protected void imagebutton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = txtUsername.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text; //proverka dali postoi korisnik so takov username vo bazata municipalitiesEntities db = new municipalitiesEntities(); ObservableCollection <User> users = new ObservableCollection <User>(db.Users.Where(a => a.Name == username)); //korisnickoto ime e slobodno if (users.Count() == 0) { User u = new User(); u.Name = username; u.Username = username; u.Password = password; db.Users.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); Label2.Visible = true; } else { //prikazi poraka za vnes na nov username Label1.Visible = true; } }
protected void btnInput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { municipalitiesEntities db = new municipalitiesEntities(); ObservableCollection <Municipality> munN = new ObservableCollection <Municipality>(db.Municipalities.Where(a => a.Name == txtNameMunicipalities.Text)); //ne postoi opstina so toa ime if (munN.Count == 0) { Municipality m = new Municipality(); m.Name = txtNameMunicipalities.Text; m.FBId = txtFBLink.Text; m.TwitterID = txtTwitterLink.Text; m.YTId = txtYTLink.Text; db.Municipalities.Add(m); db.SaveChanges(); } else { lblExist.Visible = true; } }
public dynamic[] putFBNewsInDatabase(dynamic XresultPosts, bool XnewMunFb, municipalitiesEntities Xdb, int MunID) { ObservableCollection <FBNew> XfbNews = new ObservableCollection <FBNew>(Xdb.FBNews); //kolku postovi prikazuva stranicata JArray items = (JArray)XresultPosts["data"]; int numFBPosts = items.Count; dynamic getback = true; //potoa od resultPosts - listanje na postovite od FB stranata //sega za site postovi koi gi ima, zemi gi soodvetnite podatoci var FBname = ""; var FBmessage = ""; string oldInfo = "a"; var compareFBData = ""; //ako se raboti za opstina koja vekje postoi vo bazata // if (XnewMunFb == false) /// compareFBData = XfbNews.Where((a => a.MunId == MunID)).First().FBcreated; for (int i = 0; i < numFBPosts; i++) { var FBcreated = ""; if (XresultPosts["data"][i]["created_time"] != null) { FBcreated = XresultPosts["data"][i]["created_time"].ToString(); } bool any = XfbNews.Any(a => a.FBcreated == FBcreated && a.MunId == MunID); if (any) { getback = false; return(new [] { XresultPosts, getback }); } //imame redundantni informacii vo ramkite na samoto zemanje na podatocite if (XresultPosts["data"][i]["name"] != null) { FBname = XresultPosts["data"][i]["name"].ToString(); } if (oldInfo != FBname) { if (XresultPosts["data"][i]["message"] != null) { FBmessage = XresultPosts["data"][i]["message"].ToString(); } if (FBmessage.Length > 3999) { FBmessage = FBmessage.Substring(0, 3999); } var FBpicture = ""; if (XresultPosts["data"][i]["picture"] != null) { FBpicture = XresultPosts["data"][i]["picture"].ToString(); if (FBpicture == "") { FBpicture = "images\facebook.pgn"; } } var year = FBcreated.Substring(FBcreated.LastIndexOf('/') + 1, 4); var month = FBcreated.Substring(0, FBcreated.IndexOf('/')); int q = FBcreated.LastIndexOf('/') - FBcreated.IndexOf('/') - 1; var day = FBcreated.Substring(FBcreated.IndexOf('/') + 1, q); if (Convert.ToInt32(year) <= 2012) { break; } //ako postot e link, daj pristap do linkot var FBlink = ""; if (XresultPosts["data"][i]["type"].ToString() == "link") { if (XresultPosts["data"][i]["link"] != null) { FBlink = XresultPosts["data"][i]["link"].ToString(); } } FBNew news = new FBNew(); news.FBcreated = FBcreated; news.FBlink = FBlink; news.FBmessage = FBmessage; news.FBname = FBname; news.FBpicture = FBpicture; news.MunId = MunID; news.FByear = Convert.ToInt32(year); news.FBmonth = Convert.ToInt32(month); news.FBday = Convert.ToInt32(day); Xdb.FBNews.Add(news); try { Xdb.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine( "Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } throw; } } //set done for the next municipality //set old info to the last read info oldInfo = FBname; }//end the FBposts cycle return(new[] { XresultPosts, getback }); }
