public ActionResult PermissionSet(int id, string UpdatePermissions, string DeletePermissions, string NewPermissions) { var model = new AdminPermissionSetModel(); model.AddNavigation("Admin Panel", "Overview", "Admin", null); model.AddNavigation("Edit Permission Set"); using (ForumRespository db = new ForumRespository()) { Forum_User CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser(db); if (!UserIdentity.IsAdmin) return AuthenticationHelper.AccessDeniedView(model); // Administrating the forum requires the user to be an Admin. HandlePermissionsLinkUpdates(); Forum_Permission CurrentPermissionSet; if (id == 0) CurrentPermissionSet = db.GetAllPermissionSets().First(); else CurrentPermissionSet = db.GetPermissionSetByID(id); if (CurrentPermissionSet == null) return NotFoundView("Permission Set"); if (IsHttpPost && AntiForgeryTokenValid) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(UpdatePermissions)) { UpdateModel(CurrentPermissionSet, "PermissionSet"); db.Save(); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeletePermissions) && CurrentPermissionSet.Forum_PermissionsLinks.Count == 0 && db.GetAllPermissionSets().Count() > 1) { db.DeletePermission(CurrentPermissionSet); db.Save(); return RedirectToAction("PermissionSet", new { id = 0 }); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewPermissions)) { var NewPermissionSet = new Forum_Permission(); NewPermissionSet.Name = "Unnamed"; db.AddPermission(NewPermissionSet); db.Save(); return RedirectToAction("PermissionSet", new { id = NewPermissionSet.PermissionID }); } } model.PermissionSet = CurrentPermissionSet; model.UserGroups = db.GetAllRoles().Where(R => R.RoleID != (int)BuildInRole.Administrator).ToClassList(R => new AdminNamedID() { ID = R.RoleID, Name = R.Name }); model.Categories = db.GetAllCategories().ToClassList(C => new AdminNamedID() { ID = C.CategoryID, Name = C.Name }); model.PermissionSets = db.GetAllPermissionSets().ToClassList(P => new AdminNamedID() { ID = P.PermissionID, Name = P.Name }); model.Fixed = AdminPermissionLinkEditors.FixedSet.PermissionSets; model.FixedNamedID = new AdminNamedID() { ID = CurrentPermissionSet.PermissionID, Name = CurrentPermissionSet.Name }; model.PermissionLinkList = db.GetPermissionLinks().Where(L => L.PermissionID == CurrentPermissionSet.PermissionID).OrderBy(L => L.CategoryID).ToClassList(L => new AdminPermissionLink() { Category = new AdminNamedID() { ID = L.CategoryID, Name = db.GetCategoryByID(L.CategoryID).Name }, UserGroup = new AdminNamedID() { ID = L.RoleID, Name = db.GetRole(L.RoleID).Name }, PermissionSet = model.FixedNamedID }); return View(model); } }
public ActionResult UserGroup(int id, int page, string UsersAddButton, string UsersRemoveButton, string NewGroup, string UpdateGroup, string DeleteGroup) { var model = new AdminUserGroupModel(){page = page}; model.AddNavigation("Admin Panel", "Overview", "Admin", null); model.AddNavigation("Edit User Groups"); using (ForumRespository db = new ForumRespository()) { Forum_User CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser(db); if (!UserIdentity.IsAdmin) return AuthenticationHelper.AccessDeniedView(model); // Administrating the forum requires the user to be an Admin. HandlePermissionsLinkUpdates(); Forum_Role CurrentRole; if (id != 0) CurrentRole = db.GetRole(id); else CurrentRole = db.GetAllRoles().First(); if (CurrentRole == null) return NotFoundView("User Group"); = CurrentRole.RoleID; model.CanBeDeleted = CurrentRole.CanBeDeleted; model.HasMembers = CurrentRole.RoleID != (int)BuildInRole.Everyone && CurrentRole.RoleID != (int)BuildInRole.RegisteredUser; model.HasPermissions = CurrentRole.RoleID != (int)BuildInRole.Administrator; if (IsHttpPost && AntiForgeryTokenValid) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(UsersAddButton) && model.HasMembers) { int nID; Forum_User ToAdd; foreach (var ID in Request.Form.GetValues("Users")) { try { nID = Convert.ToInt32(ID); } catch { continue; } if (nID == (int)BuildInUser.Guest) continue; ToAdd = db.GetUserByID(nID); if (ToAdd == null) continue; if (db.UserInRole(ToAdd, CurrentRole)) continue; db.AddUserRoleLink(CurrentRole, ToAdd); } db.Save(); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(UsersRemoveButton)) { int nID; var RemovedUsers = Request.Form.GetValues("Users"); if (RemovedUsers != null) { foreach (var ID in RemovedUsers) { try { nID = Convert.ToInt32(ID); } catch { continue; } if (CurrentRole.RoleID == (int)BuildInRole.Administrator && nID == CurrentUser.UserID) continue; db.RemoveUserFromRole(db.GetUserByID(nID), CurrentRole); } db.Save(); } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(UpdateGroup) && model.HasPermissions) { if (model.CanBeDeleted) CurrentRole.Name = Request.Form["Name"]; CurrentRole.AllowSearch = Request.Form["IsAllowedSearch"] != "false"; db.Save(); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewGroup)) { var NewRole = new Forum_Role(); NewRole.Name = "Unnamed"; NewRole.CanBeDeleted = true; db.AddRole(NewRole); db.Save(); return RedirectToAction("UserGroup", new { id = NewRole.RoleID }); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeleteGroup) && model.CanBeDeleted && CurrentRole.Forum_UserRoleLinks.Count == 0) { db.DeleteRole(CurrentRole); db.Save(); return