コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Confirms that the values entered are correct and launches the actual game
        ///     window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object calling the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Arguments passed by the event</param>
        private void BtnStartMenuForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (InputTester.IsInteger(TxtBLowerValueMenuForm.Text))         // Test if lower value is correct data type
                lowerValue = int.Parse(TxtBLowerValueMenuForm.Text);

                if (InputTester.IsInteger(TxtBUpperValueMenuForm.Text))     // Test if upper value is correct data type
                    upperValue = int.Parse(TxtBUpperValueMenuForm.Text);

                    {                                                       // Test if the bounds contain a valid range
                        if (int.Parse(TxtBLowerValueMenuForm.Text) < int.Parse(TxtBUpperValueMenuForm.Text))
                        {                                                   // Launch the game form
                            GameForm     gameForm       = new GameForm(lowerValue, upperValue);
                            DialogResult gameFormResult = gameForm.ShowDialog(this);

                            this.TxtBLowerValueMenuForm.Text = "1";          // Reset menu form values after game completes
                            this.TxtBUpperValueMenuForm.Text = "10";
                            throw new InvalidRangeException();              // If the range is invalid, throw exception
                    catch (InvalidRangeException ex)                        // Catch exception and launch exception handler
                    {                                                       // with error message
                        Console.WriteLine("The upper value is lower than the lower value");
                        InputTester.ExceptionHandler(ex, "");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Start evaluation of guess
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object sending the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event details</param>
        private void BtnOKGameForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int inputValue = 0;

            if (InputTester.IsInteger(TxtBGuessGameForm.Text))          // Test if input is correct data type
                inputValue = int.Parse(TxtBGuessGameForm.Text);

                try                                                     // Test if entered value is within specified bounds
                    if ((inputValue < this.LowerValue) || (inputValue > this.UpperValue))
                        throw new ValueOutOfBoundsException();          // If not in bounds, throw exception
                catch (ValueOutOfBoundsException ex)                    // Catch thrown exception and provide feedback to user
                    Console.WriteLine("The player guess it outside of player defined bounds");
                    InputTester.ExceptionHandler(ex, "Your guess it outside of the bounds specified," +
                                                 "please try again.");

                if (inputValue > this.GuessValue)                       // Test if the value is low, high or a winning number
                    ListBoxGameForm.Items.Add("Your guess of " + inputValue + " was HIGH");
                else if (inputValue < this.GuessValue)
                    ListBoxGameForm.Items.Add("Your guess of " + inputValue + " was LOW");
                else if (inputValue == this.GuessValue)
                    ListBoxGameForm.Items.Add("CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU WON!!!");


                    DisplayLocalMessage("Win");                         // Display message box stating game was won

                    this.Close();                                       // Close this form