コード例 #1
		public override object CreateImage (object backend)
			var gc = (CGContextBackend)backend;
			var img = new NSImage (((CGBitmapContext)gc.Context).ToImage (), gc.Size);
			var imageData = img.AsTiff ();
			var imageRep = (NSBitmapImageRep) NSBitmapImageRep.ImageRepFromData (imageData);
			var im = new NSImage ();
			im.AddRepresentation (imageRep);
			return im;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MacEventView.cs プロジェクト: majorsilence/Eto
		public static void Colourize (NSView control, Color color, Action drawAction)
			var size = control.Frame.Size;
			var image = new NSImage (size);
			image.LockFocusFlipped (control.IsFlipped);
			drawAction ();
			image.UnlockFocus ();
			var ciImage = CIImage.FromData (image.AsTiff ());
			if (control.IsFlipped) {
				var realSize = control.ConvertSizeToBase (size);
				var affineTransform = new NSAffineTransform ();
				affineTransform.Translate (0, realSize.Height);
				affineTransform.Scale (1, -1);
				var filter1 = CIFilter.FromName ("CIAffineTransform");
				filter1.SetValueForKey (ciImage, CIInputImage);
				filter1.SetValueForKey (affineTransform, CIInputTransform);
				ciImage = filter1.ValueForKey (CIOutputImage) as CIImage;
			var filter2 = CIFilter.FromName ("CIColorControls");
			filter2.SetDefaults ();
			filter2.SetValueForKey (ciImage, CIInputImage);
			filter2.SetValueForKey (new NSNumber (0.0f), CIInputSaturation);
			ciImage = filter2.ValueForKey (CIOutputImage) as CIImage;
			var filter3 = CIFilter.FromName ("CIColorMatrix");
			filter3.SetDefaults ();
			filter3.SetValueForKey (ciImage, CIInputImage);
			filter3.SetValueForKey (new CIVector (0, color.R, 0), CIInputRVector);
			filter3.SetValueForKey (new CIVector (color.G, 0, 0), CIInputGVector);
			filter3.SetValueForKey (new CIVector (0, 0, color.B), CIInputBVector);
			ciImage = filter3.ValueForKey (CIOutputImage) as CIImage;
			image = new NSImage (size);
			var rep = NSCIImageRep.FromCIImage (ciImage);
			image.AddRepresentation (rep);
			image.Draw (SD.PointF.Empty, new SD.RectangleF (SD.PointF.Empty, size), NSCompositingOperation.SourceOver, 1);
			/* Use this when implemented in maccore:
			ciImage.Draw (SD.PointF.Empty, new SD.RectangleF (SD.PointF.Empty, size), NSCompositingOperation.SourceOver, 1);
コード例 #3
ファイル: MacEngine.cs プロジェクト: StEvUgnIn/xwt
		public override object RenderWidget (Widget w)
			var view = ((ViewBackend)w.GetBackend ()).Widget;
			view.LockFocus ();
			var img = new NSImage (view.DataWithPdfInsideRect (view.Bounds));
			var imageData = img.AsTiff ();
			var imageRep = (NSBitmapImageRep)NSBitmapImageRep.ImageRepFromData (imageData);
			var im = new NSImage ();
			im.AddRepresentation (imageRep);
			im.Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF ((float)view.Bounds.Width, (float)view.Bounds.Height);
			return im;
コード例 #4
        public override object ConvertToBitmap(object handle, double width, double height, double scaleFactor, ImageFormat format)
            int pixelWidth = (int)(width * scaleFactor);
            int pixelHeight = (int)(height * scaleFactor);

            if (handle is CustomImage) {
                var flags = CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrderDefault;
                int bytesPerRow;
                switch (format) {
                case ImageFormat.ARGB32:
                    bytesPerRow = pixelWidth * 4;
                    flags |= CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedFirst;

                case ImageFormat.RGB24:
                    bytesPerRow = pixelWidth * 3;
                    flags |= CGBitmapFlags.None;

                    throw new NotImplementedException ("ImageFormat: " + format.ToString ());

                var bmp = new CGBitmapContext (IntPtr.Zero, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 8, bytesPerRow, Util.DeviceRGBColorSpace, flags);
                bmp.TranslateCTM (0, pixelHeight);
                bmp.ScaleCTM ((float)scaleFactor, (float)-scaleFactor);

                var ctx = new CGContextBackend {
                    Context = bmp,
                    Size = new SizeF ((float)width, (float)height),
                    InverseViewTransform = bmp.GetCTM ().Invert (),
                    ScaleFactor = scaleFactor

                var ci = (CustomImage)handle;
                ci.DrawInContext (ctx);

