protected WebRequest GetRequest(ResourceLocation location) { WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(location.URL); request.Timeout = 30000; SetProxy(request); return request; }
public override RemoteFileInfo GetFileInfo(ResourceLocation rl, out Stream stream) { stream = null; mappedUrl = null; String title; String pageData = GetPageData(rl); mappedUrl = ResolveVideoURL(rl.URL, pageData, out title); WebRequest request = this.GetRequest(mappedUrl); using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { RemoteFileInfo result = new RemoteFileInfo(); result.FileSize = response.ContentLength; result.AcceptRanges = String.Compare(response.Headers["Accept-Ranges"], "bytes", true) == 0; if (response.ResponseUri != null) { mappedUrl.URL = response.ResponseUri.OriginalString; } else { stream = response.GetResponseStream(); } return result; } }
private Downloader( int id, ResourceLocation rl, ResourceLocation[] mirrors, string localFile) { this.threads = new List<Thread>(); = id; this.resourceLocation = rl; if (mirrors == null) { this.mirrors = new List<ResourceLocation>(); } else { this.mirrors = new List<ResourceLocation>(mirrors); } this.localFile = localFile; extentedProperties = new Dictionary<string, object>(); defaultDownloadProvider = rl.BindProtocolProviderInstance(this); segmentCalculator = new MinSizeSegmentCalculator(); this.MirrorSelector = new SequentialMirrorSelector(); }
public Downloader( int id, ResourceLocation rl, ResourceLocation[] mirrors, string localFile, List<Segment> segments, RemoteFileInfo remoteInfo, int requestedSegmentCount, DateTime createdDateTime): this(id, rl, mirrors, localFile) { if (segments.Count > 0) { SetState(DownloaderState.Prepared); } else { SetState(DownloaderState.NeedToPrepare); } this.createdDateTime = createdDateTime; this.remoteFileInfo = remoteInfo; this.requestedSegmentCount = requestedSegmentCount; this.segments = segments; }
public RemoteFileInfo GetFileInfo(ResourceLocation rl, out Stream stream) { FtpWebRequest request; RemoteFileInfo result = new RemoteFileInfo(); result.AcceptRanges = true; stream = null; request = (FtpWebRequest)GetRequest(rl); request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetFileSize; FillCredentials(request, rl); using (FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { result.FileSize = response.ContentLength; } request = (FtpWebRequest)GetRequest(rl); request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetDateTimestamp; FillCredentials(request, rl); using (FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { result.LastModified = response.LastModified; } return result; }
public string GetTitle(ResourceLocation rl) { String pageData = GetPageData(rl); string title; mappedUrl = ResolveVideoURL(rl.URL, pageData, out title); return title; }
public ZipRemoteFile(ResourceLocation url, IProtocolProvider protocolProvider) { if (protocolProvider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("protocolProvider"); } this.url = url; this.protocolProvider = protocolProvider; }
private String GetPageData(ResourceLocation rl) { String pageData; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.CreateStream(rl, 0, 0))) { pageData = sr.ReadToEnd(); } return pageData; }
public RemoteFileInfo GetFileInfo(ResourceLocation rl, out System.IO.Stream stream) { RemoteFileInfo result = proxy.GetFileInfo(rl, out stream); if (stream != null) { stream = new LimitedRateStreamProxy(stream, speedLimit); } return result; }
public Stream CreateStream(ResourceLocation rl, long initialPosition, long endPosition) { /* * a chamada desse metodo nao sera apos o GetFileInfo se o download for resumeable * sendo assim, preciso ter algum repositorio comum para guardas os "remoteZipFile" * assim evita-se de ficar carregando as entries a cada segmento/arquivo. * * outro, pronto, apos o uso do segmento, deve-se liberar o remoteZipFile se não houver * nenhum outro download vinculado a este "remoteZipFile" */ return remoteZipFile.GetInputStream(entry); }
public Downloader( ResourceLocation rl, ResourceLocation[] mirrors, string localFile, int segmentCount) : this(rl, mirrors, localFile) { SetState(DownloaderState.NeedToPrepare); this.createdDateTime = DateTime.Now; this.requestedSegmentCount = segmentCount; this.segments = new List<Segment>(); }
public static ResourceLocation FromURL( string url, bool authenticate, string login, string password) { ResourceLocation rl = new ResourceLocation(); rl.URL = url; rl.Authenticate = authenticate; rl.Login = login; rl.Password = password; return rl; }
public Stream CreateStream(ResourceLocation rl, long initialPosition, long endPosition) { FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)GetRequest(rl); FillCredentials(request, rl); request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile; request.ContentOffset = initialPosition; WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); return response.GetResponseStream(); }
