コード例 #1
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	public static IndexBrowser MakeIndexBrowser (Browser browser)
		IndexReader ir = browser.help_tree.GetIndex ();
		if (ir == null) {
			return new IndexBrowser (browser);

		return new IndexBrowser (browser, ir);
コード例 #2
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	IndexBrowser (Browser parent)
			browser = parent;
			ppanel = new ProgressPanel ("<b>No index found</b>", "Generate", RootTree.MakeIndex, NewIndexCreated); 
			browser.index_vbox.Add (ppanel);
			browser.index_vbox.Show ();
コード例 #3
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		About (Browser parent)
			Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "about", null);
			ui.Autoconnect (this);
			this.parent = parent;

			about.TransientFor = parent.window1;

			Gdk.Pixbuf icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf (null, "monodoc.png");

			if (icon != null) {
				about.Icon = icon;
				logo_image.Pixbuf = icon;

			Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ();
			label_version.Markup = String.Format ("<b>Version:</b> {0}", assembly.GetName ().Version.ToString ());
コード例 #4
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		public NodePageVisit (Browser browser, Node n, string url)
			if (n == null)
				throw new Exception ("N is null");
			this.browser = browser;
			this.n = n;
			this.url = url;
コード例 #5
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	public static IHtmlRender GetRenderer (string engine, Browser browser)
		IHtmlRender renderer = LoadRenderer (System.IO.Path.Combine (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, engine + "HtmlRender.dll"), browser);
		if (renderer != null) {
			try {
				if (renderer.Initialize ()) {
					Console.WriteLine ("using " + renderer.Name);
					return renderer;
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine (ex);
		foreach (string backend in Driver.engines) {
			if (backend != engine) {
				renderer = LoadRenderer (System.IO.Path.Combine (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, backend + "HtmlRender.dll"), browser);
				if (renderer != null) {
					try {
						if (renderer.Initialize ()) {
							Console.WriteLine ("using " + renderer.Name);
							return renderer;
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						Console.Error.WriteLine (ex);
		return null;		
コード例 #6
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	static int Main (string [] args)
		string topic = null;
		bool remote_mode = false;
		string engine = engines[0];
		string basedir = null;
		string mergeConfigFile = null;
		bool show_help = false, show_version = false;
		bool show_gui = true;
		var sources = new List<string> ();
		int r = 0;

		var p = new OptionSet () {
			{ "docrootdir=",
				"Load documentation tree & sources from {DIR}.  The default directory is $libdir/monodoc.",
				v => {
					basedir = v != null && v.Length > 0 ? v : null;
					string md;
					if (basedir != null && !File.Exists (Path.Combine (basedir, "monodoc.xml"))) {
						Error ("Missing required file monodoc.xml.");
						r = 1;
				} },
			{ "docdir=",
				"Load documentation from {DIR}.",
				v => sources.Add (v) },
			{ "edit=",
				"Edit mdoc(5) XML documentation found within {PATH}.",
				v => RootTree.UncompiledHelpSources.Add (v) },
			{ "engine=",
				"Specify which HTML rendering {ENGINE} to use:\n" + 
					"  " + string.Join ("\n  ", engines) + "\n" +
					"If the chosen engine isn't available " + 
					"(or you\nhaven't chosen one), monodoc will fallback to the next " +
					"one on the list until one is found.",
				v => engine = v },
			{ "html=",
				"Write to stdout the HTML documentation for {CREF}.",
				v => {
					show_gui = false;
					Node n;
					RootTree help_tree = LoadTree (basedir, sources);
					string res = help_tree.RenderUrl (v, out n);
					if (res != null)
						Console.WriteLine (res);
					else {
						Error ("Could not find topic: {0}", v);
						r = 1;
				} },
			{ "make-index",
				"Generate a documentation index.  Requires write permission to $libdir/monodoc.",
				v => {
					show_gui = false;
					RootTree.MakeIndex ();
				} },
			{ "make-search-index",
				"Generate a search index.  Requires write permission to $libdir/monodoc.",
				v => {
					show_gui = false;
					RootTree.MakeSearchIndex () ;
				} },
			{ "merge-changes=",
				"Merge documentation changes found within {FILE} and target directories.",
				v => {
					show_gui = false;
					if (v != null)
						mergeConfigFile = v;
					else {
						Error ("Missing config file for --merge-changes.");
						r = 1;
				} },
			{ "remote-mode",
				"Accept CREFs from stdin to display in the browser.\n" +
					"For MonoDevelop integration.",
				v => remote_mode = v != null },
			{ "about|version",
				"Write version information and exit.",
				v => show_version = v != null },
			{ "h|?|help",
				"Show this message and exit.",
				v => show_help = v != null },

