コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns a dataset to a mass tag database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="massTagDatabase"></param>
        /// <param name="features"></param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AlignmentData Align(MassTagDatabase massTagDatabase,
                                   IEnumerable <UMCLight> features,
                                   IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            var alignmentProcessor = new LcmsWarpAlignmentProcessor(_options);

            alignmentProcessor.Progress += AlignmentProcessor_Progress;

            var umcLights   = features as IList <UMCLight> ?? features.ToList();
            var featureTest = umcLights.ToList().Find(x => x.DriftTime > 0);

            if (featureTest != null && !massTagDatabase.DoesContainDriftTime)
                OnStatus("Warning! Data contains drift time information and the database does not.");

            OnStatus("Configuring features as mass tags.");

            OnStatus("Setting reference features using mass tags.");
            var data = AlignFeatures(alignmentProcessor,

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Align a dataset to a baseline dataset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baselineFeatures">baseline dataset features</param>
        /// <param name="features">alignee dataset features</param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AlignmentData Align(IEnumerable <UMCLight> baselineFeatures,
                                   IEnumerable <UMCLight> features,
                                   IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            var alignmentProcessor = new LcmsWarpAlignmentProcessor(_options);

            alignmentProcessor.Progress += AlignmentProcessor_Progress;

            OnStatus("Setting features from baseline dataset.");

            var umcLights = baselineFeatures as List <UMCLight> ?? baselineFeatures.ToList();

            var filteredFeatures = FilterFeaturesByAbundance(umcLights, _options);

            var alignmentData = AlignFeatures(alignmentProcessor,

            var minScanReference = int.MaxValue;
            var maxScanReference = int.MinValue;

            foreach (var feature in umcLights)
                minScanReference = Math.Min(minScanReference, feature.Scan);
                maxScanReference = Math.Max(maxScanReference, feature.Scan);

            alignmentData.MaxMTDBNET = maxScanReference;
            alignmentData.MinMTDBNET = minScanReference;

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Align a UMCLight Enumerable to a MassTagLight enumerable.
        /// The MassTagLight Enumerable is used as the baseline to align the
        /// UMCLight enumerable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseline">Base dataset or AMT tags to align to</param>
        /// <param name="features">LC-MS Features to align to the baseline</param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AlignmentData Align(IEnumerable <MassTagLight> baseline, IEnumerable <UMCLight> features,
                                   IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            var alignmentProcessor = new LcmsWarpAlignmentProcessor(_options);

            alignmentProcessor.Progress += AlignmentProcessor_Progress;

            var baselineMassTags = baseline as List <MassTagLight> ?? baseline.ToList();
            var aligneeFeatures  = features as List <UMCLight> ?? features.ToList();

            var featureTest = aligneeFeatures.Find(x => x.DriftTime > 0);
            var massTagTest = baselineMassTags.Find(x => x.DriftTime > 0);

            if (featureTest != null && massTagTest == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning! Data has drift time info, but the mass tags do not.");


            var data = AlignFeatures(alignmentProcessor, aligneeFeatures, _options, progress);

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns the dataset to the data stored in the alignment processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alignmentProcessor">Aligner</param>
        /// <param name="features">LC-MS Features to align to the baseline</param>
        /// <param name="alignmentOptions">Options</param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private AlignmentData AlignFeatures(LcmsWarpAlignmentProcessor alignmentProcessor,
                                            IEnumerable <UMCLight> features,
                                            LcmsWarpAlignmentOptions alignmentOptions,
                                            IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            var progData      = new ProgressData(progress);
            var localProgress = new Progress <ProgressData>(p => progData.Report(p.Percent, p.Status));
            var alignmentData = new AlignmentData();

            OnStatus("Starting alignment of features.");

            // Set minMtdbnet and maxMtdbnet to 0
            alignmentData.MinMTDBNET = 0;
            alignmentData.MaxMTDBNET = 0;

            var umcLights = features as List <UMCLight> ?? features.ToList();

            progData.StepRange(5, "Starting alignment of features.");
            var filteredFeatures = FilterFeaturesByAbundance(umcLights, alignmentOptions);

            // Convert the features, and make a map, so that we can re-adjust the aligned values later.
            var map = FeatureDataConverters.MapFeature(umcLights);

            progData.StepRange(10, "Setting alignee features.");
            // Set features
            OnStatus("Setting alignee features.");

            progData.StepRange(90, "Performing alignment warping.");
            // Find alignment
            OnStatus("Performing alignment warping.");

            // Extract alignment function
            alignmentData.AlignmentFunction = alignmentProcessor.GetAlignmentFunction();

            // Extract the NET value for every scan
            _scanToNETMap = alignmentProcessor.GetScanToNETMapping();

            // Correct the features (updates NetAligned and MassMonoisotopicAligned)
            OnStatus("Applying alignment function to all features.");
            progData.Status = "Applying alignment function to all features.";
            umcLights       = alignmentProcessor.ApplyNetMassFunctionToAligneeDatasetFeatures(umcLights);

            // Find min/max scan for meta-data
            var minScanBaseline = int.MaxValue;
            var maxScanBaseline = int.MinValue;

            foreach (var feature in umcLights)
                maxScanBaseline = Math.Max(maxScanBaseline, feature.Scan);
                minScanBaseline = Math.Min(minScanBaseline, feature.Scan);

            // Update the scan and NET ranges
            alignmentData.MinScanBaseline = minScanBaseline;
            alignmentData.MaxScanBaseline = maxScanBaseline;
            alignmentData.MinMTDBNET      = (float)alignmentProcessor.MinReferenceNet;
            alignmentData.MaxMTDBNET      = (float)alignmentProcessor.MaxReferenceNet;

            // Cache the matching features
            alignmentData.FeatureMatches = alignmentProcessor.FeatureMatches;

            // Pull out the heat maps...
            OnStatus("Retrieving alignment data.");
            progData.Status          = "Retrieving alignment data.";
            alignmentData.HeatScores = alignmentProcessor.GetAlignmentHeatMap(alignmentOptions.StandardizeHeatScores);

            // Mass and net error histograms!
            alignmentData.MassErrorHistogram  = alignmentProcessor.GetMassErrorHistogram(alignmentOptions.MassBinSize);
            alignmentData.NetErrorHistogram   = alignmentProcessor.GetNetErrorHistogram(alignmentOptions.NetBinSize);
            alignmentData.DriftErrorHistogram = alignmentProcessor.GetDriftErrorHistogram(alignmentOptions.DriftTimeBinSize);

            // Get the residual data from the warp.
            alignmentData.ResidualData = alignmentProcessor.GetResidualData();

            alignmentData.NETIntercept          = alignmentProcessor.NetIntercept;
            alignmentData.NETRsquared           = alignmentProcessor.NetRsquared;
            alignmentData.NETSlope              = alignmentProcessor.NetSlope;
            alignmentData.MassMean              = alignmentProcessor.MassMu;
            alignmentData.MassStandardDeviation = alignmentProcessor.MassStd;
            alignmentData.NETMean = alignmentProcessor.NetMu;
            alignmentData.NETStandardDeviation = alignmentProcessor.NetStd;
            alignmentData.BaselineIsAmtDB      = _options.AlignToMassTagDatabase;
