private static void RemoveMovieStaff2(MovieCollection movieList, MemberCollection memberList) { Console.Write("Enter movie title: "); string removeTitle = Console.ReadLine(); Movie checkExist = null; // search only if root is not null if (movieList.root != null) { checkExist = movieList.SearchMovie(movieList.root, removeTitle); } if (checkExist != null) { for (int i = 0; i < memberList.GetNumMembers(); i++) { memberList.GetMember(i).ReturnDVD(checkExist); } movieList.Remove(checkExist); Console.WriteLine("You removed {0}", checkExist.GetTitle()); } else { Console.WriteLine("No movies to remove!"); } }
private static void ReturnDVDMember3(MovieCollection movieList, Member member) { Console.Write("Enter movie title: "); string returnTitle = Console.ReadLine(); Movie toBeReturned = movieList.SearchMovie(movieList.root, returnTitle); if (toBeReturned != null) { toBeReturned.ReturnItem(); member.ReturnDVD(toBeReturned); Console.WriteLine("You returned {0}\n", toBeReturned.GetTitle()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Cannot return movie!\n"); } }
private static void BorrowDVDMember2(MovieCollection movieList, Member member) { Console.Write("Enter movie title: "); string borrowTitle = Console.ReadLine(); Movie toBeBorrowed = movieList.SearchMovie(movieList.root, borrowTitle); if (toBeBorrowed != null && toBeBorrowed.GetCopies() != 0) { toBeBorrowed.BorrowItem(); member.RentDVD(toBeBorrowed); Console.WriteLine("You borrowed {0}\n", toBeBorrowed.GetTitle()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Cannot borrow movie!\n"); } }
private static void AddMovieStaff1(MovieCollection movieList) { Console.Write("Enter the movie title: "); string title = Console.ReadLine(); Movie checkExist = null; // search only if root is not null if (movieList.root != null) { checkExist = movieList.SearchMovie(movieList.root, title); } // already exists if (checkExist != null) { Console.Write("Enter the number of copies you would like to add: "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int addCopies); checkExist.AddCopies(addCopies); Console.WriteLine("Added {0} new copies of {1}\n", addCopies, movieList.SearchMovie(movieList.root, title).GetTitle()); } else { Console.Write("Enter the starring actor(s): "); string starring = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter the director(s): "); string director = Console.ReadLine(); Dictionary <int, string> genres = new Dictionary <int, string> { { 1, "Drama" }, { 2, "Adventure" }, { 3, "Family" }, { 4, "Action" }, { 5, "Sci-Fi" }, { 6, "Comedy" }, { 7, "Thriller" }, { 8, "Other" }, }; Console.WriteLine("Select the genre:"); foreach (var pair in genres) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value); } Console.Write("Make selection (1-8): "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int selectedGenre); Dictionary <int, string> classifications = new Dictionary <int, string> { { 1, "General (G)" }, { 2, "Parental Guidance (PG)" }, { 3, "Mature (M15+)" }, { 4, "Mature Accompanied (MA15+)" } }; Console.WriteLine("Select the classification:"); foreach (var pair in classifications) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value); } Console.Write("Make selection (1-4): "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int selectedClassification); Console.Write("Enter the duration (minutes): "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int duration); Console.Write("Enter the release date (year): "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int year); Console.Write("Enter the number of copies available: "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int copies); Movie newMovie = new Movie (title, director, starring, genres[selectedGenre], classifications[selectedClassification], duration, year, copies); movieList.Insert(newMovie); } }