コード例 #1
 // The Maximum Buffer assumes every unknown length requires 5 octets
 public static UInt32 MaximumBufferForSet(UInt32 communityLength, UInt32 oidLength, UInt32 valueAsnLength)
         (1U + 5U +                      // SNMP Sequence
          3U +                           // Version
          1U +                           // Community
          Asn1.DefiniteLengthOctetCount(communityLength) +
          communityLength +
          1U + 5U +                      // PDU Type
          2U + 5U +                      // Request ID
          3U +                           // Error Status
          3U +                           // Error Index
          1U + 5U +                      // Varbind List
          1U + 5U +                      // Varbind
          1U +                           // Oid
          Asn1.DefiniteLengthOctetCount(oidLength) +
          oidLength +
          valueAsnLength);               // Value
コード例 #2
        public static UInt32 SerializeSnmp(Byte[] packet, UInt32 offset, String community, Byte pduAsnType,
                                           Int32 requestID, IList <Byte> oid, IList <Byte> asnValue)
            // Calculate lengths
            UInt32 varbindLength =
                1U + Asn1.DefiniteLengthOctetCount((UInt32)oid.Count) + (UInt32)oid.Count + // Oid
                (UInt32)asnValue.Count;                                                     // Value

            UInt32 varbindListLength =
                1U + Asn1.DefiniteLengthOctetCount(varbindLength) + varbindLength;             // Varbind

            UInt32 pduLength =
                2U + Asn1.IntegerOctetCount(requestID) +                                       // Request ID
                3U +                                                                           // Error Status
                3U +                                                                           // Error Index
                1U + Asn1.DefiniteLengthOctetCount(varbindListLength) + varbindListLength;     // VarbindList

            UInt32 snmpSequenceLength =
                3U +                                                                           // Version
                1U + Asn1.IntegerOctetCount(community.Length) + (UInt32)community.Length +     // Comunity
                1U + Asn1.DefiniteLengthOctetCount(pduLength) + pduLength;                     // Pdu

            // TODO: check that packet is large enough

            // SNMP Message Type
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_SEQUENCE;
            offset           = packet.SetInteger(offset, snmpSequenceLength);

            // Version
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_INTEGER;
            packet[offset++] = 1;
            packet[offset++] = 0; // Version 1

            // Community
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_OCTET_STRING;
            offset           = packet.SetInteger(offset, (UInt32)community.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < community.Length; i++)
                packet[offset++] = (Byte)community[i];

            // PDU Type
            packet[offset++] = pduAsnType;
            offset           = packet.SetInteger(offset, pduLength);

            // Request ID
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_INTEGER;
            Byte requestIDOctetCount = Asn1.IntegerOctetCount(requestID);

            packet[offset++] = requestIDOctetCount;
            offset           = Asn1.SetInteger(packet, offset, requestID);

            // Error Status
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_INTEGER;
            packet[offset++] = 1;
            packet[offset++] = 0;

            // Error Index
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_INTEGER;
            packet[offset++] = 1;
            packet[offset++] = 0;

            // Variable Bindings
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_SEQUENCE;
            offset           = packet.SetInteger(offset, varbindListLength);

            // Varbind
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_SEQUENCE;
            offset           = packet.SetInteger(offset, varbindLength);

            // OID
            packet[offset++] = Asn1.TYPE_OBJECT_ID;
            offset           = packet.SetInteger(offset, (UInt32)oid.Count);
            for (Int32 i = 0; i < oid.Count; i++)
                packet[offset++] = oid[i];

            // Value
            for (int i = 0; i < asnValue.Count; i++)
                packet[offset++] = asnValue[i];

コード例 #3
        static Int32 Main(String[] args)
            Options options = new Options();

            List <String> nonOptionArgs = options.Parse(args);

            if (nonOptionArgs.Count == 0)

            String command = nonOptionArgs[0];

            if (nonOptionArgs.Count < 3)
                return(options.ErrorAndUsage("Error: Missing command line arguments"));
            String hostString = nonOptionArgs[1];
            String oidString  = nonOptionArgs[2];

            IPEndPoint endPoint = EndPoints.ParseIPOrResolveHostWithOptionalPort(hostString, 161, DnsPriority.IPv4ThenIPv6);

            List <Byte> oidBytes = new List <Byte>();

            Snmp.ParseOid(oidString, oidBytes);
            Byte[] oid = oidBytes.ToArray();

            if (command.Equals("get", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                if (nonOptionArgs.Count != 3)
                    return(options.ErrorAndUsage("Error: operation 'get' requires 2 arguments but there are {0}", nonOptionArgs.Count - 1));

                Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

                Byte[] packet = new Byte[Snmp.MaximumBufferForGet(
                                             (UInt32)options.community.ArgValue.Length, (UInt32)oid.Length)];

                UInt32 snmpContentLength = Snmp.SerializeGet(packet, 0, options.community.ArgValue, Snmp.NextID(), oid);

                socket.SendTo(packet, (Int32)snmpContentLength, 0, endPoint);
            else if (command.Equals("set", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                if (nonOptionArgs.Count != 5)
                    return(options.ErrorAndUsage("Error: operation 'set' requires 4 arguments but there are {0}", nonOptionArgs.Count - 1));

                Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

                Byte[] value = Asn1.ParseValue(nonOptionArgs[3], nonOptionArgs[4]);

                Byte[] packet = new Byte[Snmp.MaximumBufferForSet(
                                             (UInt32)options.community.ArgValue.Length, (UInt32)oid.Length, (UInt32)value.Length)];

                UInt32 snmpContentLength = Snmp.SerializeSet(packet, 0, options.community.ArgValue, Snmp.NextID(), oid, value);

                socket.SendTo(packet, (Int32)snmpContentLength, 0, endPoint);
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Unknown operation '{0}'", command);