public virtual RemoteFileInfo GetFileInfo(ResourceLocation rl, out Stream stream) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)GetRequest(rl); FillCredentials(request, rl); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); RemoteFileInfo result = new RemoteFileInfo(); result.MimeType = response.ContentType; result.LastModified = response.LastModified; result.FileSize = response.ContentLength; result.AcceptRanges = String.Compare(response.Headers["Accept-Ranges"], "bytes", true) == 0; stream = response.GetResponseStream(); return result; }
public RemoteFileInfo GetFileInfo(ResourceLocation rl, out System.IO.Stream stream) { stream = null; remoteZipFile = new ZipRemoteFile(rl); remoteZipFile.Load(); string entryName = GetZipEntryNameProperty(this.downloader); entry = remoteZipFile[entryName]; RemoteFileInfo result = new RemoteFileInfo(); result.AcceptRanges = false; // TODO make resumeable result.FileSize = entry.Size; result.LastModified = entry.DateTime; result.MimeType = "application/zip"; return result; }
private void FillCredentials(HttpWebRequest request, ResourceLocation rl) { if (rl.Authenticate) { string login = rl.Login; string domain = string.Empty; int slashIndex = login.IndexOf('\\'); if (slashIndex >= 0) { domain = login.Substring(0, slashIndex ); login = login.Substring(slashIndex + 1); } NetworkCredential myCred = new NetworkCredential(login, rl.Password); myCred.Domain = domain; request.Credentials = myCred; } }
public virtual Stream CreateStream(ResourceLocation rl, long initialPosition, long endPosition) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)GetRequest(rl); FillCredentials(request, rl); if (initialPosition != 0) { if (endPosition == 0) { request.AddRange((int)initialPosition); } else { request.AddRange((int)initialPosition, (int)endPosition); } } WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); return response.GetResponseStream(); }
private void SegmentThreadProc(object objSegment) { Segment segment = (Segment)objSegment; segment.LastError = null; try { if (segment.EndPosition > 0 && segment.StartPosition >= segment.EndPosition) { segment.State = SegmentState.Finished; // raise the event OnSegmentStoped(segment); return; } int buffSize = 8192; byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize]; segment.State = SegmentState.Connecting; // raise the event OnSegmentStarting(segment); if (segment.InputStream == null) { // get the next URL (It can the the main url or some mirror) ResourceLocation location = this.MirrorSelector.GetNextResourceLocation(); // get the protocol provider for that mirror IProtocolProvider provider = location.BindProtocolProviderInstance(this); while (location != this.ResourceLocation) { Stream tempStream; // get the remote file info on mirror RemoteFileInfo tempRemoteInfo = provider.GetFileInfo(location, out tempStream); if (tempStream != null) { tempStream.Dispose(); } // check if the file on mirror is the same if (tempRemoteInfo.FileSize == remoteFileInfo.FileSize && tempRemoteInfo.AcceptRanges == remoteFileInfo.AcceptRanges) { // if yes, stop looking for the mirror break; } lock (mirrors) { // the file on the mirror is not the same, so remove from the mirror list mirrors.Remove(location); } // the file on the mirror is different // so get other mirror to use in the segment location = this.MirrorSelector.GetNextResourceLocation(); provider = location.BindProtocolProviderInstance(this); } // get the input stream from start position segment.InputStream = provider.CreateStream(location, segment.StartPosition, segment.EndPosition); // change the segment URL to the mirror URL segment.CurrentURL = location.URL; } else { // change the segment URL to the main URL segment.CurrentURL = this.resourceLocation.URL; } using (segment.InputStream) { // raise the event OnSegmentStarted(segment); // change the segment state segment.State = SegmentState.Downloading; segment.CurrentTry = 0; long readSize; do { // reads the buffer from input stream segment.InputStream.ReadTimeout = streamTimeout; readSize = segment.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffSize); // check if the segment has reached the end if (segment.EndPosition > 0 && segment.StartPosition + readSize > segment.EndPosition) { // adjust the 'readSize' to write only necessary bytes readSize = (segment.EndPosition - segment.StartPosition); if (readSize <= 0) { segment.StartPosition = segment.EndPosition; break; } } // locks the stream to avoid that other threads changes // the position of stream while this thread is writing into the stream lock (segment.OutputStream) { segment.OutputStream.Position = segment.StartPosition; segment.