コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of ExtendedObjectFieldButton.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_IconType">The type of icon to use for this button.</param>
 /// <param name="_Tooltip">The hovering tooltip to use for this button.</param>
 /// <param name="_OnClick">The action to perform when the user clicks on the button.</param>
 /// <param name="_Enabled">Defines if this button is enabled.</param>
 public ExtendedObjectFieldButton(EEditorIcon _IconType, string _Tooltip, Action _OnClick, bool _Enabled = true)
     icon    = EditorIcons.FindIcon(_IconType);
     tooltip = _Tooltip;
     onClick = _OnClick;
     enabled = _Enabled;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of ExtendedObjectFieldButton.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_IconType">The type of icon to use for this button.</param>
 /// <param name="_Position">The expected position of the button when drawing the Extended Object Field.</param>
 /// <param name="_OnClick">The action to perform when the user clicks on the button.</param>
 /// <param name="_Enabled">Defines if this button is enabled.</param>
 public ExtendedObjectFieldButton(EEditorIcon _IconType, EPosition _Position, Action _OnClick, bool _Enabled = true)
     icon     = EditorIcons.FindIcon(_IconType);
     position = _Position;
     onClick  = _OnClick;
     enabled  = _Enabled;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the "Add entry" button and the context menu
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawAddEntryButton(Rect _Position, SerializedProperty _DataList)
            if (GUI.Button(_Position, EditorIcons.IconContent(EEditorIcon.AddDropdown, "Add Entry", "Creates a new entry on this Blackboard"), MuffinDevGUI.PropertyFieldButtonStyle))
                GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
                menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("New Entry Type"));
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, IBlackboardValueEditor> valueEditor in VALUE_EDITORS)
                    menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(valueEditor.Key.Name)), false, () =>
                        int index = _DataList.arraySize;

                        SerializedProperty prop = _DataList.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
                        prop.FindPropertyRelative(KEY_PROP).stringValue            = $"New{valueEditor.Key.Name}";
                        prop.FindPropertyRelative(DATA_TYPE_NAME_PROP).stringValue = valueEditor.Key.AssemblyQualifiedName;

                        object data = SerializationUtility.DeserializeFromString(valueEditor.Key, string.Empty);
                        prop.FindPropertyRelative(SERIALIZED_DATA_PROP).stringValue = SerializationUtility.SerializeToString(data);

コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of ExtendedObjectFieldButton.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_IconName">The name of the icon to use for this button (from built-in resources).</param>
 /// <param name="_Position">The expected position of the button when drawing the Extended Object Field.</param>
 /// <param name="_Tooltip">The hovering tooltip to use for this button.</param>
 /// <param name="_OnClick">The action to perform when the user clicks on the button.</param>
 /// <param name="_Enabled">Defines if this button is enabled.</param>
 public ExtendedObjectFieldButton(string _IconName, EPosition _Position, string _Tooltip, Action _OnClick, bool _Enabled = true)
     icon     = EditorIcons.FindIcon(_IconName);
     position = _Position;
     tooltip  = _Tooltip;
     onClick  = _OnClick;
     enabled  = _Enabled;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of ExtendedObjectFieldButton.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_IconName">The name of the icon to use for this button (from built-in resources).</param>
 /// <param name="_OnClick">The action to perform when the user clicks on the button.</param>
 /// <param name="_Enabled">Defines if this button is enabled.</param>
 public ExtendedObjectFieldButton(string _IconName, Action _OnClick, bool _Enabled = true)
     icon    = EditorIcons.FindIcon(_IconName);
     onClick = _OnClick;
     enabled = _Enabled;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the Blackboard property GUI.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnGUI(Rect _Position, SerializedProperty _Property, GUIContent _Label)
            // Avoid strange behaviours when multi-selecting elements
            if (_Property.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
                EditorGUI.PropertyField(_Position, _Property);

            SerializedProperty serializedDataList = _Property.FindPropertyRelative(SERIALIZED_DATA_LIST_PROP);

            // Draw box and header
            Rect rect = new Rect(_Position);

            GUI.Box(_Position, "", MuffinDevGUI.ReorderableListBoxStyle);
            rect.height = MuffinDevGUI.LINE_HEIGHT;
            GUI.Box(rect, _Property.displayName, MuffinDevGUI.ReorderableListHeaderStyle);

            Rect buttonRect = new Rect(rect);

            buttonRect.width   = Mathf.Clamp(rect.width * 40 / 100, MIN_ADD_ENTRY_BUTTON_WIDTH, MAX_ADD_ENTRY_BUTTON_WIDTH);
            buttonRect.x       = rect.x + rect.width - MuffinDevGUI.HORIZONTAL_MARGIN - buttonRect.width;
            buttonRect.height -= MuffinDevGUI.VERTICAL_MARGIN;
            buttonRect.y      += MuffinDevGUI.VERTICAL_MARGIN;
            DrawAddEntryButton(buttonRect, serializedDataList);

            // Setup layout
            rect.height = MuffinDevGUI.LINE_HEIGHT;
            rect.y     += MuffinDevGUI.LINE_HEIGHT + MuffinDevGUI.VERTICAL_MARGIN * 2;
            rect.width -= MuffinDevGUI.HORIZONTAL_MARGIN * 2;
            rect.x     += MuffinDevGUI.HORIZONTAL_MARGIN;

            // For each Blackboard entry
            for (int i = 0; i < serializedDataList.arraySize; i++)
                Rect itemRect = new Rect(rect);
                itemRect.width = itemRect.height;
                // Draw "remove entry" button
                if (GUI.Button(itemRect, EditorIcons.IconContent(EEditorIcon.Close, "Deletes this entry from the Blackboard"), MuffinDevGUI.PropertyFieldButtonStyle))

                itemRect.x    += itemRect.width + MuffinDevGUI.HORIZONTAL_MARGIN;
                itemRect.width = rect.width - itemRect.width - MuffinDevGUI.HORIZONTAL_MARGIN;

                SerializedProperty item = serializedDataList.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
                Type dataType           = Type.GetType(item.FindPropertyRelative(DATA_TYPE_NAME_PROP).stringValue);

                // Display a warning field if the entry's type can't be found
                if (dataType == null)
                    EditorGUI.HelpBox(itemRect, "Invalid Type", MessageType.Warning);
                    rect.y += itemRect.height + MuffinDevGUI.VERTICAL_MARGIN;

                // If an editor exists for the entry's type, draw its GUI
                if (VALUE_EDITORS.TryGetValue(dataType, out IBlackboardValueEditor editor))
                    itemRect.height = editor.GetPropertyHeight(item, new GUIContent(item.FindPropertyRelative("m_Key").stringValue));
                    editor.OnGUI(itemRect, item, new GUIContent(item.FindPropertyRelative("m_Key").stringValue));
                // Else, draw the key field and display property type as a label
                    SerializedProperty keyProperty = item.FindPropertyRelative(KEY_PROP);
                    MuffinDevGUI.ComputeLabelledFieldRects(itemRect, out Rect labelRect, out Rect fieldRect);
                    keyProperty.stringValue = EditorGUI.TextField(labelRect, keyProperty.stringValue);
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(fieldRect, $"No editor for type {dataType.Name}", new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox).WordWrap(false));
                rect.y     += itemRect.height + MuffinDevGUI.VERTICAL_MARGIN;
                rect.height = MuffinDevGUI.LINE_HEIGHT;

            // Draw "is empty" label if the list is empty
            if (serializedDataList.arraySize == 0)
                EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "This Blackboard is empty...");