public void putFBInfoInDatabase(dynamic resultInfo, municipalitiesEntities db, int munID) { var FBdescription = ""; if (resultInfo["description"] != null) { FBdescription = resultInfo["description"].ToString(); } if (FBdescription.Length >= 4000) { FBdescription = FBdescription.Substring(0, 3999); } var FBgeneralInfo = ""; if (resultInfo["general_info"] != null) { FBgeneralInfo = resultInfo["general_info"].ToString(); } var FBstreet = ""; try { if (resultInfo["location"]["street"].ToString() != "") { FBstreet = resultInfo["location"]["street"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", exception); } var FBphone = ""; if (resultInfo["phone"] != null) { FBphone = resultInfo["phone"].ToString(); } var website = ""; if (resultInfo["website"] != null) { website = resultInfo["website"].ToString(); } try { //kreiraj objekt FBInfo fbinfo = new FBInfo(); fbinfo.FBdescription = FBdescription; fbinfo.FBgeneralInfo = FBgeneralInfo; fbinfo.FBphoto = FBphone; fbinfo.FBstreet = FBstreet; fbinfo.FBwebsite = website; fbinfo.MunId = munID; db.FBInfoes.Add(fbinfo); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine( "Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } throw; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var socialmedia = Request.QueryString["id"]; //IMPLEMENTACIJA NA WEB CRAWLER!!! #region authentication ////FACEBOOK Settings//// var client = new WebClient(); string oauthUrl = string.Format("{0}&client_secret={1}", "585761644868486", "4fb562bc94c58b8a92e10991cb0dcd7b"); string accessToken = client.DownloadString(oauthUrl).Split('=')[1]; ////End FACEBOOK Settings//// ////TWITTER Settings//// // postavuvanje na soodvetnite klucevi potrebni za twitter avtentikacija var oAuthConsumerKey = "61zzDpIh3WSrbcyBdKPES12bx"; var oAuthConsumerSecret = "bvcNECRQOyAU4E74rxh9XxLmOLzdq6GarYdDGUzZBN1xrDGTWS"; var oAuthUrl = ""; // avtentikacija //var authHeaderFormat = "Basic {0}"; var authHeader = string.Format("Basic {0}", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Uri.EscapeDataString(oAuthConsumerKey) + ":" + Uri.EscapeDataString((oAuthConsumerSecret))) )); var postBody = "grant_type=client_credentials"; HttpWebRequest authRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(oAuthUrl); authRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", authHeader); authRequest.Method = "POST"; authRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"; authRequest.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; using (Stream stream = authRequest.GetRequestStream()) { byte[] content = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postBody); stream.Write(content, 0, content.Length); } authRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); WebResponse authResponse = authRequest.GetResponse(); // deserialize into an object TwitAuthenticateResponse twitAuthResponse; using (authResponse) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(authResponse.GetResponseStream())) { var objectText = reader.ReadToEnd(); twitAuthResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TwitAuthenticateResponse>(objectText); } } ////End TWITTER Settings//// //kje se koristi za kirilcna poddrshka i za FAcebook i za Twitter Regex regex = new Regex(@"\\u([a-f0-9]{4})", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); #endregion // zemi gi podatocite od bazata na Opstinite municipalitiesEntities db1 = new municipalitiesEntities(); //zapishuvanje na novi podatoci vo bazata! //Brishi ja info tabelata za site zapisi-brojot na views i subscribers se menuva cesto db1.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE [YTInfo]"); municipalitiesEntities db = new municipalitiesEntities(); ObservableCollection <Municipality> municipalities = new ObservableCollection <Municipality>(db.Municipalities); ObservableCollection <TwitterNew> twNews = new ObservableCollection <TwitterNew>(db.TwitterNews); ObservableCollection <FBInfo> fInfo = new ObservableCollection <FBInfo>(db.FBInfoes); ObservableCollection <TwitterInfo> tInfo = new ObservableCollection <TwitterInfo>(db.TwitterInfoes); ObservableCollection <YTNew> ytNews = new ObservableCollection <YTNew>(db.YTNews); foreach (var mun in municipalities) { #region facebookData if (socialmedia == "facebook") { string FBLinkMun = mun.FBId; //samo ako postoi facebook page if (FBLinkMun != "") { String Info = ""; String Posts = ""; if (FBLinkMun.Contains('/')) { FBLinkMun = FBLinkMun.Substring(FBLinkMun.IndexOf('/') + 1); } try { Info = client.DownloadString( string.Format("" + FBLinkMun + "?access_token={0}", accessToken)); } catch (WebException greshka) { string a = greshka.Message; } try { Posts = client.DownloadString( string.Format( "" + FBLinkMun + "/posts?since=2012-01-01&access_token={0}", accessToken)); } catch (WebException greshka1) { string a = greshka1.Message; } bool newMunFb = false; if (Info != "" && Posts != "") { string pageInfo = regex.Replace(Info, match => ((Char)Int32.Parse(match.Value.