コード例 #1
        public override CollisionShape Clone()
            CollisionAABB rv = new CollisionAABB(min, max);

            rv.handle    = this.handle;
            rv.timeStamp = this.timeStamp;
コード例 #2
        private void FourCollisionsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CollisionAPI API = new CollisionAPI();
            // Create some obstacles, at 4 corners of a square
            List<CollisionShape> shapes = new List<CollisionShape>();

            CollisionSphere sphere = new CollisionSphere(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 2f), 1f);
            API.AddCollisionShape(sphere, 1);

            CollisionCapsule capsule = new CollisionCapsule(new Vector3(10f,0f,0f),
                                                            new Vector3(10f,0f,4f),
            API.AddCollisionShape(capsule, 2);

            // Now, an AABB
            CollisionAABB aabb = new CollisionAABB(new Vector3(9.5f,9.5f,0f),
                                                   new Vector3(10.5f,10.5f,4f));
            API.AddCollisionShape(aabb, 3);

            CollisionOBB obb = new CollisionOBB(new Vector3(0f,10f,2),
                                                   new Vector3[3] {
                                                       new Vector3(1f,0f,0f),
                                                       new Vector3(0f,1f,0f),
                                                       new Vector3(0f,0f,1f)},
                                                new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f));
            API.AddCollisionShape(obb, 4);

            FileStream f = new FileStream("C:\\Junk\\DumpSphereTree.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(f);


            // Now a moving object capsule in the center of the square
            CollisionCapsule moCap = new CollisionCapsule(new Vector3(5f,5f,0f),
                                                          new Vector3(5f,5f,4f),

            // Remember where the moving object started
            Vector3 start = moCap.center;

            // Move the moving object toward each of the obstacles
            foreach (CollisionShape s in shapes) {
                moCap.AddDisplacement(start - moCap.center);
                MoveToObject(writer, API, s, moCap);

コード例 #3
        public PathGenerator(bool logPathGeneration, string modelName, PathObjectType poType, float terrainLevel, 
                             Matrix4 modelTransform, List<CollisionShape> collisionVolumes)
            this.dumpGrid = logPathGeneration;
            this.modelName = modelName;
            this.poType = poType;
            this.modelWidth = poType.width * oneMeter;
            this.cellWidth = poType.gridResolution * modelWidth;
            this.boxHeight = poType.height * oneMeter;
            this.maxClimbDistance = poType.maxClimbSlope * cellWidth;
            this.maxDisjointDistance = poType.maxDisjointDistance * oneMeter;
            this.minimumFeatureSize = poType.minimumFeatureSize;
            this.terrainLevel = terrainLevel;
            this.modelTransform = modelTransform;
            this.collisionVolumes = collisionVolumes;
            stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            // Create the collisionAPI object
            collisionAPI = new CollisionAPI(false);

            // Ugly workaround for a modularity problem do to
            // unadvised use of static variables: remember the
            // existing state of rendering collision volumes
            RenderedNode.RenderState oldRenderState = RenderedNode.renderState;
            RenderedNode.renderState = RenderedNode.RenderState.None;

            // Form the union of the collision volumes; we don't care
            // about Y coordinate, only the X and Z coordinates
            Vector3 min = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 max = Vector3.Zero;
            for (int i=0; i<collisionVolumes.Count; i++) {
                CollisionShape shape = collisionVolumes[i];
                // Add the shape to the sphere tree
                AxisAlignedBox vol = shape.BoundingBox();
                // If this is the first iteration, set up the min and
                // max
                if (i == 0) {
                    min = vol.Minimum;
                    max = vol.Maximum;
                    min.y = terrainLevel;
                    max.y = terrainLevel;
                // Enlarge the box by the dimensions of the shape
                min.x = Math.Min(min.x, vol.Minimum.x);
                min.z = Math.Min(min.z, vol.Minimum.z);
                max.x = Math.Max(max.x, vol.Maximum.x);
                max.z = Math.Max(max.z, vol.Maximum.z);

            // Restore RenderState
            RenderedNode.renderState = oldRenderState;

