public MSEpidemicsClinicPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); String title = ""; String description = ""; MSTowerStats stat = null; MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName name = ((Game as MoodSwing).CurrentScreen as MSDistrictScreen).Name; if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.SADNESS) { title = "Equip with a Bed Nets Distribution Center"; stat = MSBedNetsCenterStats.GetInstance(); } else if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.ANGER) { title = "Equip with an Antiretroviral Treatment Center"; stat = MSAntiretroviralCenterStats.GetInstance(); } AddSelection( title, description, stat, new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 55, boundingRectangle.Y + 130, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Upgrade"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeHovered")); }
public MSPovertyRefugePicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); String title = ""; String description = ""; MSTowerStats stat = null; MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName name = ((Game as MoodSwing).CurrentScreen as MSDistrictScreen).Name; if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.FEAR) { title = "Upgrade To A Techno-Farmhouse For NERICA"; stat = MSTechnoFarmhouseStats.GetInstance(); } else if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.SADNESS) { title = "Upgrade To A Free Apartments For The Poor and Homeless"; stat = MSApartmentStats.GetInstance(); } else if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.ANGER) { title = "Upgrade To An Employment And Business Opportunity Center"; stat = MSEmploymentCenterStats.GetInstance(); } AddSelection( title, description, stat, new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 55, boundingRectangle.Y + 130, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Upgrade"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeHovered")); }
public MSWomensHealthCenterPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); String title = ""; String description = ""; MSTowerStats stat = null; MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName name = ((Game as MoodSwing).CurrentScreen as MSDistrictScreen).Name; if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.SADNESS) { title = "Upgrade to a Maternal Care Center Equipped with Mobile Units"; stat = MSMaternalCareCenterStats.GetInstance(); } else if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.ANGER) { title = "Upgrade to a Fistula Treatment Center"; stat = MSFistulaTreatmentCenterStats.GetInstance(); } AddSelection( title, description, stat, new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 55, boundingRectangle.Y + 130, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/5"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/5clicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/5hovered")); }
public MSChildrensHospitalPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); String title = "Equip With An Immunization Outreach Center"; String description = "One of the best ways to fight child mortality is to ensure that children get vaccination for diseases such as polio."; MSTowerStats stat = null; MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName name = ((Game as MoodSwing).CurrentScreen as MSDistrictScreen).Name; switch (name) { case MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.SADNESS: stat = MSVaccinationCenterStats.GetInstance(); break; case MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.ANGER: stat = MSImmunizationOutreachStats.GetInstance(); break; } AddSelection( title, description, stat, new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 60, boundingRectangle.Y + 135, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Upgrade"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeHovered")); }
public MSTutorialCenterPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); String title = ""; String description = ""; MSTowerStats stat = null; MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName name = ((Game as MoodSwing).CurrentScreen as MSDistrictScreen).Name; if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.FEAR) { title = "Upgrade to a School Supplies and Materials Donation Center"; stat = MSSuppliesDonationCenterStats.GetInstance(); } else if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.SADNESS) { title = "Upgrade to a Children's Interactive Library"; stat = MSChildrensLibraryStats.GetInstance(); } else if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.ANGER) { title = "Upgrade to an Education-For-All School"; stat = MSEFASchoolStats.GetInstance(); } AddSelection( title, description, stat, new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 55, boundingRectangle.Y + 130, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/4"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/4clicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/4hovered")); }
public MSGeneralRefugePicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); AddSelection( "Upgrade To Include A Feeding Center For The Poor", "One in four children in Mood City are underweight, and a majority of the children " + "in this district is a part of that fourth. Upgrade this refuge to include a food donations center " + "for those poor people.\n\n" + "MDG Target by 2015: Halve the proportion of the population who suffer from hunger.", MSGeneralRefugeStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 38, boundingRectangle.Y, 93, 73), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/FeedingCenter"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/FeedingCenterClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/FeedingCenterHovered")); AddSelection( "Upgrade to a center for women empowerment", "", MSWomenCenterStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 129, boundingRectangle.Y, 93, 73), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Women's"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Women'sClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Women'sHovered")); AddSelection( "Upgrade to a tutorial center for the masses", "", MSTutorialCenterStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 187, boundingRectangle.Y + 38, 73, 93), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Tutorial"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/TutorialClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/TutorialHovered")); }
public MSWomenCenterPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); String title = ""; String description = ""; MSTowerStats stat = null; MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName name = ((Game as MoodSwing).CurrentScreen as MSDistrictScreen).Name; if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.FEAR) { title = "Upgrade to a \"White Screens\" Center for Corporate Equity"; stat = MSWhiteScreensCenterStats.GetInstance(); } else if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.SADNESS) { title = "Upgrade to a Training Center for Aspiring Women Politicians"; stat = MSWomenPoliticiansCenterStats.GetInstance(); } else if (name == MSDistrictScreen.DistrictName.ANGER) { title = "Upgrade to a Women's Open University"; stat = MSWomensUniversityStats.GetInstance(); } AddSelection( title, description, stat, new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 55, boundingRectangle.Y + 130, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/3"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/3clicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/3hovered")); }
public MSInternationalCenterPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); AddSelection( "Establish the World Without Boundaries Foundation", "", MSWorldWithoutBoundariesStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 55, boundingRectangle.Y + 130, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Upgrade"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeHovered")); }
public MSAbandonedBuildingPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { if (MSStory.VolunteerCenterEnabled) { AddSelection("Build Volunteer Center", "Call citizens to action! Build volunteer centers to be able to train more volunteers and let them " + "acquire the necessary knowledge and technology to help improve this district.\n\n" + "Effect: Increases your volunteer limit by " + MSResourceManager.VOLUNTEER_CENTER_GAIN + ".", MSVolunteerCenterStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 130, boundingRectangle.Y - 5, 135, 270), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/VolunteerCenter"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/VolunteerCenterClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/VolunteerCenterHovered")); } AddSelection("Build A Business Center", "Use your entrepreneurial skills to make money for yourself, and of course, for helping the people in " + "this district too!\n\n" + "Effect: Generates funds over time.", MSFundraiserStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X - 5, boundingRectangle.Y - 5, 135, 270), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/MoneyCenter"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/MoneyCenterClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/MoneyCenterHovered")); AddMiddleOrb(); if (MSStory.TowerEnabled) { AddSelection("Build A Public Assistance Center", "The people of Mood City are in turmoil. Take the first step to help them. Build an office " + "to lend a helping hand to and hear the concerns of the people in this district.\n\n" + "Background Information: The eight Millenium Development Goals were formed by all " + "of the world's countries and leading development institutions as a unified commitment " + "to solve the world's toughest problems, which include, among others, widespread poverty, " + "disease, and destruction of nature.\n\n" + "Effect: Has a small power to stop mobs with any given MDG complaint.", MSPublicAssistanceCenterStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 55, boundingRectangle.Y + 130, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/general"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/GeneralClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/GeneralHovered")); } }
public MSEnvironmentalCenterPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { AddMiddleOrb(); AddSelection( "Upgrade to a Water Reservoir and Treatment Plant", "There are some places in the world where one cannot access safe drinking water, " + "and this district is one of them. The local government's promise to provide potable water " + "still remains a promise after such a long time. Complete the upgrade to help " + "the public get the water they need and deserve, and fulfill the environment sustainability. " + "goal for this district.\n\n" + "MDG Target by 2015: Halve the proportion of the population without sustainable access " + "to safe drinking water.", MSWaterTreatmentPlantStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 55, boundingRectangle.Y + 130, 152, 78), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Upgrade"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/UpgradeHovered")); }
public MSWorker(Vector3 position, Node path, MSChangeableBuilding to_build, MSMap map, float initRotation) : base(position, path, map, false, initRotation) { toBuild = to_build; }
public MSPublicAssistanceCenterPicker(Texture2D background, Rectangle boundingRectangle, MSChangeableBuilding toBuy, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game) : base(background, boundingRectangle, 78, 78, 62, 62, toBuy, Shape.RECTANGULAR, spriteBatch, game) { if (MSStory.SecondMDGBranchEnabled) { AddSelection( "Upgrade To A General Clinic", "There are three major challenges the world faces in terms of health care: too many children die of " + "avoidable and curable diseases, too many mothers die upon giving birth, and too many more people " + "die of epidemics such as AIDS and malaria. Take the first step to improve this district's health " + "care. Upgrade this assistance office into a clinic for emergency first aid. The medics in this clinic " + "can also encourage people to have healthy, simple yet life-saving habits such as handwashing.\n\n" + "Effect: Has a moderate power to stop mobs with MDG complaints on Maternal Health, Child Health, " + "and Widespread Disease.", MSGeneralClinicStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X, boundingRectangle.Y + 38, 73, 93), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Clinic"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/ClinicClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/ClinicHovered")); } if (MSStory.FirstMDGBranchEnabled) { AddSelection( "Upgrade To A Refuge For The Poor And The Widows", "About 1.4 billion people in the world are living in extreme poverty, earning less than " + "$1.25 a day. Most people are poor because of the lack of education: 69 million school-age children " + "are not in school. To make things worse, in some places, employment opportunities are still " + "largely biased against women. Many women who suddenly become widows or single mothers find " + "it difficult to have a decent form of subsistence. Help the poor and the women in this district. " + "Upgrade this assistance office into a temporary home for them.\n\n" + "Effect: Has a moderate power to stop mobs with MDG complaints on Poverty, Education, and Gender " + "Disparity.", MSGeneralRefugeStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 38, boundingRectangle.Y, 93, 73), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Refuge"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/RefugeClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/RefugeHovered")); } if (MSStory.ThirdMDGBranchEnabled) { AddSelection( "Upgrade To An Environmental Awareness Center", "About 17, 000 species of plants and animals are at risk of extinction, with the numbers growing " + "daily. Every year, 5.2 million hectares of forest are lost. Let the people of this district " + "know and encourage them to take action. Upgrade this office into an environmental awareness center " + "and tell everyone to care for our planet.\n\n" + "Effect: Has a moderate power to stop mobs with MDG complaints on Environment Sustainability.", MSEnvironmentalCenterStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 129, boundingRectangle.Y + 187, 93, 73), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/Environment"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/EnvironmentClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/EnvironmentHovered")); AddSelection( "Upgrade To An International Partnership Center", "The poorest countries in the world are benefitting from freer trade and from the relaxing of debt. " + "Upgrade this office to an international partnership center and make this district open to foreign " + "support./n/n" + "Effect: Has a moderate power to stop mobs with MDG complaints on Global Partnership.", MSInternationalCenterStats.GetInstance(), new Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + 38, boundingRectangle.Y + 187, 93, 73), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/GLobal"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/GlobalClicked"), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("BuyDialog/GlobalHovered")); } AddMiddleOrb(); }
public BuyVolunteerCenter(MSChangeableBuilding toBuy) { this.toBuy = toBuy; }
public void SendWorkers(MSMap map, MSChangeableBuilding bldg, int qty) { MSVolunteerCenter center = map.GetNearestVolunteerCenter(bldg); Node path = map.GetPath(center.TileCoordinate, bldg.TileCoordinate); for (int i = 0; i < qty; i++) { MSWorker worker = new MSWorker(center.Position + MSUnit.UNITZ_POSITION, path, bldg, map, 0); units.Add(worker); } }
public BuyFundraiser(MSChangeableBuilding toBuy) { this.toBuy = toBuy; }