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber)).ToString()); string pagePosts = regex.Replace(Posts, match => ((Char)Int32.Parse(match.Value.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber)).ToString()); dynamic resultInfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(pageInfo); dynamic resultPosts = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(pagePosts); //informacii koi ni se potrebni //najprvo od resultInfo - generalni informacii za opstinite dostapni od stranata var oldMun = fInfo.Any((aa => aa.MunId == mun.MunId)); //only if new municipality is here if (oldMun == false) { newMunFb = true; putFBInfoInDatabase(resultInfo, db, mun.MunId); } //end new municipality add basic facebook info var olderNewsExist = putFBNewsInDatabase(resultPosts, newMunFb, db, mun.MunId)[1]; bool state = (bool)olderNewsExist; String Posts1 = "sledna strana"; //postoi naredna(postara) stranica! if (state) { while (Posts1 != "") { try { Posts1 = client.DownloadString(string.Format( resultPosts["paging"]["next"].ToString(), accessToken)); } catch (WebException expct) { Console.WriteLine(expct.Message); throw expct; } string pagePosts1 = regex.Replace(Posts1, match => ((Char)Int32.Parse(match.Value.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber)) .ToString()); dynamic resultPosts1 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(pagePosts1); JArray items1 = (JArray)resultPosts1["data"]; if (items1.Count != 0) { resultPosts = putFBNewsInDatabase(resultPosts1, newMunFb, db, mun.MunId)[0]; //resultPosts = client.DownloadString(string.Format(resultPosts["paging"]["next"].ToString(), accessToken)); } else { Posts1 = ""; } } } } } } #endregion #region twitterData //////TWITTER Data//// ////twitter imeto na opstinata if (socialmedia == "twitter") { var screenname = mun.TwitterID; //ako postoi twitter profil za korisnikot if (screenname != "") { bool newTwMun = false; string max_id = ""; var twitterInfo = getJson(screenname, twitAuthResponse, regex, max_id); var newMTunCheck = tInfo.Where((aa => aa.MunId == mun.MunId)).Any(); if (newMTunCheck == false) { //its a new municipality! newTwMun = true; //basic user info! var tweetDescription = ""; if (twitterInfo[0]["user"]["description"] != null) { tweetDescription = twitterInfo[0]["user"]["description"].ToString(); } //zemi go posledniot zacuvan podatok za opstinata koja se razgleduva vo momentot var tweetFollowers = ""; if (twitterInfo[0]["user"]["followers_count"] != null) { tweetFollowers = twitterInfo[0]["user"]["followers_count"].ToString(); } var tweetFollowing = ""; if (twitterInfo[0]["user"]["friends_count"] != null) { tweetFollowing = twitterInfo[0]["user"]["friends_count"].ToString(); } var tweetProfileCreated = ""; if (twitterInfo[0]["user"]["created_at"] != null) { tweetProfileCreated = twitterInfo[0]["user"]["created_at"].ToString(); } var tweetNumTweets = ""; if (twitterInfo[0]["user"][" statuses_count"] != null) { tweetNumTweets = twitterInfo[0]["user"][" statuses_count"]; } var tweetProfilePic = ""; if (twitterInfo[0]["user"][" profile_image_url"] != null) { tweetProfilePic = twitterInfo[0]["user"][" profile_image_url"].ToString(); } TwitterInfo ti = new TwitterInfo(); ti.MunId = mun.MunId; ti.TFollowers = tweetFollowers; ti.TFollowing = tweetFollowing; ti.TProfileCreated = tweetProfileCreated; ti.TProfilePic = tweetProfilePic; ti.Tdescription = tweetDescription; ti.TNumTweers = tweetNumTweets; db.TwitterInfoes.Add(ti); db.SaveChanges(); } //end update new municipalities only String PostsT = "sledna stranica"; bool year2012 = false; while (PostsT != "") { JArray itemsTwitter = (JArray)twitterInfo; int numTweets = itemsTwitter.Count; //ako nema informacii vo vrateniot string if (numTweets != 0 && year2012 == false) { // var compareT = ""; // if (newTwMun == false) // compareT = twNews.Where((a => a.MunId == mun.MunId)).First().TCreated; //Tweets from profile!! for (int j = 0; j < numTweets; j++) { var tweetCreated = ""; if (twitterInfo[j]["created_at"] != null) { tweetCreated = twitterInfo[j]["created_at"].ToString(); } bool anyT = twNews.Any(aaa => aaa.TCreated == tweetCreated && aaa.MunId == mun.MunId); //ne sakame podatocite da se povtoruvaat. compare go sodrzi posledniot procitan tweet od bazata //ako e ist so onoj noviot od json objektot znaci deka nemame novi procitani sodrzini i izleguvame od ciklusot if (anyT) { break; } var tweetText = ""; if (twitterInfo[j]["text"] != null) { tweetText = twitterInfo[j]["text"].ToString(); } var tweetLink = ""; if (twitterInfo[j]["entities"]["urls"].ToString() != "[]") { tweetLink = twitterInfo[j]["entities"]["urls"][0]["url"].ToString(); } int Tmonth = convertMonth(tweetCreated.Substring(4, 3)); int Tyear = Convert.ToInt32(tweetCreated.Substring(tweetCreated.