            // Round out the max and min by 4 times the grid
            // resolution, so we can just divide to find the
            // horizontal and vertical numbers are cells
            Vector3 margin = Vector3.UnitScale * 4 * cellWidth;
            min -= margin;
            max += margin;

            // Now adjust the max the min coords so that they are
            // exactly a multiple of the grid resolution
            min.x = MultipleOfResolution(min.x);
            min.z = MultipleOfResolution(min.z);
            max.x = MultipleOfResolution(max.x);
            max.z = MultipleOfResolution(max.z);

            // Set the lower left  and upper right corners
            lowerLeftCorner = min;
            upperRightCorner = max;

            // Set the horizontal and vertical counts
            xCount = (int)((max.x - min.x) / cellWidth);
            zCount = (int)((max.z - min.z) / cellWidth);

            // Initial the gridBox
            gridBox = new AxisAlignedBox(min, max);

            // Allocate the grid
            grid = new List<GridCell>[xCount, zCount];
            for (int i=0; i<xCount; i++)
                for (int j=0; j<zCount; j++)
                    grid[i,j] = new List<GridCell>();

            // Initialize the work list, adding the cell at 0,0 and
            // the terrain height as the first member
            workList = new List<CellLocation>();
            workList.Add(new CellLocation(0, 0, terrainLevel, null));

            // Create the moving box at the center of the 0, 0 cell,
            // and the MovingObject object that contains the moving box
            movingBox = new CollisionAABB(
                new Vector3(min.x, terrainLevel, min.z),
                new Vector3(min.x + cellWidth, terrainLevel + boxHeight, min.z + terrainLevel));
            movingObject = new MovingObject(collisionAPI);
コード例 #4
        // This method is the callback by which the forests controlled
        // by the scene manager tell us about SpeedTrees.
        private void AddTreeObstacles(SpeedTreeWrapper tree)
            // If this tree didn't use to be in range but now is
            V3 vp = tree.TreePosition;
            Vector3 p = new Vector3(vp.x, vp.y, vp.z);
            // Find the tile in question
            int tileX, tileZ;
            WorldToTileCoords(p, out tileX, out tileZ);
            bool oir = InRange(tileXCenter, tileZCenter, tileX, tileZ);
            bool nir = InRange(newTileXCenter, newTileZCenter, tileX, tileZ);
            //             if (MO.DoLog)
            //                 MO.Log(String.Format("For tree at {0}, testing !InRange({1},{2},{3},{4}) = {5} && InRange({6},{7},{8},{9}) = {10}",
            //                                      MO.MeterString(p),tileXCenter, tileZCenter, tileX, tileZ, MO.Bool(!oir),
            //                                      newTileXCenter, newTileZCenter, tileX, tileZ, MO.Bool(nir)));
            if (!oir && nir) {
                int tX = TileToArrayIndex(tileX, newTileXCenter);
                int tZ = TileToArrayIndex(tileZ, newTileZCenter);
                uint count = tree.CollisionObjectCount;
                long handle = ComposeHandle(tileX, tileZ);
                CollisionShape shape = null;
                if (MO.DoLog) {
                    MO.Log(string.Format("Adding tree at {0}, tiles[{1},{2}] = {3}, tile coords[{4},{5}], obj. new count {6}",
                                      MO.MeterString(p), tX, tZ, tiles[tX,tZ], tileX, tileZ, count));
                    MO.Log(string.Format("Handle {0}, oldcenter {1}, newcenter {2}",
                                         MO.HandleString(handle), MO.MeterString(tileWorldCenter), MO.MeterString(newTileWorldCenter)));
                float size = 0f;
                float variance = 0f;
                tree.GetTreeSize(ref size, ref variance);
                float scaleFactor = size / tree.OriginalSize;
                for (uint i=0; i<count; i++) {
                    TreeCollisionObject tco = tree.CollisionObject(i);
                    Vector3 cp = new Vector3(tco.position.x, tco.position.y, tco.position.z) * scaleFactor + p;
                    Vector3 cd = new Vector3(tco.dimensions.x, tco.dimensions.y, tco.dimensions.z) * scaleFactor;
                    switch ((CollisionObjectType)tco.type) {
                    case CollisionObjectType.ColSphere:
                        shape = new CollisionSphere(cp, cd.x);
                    case CollisionObjectType.ColCylinder:
                        // We treat it as a capsule, but we raise the
                        // capsule up by the capRadius, and shorten
                        // the segment by the double the capRadius
                        Vector3 top = cp;
                        top.y += cd.y - cd.x * 2f;
                        cp.y += cd.x;
                        shape = new CollisionCapsule(cp, top, cd.x);
                    case CollisionObjectType.ColBox:
                        Vector3 tp = cp;
                        tp.x -= cd.x * .5f;
                        tp.y -= cd.y * .5f;
                        shape = new CollisionAABB(tp, tp + cd);
                    collisionAPI.AddCollisionShape(shape, handle);
                    tiles[tX, tZ]++;

