private static string GetPopularRoutes(Area area, ResultParameters parameters) { string result = ""; List <Route> popularRoutes = new List <Route>(); if (area.PopularRouteIDs.Count == 0) //MountainProject doesn't list any popular routes. Figure out some ourselves { popularRoutes = area.GetPopularRoutes(3); } else { area.PopularRouteIDs.ForEach(id => popularRoutes.Add(MountainProjectDataSearch.GetItemWithMatchingID(id, MountainProjectDataSearch.DestAreas) as Route)); } foreach (Route popularRoute in popularRoutes) { result += $"\n- {Markdown.Link(popularRoute.Name, popularRoute.URL)} {GetRouteAdditionalInfo(popularRoute, parameters)}"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { return(""); } return("Popular routes:" + Markdown.NewLine + result + Markdown.NewLine); }
public static string GetLocationString(MPObject child, Area referenceLocation = null) { MPObject innerParent = MountainProjectDataSearch.GetInnerParent(child); MPObject outerParent = MountainProjectDataSearch.GetOuterParent(child); if (referenceLocation != null) //Override the "innerParent" in situations where we want the location string to include the "insisted" location { //Only override if the location is not already present if (innerParent?.URL != referenceLocation.URL && outerParent?.URL != referenceLocation.URL) { innerParent = referenceLocation; } } if (innerParent == null) { return(""); } string locationString = $"Located in {Markdown.Link(innerParent.Name, innerParent.URL)}"; if (outerParent != null && outerParent.URL != innerParent.URL) { locationString += $", {Markdown.Link(outerParent.Name, outerParent.URL)}"; } locationString += Markdown.NewLine; return(locationString); }
private static string GetPopularRoutes(Area area, ResultParameters parameters) { string result = "Popular routes:\n"; List <Route> popularRoutes = new List <Route>(); if (area.PopularRouteUrls.Count == 0) //MountainProject doesn't list any popular routes. Figure out some ourselves { popularRoutes = area.GetPopularRoutes(3); } else { List <MPObject> itemsToSearch = new List <MPObject>(); itemsToSearch.AddRange(area.SubAreas); itemsToSearch.AddRange(area.Routes); area.PopularRouteUrls.ForEach(p => popularRoutes.Add(MountainProjectDataSearch.GetItemWithMatchingUrl(p, itemsToSearch) as Route)); } foreach (Route popularRoute in popularRoutes) { result += $"\n- {Markdown.Link(popularRoute.Name, popularRoute.URL)} {GetRouteAdditionalInfo(popularRoute, parameters)}"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { return(""); } result += Markdown.NewLine; return(result); }
public static string GetBotLinks(VotableThing relatedThing = null) { List <string> botLinks = new List <string>(); if (relatedThing != null) { string encodedLink = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(RedditHelper.GetFullLink(relatedThing.Permalink)); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Feedback", "" + encodedLink)); } else { botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Feedback", "")); } botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("FAQ", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Syntax", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("GitHub", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Donate", "")); return(string.Join(" | ", botLinks)); }
private static string GetBotLinks(Comment relatedComment = null) { List <string> botLinks = new List <string>(); if (relatedComment != null) { string commentLink = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(RedditHelper.GetFullLink(relatedComment.Permalink)); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Feedback", "" + commentLink)); } else { botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Feedback", "")); } botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("FAQ", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Syntax", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Grade Conversion", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("GitHub", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Donate", "")); return(string.Join(" | ", botLinks)); }
public static string GetLocationString(MPObject child, Area referenceLocation = null) { MPObject innerParent, outerParent; innerParent = null; outerParent = MountainProjectDataSearch.GetParent(child, 1); //Get state that route/area is in if (child is Route) { innerParent = MountainProjectDataSearch.GetParent(child, -2); //Get the "second to last" parent if (innerParent.URL == outerParent.URL) { innerParent = MountainProjectDataSearch.GetParent(child, -1); } } else if (child is Area) { innerParent = MountainProjectDataSearch.GetParent(child, -1); //Get immediate parent } if (innerParent == null || //If "child" is a dest area, the parent will be "All Locations" which won't be in our directory innerParent.URL == Utilities.INTERNATIONALURL) //If "child" is an area like "Europe" { return(""); } if (outerParent.URL == Utilities.INTERNATIONALURL) //If this is international, get the country instead of the state (eg "China") { if (child.ParentUrls.Count > 3) { if (child.ParentUrls.Contains(Utilities.AUSTRALIAURL)) //Australia is both a continent and a country so it is an exception { outerParent = MountainProjectDataSearch.GetParent(child, 2); } else { outerParent = MountainProjectDataSearch.GetParent(child, 3); } } else { return(""); //Return a blank string if we are in an area like "China" (so we don't return a string like "China is located in Asia") } } if (referenceLocation != null) //Override the "innerParent" in situations where we want the location string to include the "insisted" location { //Only override if the location is not already present if (innerParent.URL != referenceLocation.URL && outerParent.URL != referenceLocation.URL) { innerParent = referenceLocation; } } string locationString = $"Located in {Markdown.Link(innerParent.Name, innerParent.URL)}"; if (outerParent != null && outerParent.URL != innerParent.URL) { locationString += $", {Markdown.Link(outerParent.Name, outerParent.URL)}"; } locationString += Markdown.NewLine; return(locationString); }