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1, 4)); int Tday = Convert.ToInt32(tweetCreated.Substring(8, 3)); if (Tyear <= 2012) { year2012 = true; break; } var tweetMedia = ""; try { if (twitterInfo[j]["entities"]["media"].ToString() != "[]") { tweetMedia = twitterInfo[j]["entities"]["media"][0]["media_url"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", exception); } TwitterNew tn = new TwitterNew(); tn.MunId = mun.MunId; tn.TCreated = tweetCreated; tn.TLink = tweetLink; tn.TText = tweetText; tn.TMonth = Tmonth; tn.TDay = Tday; tn.TYear = Tyear; tn.TMedia = tweetMedia; db.TwitterNews.Add(tn); db.SaveChanges(); } //gi izvrte site twitovi dobieni od eden request } //prazen tweet else { PostsT = ""; } max_id = twitterInfo[numTweets - 1]["id"].ToString(); twitterInfo = getJson(screenname, twitAuthResponse, regex, max_id); } } } //////End TWITTER Data//// #endregion #region youtubeData if (socialmedia == "youtube") { ////YOUTUBE//// string check = mun.YTId; //enter yt part if (check != "") { var youtube = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { //HttpClientInitializer = credential, ApplicationName = this.GetType().ToString(), ApiKey = "AIzaSyAUB1U07aL_zqnoj8T5FhRILtEA7HGzKpE" }); //info za kanalot var channelInfoReq = youtube.Channels.List("statistics"); // channelInfoReq.Id= //znak deka treba da rabotime so ID, mesto so username if (check.StartsWith("UC")) { channelInfoReq.Id = check; } else { channelInfoReq.ForUsername = check; } var channelInfo = channelInfoReq.Execute(); int subscribers = 0; int totalViews = 0; if (channelInfo.Items.Any()) { if (channelInfo.Items[0].Statistics.SubscriberCount.HasValue) { subscribers = Convert.ToInt32(channelInfo.Items[0].Statistics.SubscriberCount.Value); } if (channelInfo.Items[0].Statistics.ViewCount.HasValue) { totalViews = Convert.ToInt32(channelInfo.Items[0].Statistics.ViewCount.Value); } } YTInfo yt = new YTInfo(); yt.MunId = mun.MunId; yt.subscrCount = subscribers; yt.viewsTotal = totalViews; db.YTInfoes.Add(yt); db.SaveChanges(); //ottuka pocnuva delot so videata var channelsListRequest = youtube.Channels.List("contentDetails"); //ova da se smeni, nekoi opstini se so drugi iminja?? if (check.StartsWith("UC")) { channelsListRequest.Id = check; } else { channelsListRequest.ForUsername = check; } var channelsListResponse = channelsListRequest.Execute(); //promenliva koja simbolizira rednudantni informacii vo bazata bool old = false; //odime niz kanalite na izbranata opstina foreach (var channel in channelsListResponse.Items) { var uploadsListId = channel.ContentDetails.RelatedPlaylists.Uploads; var nextPageToken = ""; while (nextPageToken != null && old == false) { var playlistItemsListRequest = youtube.PlaylistItems.List("snippet"); playlistItemsListRequest.PlaylistId = uploadsListId; playlistItemsListRequest.MaxResults = 50; playlistItemsListRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken; //Tuka ja dobivame listata na videa za korisnikot var playlistItemsListResponse = playlistItemsListRequest.Execute(); foreach (var playlistItem in playlistItemsListResponse.Items) { // Print information about each video. //proverka dali vekje postoi toa video vo listata, t.e dali vnesuvame redundantni informacii vo bazata string vID = playlistItem.Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId; string t = playlistItem.Snippet.Title; bool any = ytNews.Any( a => a.MunId == mun.MunId && a.YTVideo == vID && a.YTTitle == playlistItem.Snippet.Title); //ima video so takov ID if (any) { old = true; break; } //novo video! dodadi go (ako e ponovo od 2012) if (playlistItem.Snippet.PublishedAt.Value.Year <= 2012) { old = true; break; } YTNew video = new YTNew(); video.MunId = mun.MunId; video.YTVideo = vID; video.YTTitle = playlistItem.Snippet.Title; video.YTDay = playlistItem.Snippet.PublishedAt.Value.Day; video.YTMonth = playlistItem.Snippet.PublishedAt.Value.Month; video.YTYear = playlistItem.Snippet.PublishedAt.Value.Year; video.YTTitle = playlistItem.Snippet.Title; db.YTNews.Add(video); db.SaveChanges(); } nextPageToken = playlistItemsListResponse.NextPageToken; } } } } ////END YOUTUBE//// #endregion } ////////end test }