                    if (MO.DoLog) {
                        MO.Log(string.Format(" tiles[{0},{1}] = {2}, tile at [{3},{4}] after adding shape {5}",
                                          tX, tZ, tiles[tX, tZ], tileX, tileZ, shape.ToString()));
コード例 #5
 public static bool TestCapsuleAABB(CollisionCapsule a, CollisionAABB b, CollisionParms parms)
     // Convert the AABB into an OBB, then run the OBBOBB test.
     // Not the most efficient algorithm but it gets the job
     // done.
     CollisionOBB newB = new CollisionOBB(b.center,
                                  (b.max - b.min) * .5f);
     return TestCapsuleOBB(a, newB, parms);
コード例 #6
 public static bool TestAABBAABB(CollisionAABB a, CollisionAABB b)
     // Exit with no intersection if separated along an axis
     if (a.max[0] < b.min[0] || a.min[0] > b.max[0])
     return false;
     if (a.max[1] < b.min[1] || a.min[1] > b.max[1])
     return false;
     if (a.max[2] < b.min[2] || a.min[2] > b.max[2])
     return false;
     // Overlapping on all axes means AABBs are intersecting
     return true;
コード例 #7
 // Computes the square distance between a point p and an AABB b
 public static float SqDistPointAABB(Vector3 p, CollisionAABB b)
     float sqDist = 0.0f;
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
     // For each axis count any excess distance outside box extents
     float v = p[i];
     if (v < b.min[i])
     sqDist += (b.min[i] - v) * (b.min[i] - v);
     if (v > b.max[i])
     sqDist += (v - b.max[i]) * (v - b.max[i]);
     return sqDist;
コード例 #8
 // Given point p, return the point q on or in AABB b, that is closest to p
 public static void ClosestPtPointAABB(Vector3 p, CollisionAABB b, out Vector3 q)
     // For each coordinate axis, if the point coordinate value is
     // outside box, clamp it to the box, else keep it as is
     q = Vector3.Zero;
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
     float v = p[i];
     v = Clamp(v, b.min[i], b.max[i]);
     q[i] = v;
コード例 #9
        // Test if segment specified by points p0 and p1 intersects AABB b
        public static bool TestSegmentAABB(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, CollisionAABB b)
            Vector3 e = b.max - b.center;       // Box halflength extents
            Vector3 m = (p0 + p1) * 0.5f;       // Segment midpoint
            Vector3 d = p1 - m;                 // Segment halflength vector
            m = m - b.center;                   // Translate box and segment to origin

            // Try world coordinate axes as separating axes
            float adx = Math.Abs(d.x);
            if (Math.Abs(m.x) > e.x + adx)
            return false;
            float ady = Math.Abs(d.y);
            if (Math.Abs(m.y) > e.y + ady)
            return false;
            float adz = Math.Abs(d.z);
            if (Math.Abs(m.z) > e.z + adz)
            return false;

            // Add in an epsilon term to counteract arithmetic errors when segment is
            // (near) parallel to a coordinate axis (see text for detail)
            adx += epsilon;
            ady += epsilon;
            adz += epsilon;

