public void Unzip(String pathName, string targetPath) { zipProcess.StartInfo.FileName = zipFilePath; zipProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = @" e " + pathName + @" -o" + folderPath; zipProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; zipProcess.Start(); MyServiceLogger.Log("Unziped File" + Path.GetFileName(pathName) + " At: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString()); }
//Main function for Moving Files and other things public static void testingAndMoving(string pathName) { if (File.Exists(pathName)) { fileName = Path.GetFileName(pathName); fileExt = Path.GetExtension(pathName); fileFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(pathName); directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(pathName); destinationPath = findAndMoveTo(fileExt); MyServiceLogger.Log("Moved " + fileName + "to " + destinationPath + " At: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString()); } else { MyServiceLogger.Log("File Does Not Exist " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString()); } }
//Function to check file extension and move a file elsewhere depending on it's extension Name protected static string findAndMoveTo(string fileExtension) { bool attemptingMoveFile = true; string returnString = ""; string destinationPath = ""; FileInfo FI = new FileInfo(fileFullPath); while (attemptingMoveFile) { if (!isFileLocked(FI)) { try { switch (fileExtension) { case ".txt": destinationPath = testFilePath; returnString = testFilePath; checkAndCreateDirectory(destinationPath); moveAndDelete(fileFullPath, destinationPath + fileName); attemptingMoveFile = false; break; case ".iso": destinationPath = gamePath; returnString = gamePath; checkAndCreateDirectory(destinationPath); moveAndDelete(fileFullPath, destinationPath + fileName); attemptingMoveFile = false; break; case ".wbfs": returnString = gamePath; destinationPath = gamePath; checkAndCreateDirectory(destinationPath); moveAndDelete(fileFullPath, destinationPath + fileName); attemptingMoveFile = false; break; case ".mp4": returnString = videoPath; destinationPath = videoPath; checkAndCreateDirectory(destinationPath); moveAndDelete(fileFullPath, destinationPath + fileName); attemptingMoveFile = false; break; case ".flv": returnString = videoPath; destinationPath = videoPath; checkAndCreateDirectory(destinationPath); moveAndDelete(fileFullPath, destinationPath + fileName); attemptingMoveFile = false; break; case ".7z": unZip(fileFullPath, directoryPath); checkAndCreateDirectory(destinationPath); returnString = "File was Zipped Ergo Unzipped"; attemptingMoveFile = false; break; default: destinationPath = testFilePath; returnString = "Case Went to Default"; checkAndCreateDirectory(destinationPath); moveAndDelete(fileFullPath, destinationPath + fileName); attemptingMoveFile = false; break; } return(returnString); } catch (Exception e) { MyServiceLogger.Log(e.ToString() + DateTime.Now.ToString()); return(returnString); } } else { return(returnString); } } return(returnString); }