コード例 #1
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            var measure = new MeasureContext();

            // find config guild
            var userId = _client.CurrentUser.Id;

            foreach (var guild in _client.Guilds)
                if (guild.OwnerId == userId &&
                    guild.TextChannels.Any(c => c.Name == "information" && c.Topic.StartsWith($"MudaeFarm Configuration Server {userId}")))
                    _guild = guild;

            if (_guild == null)
                    Log.Warning("Initializing a new configuration server. This may take a while...");

                    _guild = await _client.CreateGuildAsync("MudaeFarm", await _client.GetOptimalVoiceRegionAsync());

                    // delete default channels
                    foreach (var c in await _guild.GetChannelsAsync())
                        await c.DeleteAsync();

                    var channel = await CreateChannelAsync(null, "information", $"MudaeFarm Configuration Server {userId} - Do not delete this channel!");

                    var message = await channel.SendMessageAsync(
                        "This is your MudaeFarm server where you can configure the bot.\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "Check <https://github.com/chiyadev/MudaeFarm> for detailed usage guidelines!");

                    await message.PinAsync();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Warning("Could not initialize configuration server. Try creating it manually.", e);

                    throw new DummyRestartException();

            // load channels
            foreach (var channel in await _guild.GetTextChannelsAsync())
                void set(string name, ref ITextChannel c)
                    if (channel.Name == name)
                        c = channel;

                set("information", ref _generalConfigChannel);
                set("wished-characters", ref _wishedCharacterChannel);
                set("wished-anime", ref _wishedAnimeChannel);
                set("bot-channels", ref _botChannelChannel);
                set("claim-replies", ref _claimReplyChannel);
                set("wishlist-users", ref _wishlistUsersChannel);

            // create channel if not created already
            _wishedCharacterChannel = await CreateChannelAsync(_wishedCharacterChannel, "wished-characters", "Configure your character wishlist here. Wildcards characters are supported. Names are *case-insensitive*.");

            _wishedAnimeChannel = await CreateChannelAsync(_wishedAnimeChannel, "wished-anime", "Configure your anime wishlist here. Wildcards characters are supported. Names are *case-insensitive*.");

            _botChannelChannel = await CreateChannelAsync(_botChannelChannel, "bot-channels", "Configure channels to enable MudaeFarm autorolling/claiming by sending the __channel ID__.");

            _claimReplyChannel = await CreateChannelAsync(_claimReplyChannel, "claim-replies", "Configure automatic reply messages when you claim a character. One message is randomly selected. Refer to https://github.com/chiyadev/MudaeFarm for advanced templating.");

            _wishlistUsersChannel = await CreateChannelAsync(_wishlistUsersChannel, "wishlist-users", "Configure wishlists of other users to be claimed by sending the __user ID__.");

            // initial load
            await ReloadChannelAsync(_generalConfigChannel);
            await ReloadChannelAsync(_wishedCharacterChannel);
            await ReloadChannelAsync(_wishedAnimeChannel);
            await ReloadChannelAsync(_botChannelChannel);
            await ReloadChannelAsync(_claimReplyChannel);
            await ReloadChannelAsync(_wishlistUsersChannel);

            Log.Info($"Configuration loaded in {measure}.");

            // import old configuration (config.json)
            var legacyCfg = LegacyConfig.Load();

            if (legacyCfg != null)
                Log.Warning("Importing legacy wishlist configuration. This may take a while...");

                if (legacyCfg.WishlistCharacters != null)
                    foreach (var character in legacyCfg.WishlistCharacters)
                        await _wishedCharacterChannel.SendMessageAsync(character);


                if (legacyCfg.WishlistAnime != null)
                    foreach (var anime in legacyCfg.WishlistAnime)
                        await _wishedAnimeChannel.SendMessageAsync(anime);



