protected float GetMenuItemAngularHeight() { float menuItemHeight; if (!tryToDetermineHeight || !DetermineMenuItemHeight(menuItemPrefab, out menuItemHeight)) { menuItemHeight = height; } menuItemHeight *= scaleFactor; return(DealingWithAngles.CalcAngularSize(menuItemHeight, cylinderRadius)); }
protected bool IsRotationWithinRange() { Quaternion relativeRotation = transform.localRotation * transform.parent.localRotation; float edX = DealingWithAngles.Runtime2Editor(relativeRotation.eulerAngles.x); if (edX >= ceiling && edX <= floor) { return(true); } return(false); }
protected void UpdateFirstAndLastItemRotations(Quaternion rotation) { if (!firstMenuItemLocalRotation.HasValue) { firstMenuItemLocalRotation = lastMenuItemLocalRotation = rotation; } else { float xRotation = DealingWithAngles.Runtime2Editor(rotation.eulerAngles.x); if (xRotation < DealingWithAngles.Runtime2Editor(firstMenuItemLocalRotation.Value.eulerAngles.x)) { firstMenuItemLocalRotation = rotation; return; } if (xRotation > DealingWithAngles.Runtime2Editor(lastMenuItemLocalRotation.Value.eulerAngles.x)) { lastMenuItemLocalRotation = rotation; } } }
protected virtual void Awake() { if (scrollableObject == null) { Debug.LogError("HorizontalCylinderScrollArea: The 'ScrollableObject' field cannot be left unassigned. Disabling the script"); enabled = false; return; } Transform obj = transform.Find("Ceiling Holder/Ceiling"); if (obj == null) { Debug.LogError("HorizontalCylinderScrollArea: Couldn't find a child object named 'Ceiling' or its parent. Disabling the script"); enabled = false; return; } ceiling = DealingWithAngles.Runtime2Editor(obj.parent.localRotation.eulerAngles.x); Collider c = obj.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (c == null) { Debug.LogError("HorizontalCylinderScrollArea: Couldn't find a collider in an object named 'Ceiling'. Disabling the script"); enabled = false; return; } angularOffset = DealingWithAngles.CalcAngularSize(c.bounds.size.y, obj.localPosition.z); obj = transform.Find("Floor Holder/Floor"); if (obj == null) { Debug.LogError("HorizontalCylinderScrollArea: Couldn't find a child object named 'Floor' or its parent. Disabling the script"); enabled = false; return; } floor = DealingWithAngles.Runtime2Editor(obj.parent.localRotation.eulerAngles.x); }
protected virtual void FixedUpdate() { if (!firstMenuItemLocalRotation.HasValue) { return; } float x = GetRelativeRotationAroundX(firstMenuItemLocalRotation.Value); if (DealingWithAngles.Runtime2Editor(x) >= ceiling + angularOffset) { scrollableObject.angularVelocity =; if (verticalScrollDelta > 0) { return; } } x = GetRelativeRotationAroundX(lastMenuItemLocalRotation.Value); if (DealingWithAngles.Runtime2Editor(x) <= floor - angularOffset) { scrollableObject.angularVelocity =; if (verticalScrollDelta < 0) { return; } } if (verticalScrollDelta != 0f) { scrollableObject.AddRelativeTorque(Vector3.right * torque * verticalScrollDelta); verticalScrollDelta = 0f; } }