public void AddThread(Forum_Thread NewThread) { db.Forum_Threads.InsertOnSubmit(NewThread); }
public int GetLastPost(Forum_Thread Thread, Forum_User User) { var Last = db.Forum_ViewedPosts.SingleOrDefault(P => P.Forum_User == User && P.Forum_Thread == Thread); return Last == null ? 0 : Last.LastPost; }
public void SetLastPost(Forum_Thread Thread, Forum_User User, int PostNumber, bool IncreaseOnly = true) { var Last = db.Forum_ViewedPosts.SingleOrDefault(P => P.Forum_User == User && P.Forum_Thread == Thread); if (Last == null) { Last = new Forum_ViewedPost(); Last.Forum_Thread = Thread; Last.Forum_User = User; db.Forum_ViewedPosts.InsertOnSubmit(Last); } else if (Last.LastPost >= PostNumber && IncreaseOnly) return; Last.LastPost = PostNumber; }
public ActionResult NewThread(WritePostViewModel model, string button) { using (ForumRespository db = new ForumRespository()) { Forum_Category Category = db.GetCategoryByID(; if (Category == null) return NotFoundView("Category"); model.AddNavigation(Category); model.AddNavigation("New thread"); Forum_User Poster = GetCurrentUser(db); if (!db.CheckCategoryPermissions(Category, Poster, P => P.AllowNewThread)) return AuthenticationHelper.AccessDeniedView(model); if (String.Equals(button, "preview", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { model.ShowPost = true; model.PostHtml = PostParser.Parse(model.PostText); ModelState.Clear(); } else if (IsHttpPost) { if (!AntiForgeryTokenValid) { ModelState.AddModelError("AntiForgery", "The antiforgery token was invalid."); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ThreadTitle)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ThreadTitle", "A thread title is required."); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { Forum_Thread NewThread = new Forum_Thread(); NewThread.Title = model.ThreadTitle; NewThread.PosterID = Poster.UserID; Forum_Post InitialPost = new Forum_Post(); InitialPost.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; InitialPost.PosterID = NewThread.PosterID; InitialPost.PostText = model.PostText; NewThread.Forum_Posts.Add(InitialPost); NewThread.Posts = 1; NewThread.LastPostTime = InitialPost.TimeStamp; NewThread.CategoryID =; // Save and add thread to database db.AddThread(NewThread); db.SetLastPost(NewThread, Poster, 1); db.Save(); return RedirectToAction("ViewCategory", new { id = }); } } else { ModelState.Clear(); } model.EditTitle = true; model.Title = "Post new Thread"; return View("WritePost", model); } }
public void DeleteThread(Forum_Thread ToDelete) { db.Forum_ViewedPosts.DeleteAllOnSubmit(from V in db.Forum_ViewedPosts where V.ThreadID == ToDelete.ThreadID select V); db.Forum_Posts.DeleteAllOnSubmit(ToDelete.Forum_Posts); db.Forum_Threads.DeleteOnSubmit(ToDelete); }
private void detach_Forum_Threads(Forum_Thread entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Forum_User = null; }
partial void DeleteForum_Thread(Forum_Thread instance);
partial void UpdateForum_Thread(Forum_Thread instance);
partial void InsertForum_Thread(Forum_Thread instance);
private void attach_Forum_Threads(Forum_Thread entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Forum_Category = this; }