            // Try cross products of segment direction vector with coordinate axes
            if (Math.Abs(m.y * d.z - m.z * d.y) > e.y * adz + e.z * ady)
            return false;
            if (Math.Abs(m.z * d.x - m.x * d.z) > e.x * adz + e.z * adx)
            return false;
            if (Math.Abs(m.x * d.y - m.y * d.x) > e.x * ady + e.y * adx)
            return false;

            // No separating axis found; segment must be overlapping AABB
            return true;
コード例 #10
        private static void TestPhysics( string srcDir, string dstDir, string name )
            float OneMeter = 1000;
            PhysicsData pd = new PhysicsData();
            Vector3 center = new Vector3( 10 * OneMeter, 1 * OneMeter, 1 * OneMeter );
            Vector3[] obbAxes = new Vector3[ 3 ];
            obbAxes[ 0 ] = new Vector3( 1, 0, -1 );
            obbAxes[ 0 ].Normalize();
            obbAxes[ 1 ] = Vector3.UnitY;
            obbAxes[ 2 ] = new Vector3( 1, 0, 1 );
            obbAxes[ 2 ].Normalize();
            Vector3 obbExtents = new Vector3( 2.5f * OneMeter, 1 * OneMeter, 1 * OneMeter );
            CollisionOBB obb = new CollisionOBB( center, obbAxes, obbExtents );
            pd.AddCollisionShape( "submesh01", obb );
            CollisionAABB aabb = new CollisionAABB( center - obbExtents, center + obbExtents );
            pd.AddCollisionShape( "submesh01", aabb );
            CollisionSphere sphere = new CollisionSphere( center, 2 * OneMeter );
            pd.AddCollisionShape( "submesh01", sphere );
            Vector3 capExtents = new Vector3( -1 * OneMeter, 0, 0 );
            CollisionCapsule capsule = new CollisionCapsule( center + capExtents, center - capExtents, .5f * OneMeter );
            pd.AddCollisionShape( "submesh01", capsule );
            PhysicsSerializer ps = new PhysicsSerializer();
            ps.ExportPhysics( pd, name );

            pd = new PhysicsData();
            ps.ImportPhysics( pd, name );
            foreach( string objectId in pd.GetCollisionObjects() )
                log.InfoFormat( "Collision shapes for: {0}", objectId );
                List<CollisionShape> collisionShapes = pd.GetCollisionShapes( objectId );
                foreach( CollisionShape shape in collisionShapes )
                    log.InfoFormat( "Shape: {0}", shape );
コード例 #11
        // This method is the callback by which the forests controlled
        // by the scene manager tell us about SpeedTrees.
        private void AddTreeObstacles(SpeedTreeWrapper tree)
            // If this tree didn't use to be in range but now is
            V3      vp = tree.TreePosition;
            Vector3 p  = new Vector3(vp.x, vp.y, vp.z);
            // Find the tile in question
            int tileX, tileZ;

            WorldToTileCoords(p, out tileX, out tileZ);
            bool oir = InRange(tileXCenter, tileZCenter, tileX, tileZ);
            bool nir = InRange(newTileXCenter, newTileZCenter, tileX, tileZ);

//             if (MO.DoLog)
//                 MO.Log(String.Format("For tree at {0}, testing !InRange({1},{2},{3},{4}) = {5} && InRange({6},{7},{8},{9}) = {10}",
//                                      MO.MeterString(p),tileXCenter, tileZCenter, tileX, tileZ, MO.Bool(!oir),
//                                      newTileXCenter, newTileZCenter, tileX, tileZ, MO.Bool(nir)));
            if (!oir && nir)
                int            tX     = TileToArrayIndex(tileX, newTileXCenter);
                int            tZ     = TileToArrayIndex(tileZ, newTileZCenter);
                uint           count  = tree.CollisionObjectCount;
                long           handle = ComposeHandle(tileX, tileZ);
                CollisionShape shape  = null;
                if (MO.DoLog)
                    MO.Log(string.Format("Adding tree at {0}, tiles[{1},{2}] = {3}, tile coords[{4},{5}], obj. new count {6}",
                                         MO.MeterString(p), tX, tZ, tiles[tX, tZ], tileX, tileZ, count));
                    MO.Log(string.Format("Handle {0}, oldcenter {1}, newcenter {2}",
                                         MO.HandleString(handle), MO.MeterString(tileWorldCenter), MO.MeterString(newTileWorldCenter)));
                float size     = 0f;
                float variance = 0f;
                tree.GetTreeSize(ref size, ref variance);
                float scaleFactor = size / tree.OriginalSize;
                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    TreeCollisionObject tco = tree.CollisionObject(i);
                    Vector3             cp  = new Vector3(tco.position.x, tco.position.y, tco.position.z) * scaleFactor + p;
                    Vector3             cd  = new Vector3(tco.dimensions.x, tco.dimensions.y, tco.dimensions.z) * scaleFactor;
                    switch ((CollisionObjectType)tco.type)
                    case CollisionObjectType.ColSphere:
                        shape = new CollisionSphere(cp, cd.x);