            // events
            _client.MessageReceived += message => ReloadChannelAsync(message.Channel);
            _client.MessageDeleted  += (cacheable, channel) => ReloadChannelAsync(channel);
            _client.MessageUpdated  += (cacheable, message, channel) => ReloadChannelAsync(channel);
コード例 #2
        async Task ReloadChannelAsync(IMessageChannel channel)
            var measure = new MeasureContext();

            if (channel.Id == _generalConfigChannel.Id)
                var messages = await LoadMessagesAsync(channel);

                var dict = new Dictionary <string, ConfigPart>();

                foreach (var message in messages)
                    if (!message.Content.StartsWith("> "))

                    var lines = message.Content.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    var key   = lines[0].Substring(2).Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
                    var value = string.Join("\n", lines.Skip(1).Where(l => !l.StartsWith("```")));

                    if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
                        if (message.Reactions.Count == 0)
                            await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u0032\u20E3"));


                    dict[key] = new ConfigPart(message, value);

                // general
                var general = await LoadConfigPartAsync <GeneralConfig>(channel, "General", dict);

                await _client.SetStatusAsync(general.FallbackStatus);

                StateUpdateCommand = general.StateUpdateCommand;

                // claiming
                var claim = await LoadConfigPartAsync(channel, "Claiming", dict, ClaimConfig.CreateDefault);

                ClaimEnabled      = claim.Enabled;
                ClaimDelay        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(claim.Delay);
                KakeraThreshold   = claim.KakeraThreshold;
                KakeraClaimDelay  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(claim.KakeraDelay);
                KakeraTargets     = claim.KakeraTargets;
                ClaimCustomEmotes = claim.CustomEmotes;

                // rolling
                var roll = await LoadConfigPartAsync <RollConfig>(channel, "Rolling", dict);

                RollEnabled            = roll.Enabled;
                RollCommand            = roll.Command;
                DailyKakeraEnabled     = roll.KakeraEnabled;
                DailyKakeraCommand     = roll.KakeraCommand;
                DailyKakeraStateUpdate = roll.KakeraStateUpdate;
                RollTypingDelay        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(roll.TypingDelay);
                RollIntervalOverride   = roll.IntervalOverrideMinutes == null ? null as TimeSpan? : TimeSpan.FromMinutes(roll.IntervalOverrideMinutes.Value);

                // miscellaneous
                var miscellaneous = await LoadConfigPartAsync <MiscellaneousConfig>(channel, "Miscellaneous", dict);

                AutoUpdate = miscellaneous.AutoUpdate;

            else if (channel.Id == _wishedCharacterChannel.Id)
                WishedCharacterRegex = CreateWishlistRegex(await LoadMessagesAsync(channel));

            else if (channel.Id == _wishedAnimeChannel.Id)
                WishedAnimeRegex = CreateWishlistRegex(await LoadMessagesAsync(channel));

            else if (channel.Id == _botChannelChannel.Id)
                var messages = await LoadMessagesAsync(channel);

                var channelIds = new HashSet <ulong>();

                foreach (var message in messages)
                    var id = message.GetChannelIds().SingleOrDefault();

                    if (ulong.TryParse(message.Content, out var x))
                        id = x;

                    ITextChannel chan;

                    if ((chan = _client.GetChannel(id) as ITextChannel) == null || !channelIds.Add(id))
                        if (message.Reactions.Count == 0)
                            await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u274C"));


                    if (message.Reactions.Count != 0)
                        await message.RemoveAllReactionsAsync();

                    if (!message.Content.StartsWith("<#"))
                        await message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"<#{chan.Id}> - **{chan.Guild.Name}**");

                BotChannelIds = channelIds;

            else if (channel.Id == _claimReplyChannel.Id)
                ClaimReplies = (await LoadMessagesAsync(channel)).Select(m => m.Content).ToList();

            else if (channel.Id == _wishlistUsersChannel.Id)
                var messages = await LoadMessagesAsync(channel);

                var userIds = new HashSet <ulong>();

                foreach (var message in messages)
                    var id = message.GetUserIds().SingleOrDefault();

                    if (ulong.TryParse(message.Content, out var x))
                        id = x;

                    IUser user;

                    if ((user = _client.GetUser(id)) == null || !userIds.Add(id))
                        if (message.Reactions.Count == 0)
                            await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u274C"));


                    if (message.Reactions.Count != 0)
                        await message.RemoveAllReactionsAsync();

                    if (!message.Content.StartsWith("<@"))
                        await message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"<@{user.Id}> - **{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}**");

                ClaimWishlistUserIds = userIds;


            Log.Debug($"Configuration channel '#{channel.Name}' reloaded in {measure}.");