		List<string> topics = p.Parse (args);

		if (show_version) {
			Console.WriteLine ("Mono Documentation Browser");
			Version ver = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetName ().Version;
			if (ver != null)
				Console.WriteLine (ver.ToString ());
			return r;
		if (show_help) {
			Console.WriteLine ("usage: monodoc [--html TOPIC] [--make-index] [--make-search-index] [--merge-changes CHANGE_FILE TARGET_DIR+] [--about] [--edit path] [--remote-mode] [--engine engine] [TOPIC]");
			p.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out);
			return r;

		if (mergeConfigFile != null) {
			ArrayList targetDirs = new ArrayList ();
			for (int i = 0; i < topics.Count; i++)
				targetDirs.Add (topics [i]);
			EditMerger e = new EditMerger (
				GlobalChangeset.LoadFromFile (mergeConfigFile),

			e.Merge ();
			return 0;
		if (r != 0 || !show_gui)
			return r;

		SettingsHandler.CheckUpgrade ();
		Settings.RunningGUI = true;
		Application.Init ();
		Browser browser = new Browser (basedir, sources, engine);
		if (topic != null)
			browser.LoadUrl (topic);

		Thread in_thread = null;
		if (remote_mode) {
			in_thread = new Thread (delegate () {
						while (true) {
							string url = Console.ReadLine ();
							if (url == null)

							Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate {
								browser.LoadUrl (url);
								browser.MainWindow.Present ();

			in_thread.Start ();

		Application.Run ();
		if (in_thread != null)
			in_thread.Abort ();						

		return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		NewComment (Browser browser)
			Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "newcomment", null);
			ui.Autoconnect (this);
			parent = browser;
			newcomment.TransientFor = browser.window1;
コード例 #8
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	private static IHtmlRender LoadRenderer (string dll, Browser browser) {
		if (!System.IO.File.Exists (dll))
			return null;
		try {
			Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadFile (dll);		
			System.Type type = ass.GetType ("Monodoc." + ass.GetName ().Name, false, false);
			if (type == null)
				return null;
			return (IHtmlRender) Activator.CreateInstance (type, new object[1] { browser.help_tree });
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine (ex);
		return null;
コード例 #9
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		public static void Run (Browser browser)
			if (config_wizard == null)
				config_wizard = new ConfigWizard (browser);
コード例 #10
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		ConfigWizard (Browser browser)
			tn = new ThreadNotify (new ReadyEvent (UpdateNotebookPage));
			Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "window_config_wizard", null);
			ui.Autoconnect (this);
			//notebook.ShowTabs = false;
			parent = browser;
			window_config_wizard.TransientFor = browser.window1;

			d = new Contributions ();
			if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONODOCTESTING") == null)
				d.Url = "http://www.go-mono.com/docs/server.asmx";
			notebook.Page = 8;
			war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginCheckVersion (1, new AsyncCallback (VersionChecked), null);
コード例 #11
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		Upload (Browser browser)
			tn = new ThreadNotify (new ReadyEvent (Update));
			Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "upload_dialog", null);
			ui.Autoconnect (this);
			d = new Contributions ();
			if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONODOCTESTING") == null)
				d.Url = "http://www.go-mono.com/docs/server.asmx";
			status.Text = "Checking Server version";
			war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginCheckVersion (1, new AsyncCallback (VersionChecked), null);
コード例 #12
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		public static void Run (Browser browser)
			new Upload (browser);
コード例 #13
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		static public void Show (Browser parent)
			if (AboutBox == null)
				AboutBox = new About (parent);
			AboutBox.about.Show ();
コード例 #14
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	IndexBrowser (Browser parent, IndexReader ir)
		browser = parent;
		index_reader = ir;

		CreateWidget ();
コード例 #15
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		static public void Show (Browser browser)
			if (NewCommentBox == null)
				NewCommentBox = new NewComment (browser);
			NewCommentBox.newcomment.Show ();
コード例 #16
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		public MatchModel (IndexBrowser parent)
			index_browser = parent;
			browser = parent.browser;
コード例 #17
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		Lookup (Browser browser)
			Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "lookup", null);
			ui.Autoconnect (this);
			parent = browser;
			lookup.TransientFor = browser.window1;
コード例 #18
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	public static IHtmlRender GetRenderer (string engine, Browser browser)
		var renderer = new GtkHtmlHtmlRender (browser.help_tree);
		renderer.Initialize ();

		return renderer;
コード例 #19
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
                static public void Show (Browser browser)
			if (LookupBox == null)
				LookupBox = new Lookup (browser);
			LookupBox.lookup.Show ();
コード例 #20
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	public Tab(Browser br) 

		browser = br;
		CurrentNode = br.help_tree;
		ShowTabs = false;
		ShowBorder = false;
		TabBorder = 0;
		TabHborder = 0;
		history = new History (browser.back_button, browser.forward_button);
		// First Page
		ScrolledWindow html_container = new ScrolledWindow();
		// Setup the HTML rendering and preview area

		html = GetRenderer (browser.engine, browser);
		html_preview = GetRenderer (browser.engine, browser);
		if (html == null || html_preview == null)
			throw new Exception ("Couldn't find html renderer!");

		browser.capabilities = html.Capabilities;

		HelpSource.FullHtml = false;
		HelpSource.UseWebdocCache = true;
		if ((html.Capabilities & Capabilities.Css) != 0)
			HelpSource.use_css = true;

