コード例 #1
		public LicenseAcceptanceDialog (LicenseAcceptanceViewModel viewModel)
			Height = 350;
			Resizable = false;
			Padding = 0;
			Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("License Acceptance");
			this.viewModel = viewModel;
			this.imageLoader = new ImageLoader ();
			this.imageLoader.Loaded += HandleImageLoaded;

			var titleLabel = new Label ();
			titleLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetPluralString (
				"The following package requires that you accept its license terms before installing:",
				"The following packages require that you accept their license terms before installing:",
				viewModel.HasMultiplePackages ? 2 : 1);
			var descriptionLabel = new Label ();
			descriptionLabel.Wrap = WrapMode.Word;
			descriptionLabel.Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString ("By clicking <b>Accept</b> you agree to the license terms for the packages listed above.\n" +
																	"If you do not agree to the license terms click <b>Decline</b>.");

			packagesList = new VBox ();
			packagesList.Spacing = 0;

			scroll = new ScrollView (packagesList);
			scroll.HorizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Never;
			scroll.VerticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Automatic;
			scroll.BorderVisible = false;
			scroll.BackgroundColor = Ide.Gui.Styles.BackgroundColor;

			var container = new VBox ();
			container.MarginTop = container.MarginLeft = container.MarginRight = 15;
			container.PackStart (titleLabel);
			container.PackStart (scroll, true, true);
			container.PackEnd (descriptionLabel);

			Content = container;

			var declineButton = new DialogButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Decline"), Command.Cancel);
			var acceptButton = new DialogButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Accept"), Command.Ok);

			Buttons.Add (declineButton);
			Buttons.Add (acceptButton);

			AddPackages ();