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, (int)readSize); } // increse the start position of the segment and also calculates the rate segment.IncreaseStartPosition(readSize); // check if the stream has reached its end if (segment.EndPosition > 0 && segment.StartPosition >= segment.EndPosition) { segment.StartPosition = segment.EndPosition; break; } // check if the user have requested to pause the download if (state == DownloaderState.Pausing) { segment.State = SegmentState.Paused; break; } //Thread.Sleep(1500); }while (readSize > 0); if (segment.State == SegmentState.Downloading) { segment.State = SegmentState.Finished; // try to create other segment, // spliting the missing bytes from one existing segment AddNewSegmentIfNeeded(); } } // raise the event OnSegmentStoped(segment); } catch (Exception ex) { // store the error information segment.State = SegmentState.Error; segment.LastError = ex; Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); // raise the event OnSegmentFailed(segment); } finally { // clean up the segment segment.InputStream = null; } }
public ZipRemoteFile(ResourceLocation url) : this(url, ProtocolProviderFactory.GetProvider(url.URL)) { }
public System.IO.Stream CreateStream(ResourceLocation rl, long initialPosition, long endPosition) { return new LimitedRateStreamProxy(proxy.CreateStream(rl, initialPosition, endPosition), speedLimit); }
private static ResourceLocation GetNumberURL(ResourceLocation locationBase, int i, int wildcard) { ResourceLocation r = locationBase.Clone(); r.URL = locationBase.URL.Replace("(*)", i.ToString().PadLeft(wildcard, '0')); return r; }
public void AddDownloadURLs(ResourceLocation[] args, int segments, string path, int nrOfSubfolders) { if (args == null) return; if (path == null) { //path = PathHelper.GetWithBackslash(Core.Settings.Default.DownloadFolder); path = PathHelper.GetWithBackslash(DownloadManager.Instance.DefaultDownloadDirectory); } else { path = PathHelper.GetWithBackslash(path); } try { DownloadManager.Instance.OnBeginAddBatchDownloads(); foreach (ResourceLocation rl in args) { Uri uri = new Uri(rl.URL); string fileName = uri.Segments[uri.Segments.Length - 1]; fileName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(fileName).Replace("/", "\\"); DownloadManager.Instance.Add(rl, null, path + fileName, segments, false); } } finally { DownloadManager.Instance.OnEndAddBatchDownloads(); } }
private ResourceLocation GetCharURL(ResourceLocation locationBase, string c) { ResourceLocation r = locationBase.Clone(); r.URL = locationBase.URL.Replace("(*)", c); return r; }
public Downloader Add(ResourceLocation rl, ResourceLocation[] mirrors, string localFile, int segments, bool autoStart) { Downloader d = new Downloader(rl, mirrors, localFile, segments); Add(d, autoStart); return d; }
private void AddDownloadsFromZip(TreeNodeCollection nodes, ResourceLocation[] mirrors) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { if (nodes[i].Checked) { if (nodes[i].Nodes.Count > 0) { AddDownloadsFromZip(nodes[i].Nodes, mirrors); } else { ResourceLocation newLocation = this.DownloadLocation; newLocation.ProtocolProviderType = typeof(ZipProtocolProvider).AssemblyQualifiedName; string entryName = ((ZipEntry)nodes[i].Tag).Name; Downloader download = DownloadManager.Instance.Add( newLocation, mirrors, this.folderBrowser1.Folder + entryName, 1, false); ZipProtocolProvider.SetZipEntryNameProperty(download, entryName); if (this.StartNow) { download.Start(); } } } } }
public Downloader Add(ResourceLocation rl, ResourceLocation[] mirrors, string localFile, List<Segment> segments, RemoteFileInfo remoteInfo, int requestedSegmentCount, bool autoStart, DateTime createdDateTime) { Downloader d = new Downloader(rl, mirrors, localFile, segments, remoteInfo, requestedSegmentCount, createdDateTime); Add(d, autoStart); return d; }
public override Stream CreateStream(ResourceLocation rl, long initialPosition, long endPosition) { return base.CreateStream(mappedUrl ?? rl, initialPosition, endPosition); }
public ImportFromFilePreviewForm(ResourceLocation[] locations) { InitializeComponent(); lslUrls.DataSource = locations; }
public int AddDownload(string url, string file = null, int segmentNb = 1, bool startNow = false) { int id = 0; Execute(() => { if (file == null) { Uri uri = new Uri(url); file = uri.Segments[uri.Segments.Length - 1]; } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(file)) file = Path.Combine(DownloadManager.Instance.DefaultDownloadDirectory, file); ResourceLocation rl = new ResourceLocation(); rl.URL = url; ResourceLocation[] mirrors = new ResourceLocation[0]; Downloader download = DownloadManager.Instance.Add(rl, mirrors, file, segmentNb, startNow); Log.Write(string.Format("service : add download = url \"{0}\" file \"{1}\"", download.ResourceLocation.URL, download.LocalFile), LogMode.Information); id = download.Id; } ); return id; }
public static ResourceLocation FromURL(string url) { ResourceLocation rl = new ResourceLocation(); rl.URL = url; return rl; }