		//Prepare Font for css (TODO: use GConf?)
		if ((html.Capabilities & Capabilities.Fonts) != 0 && SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_size == 0) { 
			Pango.FontDescription font_desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Sans 12");
			SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_family = font_desc.Family;
			SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_size = 100; //size: 100%
		html_container.Add (html.HtmlPanel);
		html.UrlClicked += new EventHandler (browser.LinkClicked);
		html.OnUrl += new EventHandler (browser.OnUrlMouseOver);
		browser.context_id = browser.statusbar.GetContextId ("");
		AppendPage(html_container, new Label("Html"));
		// Second Page: editing
		VBox vbox1 = new VBox(false, 0);
		VBox MainPart = new VBox(false, 0);
		// TextView for XML code
		ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow();
		text_editor = new TextView();
		text_editor.Buffer.Changed += new EventHandler (EditedTextChanged);
		text_editor.WrapMode = WrapMode.Word;
		text_editor.FocusOutEvent += new FocusOutEventHandler (FocusOut);
		// XML editing buttons
		HBox EdBots = new HBox(false, 2);
		Button button1 = new Button("<e_xample>");
		Button button2 = new Button("<list>");
		Button button3 = new Button("<_table>");
		Button button4 = new Button("<_see...>");
		Button button5 = new Button("<_para>");
		Button button6 = new Button("Add Note");
		button1.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertExampleClicked);
		button2.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertListClicked);
		button3.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertTableClicked);
		button4.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertType);
		button5.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertParaClicked);
		button6.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertNoteClicked);
		Frame html_preview_frame = new Frame("Preview");
		ScrolledWindow html_preview_container = new ScrolledWindow();
		// code preview panel
		html_preview_container.Add (html_preview.HtmlPanel);
		MainPart.PackStart(EdBots, false, false, 0);
		// Close and Save buttons
		HBox MainBots = new HBox(false, 3);
		HBox Filling = new HBox(false, 0);
		Button close = new Button("C_lose");
		Button save = new Button("S_ave");
		Button restore = new Button("_Restore");
		close.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnCancelEdits);
		save.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnSaveEdits);
		restore.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnRestoreEdits);
		MainBots.PackStart(close, false, false, 0);
		MainBots.PackStart(save, false, false, 0);
		MainBots.PackStart(restore, false, false, 0);
		vbox1.PackStart(MainBots, false, false, 0);
		AppendPage(vbox1, new Label("Edit XML"));
		//Create the Label for the Tab
		TabLabel = new HBox(false, 2);
		titleLabel = new Label("");
		//Close Tab button
		Button tabClose = new Button();
		Image img = new Image(Stock.Close, IconSize.SmallToolbar);
		tabClose.Relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.None;
		tabClose.SetSizeRequest (18, 18);
		tabClose.Clicked += new EventHandler (browser.OnCloseTab);
		//Icon showed when the Tab is in Edit Mode
		EditImg = new Image (Stock.Convert, IconSize.SmallToolbar);
		TabLabel.PackStart (EditImg, false, true, 2);
		TabLabel.PackStart (titleLabel, true, true, 0);
		TabLabel.PackStart (tabClose, false, false, 2);
		// needed, otherwise even calling show_all on the notebook won't
		// make the hbox contents appear.
		EditImg.Visible = false;
コード例 #21
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
	public TreeBrowser (RootTree help_tree, TreeView reference_tree, Browser browser)
		this.browser = browser;
		tree_view = reference_tree;
		iter_to_node = new Hashtable ();
		node_to_iter = new Hashtable ();
		node_parent = new Hashtable ();

		// Setup the TreeView
		tree_view.AppendColumn ("name_col", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0);

		// Bind events
		tree_view.RowExpanded += new Gtk.RowExpandedHandler (RowExpanded);
		tree_view.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (RowActivated);
		tree_view.RowActivated += new Gtk.RowActivatedHandler (RowClicked);

		// Setup the model
		this.help_tree = help_tree;
		store = new TreeStore (typeof (string));

		root_iter = store.AppendValues ("Mono Documentation");
		iter_to_node [root_iter] = help_tree;
		node_to_iter [help_tree] = root_iter;
		PopulateNode (help_tree, root_iter);

		reference_tree.Model = store;
コード例 #22
ファイル: browser.cs プロジェクト: remobjects/mono-tools
		public LinkPageVisit (Browser browser, string url)
			this.browser = browser;
			this.url = url;
コード例 #23
		public BookmarkManager (Browser browser){
			_Browser = browser;
			#if DEBUG
			Console.WriteLine ("Bookmark Manager init");

			// discovering bookmark file
			bookmark_file = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
			bookmark_file = System.IO.Path.Combine (bookmark_file, "monodoc");
			bookmark_file = System.IO.Path.Combine (bookmark_file, "bookmarks.xml");

			// creating serializer 
			serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof (BookmarkGroup));

			// trying to load saved bookmarks
			try {
				Load ();
			}catch (Exception e) {
				// no bookmarks found, creating new root
				root_group = new BookmarkGroup (ROOT_NAME);
			current_bookmark_group = ROOT_NAME;
			menu_to_id = new Hashtable ();
			BuildMenu (_Browser.bookmarksMenu);
