コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Populates a item totals list with the items provided by an
 /// order request.
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializeTotals(OrderItems items)
     foreach (OrderItem_V01 item in items)
         item.ReferenceID = Guid.NewGuid();
         // Clean up SKUs.
         item.SKU = item.SKU.Trim();
         // Add a new Item total which corresponds to the OrderItem to the list.
         ItemTotal_V01 itemTotal
             = new ItemTotal_V01(item.SKU, item.Quantity, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, new ChargeList());
         // Associate item total to order item for later lookups.
         itemTotal.ReferenceID = item.ReferenceID;
コード例 #2
        public static decimal getDistributorPrice(ItemTotal_V01 lineItem, decimal discount, string locale)
            var prodType    = ProductType.Product;
            var catalogItem = CatalogProvider.GetCatalogItem(lineItem.SKU, locale.Substring(3));

            if (catalogItem != null)
                prodType = catalogItem.ProductType;
            int     marketingFundPercent = discount == 31 ? 10 : 5;
            var     roundMode            = MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero;
            decimal PH            = prodType == ProductType.Literature ? 0 : Math.Round(lineItem.LinePrice * 7 / 100.0M, roundMode);
            decimal marketingFund = (lineItem.SKU == "4115" || lineItem.SKU == "4116")
                                        ? 0
                                        : Math.Round(lineItem.LinePrice * marketingFundPercent / 1000.0M, roundMode);
            decimal discountAmt = prodType == ProductType.Product
                                      ? Math.Round(lineItem.LinePrice * discount / 100.0M, roundMode)
                                      : 0;
            decimal discountedPrice = lineItem.LinePrice - discountAmt;
            decimal tax             = Math.Round(((discountedPrice + PH + marketingFund) * 10) / 100.0M, roundMode);

            return(discountedPrice + tax + marketingFund + PH);