コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the C2dmConnection class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="retries"></param>
 public C2dmConnection(int retries)
     this.numOfRetries = retries;
     this.sds = new SubscriptionDataSource();
     this.dds = new DeviceDataSource();
     if (this.authKey == null)
         //Uncomment this after registering an account and configuring Google C2DM 
         //this.Login(Username, Password);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionManager class.
 /// </summary>
 public SubscriptionManager()
     this.sds = new SubscriptionDataSource();
     this.deviceMgr = new DeviceManager();
     this.subInfoMgr = new SubscriptionInfoManager();
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the MpnsConnection class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="batchingPolicyParam">The batching policy to use.</param>
 /// <param name="retriesParam">Number of connection and send retries. </param>
 public MpnsConnection(WP7BatchingPolicy batchingPolicyParam, int retriesParam)
     this.batchingPolicy = batchingPolicyParam;
     this.retries = retriesParam;
     this.sds = new SubscriptionDataSource();
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Obligator Run for the Azure worker role
        /// </summary>
        public override void Run()
            Trace.WriteLine("APMWorkerRole run", "Information");

            // Retrieve a reference to the messages queue 
            this.msgQueue = new PushMessageQueue();

            Type enumType = typeof(MsgHelperLib.Messages.PushMessageType);

            // Create our connection objects to two services.
            // Create MPNSConnection to send the message immediately. Retry 3 times before logging error.
            this.mpnsConnection = new MpnsConnection(WP7BatchingPolicy.Immediately, 3);

            // Get the devicetype MPNS supports, only WP7
            this.mpnsDevType = this.mpnsConnection.SupportedDeviceType;

            // Get the type of messages it handles, toast, raw, tile and common
            this.mpnsSupportedMessages = this.mpnsConnection.HandlesMessageTypes(Enum.GetValues(enumType));

            // Create APNSConnection for Apple Push notification. Use Sandbox using certs and use 3 retries before logging error
            this.apnsConnection = new ApnsConnection(true, ApnsP12File, ApnsP12FilePassword, 3);

            // Get the type of device it support
            this.apnsDevType = this.apnsConnection.SupportedDeviceType;

            // Find the types of messages it supports. iPhone and Common types
            this.apnsSupportedMessages = this.apnsConnection.HandlesMessageTypes(Enum.GetValues(enumType));

            // Create APNSConnection for Apple Push notification. Use Sandbox using certs and use 3 retries before logging error
            this.c2dmConnection = new C2dmConnection(3);

            // Get the type of device it support
            this.c2dmDevType = this.c2dmConnection.SupportedDeviceType;

            // Find the types of messages it supports. iPhone and Common types
            this.c2dmSupportedMessages = this.c2dmConnection.HandlesMessageTypes(Enum.GetValues(enumType));

            // Create a new Azure logger and hook up all events the connections will raise. 
            this.logger = new AzureLogger();
            this.apnsConnection.NotificationError += this.logger.ApnsConnectionError;
            this.apnsConnection.DeviceIdFormatError += this.logger.ApnsConnectionIllegalDeviceId;
            this.apnsConnection.NotificationFormatError += this.logger.ApnsConnectionNotificationFormatError;
            this.apnsConnection.NotificationFailed += this.logger.ApnsConnectionNotificationFailed;

            this.mpnsConnection.NotificationError += this.logger.MpnsConnectionError;
            this.mpnsConnection.DeviceIdFormatError += this.logger.MpnsConnectionDeviceIdError;
            this.mpnsConnection.NotificationFormatError += this.logger.MpnsConnectionNotificationError;
            this.mpnsConnection.NotificationFailed += this.logger.MpnsConnectionNotificationFailed;

            this.c2dmConnection.NotificationError += this.logger.C2dmConnectionError;
            this.c2dmConnection.DeviceIdFormatError += this.logger.C2dmConnectionDeviceIdError;
            this.c2dmConnection.NotificationFormatError += this.logger.C2dmConnectionNotificationError;
            this.c2dmConnection.NotificationFailed += this.logger.C2dmConnectionNotificationFailed;

            this.sds = new SubscriptionDataSource();

            PushMessage pushMsg;
            DateTime lastMsgCheckTime = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime currentTime;

            // in the worker loop
            while (true)
                // Sleep for the leftover time and dequeue a message and then process it. We sleep for at most "WorkerRoleLoopTime" in every cycle
                currentTime = DateTime.Now;
                int millSecForNextCheck = WorkerRoleLoopTime - currentTime.Subtract(lastMsgCheckTime).Milliseconds;
                Thread.Sleep(millSecForNextCheck > 0 ? millSecForNextCheck : 0);
                lastMsgCheckTime = DateTime.Now;
                if ((pushMsg = this.msgQueue.Deque()) != null)
                    // Process will look at the message type and send it to appropriate connection
                    Trace.WriteLine("APMWorkerRole Received message", "Information");