                    case CollisionObjectType.ColCylinder:
                        // We treat it as a capsule, but we raise the
                        // capsule up by the capRadius, and shorten
                        // the segment by the double the capRadius
                        Vector3 top = cp;
                        top.y += cd.y - cd.x * 2f;
                        cp.y  += cd.x;
                        shape  = new CollisionCapsule(cp, top, cd.x);

                    case CollisionObjectType.ColBox:
                        Vector3 tp = cp;
                        tp.x -= cd.x * .5f;
                        tp.y -= cd.y * .5f;
                        shape = new CollisionAABB(tp, tp + cd);
                    collisionAPI.AddCollisionShape(shape, handle);
                    tiles[tX, tZ]++;

                    if (MO.DoLog)
                        MO.Log(string.Format(" tiles[{0},{1}] = {2}, tile at [{3},{4}] after adding shape {5}",
                                             tX, tZ, tiles[tX, tZ], tileX, tileZ, shape.ToString()));
コード例 #12
 public override CollisionShape Clone()
     CollisionAABB rv = new CollisionAABB(min, max);
     rv.handle = this.handle;
     rv.timeStamp = this.timeStamp;
     return rv;
コード例 #13
 private static CollisionShape ExtractBox_Old( SubMesh subMesh )
     if( DoLog )
         Log( "" );
         Log( string.Format( "Extracting box for submesh {0}", subMesh.Name ) );
     MeshTriangle[] triangles = ExtractSubmeshTriangles( subMesh );
     int count = triangles.Length;
     Plane[] planesUnsorted = new Plane[ 6 ];
     int planeCount = 0;
     // Iterate through the triangles.  For each triangle,
     // determine the plane it belongs to, and find the plane
     // in the array of planes, or if it's not found, add it.
     for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
         MeshTriangle t = triangles[ i ];
         bool found = false;
         Plane p = new Plane( t.vertPos[ 0 ], t.vertPos[ 1 ], t.vertPos[ 2 ] );
         NormalizePlane( ref p );
         if( DoLog )
             Log( string.Format( " {0} => plane {1}", t.ToString(), p.ToString() ) );
         for( int j = 0; j < planeCount; j++ )
             Plane pj = planesUnsorted[ j ];
             if( SamePlane( pj, p ) )
                 if( DoLog )
                     Log( string.Format( " plane {0} same as plane {1}", p.ToString(), pj.ToString() ) );
                 found = true;
         if( !found )
             if( planeCount < 6 )
                 if( DoLog )
                     Log( string.Format( " plane[{0}] = plane {1}", planeCount, p.ToString() ) );
                 planesUnsorted[ planeCount++ ] = p;
                 Debug.Assert( false,
                              string.Format( "In the definition of box {0}, more than 6 planes were found",
                                            subMesh.Name ) );
     Debug.Assert( planeCount == 6,
                  string.Format( "In the definition of box {0}, fewer than 6 planes were found",
                                subMesh.Name ) );
     // Now recreate the planes array, making sure that
     // opposite faces are 3 planes apart
     Plane[] planes = new Plane[ 6 ];
     bool[] planeUsed = new bool[ 6 ];
     for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
         planeUsed[ i ] = false;
     int planePair = 0;
     for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
         if( !planeUsed[ i ] )
             Plane p1 = planesUnsorted[ i ];
             planes[ planePair ] = p1;
             planeUsed[ i ] = true;
             for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
                 Plane p2 = planesUnsorted[ j ];
                 if( !planeUsed[ j ] && !Orthogonal( p2, p1 ) )
                     planes[ 3 + planePair++ ] = p2;
                     planeUsed[ j ] = true;
     Debug.Assert( planePair == 3, "Didn't find 3 pairs of parallel planes" );
     // Make sure that the sequence of planes follows the
     // right-hand rule
     if( planes[ 0 ].Normal.Cross( planes[ 1 ].Normal ).Dot( planes[ 3 ].Normal ) < 0 )
         // Swap the first two plane pairs
         Plane p = planes[ 0 ];
         planes[ 0 ] = planes[ 1 ];
         planes[ 1 ] = p;
         p = planes[ 0 + 3 ];
         planes[ 0 + 3 ] = planes[ 1 + 3 ];
         planes[ 1 + 3 ] = p;
         Debug.Assert( planes[ 0 ].Normal.Cross( planes[ 1 ].Normal ).Dot( planes[ 3 ].Normal ) > 0,
