public CommandResult(Command cmd, CommandInfo ci, CommandTargetRoute route, string match, string matchedString, int rank) : base(match, matchedString, rank) { = ci; command = cmd; this.route = route; }
internal CommandInfo (Command cmd) { text = cmd.Text; icon = cmd.Icon; accelKey = cmd.AccelKey; description = cmd.Description; }
public virtual Command GetCommand (CommandManager manager) { if (localCmd != null) { if (manager.GetCommand (localCmd.Id) == null) manager.RegisterCommand (localCmd); localCmd = null; } return manager.GetCommand (cmdId); }
public void Run (object cmdTarget, Command cmd) { if (customHandlerChain != null) { cmd.HandlerData = Method; customHandlerChain.Run (cmdTarget, cmd); } else Method.Invoke (cmdTarget, null); }
static Gtk.MenuItem CreateMenuItem (CommandManager manager, Command cmd, object cmdId, bool isArrayMaster, string overrideLabel, bool disabledVisible) { cmdId = CommandManager.ToCommandId (cmdId); if (cmdId == CommandManager.ToCommandId (Command.Separator)) return new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem (); if (cmd == null) cmd = manager.GetCommand (cmdId); if (cmd == null) { MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.LogWarning ("Unknown command '{0}'", cmdId); return new Gtk.MenuItem ("<Unknown Command>"); } if (cmd is CustomCommand) { Gtk.Widget child = (Gtk.Widget) Activator.CreateInstance (((CustomCommand)cmd).WidgetType); CustomMenuItem ti = new CustomMenuItem (); ti.Child = child; return ti; } ActionCommand acmd = cmd as ActionCommand; if (acmd.ActionType == ActionType.Normal || (isArrayMaster && acmd.CommandArray)) return new CommandMenuItem (cmdId, manager, overrideLabel, disabledVisible); else return new CommandCheckMenuItem (cmdId, manager, overrideLabel, disabledVisible); }
bool GetSelectedCommandIter (out TreeIter iter, out Command cmd) { TreeSelection sel = keyTreeView.Selection; if (!sel.GetSelected (out iter)) { cmd = null; return false; } cmd = (Command)filterModel.GetValue (iter, commandCol); if (cmd == null) return false; if (keyStore.GetIterFirst (out iter) && FindIterForCommand (cmd, iter, out iter)) return true; throw new Exception ("Did not find command in underlying model"); }
protected override void Run (object target, Command cmd) { NodeCommandHandler nch = (NodeCommandHandler) target; if (nch.tree == null) { base.Run (target, cmd); return; } try { nch.tree.LockUpdates (); base.Run (target, cmd); } finally { nch.tree.UnlockUpdates (); } }
public KeyBindingChangedEventArgs (Command command, KeyBinding oldKeyBinding) { OldKeyBinding = oldKeyBinding; Command = command; }
void ICommandArrayTargetHandler.Run(object target, Command cmd, object data) { Run(target, cmd, data); }
public static void StoreDefaultBinding (Command cmd) { defaultSchemeBindings.StoreBinding (cmd); }
public bool CommandIsRegistered (Command command) { return commands.Contains (command); }
/// <summary> /// Runs a command /// </summary> /// <param name='target'> /// Object that implements the command handler /// </param> /// <param name='cmd'> /// The command to be executed /// </param> /// <remarks> /// The default implementation of this method runs the command handler method /// to which this attribute is applied. A custom implementation of this method can call /// base.Run at any point to run the method handler, or not call it at all if it /// wants to provide a replacement implementation. /// </remarks> protected virtual void Run(object target, Command cmd) { next.Run(target, cmd); }
/// <summary> /// Runs a command /// </summary> /// <param name='target'> /// Object that implements the command handler /// </param> /// <param name='cmd'> /// The command to be executed /// </param> /// <param name='data'> /// Data item provided by the command update handler /// </param> /// <remarks> /// The default implementation of this method runs the command handler method /// to which this attribute is applied. A custom implementation of this method can call /// base.Run at any point to run the method handler, or not call it at all if it /// wants to provide a replacement implementation. /// </remarks> protected virtual void Run(object target, Command cmd, object data) { nextArray.Run(target, cmd, data); }
void ICommandTargetHandler.Run(object target, Command cmd) { Run(target, cmd); }
public void Run (object target, Command cmd, object data) { MethodInfo mi = (MethodInfo) cmd.HandlerData; if (mi != null) mi.Invoke (target, new object[] {data} ); }
/// <summary> /// Unregisters a command. /// </summary> /// <param name='cmd'> /// The command. /// </param> public void UnregisterCommand (Command cmd) { bindings.UnregisterCommand (cmd); cmds.Remove (cmd.Id); }
public static void StoreBinding (Command cmd) { current.StoreBinding (cmd); }
internal SearchResult CheckCommand (Command c) { ActionCommand cmd = c as ActionCommand; if (cmd == null || cmd.CommandArray) return null; int rank; string matchString = cmd.Text.Replace ("_", ""); if (MatchName (matchString, out rank)) { var ci = IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo (cmd.Id); if (ci.Enabled && ci.Visible) return new CommandResult (cmd, pattern, matchString, rank); } return null; }
internal static string GetCommandKey (Command cmd) { if (cmd.Id is Enum) return cmd.Id.GetType () + "." + cmd.Id; else return cmd.Id.ToString (); }
