internal void DisplayAlbums() { string albumPictureURL = string.Empty; bool hasShownExceptionMessage = false; lock (r_PanelToDisplayIn) { r_PanelToDisplayIn.Invoke(new Action(() => r_PanelToDisplayIn.Controls.Clear())); foreach (Album currentAlbum in r_AlbumsOfUser) { if (currentAlbum.Count > 0) { PictureWrapper currentAlbumPictureWrapper; PictureBox currentAlbumPictureBox; try { albumPictureURL = currentAlbum.CoverPhoto.PictureNormalURL; } catch (Facebook.FacebookApiException) { // current album has no cover photo, we handle this within PictureWrapper in the form of empty url string. } finally { try { currentAlbumPictureWrapper = new PictureWrapper(albumPictureURL); currentAlbumPictureBox = currentAlbumPictureWrapper.PictureBox; currentAlbumPictureBox.Enabled = false; currentAlbumPictureBox.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; currentAlbumPictureBox.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(album_Enter); currentAlbumPictureBox.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(album_Leave); currentAlbumPictureBox.Click += (sender, e) => { FacebookView.CreateThread(() => album_Click(currentAlbum)); }; r_PanelToDisplayIn.Invoke(new Action(() => r_PanelToDisplayIn.Controls.Add(currentAlbumPictureBox))); } catch (FacebookApiLimitException ex) { if (!hasShownExceptionMessage) { hasShownExceptionMessage = true; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } } } foreach (Control currItem in r_PanelToDisplayIn.Controls) { currItem.Enabled = true; } } }
private void showFriendProfilePicture(AppUser i_Friend, ref bool io_HasShownMessageBox) { string profilePictureURL = string.Empty; string firstName = string.Empty; string lastName = string.Empty; try { firstName = i_Friend.FirstName; lastName = i_Friend.LastName; profilePictureURL = i_Friend.ProfilePicture; } catch (Exception ex) { if (!io_HasShownMessageBox) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); io_HasShownMessageBox = true; } } finally { try { PictureWrapper friendPictureWrapper = new PictureWrapper(profilePictureURL); DetailedProfilePicture friendPicture = new DetailedProfilePicture( friendPictureWrapper.PictureBox, firstName, lastName); friendPicture.FriendProfilePicture.Enabled = false; if (FriendOnClickDelegate != null) { friendPicture.FriendProfilePicture.Name = string.Format("{0} {1}", firstName, lastName); friendPicture.FriendProfilePicture.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; friendPicture.FriendProfilePicture.Click += (user, e) => FriendOnClickDelegate.Invoke(friendPicture.FriendProfilePicture, new AppUserEventArgs(i_Friend)); } r_DisplayPanel.Invoke(new Action(() => r_DisplayPanel.Controls.Add(friendPicture.FriendProfilePicture))); } catch (FacebookApiLimitException ex) { if (!io_HasShownMessageBox) { io_HasShownMessageBox = true; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } }
private void album_Click(Album i_ClickedAlbum) { bool hasShownExceptionMessage = false; lock (r_PanelToDisplayIn) { r_PanelToDisplayIn.Invoke(new Action(() => r_PanelToDisplayIn.Controls.Clear())); if (AlbumClickedAction != null) { AlbumClickedAction.Invoke(); } try { foreach (Photo currentPhoto in i_ClickedAlbum.Photos) { try { PictureWrapper currentPictureWrapper = new PictureWrapper(currentPhoto.PictureNormalURL); PictureBox currentPhotoPictureBox = currentPictureWrapper.PictureBox; r_PanelToDisplayIn.Invoke(new Action(() => r_PanelToDisplayIn.Controls.Add(currentPhotoPictureBox))); } catch (FacebookApiLimitException ex) { if (!hasShownExceptionMessage) { hasShownExceptionMessage = true; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } }
private void fetchPosts() { FacebookObjectCollection <Post> allPosts; bool hasShownExceptionMessage = false; postsRoundedButton.Invoke(new Action(() => postsRoundedButton.Enabled = false)); tableLayoutPanelPosts.Invoke(new Action(() => tableLayoutPanelPosts.Controls.Clear())); tableLayoutPanelPosts.Invoke(new Action(() => tableLayoutPanelPosts.RowStyles.Clear())); try { allPosts = r_AppEngine.Posts; if (allPosts != null && allPosts.Count > 0) { foreach (Post currentPost in allPosts) { bool isLegalPost = false; Label postDetails; postDetails = new Label { Text = string.Format( "Posted at: {0}{1}Post Type: {2}{3}", currentPost.CreatedTime.ToString(), Environment.NewLine, currentPost.Type, Environment.NewLine) }; postDetails.AutoSize = true; if (currentPost.Message != null) { addPostData(currentPost.Message, ref isLegalPost); } if (currentPost.Caption != null) { addPostData(currentPost.Caption, ref isLegalPost); } if (currentPost.Type == { try { PictureWrapper postPictureWrapper = new PictureWrapper(currentPost.PictureURL); PictureBox postPicture = postPictureWrapper.PictureBox; tableLayoutPanelPosts.Invoke(new Action(() => tableLayoutPanelPosts.Controls.Add(postPicture))); isLegalPost = true; } catch (FacebookApiLimitException ex) { if (!hasShownExceptionMessage) { hasShownExceptionMessage = true; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } if (isLegalPost == true) { Label seperator = new Label { Text = " ", AutoSize = true }; tableLayoutPanelPosts.Invoke(new Action(() => tableLayoutPanelPosts.Controls.Add(postDetails))); tableLayoutPanelPosts.Invoke(new Action(() => tableLayoutPanelPosts.Controls.Add(seperator))); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("No Posts to retrieve :("); } } catch (Exception exPosts) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error! could'nt fetch posts - {0}.", exPosts.Message)); } }