                      "Even after swapping, planes don't obey the right-hand rule" );
     // Now we have our 6 planes, sorted so that opposite
     // planes are 3 planes apart, and so they obey the
     // right-hand rule.  This guarantees that corners
     // correspond.  Find the 8 intersections that define the
     // corners.
     Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[ 8 ];
     int cornerCount = 0;
     for( int i = 0; i <= 3; i += 3 )
         Plane p1 = planes[ i ];
         for( int j = 1; j <= 4; j += 3 )
             Plane p2 = planes[ j ];
             for( int k = 2; k <= 5; k += 3 )
                 Plane p3 = planes[ k ];
                 Vector3 corner = -1 * ((p1.D * (p2.Normal.Cross( p3.Normal )) +
                                         p2.D * (p3.Normal.Cross( p1.Normal )) +
                                         p3.D * (p1.Normal.Cross( p2.Normal ))) /
                                        p1.Normal.Dot( p2.Normal.Cross( p3.Normal ) ));
                 Debug.Assert( cornerCount < 8,
                              string.Format( "In the definition of box {0}, more than 8 corners were found",
                                            subMesh.Name ) );
                 if( DoLog )
                     Log( string.Format( "  corner#{0}: {1}", cornerCount, corner.ToString() ) );
                 corners[ cornerCount++ ] = corner;
     Debug.Assert( cornerCount == 8,
                   string.Format( "In the definition of box {0}, fewer than 8 corners were found",
                                 subMesh.Name ) );
     // We know that corners correspond.  Now find the center
     Vector3 center = (corners[ 0 ] + corners[ 7 ]) / 2;
     Debug.Assert( (center - (corners[ 1 ] + corners[ 5 ]) / 2.0f).Length > geometryEpsilon ||
                   (center - (corners[ 2 ] + corners[ 6 ]) / 2.0f).Length > geometryEpsilon ||
                   (center - (corners[ 3 ] + corners[ 7 ]) / 2.0f).Length > geometryEpsilon,
                   string.Format( "In the definition of box {0}, center definition {0} is not consistent",
                                 subMesh.Name, center.ToString() ) );
     // Find the extents
     Vector3 extents = new Vector3( Math.Abs( (corners[ 1 ] - corners[ 0 ]).Length / 2.0f ),
                                   Math.Abs( (corners[ 3 ] - corners[ 1 ]).Length / 2.0f ),
                                   Math.Abs( (corners[ 4 ] - corners[ 0 ]).Length / 2.0f ) );
     if( DoLog )
         Log( string.Format( " extents {0}", extents.ToString() ) );
     // Find the axes
     Vector3[] axes = new Vector3[ 3 ] { (corners[1] - corners[0]).ToNormalized(),
                                        (corners[3] - corners[1]).ToNormalized(),
                                        (corners[4] - corners[0]).ToNormalized() };
     if( DoLog )
         for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
             Log( string.Format( " axis[{0}] {1}", i, axes[ i ] ) );
     // Now, is it an obb or an aabb?  Figure out if the axes
     // point in the same direction as the basis vectors, and
     // if so, the order of the axes
     int[] mapping = new int[ 3 ] { -1, -1, -1 };
     int foundMapping = 0;
     for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
             if( axes[ i ].Cross( Primitives.UnitBasisVectors[ j ] ).Length < geometryEpsilon )
                 mapping[ i ] = j;
     CollisionShape shape;
     if( foundMapping == 3 )
         // It's an AABB, so build the min and max vectors, in
         // the order that matches the unit basis vector order
         Vector3 min = Vector3.Zero;
         Vector3 max = Vector3.Zero;
         for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
             float e = extents[ i ];
             int j = mapping[ i ];
             min[ j ] = center[ j ] - e;
             max[ j ] = center[ j ] + e;
         shape = new CollisionAABB( min, max );
         Vector3 ruleTest = axes[ 0 ].Cross( axes[ 1 ] );
         if( axes[ 2 ].Dot( ruleTest ) < 0 )
             axes[ 2 ] = -1 * axes[ 2 ];
         // Return the OBB
         shape = new CollisionOBB( center, axes, extents );
     if( DoLog )
         Log( string.Format( "Extraction result: {0}", shape ) );
     return shape;
コード例 #14
        // Take a different approach, based on an idea of Robin's:
        // Find the farthest point pair, and use that to identify the
        // triangles with one of the points as a vertex.  Then take
        // the normals of the triangles, adjust to object the
