<TaskAuthorizationParams, AuthorizationResultViewModel>>();
            _taskAuthMock.Setup(x => x.Execute(It.IsAny<TaskAuthorizationParams>())).Returns(new AuthorizationResultViewModel { UserAuthorized = true });

            _serviceFactory = new Mock<IServiceFactory>();
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<IUnitOfWork>()).Returns(_unitOfWork);

            _searchProvider = new Mock<ISearchProvider>();
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<ISearchProvider>()).Returns(_searchProvider.Object);

            _userQuery = new Mock<UserByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork);
            _userQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(_user);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<UserByIdQuery>()).Returns(_userQuery.Object);

            _contactQuery = new Mock<ContactByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork, _contactAuthMock.Object);
            _contactQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(_contact);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<ContactByIdQuery>()).Returns(_contactQuery.Object);

            _taskQuery = new Mock<TaskByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork, _taskAuthMock.Object);
            _taskQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(_task);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<TaskByIdQuery>()).Returns(_taskQuery.Object);

            _updateMetricsCmd = new Mock<UpdateJobSearchMetricsCommand>(_serviceFactory.Object);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<UpdateJobSearchMetricsCommand>()).Returns(_updateMetricsCmd.Object);

            _validator = new Mock<IValidator<Task>>();
            _validator.Setup(x => x.Validate(It.IsAny<Task>())).Returns(new ValidationResult());
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<IValidator<Task>>()).Returns(_validator.Object);
コード例 #6
        private void InitializeTestEntities()
            _jobSearch = new JobSearch { Name = "Test Name", Description = "Test Description", History = new List<JobSearchHistory>() };
            _user = new User();

コード例 #7
        private void InitializeTestEntities()
            _search = new JobSearch();

            // Mocks
            _serviceFactory = new Mock<IServiceFactory>();
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<IUnitOfWork>()).Returns(_unitOfWork);
コード例 #8
        public JobSearchCompanyListViewModel(JobSearch jobSearch)
            if (jobSearch == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("jobSearch");

            JobSearchId = jobSearch.Id;
            UsedStatuses = jobSearch.Companies.Select(x => x.LeadStatus).Distinct().ToList();
            TotalCompanyCount = jobSearch.Companies.Count();

            // Only show companies with statuses not on the hidden status list
            Companies = jobSearch.Companies.Where(x => !HiddenStatuses.Contains(x.LeadStatus)).ToList();
コード例 #9
        private void InitializeTestEntities()
            _search = new JobSearch();

            _user = new User
                Email = _startingEmail ,
                Password = PasswordUtils.CreatePasswordHash(_startingEmail, _oldPassword),
                LastVisitedJobSearch = _search,
                FullName = "starting name"

コード例 #10
        public void User_Associated_With_Contacts_JobSearch_Is_Authorized()
            // Setup
            User user = new User();
            JobSearch jobSearch = new JobSearch { User = user };


            // Act
            bool result = new IsUserAuthorizedForJobSearchQuery(_unitOfWork).WithUserId(user.Id).WithJobSearchId(jobSearch.Id).Execute();

            // Verify
            Assert.IsTrue(result, "User was incorrectly not authorized for the job search");
コード例 #11
        public void Can_Calculate_NumContactsCreatedProgress()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig milestone = new MilestoneConfig { JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics { NumContactsCreated = 5 } };
            JobSearch jobSearch = new JobSearch
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics { NumContactsCreated = 2 },
                CurrentMilestone = milestone

            // Execute
            JobSearchMilestoneProgress result = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(jobSearch);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(((decimal)2 / (decimal)5), result.NumContactsCreatedProgress, "NumContactsCreatedProgress's value was incorrect");
コード例 #12
        public void Progress_Is_One_When_JobSearch_NumCompaniesCreated_Is_Greater_Than_Milestone()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig milestone = new MilestoneConfig { JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics { NumCompaniesCreated = 3 } };
            JobSearch jobSearch = new JobSearch
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics { NumCompaniesCreated = 4 },
                CurrentMilestone = milestone

            // Execute 
            JobSearchMilestoneProgress result = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(jobSearch);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.NumCompaniesCreatedProgress, "NumCompaniesCreatedProgress's value was incorrect");
コード例 #13
        public void Uncompleted_Jobsearch_Milestone_Doesnt_Progress_To_Next_Milestone()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig ms2 = new MilestoneConfig();
            MilestoneConfig ms1 = new MilestoneConfig { JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics { NumCompaniesCreated = 2 }, NextMilestone = ms2 };
            JobSearch search = new JobSearch { Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics { NumCompaniesCreated = 1 }, CurrentMilestone = ms1 };


            Mock<JobSearchByIdQuery> jobSearchQuery = new Mock<JobSearchByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork);
            jobSearchQuery.Setup(x => x.WithJobSearchId(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(jobSearchQuery.Object);
            jobSearchQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(search);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<JobSearchByIdQuery>()).Returns(jobSearchQuery.Object);

            // Act
            new StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommand(_serviceFactory.Object)
                .Execute(new StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommandParams { JobSearchId = search.Id });