static uint GetNewMenuItemId (Command cmd) { uint macCmdId; CarbonCommandID standardId; //use mapped values if possible if (cmdIdMap.TryGetValue (cmd.Id, out standardId)) macCmdId = (uint) standardId; //or generate a new value else { //but avoid conflicts do cmdSeq++; while (commands.ContainsKey (cmdSeq)); macCmdId = cmdSeq; cmdIdMap[cmd.Id] = (CarbonCommandID)macCmdId; } commands[macCmdId] = cmd.Id; return macCmdId; }
void ICommandArrayTargetHandler.Run (object target, Command cmd, object data) { Run (target, cmd, data); }
public KeyBindingChangedEventArgs (Command command, string oldBinding) { this.command = command; this.binding = oldBinding; }
void ICommandTargetHandler.Run (object target, Command cmd) { Run (target, cmd); }
protected override void Run (object target, Command cmd, object data) { base.Run (target, cmd, data); }
protected virtual void Run (object target, Command cmd, object data) { nextArray.Run (target, cmd, data); }
void SelectCommand (Command cmd) { //item may not be visible if the list is filtered searchEntry.Entry.Text = ""; TreeIter iter; if (!keyStore.GetIterFirst (out iter)) return; do { TreeIter citer; keyStore.IterChildren (out citer, iter); do { Command command = (Command) keyStore.GetValue (citer, commandCol); if (command == cmd) { TreePath path = keyStore.GetPath (citer); keyTreeView.ExpandToPath (path); keyTreeView.Selection.SelectPath (path); keyTreeView.ScrollToCell (path, keyTreeView.Columns[0], true, 0.5f, 0f); return; } } while (keyStore.IterNext (ref citer)); } while (keyStore.IterNext (ref iter)); }
protected virtual void Run (object target, Command cmd) { next.Run (target, cmd); }
public CommandEntry (Command localCmd) : this (localCmd.Id, null, true) { this.localCmd = localCmd; }
internal SearchResult CheckCommand(Command c, CommandTargetRoute route) { ActionCommand cmd = c as ActionCommand; if (cmd == null || cmd.CommandArray) return null; int rank; string matchString = cmd.Text.Replace ("_", ""); if (MatchName (matchString, out rank)) { try { var ci = IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo (cmd.Id, route); if (ci.Enabled && ci.Visible) return new CommandResult (cmd, ci, route, pattern, matchString, rank); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError ("Failure while checking command: " + cmd.Id, ex); } } return null; }
public void Run (object cmdTarget, Command cmd, object dataItem) { if (customArrayHandlerChain != null) { cmd.HandlerData = Method; customArrayHandlerChain.Run (cmdTarget, cmd, dataItem); } else Method.Invoke (cmdTarget, new object[] {dataItem}); }
public void Add (Command cmd) { cmds.Add (new CommandEntry (cmd)); }
/// <summary> /// Registers a new command. /// </summary> /// <param name='cmd'> /// The command. /// </param> public void RegisterCommand (Command cmd) { KeyBindingService.StoreDefaultBinding (cmd); KeyBindingService.LoadBinding (cmd); cmds[cmd.Id] = cmd; bindings.RegisterCommand (cmd); }
public KeyBindingSelectedEventArgs (IEnumerable<string> keys, int selectedKey, Command command, TreeIter iter) { if (command == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (command)); AllKeys = new List<string> (keys); if (selectedKey < 0 || ((selectedKey != 0 && AllKeys.Count != 0) && selectedKey >= AllKeys.Count)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (selectedKey)); SelectedKey = selectedKey; Command = command; Iter = iter; }
public CommandResult (Command cmd, string match, string matchedString, int rank): base (match, matchedString, rank) { command = cmd; }
KeyBindingHitTestResult HitTest (double mouseX, double mouseY) { KeyBindingHitTestResult result = new KeyBindingHitTestResult (); TreeIter iter; TreePath path; int cellx, celly, mx, my; mx = (int)mouseX; my = (int)mouseY; if (!GetCellPosition (mx, my, out cellx, out celly, out iter, out path)) return result; Text = keyBindingsTree.Model.GetValue (iter, bindingCol) as string ?? string.Empty; Command = keyBindingsTree.Model.GetValue (iter, commandCol) as Command; var filter = keyBindingsTree.Model as TreeModelFilter; if (filter != null) iter = filter.ConvertIterToChildIter (iter); result.Command = Command; result.AllKeys = Text.Split (new char [] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList (); result.Iter = iter; using (var layout = new Pango.Layout (keyBindingsTree.PangoContext)) { // GetCellArea reports the outer cell bounds, therefore we need to add 2px var xpad = (int)Xpad + 2; var cellBounds = keyBindingsTree.GetCellArea (path, keyBindingsPanel.bindingTVCol); keyBindingsTree.ConvertBinWindowToWidgetCoords (cellBounds.X, cellBounds.Y, out cellBounds.X, out cellBounds.Y); int i = 0; foreach (var key in result.AllKeys) { layout.SetText (KeyBindingManager.BindingToDisplayLabel (key, false)); layout.FontDescription = KeySymbolFont; int w, h; layout.GetPixelSize (out w, out h); int buttonWidth = w + (2 * KeyHPadding); int buttonHeight = h + (2 * KeyVPadding); var ypad = 2 + ((cellBounds.Height / 2) - (buttonHeight / 2)); if (cellx > xpad && cellx <= xpad + buttonWidth && celly > ypad && celly <= ypad + buttonHeight) { keyBindingsPanel.bindingTVCol.CellGetPosition (this, out cellx, out w); cellBounds.X += cellx; result.SelectedKey = i; result.ButtonBounds = new Gdk.Rectangle (cellBounds.X + xpad, cellBounds.Y + ypad, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); result.ButtonBounds.Inflate (0, 2); return result; } xpad += buttonWidth + Spacing; i++; } } return result; }