        // right-hand rule, and they are the axes.  Compute the center
        // from the average of the farthest points, and extents by
        // dotting farthest - center with the axes.
        private static CollisionShape ExtractBox( SubMesh subMesh )
            if( DoLog )
                Log( "" );
                Log( string.Format( "Extracting box for submesh {0}", subMesh.Name ) );
            MeshTriangle[] triangles = ExtractSubmeshTriangles( subMesh );
            int count = triangles.Length;
            // Find the two farthest vertices across all triangle
            Vector3[] farthestPoints = new Vector3[ 2 ] { Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero };
            float farthestDistanceSquared = 0.0f;
            for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                MeshTriangle t1 = triangles[ i ];
                for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
                    Vector3 p1 = t1.vertPos[ j ];
                    for( int r = i; r < count; r++ )
                        MeshTriangle t2 = triangles[ r ];
                        for( int s = 0; s < 3; s++ )
                            Vector3 p2 = t2.vertPos[ s ];
                            Vector3 diff = (p1 - p2);
                            float d = diff.LengthSquared;
                            // 							if (DoLog)
                            // 								Log(string.Format(" TriVert {0} {1} {2} / {3} {4} {5} dist {6}", i, j, p1, r, s, p2, d));
                            if( d > farthestDistanceSquared )
                                if( DoLog )
                                    Log( string.Format( " Largest! TriVert {0} {1} {2} / {3} {4} {5} dist {6}",
                                                      i, j, p1, r, s, p2, d ) );
                                farthestDistanceSquared = d;
                                farthestPoints[ 0 ] = p1;
                                farthestPoints[ 1 ] = p2;
            // The center is the average of the farthest points
            Vector3 center = (farthestPoints[ 0 ] + farthestPoints[ 1 ]) * 0.5f;
            if( DoLog )
                Log( string.Format( "The farthest points are {0} and {1}",
                                  farthestPoints[ 0 ], farthestPoints[ 1 ] ) );
                Log( string.Format( "The center is {0}", center ) );
            // Now find the three triangles that have the
            // farthestPoints[0] as a vertex
            Vector3[] axes = new Vector3[] { Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero };
            int foundCount = 0;
            for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                MeshTriangle t = triangles[ i ];
                for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
                    Vector3 p = t.vertPos[ j ];
                    if( (p - farthestPoints[ 0 ]).LengthSquared < geometryEpsilon )
                        Vector3 side1 = t.vertPos[ 1 ] - t.vertPos[ 0 ];
                        Vector3 side2 = t.vertPos[ 2 ] - t.vertPos[ 1 ];
                        Vector3 axis = side1.Cross( side2 ).ToNormalized();
                        // Ignore this triangle if his normal matches one we already have
                        bool ignore = false;
                        for( int k = 0; k < foundCount; k++ )
                            if( Math.Abs( axis.Cross( axes[ k ] ).LengthSquared ) < geometryEpsilon )
                                ignore = true;
                        if( !ignore )
                            Debug.Assert( foundCount < 3, "Found more than three triangles with distinct normals and vertex = farthest point" );
                            axes[ foundCount ] = axis;
            // Put the axes in coordinate order
            for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
                float largest = float.MinValue;
                int largestIndex = i;
                for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
                    float v = Math.Abs( axes[ j ][ i ] );
                    if( v > largest )
                        largestIndex = j;
                        largest = v;
                if( largestIndex != i )
                    Vector3 t = axes[ i ];
                    axes[ i ] = axes[ largestIndex ];
                    axes[ largestIndex ] = t;
                if( axes[ i ][ i ] < 0 )
                    axes[ i ] = -axes[ i ];

