private void addParksFiletoDB() { List<Park> pList = csvr.getCSVFileDataParks(); ParkDAL pDAL = new ParkDAL(); // Get all the Parks already in the dB and compare to this list // Add any in this list that aren't in the dB // Update any in this list that are already in the dB List<Park> dbpList = pDAL.getAllParksFromDb(); bool result = false, notIndB = true; // stick it in the dB foreach (Park p in pList) { foreach (Park dbp in dbpList) { if (dbp.lname.Equals(p.lname)) { notIndB = false; break; } } if (notIndB) { // Add to the dB // we could bother to check the result result = pDAL.addParkToDb(p); } else { // Update the record in the dB (assuming structure the same) // I think we change every field in the dbp that could have changed // and then call pDAL.updateParkInDb(dbp) } } }
public ActionResult ShowCitiesGraphically() { List<City> cList = new List<City>(); CitiesDAL cDal = new CitiesDAL(); List<Museum> mList = new List<Museum>(); MuseumDAL mDal = new MuseumDAL(); List<Park> pList = new List<Park>(); ParkDAL pDal = new ParkDAL(); cList = cDal.getAllCitiesFromDb(true); mList = mDal.getAllMuseumsFromDb(true); pList = pDal.getAllParksFromDb(true); //System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer oSerializer = //new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); //string sJSON = oSerializer.Serialize(cList); var serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects }; string cjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cList, Formatting.Indented, serializerSettings); string mjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mList, Formatting.Indented, serializerSettings); string pjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pList, Formatting.Indented, serializerSettings); //string sjson2 = JsonConvert.ToString(cList[0]); ViewData["Cities"] = cjson; ViewData["Museums"] = mjson; ViewData["Parks"] = pjson; return View(cList); }
public BuildCities() { // list of all museums in dB // list of all other venues to follow List<Museum> ms = new List<Museum>(); List<Park> ps = new List<Park>(); // temporary list of cities List<City> cs = new List<City>(); MuseumDAL mDal = new MuseumDAL(); ParkDAL pDal = new ParkDAL(); ms = mDal.getAllMuseumsFromDb(); foreach (Museum m in ms) { bool notFound = true; foreach (City c in cs) { if (m.cityStr.Equals(c.lname)) { // Add museum to list of this city's museums c.museums.Add(m); notFound = false; break; } } if (notFound) { City addCity = new City(); addCity.lname = m.cityStr; addCity.latitude = m.latitude; addCity.longitude = m.longitude; // Add museum to list of this city's museums //addCity.museums = new List<Museum>(); addCity.museums.Add(m); cs.Add(addCity); } } // Do this again for each other venue ps = pDal.getAllParksFromDb(); foreach (Park p in ps) { bool notFound = true; foreach (City c in cs) { if (p.cityStr.Equals(c.lname)) { // Add museum to list of this city's museums c.parks.Add(p); notFound = false; break; } } if (notFound) { City addCity = new City(); addCity.lname = p.cityStr; addCity.latitude = 79.0; addCity.longitude = 79.0; // Add museum to list of this city's museums //addCity.museums = new List<Museum>(); addCity.parks.Add(p); cs.Add(addCity); } } // We have created our temporary list of cities, now add them to the dB CitiesDAL cDal = new CitiesDAL(); List<City> lCitiesInDB = new List<City>(); lCitiesInDB = cDal.getAllCitiesFromDb(); bool result = false, notIndB = true; foreach (City c in cs) { foreach (City dcb in lCitiesInDB) { if (dcb.lname.Equals(c.lname)) { notIndB = false; break; } } if (notIndB) { result = cDal.addCityToDb(c); if (result.Equals(false)) { //do something } } notIndB = true; // see if it has an id now } }