            // Verify
            JobSearch result = _unitOfWork.JobSearches.Fetch().Single();
            Assert.AreEqual(ms1, result.CurrentMilestone, "Job search's CurrentMilestone was incorrect");
コード例 #14
        public void InitializeTestEntities()
            var search = new JobSearch { User = new User { FullName = "Full Name" } };
            _comp1 = new Company
                Name = "company",
                Phone = "555-333-2323",
                State = "FL",
                Zip = "33445",
                City = "City",
                LeadStatus = "Status1",
                Notes = "notes 1",
                JobSearch = search

            _comp2 = new Company
                Name = "company2",
                Phone = "666-333-2323",
                State = "NY",
                Zip = "23456",
                City = "City2",
                LeadStatus = "Status2",
                Notes = "notes 2",
                JobSearch = search

            _contact1 = new Contact
                Company = _comp1,
                Name = "Contact 1",
                DirectPhone = "111-222-3333",
                Extension = "23",
                MobilePhone = "222-333-4444",
                Assistant = "Assistant 1",
                Email = "email 1",
                Notes = "notes 1",
                ReferredBy = "referred 1",
                Title = "title 1"

            _contact2 = new Contact
                Company = _comp2,
                Name = "Contact 2",
                DirectPhone = "666-222-3333",
                Extension = "25",
                MobilePhone = "777-333-4444",
                Assistant = "Assistant 2",
                Email = "email 2",
                Notes = "notes 2",
                ReferredBy = "referred 2",
                Title = "title 2"


            // Create the export process class
            _jsQueryMock = new Mock<JobSearchByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork);
            _jsQueryMock.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(search);
            _jsQueryMock.Setup(x => x.WithJobSearchId(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(_jsQueryMock.Object);
            _process = new JobSearchExportProcess(_jsQueryMock.Object);
コード例 #15
        public void Milestone_Total_Progress_Is_Calculated_Correctly()
            // Setup
            JobSearch search = new JobSearch
                CurrentMilestone = new MilestoneConfig
                    JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics
                        NumCompaniesCreated = 4,
                        NumContactsCreated = 4
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics
                    NumCompaniesCreated = 3,
                    NumContactsCreated = 2

            // Act
            JobSearchMilestoneProgress result = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(search);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual((decimal)0.625, result.TotalProgress, "Milestone's total progress value was incorrect");
コード例 #16
        public void Milestone_Progress_Is_1_When_Milestone_Has_No_Metrics()
            // Setup
            JobSearch search = new JobSearch
                CurrentMilestone = new MilestoneConfig { JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics() },
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics()

            // Act
            JobSearchMilestoneProgress result = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(search);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.TotalProgress, "Milestone's total progress value was incorrect");
コード例 #17
        public void Progess_Is_One_When_Milestone_NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated_Is_Zero()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig milestone = new MilestoneConfig { JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics { NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated = 0 } };
            JobSearch jobSearch = new JobSearch
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics { NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated = 2 },
                CurrentMilestone = milestone

            // Execute 
            JobSearchMilestoneProgress result = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(jobSearch);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreatedProgress, "NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreatedProgress's value was incorrect");
コード例 #18
        public void Jobsearch_Marked_As_Milestones_Completed_When_Last_Milestone_Is_Completed()
            // Setup
            var ms = new MilestoneConfig { JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics() };
            var search = new JobSearch { Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics(), CurrentMilestone = ms };


            Mock<JobSearchByIdQuery> jobSearchQuery = new Mock<JobSearchByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork);
            jobSearchQuery.Setup(x => x.WithJobSearchId(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(jobSearchQuery.Object);
            jobSearchQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(search);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<JobSearchByIdQuery>()).Returns(jobSearchQuery.Object);

            // Act
            new StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommand(_serviceFactory.Object)
                .Execute(new StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommandParams { JobSearchId = search.Id });

            // Verify
            Assert.IsTrue(search.MilestonesCompleted, "Job search is not marked as completing all milestones");
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the command
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="MJLEntityNotFoundException">Thrown when the specified user is not found</exception>
        public virtual JobSearch Execute()
            var context = _serviceFactory.GetService<MyJobLeadsDbContext>();

            // Retrieve the user
            var user = context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == _userId).FirstOrDefault();
            if (user == null)
                throw new MJLEntityNotFoundException(typeof(User), _userId);

            // Retrieve the milestone this job search should start with
            //var milestone = _serviceFactory.GetService<StartingMilestoneQuery>()
            //                               .Execute(new StartingMilestoneQueryParams { OrganizationId = user.OrganizationId });

            // Create the job search
            var search = new JobSearch
                Name = _name,
                Description = _description,
                User = user,

                Companies = new List<Company>(),
                History = new List<JobSearchHistory>()

            // Create the history record
            search.History.Add(new JobSearchHistory
                Name = _name,
                Description = _description,
                AuthoringUser = user,
                HistoryAction = MJLConstants.HistoryInsert,
                DateModified = DateTime.Now

            // Perform validation
            var validator = _serviceFactory.GetService<IValidator<JobSearch>>();


            return search;