public bool StartProc() { if (tmp == null) { return(false); } uint MemRequested, MemLockRequested; t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tmp.ForeWork)); t.Start(); t.Join(); if (!tmp.ForeWorkResult) { return(false); } MemRequested = tmp.MemRequested(); MemLockRequested = tmp.MemLockRequested(); MemMan.Compact(); MemMan.MEMORYSTATUSEX MS; MS = MemMan.MemoryStatus(); try { MemMan.curProc.MaxWorkingSet = (IntPtr)MS.TotalPhys; MemMan.curProc.MinWorkingSet = (IntPtr)(MemLockRequested + 0x800000); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("\n>>>>>>> " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>> Can't take the ownership on " + ((MemLockRequested + 0x800000) / (1024 * 1024)).ToString("####0.0") + "Mb RAM"); Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>> Probably the progamm is running not under an administrative account,\n>>>>>>> or too many other applications are running"); Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>> or too many other applications are running."); Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>> Calculations will continue, but may slow down."); } if (!MM.Allocate(MemRequested)) { Console.WriteLine(ExI + " ----> virtual allocation failed for " + MemRequested.ToString() + " bytes"); return(false); } // optionally lock the memory if (!MM.Lock(0, MemLockRequested)) { Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>> Unable to lock the memory."); Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>> Calculations will continue, but will slow down."); } unsafe { = (double *)MM.BaseAddress; } t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tmp.StartCalculations)); t.Start(); t.Join(); MM.Free(); return(true); }
override public bool RunCalculation() { float progress; DateTime start; TimeSpan period; double StartThickness = CurThickness; int i, iSlice = 0, iWave = 0; if ((ThWaves == null) || (ThWaves.Length == 0)) { return(true); } if ((double)ThWaves[iWave] <= CurThickness) { bool result = ((LastSavedWave = SaveWav(CurThickness)) != null); iWave++; Console.WriteLine("\rWave at " + CurThickness.ToString("######0.00") + "A unloaded " + result + " "); } if ((PotType == MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_TV_pullZ) || (PotType == MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_DW_pullZ)) { hanwidth = 8; hanning = new double[hanwidth]; nn = Math.Min(N, (uint)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(((atrad + 0.5) / a * N + hanwidth) / (1.0 - 2.0 / hanwidth), 2)) + 1)); mm = Math.Min(M, (uint)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(((atrad + 0.5) / b * M + hanwidth) / (1.0 - 2.0 / hanwidth), 2)) + 1)); atSFT_forward = new SFT(); atSFT_backward = new SFT(); atM = new MemMan(); if (!atM.Allocate(nn * mm * 2 * sizeof(double))) { return(false); } if (!atM.Lock(0, nn * mm * 2 * sizeof(double))) { return(false); } buf = (double *)atM.LockAddress; atSFT_forward.MakePlan(buf, nn, mm, 1); atSFT_backward.MakePlan(buf, nn, mm, -1); lambda = 0.387818 / Math.Sqrt(E / 1000.0 * (1.0 + 0.978459e-3 * E / 1000)); // E in V K = lambda * Math.Sqrt(1.0 + Math.Pow((0.0242621 / lambda), 2)); nninner = (uint)Math.Min(nn, (uint)(atrad) / a * N * 2 + Math.Max(1, nn / 2 - hanwidth - (uint)(atrad) / a * N)); mminner = (uint)Math.Min(mm, (uint)(atrad) / b * M * 2 + Math.Max(1, mm / 2 - hanwidth - (uint)(atrad) / b * M)); // nninner=(uint)Math.Min(nn,(uint)(atrad)/a*N*2) ; // mminner=(uint)Math.Min(mm,(uint)(atrad)/b*M*2) ; offix = (int)(nn - nninner); offiy = (int)(mm - mminner) / 2; for (i = 0; i < hanwidth; i++) { hanning[i] = (Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / hanwidth) + 1) * 0.5; } } start = DateTime.Now; while (iWave < ThWaves.Length) { iSlice = (int)(iSlice % NSlices) + 1; // Load Slice if (!LoadSlice(iSlice)) { return(false); } // apply Phase Gratting if (NAtoms > 0) { if ((PotType == MSProject.PotTypes.PG_DT_TV_periodic) || (PotType == MSProject.PotTypes.PG_DT_TV_cut) || (PotType == MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_TV_periodic) || (PotType == MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_TV_cut) || (PotType == MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_TV_pullZ)) { // некорректно работает с gam!