public ViewModelViewHost(NSView targetView) { NSView viewLastAdded = null; ViewContractObservable = Observable.Return(default(string)); var vmAndContract = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.ViewModel, x => x.Value), this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.ViewContractObservable), (vm, contract) => new { ViewModel = vm, Contract = contract, }); vmAndContract.Subscribe(x => { if (viewLastAdded != null) { viewLastAdded.RemoveFromSuperview(); } if (ViewModel == null) { if (DefaultContent != null) { targetView.AddSubview(DefaultContent.View); } return; } var viewLocator = ViewLocator ?? ReactiveUI.ViewLocator.Current; var view = viewLocator.ResolveView(x.ViewModel, x.Contract); view.ViewModel = x.ViewModel; viewLastAdded = ((NSViewController)view).View; targetView.AddSubview(viewLastAdded); }); }
public ViewModelViewHost(NSView targetView) { NSView viewLastAdded = null; this.WhenAny(x => x.DefaultContent, x => x.ViewModel, (c, v) => Unit.Default) .Subscribe(_ => { if (viewLastAdded != null) { viewLastAdded.RemoveFromSuperview(); } if (ViewModel == null) { if (DefaultContent != null) { targetView.AddSubview(DefaultContent.View); } return; } var view = RxRouting.ResolveView(ViewModel); view.ViewModel = ViewModel; viewLastAdded = ((NSViewController)view).View; targetView.AddSubview(viewLastAdded); }); }
public RoutedViewHost(NSView targetView) { NSView viewLastAdded = null; ViewContractObservable = Observable.Return(default(string)); var vmAndContract = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.Router.CurrentViewModel), this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.ViewContractObservable), (vm, contract) => new { ViewModel = vm, Contract = contract, }); vmAndContract.Subscribe(x => { if (viewLastAdded != null) { viewLastAdded.RemoveFromSuperview(); } if (x.ViewModel == null) { if (DefaultContent != null) { targetView.AddSubview(DefaultContent.View); } return; } var viewLocator = ViewLocator ?? ReactiveUI.ViewLocator.Current; var view = viewLocator.ResolveView(x.ViewModel, x.Contract) ?? viewLocator.ResolveView(x.ViewModel, null); view.ViewModel = x.ViewModel; if (view is NSViewController) { viewLastAdded = ((NSViewController)view).View; } else if (view is NSView) { viewLastAdded = (NSView)view; } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("'{0}' must be an NSViewController or NSView", view.GetType().FullName)); } targetView.AddSubview(viewLastAdded); }, RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler.OnNext); }
public RoutedViewHost(NSView targetView) { NSView viewLastAdded = null; this.WhenAny(x => x.Router.NavigationStack, x => x.Value) .SelectMany(x => x.CollectionCountChanged.StartWith(x.Count).Select(_ => x.LastOrDefault())) .Subscribe(vm => { if (viewLastAdded != null) { viewLastAdded.RemoveFromSuperview(); } if (vm == null) { if (DefaultContent != null) { targetView.AddSubview(DefaultContent.View); } return; } var view = RxRouting.ResolveView(vm); view.ViewModel = vm; if (view is NSViewController) { viewLastAdded = ((NSViewController)view).View; } else if (view is NSView) { viewLastAdded = (NSView)view; } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("'{0}' must be an NSViewController or NSView", view.GetType().FullName)); } targetView.AddSubview(viewLastAdded); }, ex => RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler.OnNext(ex)); }
public ViewModelViewHost(NSView targetView) { if (targetView == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("targetView"); } NSView viewLastAdded = null; ViewContractObservable = Observable.Return(default(string)); var vmAndContract = Observable.CombineLatest( this.WhenAny(x => x.ViewModel, x => x.Value), this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.ViewContractObservable), (vm, contract) => new { ViewModel = vm, Contract = contract, }); vmAndContract.Subscribe(x => { if (viewLastAdded != null) { viewLastAdded.RemoveFromSuperview(); } if (ViewModel == null) { if (DefaultContent != null) { targetView.AddSubview(DefaultContent.View); } return; } // get an instance of the view controller for the supplied VM + Contract var viewLocator = ViewLocator ?? ReactiveUI.ViewLocator.Current; var viewController = viewLocator.ResolveView(x.ViewModel, x.Contract); // if not found, throw if (viewController == null) { var message = String.Format("Unable to resolve view for \"{0}\"", x.ViewModel.GetType()); if (x.Contract != null) { message += String.Format(" and contract \"{0}\"", x.Contract.GetType()); } message += "."; throw new Exception(message); } // set the VM on the controller and stash a copy of the added view viewController.ViewModel = x.ViewModel; viewLastAdded = ((NSViewController)viewController).View; // sanity check, view controllers are expect to have a view if (viewLastAdded == null) { var message = string.Format("No view associated with view controller {0}.", viewController.GetType()); throw new Exception(message); } if (AddAutoLayoutConstraintsToSubView) { // see viewLastAdded.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; } targetView.AddSubview(viewLastAdded); if (AddAutoLayoutConstraintsToSubView) { // Add edge constraints so that subview trails changes in parent addEdgeConstraint(NSLayoutAttribute.Left, targetView, viewLastAdded); addEdgeConstraint(NSLayoutAttribute.Right, targetView, viewLastAdded); addEdgeConstraint(NSLayoutAttribute.Top, targetView, viewLastAdded); addEdgeConstraint(NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, targetView, viewLastAdded); } }); }