public App() { if (db.GetCurrency(Utils.currencyCodes[0]) == null) // db not initialized { // initialize db with default rate (-1) // changed to 1. -1 was giving problems. foreach (string cod in Utils.currencyCodes) { db.UpdateCurrency(new Currency() { code = cod, rate = 1.0 }); } db.SetGlobal("favouriteCurrency", "EUR"); } foreach (WalletAmount wa in db.GetWalletAmounts()) { wallet.AddAmount(wa.code, wa.amount); } // The root page of your application var content = new InputValuePage(db, wallet); MainPage = new NavigationPage(content); content.UpdateCurrencies(); }
public BalancePage(Wallet w, DatabaseOps d) { this.Title = "Balance"; wallet = w; db = d; screenWidth = DeviceInfo.Hardware.ScreenWidth; screenHeight = ConvertPixelsToDp(DeviceInfo.Hardware.ScreenHeight); Debug.WriteLine("Height: " + screenHeight + " # Width: " + screenWidth); graphMaxHeight = screenHeight * 0.6; selectedCurrency = db.GetCurrency(db.GetGlobal("favouriteCurrency")); InitializeMainGrid(); InitializeGraph(); InitializeTotals(); var scrollview = new ScrollView { Content = new StackLayout { Children = { mainGrid } } }; Content = new StackLayout { Children = { scrollview } }; }
public static double ConvertAmount(DatabaseOps db, double amount, string codeFrom, string codeTo) { double rate = db.GetCurrency(codeTo).rate / db.GetCurrency(codeFrom).rate; return(amount * rate); }
public static Currency getFavouriteCurrency(DatabaseOps db) { return(db.GetCurrency(db.GetGlobal("favouriteCurrency"))); }
private void updateCurrencyRateLabelText() { currencyRateLabel.Text = string.Format("1 {0} = {1} {2}", favouriteCurrency.code, Math.Round(db.GetCurrency(selectedCurrency.code).getRate(favouriteCurrency), 5), selectedCurrency.code); }