=90 MusliRandom vibr = new MusliRandom(); for (i = 0; i < NAtoms; i++) { x[i] *= a; y[i] *= b; vibr.StDevX = vibr.StDevY = Math.Sqrt(DW[i] * 0.5) / (2.0 * Math.PI); vibr.Vobble(ref x[i], ref y[i]); if (PotType == MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_TV_pullZ) { z[i] += vibr.NextGauss(); } if (x[i] < 0) { x[i] += a; } if (x[i] >= a) { x[i] -= a; } if (y[i] < 0) { y[i] += b; } if (y[i] >= b) { y[i] -= b; } } } fixed(double *_x = x, _y = y, _dw = DW, _ads = ads, _occ = occ) { fixed(int *_type_ = type_, _type = type) { switch (PotType) { case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_DT_DW_periodic: PG_rs_DT_DW_periodic(a, b, gam, E, atrad, N, M, NAtoms, _x, _y, _dw, _ads, _occ, _type, data, &progress); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_DT_DW_cut: PG_rs_DT_DW_cutpot(a, b, gam, E, atrad, N, M, NAtoms, _x, _y, _dw, _ads, _occ, _type, data, &progress); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_DW_periodic: PG_rs_curve_DW_periodic(a, b, gam, E, atrad, N, M, NAtoms, _x, _y, _ads, _occ, _type_, CurveHolder, CurveLength, dela, data, &progress); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_DW_cut: PG_rs_curve_DW_cutpot(a, b, gam, E, atrad, N, M, NAtoms, _x, _y, _ads, _occ, _type_, CurveHolder, CurveLength, dela, data, &progress); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_DT_TV_periodic: PG_rs_DT_TV_periodic(a, b, gam, E, atrad, N, M, NAtoms, _x, _y, _ads, _occ, _type, data, &progress); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_DT_TV_cut: PG_rs_DT_TV_cutpot(a, b, gam, E, atrad, N, M, NAtoms, _x, _y, _ads, _occ, _type, data, &progress); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_TV_periodic: PG_rs_curve_TV_periodic(a, b, gam, E, atrad, N, M, NAtoms, _x, _y, _ads, _occ, _type_, CurveHolder, CurveLength, dela, data, &progress); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_TV_cut: PG_rs_curve_TV_cutpot(a, b, gam, E, atrad, N, M, NAtoms, _x, _y, _ads, _occ, _type_, CurveHolder, CurveLength, dela, data, &progress); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_DW_pullZ: PG_rs_pullZ(); break; case MSProject.PotTypes.PG_curve_TV_pullZ: PG_rs_pullZ(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Phase Gratting " + PotType.ToString() + " is not supported in " + this.ToString()); break; } } } } //Apply Propagator SFT_direct.MakeSFT(data); ApplyPropagator(a, b, gam, CurSliThickness, E, X_tilt_crystal, Y_tilt_crystal, N, M, data, &progress); CurThickness += CurSliThickness; if ((double)ThWaves[iWave] <= CurThickness) { if (IsSaveSTEM) { SaveSTEM(iWave); } if (IsSaveDiffractions) { Console.WriteLine("\rDiffraction at " + CurThickness.ToString("######0.00") + "A unloaded " + (SaveDiffraction(CurThickness) != null) + " "); } } SFT_backward.MakeSFT(data); period = DateTime.Now - start; if (!IsSaveSTEM) { Console.Write("\rPropagated " + NAtoms + " atoms, at total " + CurThickness.ToString("######0.00") + "A at a speed of " + ((double)((CurThickness - StartThickness) * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / period.Ticks * 3600)).ToString("###0.0") + "A/h "); } if ((double)ThWaves[iWave] <= CurThickness) { iWave++; if (IsSaveWaves) { Console.WriteLine("\rWave at " + CurThickness.ToString("######0.00") + "A unloaded " + ((LastSavedWave = SaveWav(CurThickness)) != null) + " "); } } } // calculation cycle return(true); }