                var img = new NSImage (((CGBitmapContext)bmp).ToImage (), new SizeF (pixelWidth, pixelHeight));
                var imageData = img.AsTiff ();
                var imageRep = (NSBitmapImageRep)NSBitmapImageRep.ImageRepFromData (imageData);
                var im = new NSImage ();
                im.AddRepresentation (imageRep);
                im.Size = new SizeF ((float)width, (float)height);
                bmp.Dispose ();
                return im;
            else {
                NSImage img = (NSImage)handle;
                NSBitmapImageRep bitmap = img.Representations ().OfType<NSBitmapImageRep> ().FirstOrDefault ();
                if (bitmap == null) {
                    var imageData = img.AsTiff ();
                    var imageRep = (NSBitmapImageRep)NSBitmapImageRep.ImageRepFromData (imageData);
                    var im = new NSImage ();
                    im.AddRepresentation (imageRep);
                    im.Size = new SizeF ((float)width, (float)height);
                    return im;
                return handle;
コード例 #5
		// Create one display list based on the given image.  This assumes the image
		// uses 8-bit chunks to represent a sample
		bool MakeDisplayList (int listNum, NSImage theImage)

			NSBitmapImageRep bitmap;
			int bytesPerRow, pixelsHigh, pixelsWide, samplesPerPixel;
			byte currentBit, byteValue;
			byte[] newBuffer;
			int rowIndex, colIndex;

			bitmap = new NSBitmapImageRep ( theImage.AsTiff (NSTiffCompression.None, 0) );

			pixelsHigh = bitmap.PixelsHigh;
			pixelsWide = bitmap.PixelsWide;

			bytesPerRow = bitmap.BytesPerRow;
			samplesPerPixel = bitmap.SamplesPerPixel;

			newBuffer = new byte[(int)Math.Ceiling ((float)bytesPerRow / 8.0) * pixelsHigh];

			byte[] bitmapBytesArray = new byte[(pixelsWide * pixelsHigh) * samplesPerPixel];
			System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy (bitmap.BitmapData, bitmapBytesArray, 0, (pixelsWide * pixelsHigh) * samplesPerPixel);
			int curIdx = 0;
			* Convert the color bitmap into a true bitmap, ie, one bit per pixel.  We
			* read at last row, write to first row as Cocoa and OpenGL have opposite
			* y origins
			for (rowIndex = pixelsHigh - 1; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex--) {

				currentBit = 0x80;
				byteValue = 0;
				for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < pixelsWide; colIndex++) {
					if (bitmapBytesArray [rowIndex * bytesPerRow + colIndex * samplesPerPixel] > 0)
						byteValue |= currentBit;
					currentBit >>= 1;
					if (currentBit == 0) {
						newBuffer [curIdx++] = byteValue;
						currentBit = 0x80;
						byteValue = 0;

				* Fill out the last byte; extra is ignored by OpenGL, but each row
				* must start on a new byte
				if (currentBit != 0x80)
					newBuffer[curIdx++] = byteValue;				
			GL.NewList( listNum, ListMode.Compile);
			GL.Bitmap(pixelsWide, pixelsHigh, 0, 0, pixelsWide, 0, newBuffer);
			return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ImageHandler.cs プロジェクト: Gaushick/xwt
        public override object ConvertToBitmap(object handle, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, ImageFormat format)
            if (handle is CustomImage) {
                var flags = CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrderDefault;
                int bytesPerRow;
                switch (format) {
                case ImageFormat.ARGB32:
                    bytesPerRow = pixelWidth * 4;
                    flags |= CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedFirst;

                case ImageFormat.RGB24:
                    bytesPerRow = pixelWidth * 3;
                    flags |= CGBitmapFlags.None;

                    throw new NotImplementedException ("ImageFormat: " + format.ToString ());

                var bmp = new CGBitmapContext (IntPtr.Zero, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 8, bytesPerRow, Util.DeviceRGBColorSpace, flags);
                bmp.TranslateCTM (0, pixelHeight);
                bmp.ScaleCTM (1, -1);

                var ctx = new CGContextBackend {
                    Context = bmp,
                    Size = new SizeF (pixelWidth, pixelHeight),
                    InverseViewTransform = bmp.GetCTM ().Invert ()

                var ci = (CustomImage)handle;
                ci.DrawInContext (ctx);

                var img = new NSImage (((CGBitmapContext)bmp).ToImage (), new SizeF (pixelWidth, pixelHeight));
                var imageData = img.AsTiff ();
                var imageRep = (NSBitmapImageRep) NSBitmapImageRep.ImageRepFromData (imageData);
                var im = new NSImage ();
                im.AddRepresentation (imageRep);
                return im;
                return handle;