public static void MXPredSetInput(PredictorHandle handle, string key, float[] data, uint size) { if (handle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handle)); } handle.ThrowIfDisposed(); var ret = NativeMethods.MXPredSetInput(handle.NativePtr, key, data, size); if (ret != NativeMethods.OK) { throw CreateMXNetException($"Failed to input {nameof(handle)}"); } }
public static void MXPredPartialForward(PredictorHandle handle, int step, out int step_left) { if (handle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handle)); } handle.ThrowIfDisposed(); var ret = NativeMethods.MXPredPartialForward(handle.NativePtr, step, out step_left); if (ret != NativeMethods.OK) { throw CreateMXNetException($"Failed to partial forward {nameof(handle)}"); } }
public static void MXPredGetOutput(PredictorHandle handle, uint index, float[] data, uint size) { if (handle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handle)); } handle.ThrowIfDisposed(); var ret = NativeMethods.MXPredGetOutput(handle.NativePtr, index, data, size); if (ret != NativeMethods.OK) { throw CreateMXNetException($"Failed to get output from {nameof(handle)}"); } }
public static void MXPredForward(PredictorHandle handle) { if (handle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handle)); } handle.ThrowIfDisposed(); var ret = NativeMethods.MXPredForward(handle.NativePtr); if (ret != NativeMethods.OK) { throw CreateMXNetException($"Failed to forward {nameof(handle)}"); } }
public static void MXPredCreate(string symbolJson, byte[] bytes, int size, int type, int deviceId, uint inputNodes, string[] keys, uint[] inputShapeIndptr, uint[] inputShapeData, out PredictorHandle handle) { var ret = NativeMethods.MXPredCreate(symbolJson, bytes, size, type, deviceId, inputNodes, keys, inputShapeIndptr, inputShapeData, out var @out); if (ret != NativeMethods.OK) { throw CreateMXNetException($"Failed to create {nameof(PredictorHandle)}"); } handle = new PredictorHandle(@out); }
public static void MXPredGetOutputShape(PredictorHandle handle, uint index, out uint[] shape_data, out uint shape_ndim) { if (handle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handle)); } handle.ThrowIfDisposed(); var ret = NativeMethods.MXPredGetOutputShape(handle.NativePtr, index, out var shape_data_ptr, out shape_ndim); if (ret != NativeMethods.OK) { throw CreateMXNetException($"Failed to get output shape from {nameof(handle)}"); } shape_data = new uint[shape_ndim]; NativeMethods.memcpy(shape_data, shape_data_ptr, shape_ndim * sizeof(uint)); }