            // Put the axes in right-hand-rule order
            if( axes[ 0 ].Cross( axes[ 1 ] ).Dot( axes[ 2 ] ) < 0 )
                axes[ 2 ] = -axes[ 2 ];
            Debug.Assert( axes[ 0 ].Cross( axes[ 1 ] ).Dot( axes[ 2 ] ) > 0,
                         "After swapping axes, still don't obey right-hand rule" );
            // The extents are just the abs of the dot products of
            // farthest point minus the center with the axes
            Vector3 f = farthestPoints[ 0 ] - center;
            Vector3 extents = new Vector3( Math.Abs( f.Dot( axes[ 0 ] ) ),
                                          Math.Abs( f.Dot( axes[ 1 ] ) ),
                                          Math.Abs( f.Dot( axes[ 2 ] ) ) );
            if( DoLog )
                for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
                    Log( string.Format( " axis[{0}] {1}, extent[{2}] {3}", i, axes[ i ], i, extents[ i ] ) );
                int[] sign = new int[ 3 ] { 0, 0, 0 };
                for( int i = -1; i < 2; i += 2 )
                    sign[ 0 ] = i;
                    for( int j = -1; j < 2; j += 2 )
                        sign[ 1 ] = j;
                        for( int k = -1; k < 2; k += 2 )
                            sign[ 2 ] = k;
                            Vector3 corner = center;
                            for( int a = 0; a < 3; a++ )
                                corner += axes[ a ] * extents[ a ] * sign[ a ];
                            Log( string.Format( " corner[{0},{1},{2}] = {3}", i, j, k, corner ) );
            // Now, is it an obb or an aabb?  Figure out if the axes
            // point in the same direction as the basis vectors, and
            // if so, the order of the axes
            int[] mapping = new int[ 3 ] { -1, -1, -1 };
            int foundMapping = 0;
            for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
                for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
                    if( Math.Abs( axes[ i ].Dot( Primitives.UnitBasisVectors[ j ] ) - 1.0f ) < .0001f )
                        if( DoLog )
                            Log( string.Format( " foundMapping[{0}], basis vector {1}", i, Primitives.UnitBasisVectors[ j ] ) );
                        mapping[ i ] = j;
            CollisionShape shape;
            if( foundMapping == 3 )
                // It's an AABB, so build the min and max vectors, in
                // the order that matches the unit basis vector order
                Vector3 min = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 max = Vector3.Zero;
                for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
                    float e = extents[ i ];
                    int j = mapping[ i ];
                    min[ j ] = center[ j ] - e;
                    max[ j ] = center[ j ] + e;
                shape = new CollisionAABB( min, max );
                // Return the OBB
                shape = new CollisionOBB( center, axes, extents );
            if( DoLog )
                Log( string.Format( "Extraction result: {0}", shape ) );
            return shape;