RedirectToAction("UserGroup", new { id = 0 }); } } if (model.HasMembers) { model.CurrentGroupUsers = db.GetUsersInRole(CurrentRole).ToClassList(U => new AdminNamedID(){ID = U.UserID, Name = U.Username}); } model.UserGroups = db.GetAllRoles().ToClassList(R => new AdminNamedID() { ID = R.RoleID, Name = R.Name }); model.Categories = db.GetAllCategories().ToClassList(C => new AdminNamedID() { ID = C.CategoryID, Name = C.Name }); model.PermissionSets = db.GetAllPermissionSets().ToClassList(P => new AdminNamedID() { ID = P.PermissionID, Name = P.Name }); model.Fixed = AdminPermissionLinkEditors.FixedSet.UserGroups; var Users = db.GetAllUsers().OrderBy(U => U.Username); model.LastPage = (Users.Count() - 1) / UsersPerPage + 1; model.AllUsers = Users.Skip((page - 1) * UsersPerPage).Take(UsersPerPage).ToClassList(U => new AdminNamedID() { ID = U.UserID, Name = U.Username }); if (model.HasPermissions) { model.FixedNamedID = new AdminNamedID() { ID = CurrentRole.RoleID, Name = CurrentRole.Name}; model.PermissionLinkList = db.GetPermissionLinks().Where(L => L.RoleID == id).OrderBy(L => L.CategoryID).ToClassList(L => new AdminPermissionLink() { Category = new AdminNamedID() { ID = L.CategoryID, Name = db.GetCategoryByID(L.CategoryID).Name }, PermissionSet = new AdminNamedID() { ID = L.PermissionID, Name = db.GetPermissionSetByID(L.PermissionID).Name }, UserGroup = model.FixedNamedID }); } model.Name = CurrentRole.Name; model.IsAllowedSearch = CurrentRole.AllowSearch; return View(model); } }
public ActionResult Category(int id, string NewCategory, string UpdateCategory, string MoveCategory) { var model = new AdminCategoryModel(); model.AddNavigation("Admin Panel", "Overview", "Admin", null); model.AddNavigation("Edit Category"); using (ForumRespository db = new ForumRespository()) { Forum_User CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser(db); if (!UserIdentity.IsAdmin) return AuthenticationHelper.AccessDeniedView(model); // Administrating the forum requires the user to be an Admin. HandlePermissionsLinkUpdates(); Forum_Category Root = db.GetCategoryByID((int)BuildInCategory.Root); Forum_Category CurrentCategory = id != 0 ? db.GetCategoryByID(id) : Root; if (CurrentCategory == null) return NotFoundView("Category"); bool IsRoot = Root == CurrentCategory; if (IsHttpPost && AntiForgeryTokenValid) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCategory)) { Forum_Category NewForumCategory = new Forum_Category(); NewForumCategory.ParentID = CurrentCategory.CategoryID; NewForumCategory.Name = "Untitled Category"; NewForumCategory.InheritPermissions = true; NewForumCategory.AllowPosts = false; db.AddCategory(NewForumCategory); db.Save(); return RedirectToAction("Category", new { id = NewForumCategory.CategoryID }); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(UpdateCategory) && CurrentCategory != Root) { var Form = Request.Form; string NewName = Form["CurrentCategory.Name"]; bool InheritPermissions = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Form["Inherit Permissions"]); bool AllowPosts = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Form["Allow Posts"]); CurrentCategory.AllowPosts = AllowPosts; CurrentCategory.InheritPermissions = InheritPermissions; try { CurrentCategory.Priority = Convert.ToInt32(Form["CurrentCategory.Priority"]); } catch { } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NewName)) CurrentCategory.Name = NewName.Trim(); db.Save(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MoveCategory) && CurrentCategory != Root) { var Form = Request.Form; int DestinationID = 0; try { DestinationID = Convert.ToInt32(Form["MoveToDestination"]); } catch {} var Parent = db.GetCategoryByID(DestinationID); if (Parent != null) { while (Parent != null) { if (Parent == CurrentCategory) break; Parent = Parent.Category1; } if (Parent == null) { CurrentCategory.ParentID = DestinationID; db.Save(); } } } } foreach (var Category in db.GetAllCategories()) { var Parent = Category; while (Parent != null) { if (Parent == CurrentCategory) break; Parent = Parent.Category1; } if (Parent != null) continue; if (Category == CurrentCategory.Category1) continue; model.MoveCategoryToOptions.Add(new AdminNamedID() { Name = Category.Name, ID = Category.CategoryID }); } model.Root = RecursivelyFillCategoryTree(db, Root, model, CurrentCategory.CategoryID); model.UserGroups = db.GetAllRoles().Where(R => R.RoleID != (int)BuildInRole.Administrator).ToClassList(R => new AdminNamedID() { ID = R.RoleID, Name = R.Name }); model.PermissionSets = db.GetAllPermissionSets().ToClassList(P => new AdminNamedID() { ID = P.PermissionID, Name = P.Name }); model.Fixed = AdminPermissionLinkEditors.FixedSet.Categories; model.FixedNamedID = new AdminNamedID() { ID =, Name = model.CurrentCategory.Name }; model.PermissionLinkList = db.GetPermissionLinks(CurrentCategory).OrderBy(L => L.CategoryID).ToClassList(L => new AdminPermissionLink() { Category = new AdminNamedID() { ID = L.CategoryID, Name = db.GetCategoryByID(L.CategoryID).Name }, UserGroup = new AdminNamedID() { ID = L.RoleID, Name = db.GetRole(L.RoleID).Name }, PermissionSet = new AdminNamedID() { ID = L.PermissionID, Name = db.GetPermissionSetByID(L.PermissionID).Name }, }); return View(model); } }