コード例 #1
 public MakefileVar(MakefileVar var)
     this.extra       = new List <string> (var.Extra);
     this.Sync        = var.Sync;
     this.Name        = var.Name;
     this.Prefix      = var.Prefix;
     this.SaveEnabled = var.SaveEnabled;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MakefileVar.cs プロジェクト: Kalnor/monodevelop
		public MakefileVar (MakefileVar var)
			this.extra = new List<string> (var.Extra);
			this.Sync = var.Sync;
			this.Name = var.Name;
			this.Prefix = var.Prefix;
			this.SaveEnabled = var.SaveEnabled;
コード例 #3
        bool CheckNonEmptyFileVar(MakefileVar var, string id)
            if (var.Sync && String.IsNullOrEmpty(var.Name.Trim()))
                MessageService.ShowError(parentDialog, GettextCatalog.GetString(
                                             "File variable ({0}) is set for sync'ing, but no valid variable is selected. Either disable the sync'ing or select a variable name.", id));


コード例 #4
		//FIXME: change return type to bool, on false, extra.Add (reference)
		void ParseReference (string reference, bool usePrefix, MakefileVar refVar, int len, ReferenceType refType, 
				DotNetProject project)
			string rname = reference;
			// .StartsWith "$("
			if (rname.Length > 3 && rname [0] == '$' && rname [1] == '(' && rname [rname.Length - 1] == ')') {
				if (!UseAutotools) {
					refVar.Extra.Add (reference);

				// Autotools based project

				if (!rname.EndsWith ("_LIBS)")) {
					//Not a pkgconfig *_LIBS var
					refVar.Extra.Add (reference);

				string pkgVarName = rname.Substring (2, rname.Length - 3).Replace ("_LIBS", String.Empty);
				List<PackageContent> pkgNames = ConfiguredPackages.GetPackageContentFromVarName (pkgVarName);
				if (pkgNames == null) {
					 LoggingService.LogWarning  ("Package named '{0}' not found in configure.in. Ignoring reference to '{1}'.",
						pkgVarName, rname);
					refVar.Extra.Add (reference);

				bool added = false;
				foreach (PackageContent packageContent in pkgNames) {
					if (ReferencedPackages.Contains (packageContent.Name)) {
						added = true;

					// Add all successfully added packages to ReferencedPackages
					foreach (string referencedName in packageContent.AllReferencedNames) {
						if (LoadPackageReference (referencedName, project, refVar.Prefix)) {
							ReferencedPackages.Add (referencedName);
							added = true;

				// none of the packages could be added
				if (!added)
					refVar.Extra.Add (reference);


			// .StartsWith "-pkg:"
			if (rname.Length >= 5 && rname [0] == '-' && rname [1] == 'p' && rname [2] == 'k' && rname [3] == 'g' && rname [4] == ':') {
				string pkgName = rname.Substring (5);
				foreach (string s in pkgName.Split (new char [] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
					if (ReferencedPackages.Contains (s))

					if (LoadPackageReference (s, project, refVar.Prefix))
						ReferencedPackages.Add (s);
						refVar.Extra.Add ("-pkg:" + s);


			if (usePrefix && String.Compare (refVar.Prefix, 0, rname, 0, len) == 0)
				rname = rname.Substring (len);

			//FIXME: try/catch around the split refs ?
			bool varFound = false;
			foreach (string r in rname.Split (new char [] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
				string refname = r;
				if (refname.Length >= 2 && refname [0] == '$' && refname [1] == '(' && !UseAutotools) {
					//Eg. -r:$(top_builddir)/foo.dll
					refVar.Extra.Add (reference);

				varFound = false;
				refname = ResolveBuildVars (refname, ref varFound);
				EncodeValues [refVar.Name] |= varFound;

				string fullpath = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (BaseDirectory, refname));
				// if refname is part of a package then add as gac
				// but don't do it if the refname exactly matches a file name in the project dir
				if (refname.IndexOf (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) < 0 && !File.Exists (fullpath) &&
					ParseReferenceAsGac (refname, project) != null)
				if (TryGetExistingGacRef (fullpath) != null)

				if (refname.IndexOf (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) < 0) {
					// Check that its a valid assembly
					string fullname = null;
					try {
						fullname = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (fullpath).FullName;
					} catch (FileNotFoundException) {
					} catch (BadImageFormatException) {

					// Valid assembly, From a package, add as Gac
					SystemPackage pkg = assemblyContext.GetPackageFromPath (fullpath);
					if (fullname != null && pkg != null) {
						SystemAssembly sa = assemblyContext.GetAssemblyFromFullName (fullname, pkg.Name, project.TargetFramework);
						if (sa != null) {
							AddNewGacReference (project, sa);

				//Else add to unresolved project refs, avoid repeats
				if (!UnresolvedReferences.ContainsKey (fullpath))
					UnresolvedReferences [fullpath] = fullpath;
コード例 #5
		void ReadReferences (MakefileVar refVar, ReferenceType refType, string id, DotNetProject project)
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (refVar.Name) || project == null)

			//All filenames are treated as relative to the Makefile path
			List<string> references = Makefile.GetListVariable (refVar.Name);
			if (references == null) {
				string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"Makefile variable '{0}' not found. Skipping syncing of all '{1}' references for project {2}.",
					refVar.Name, id, project.Name);
				LoggingService.LogWarning (msg);
				monitor.ReportWarning (msg);
				SaveReferences = false;
			//FIXME: Trim?
			bool usePrefix = !String.IsNullOrEmpty (refVar.Prefix);
			int len = 0;
			if (refVar.Prefix != null)
				len = refVar.Prefix.Length;

			ReferencedPackages.Clear ();
			foreach (string r in references) {
				//Handle -r:System,System.Data also
				try { 
					ParseReference (r, usePrefix, refVar, len, refType, project);
				} catch (Exception e) {
					string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Unable to parse reference '{0}' for project '{1}'. Ignoring.", r, project.Name);
					LoggingService.LogWarning (msg, e);
					monitor.ReportWarning (msg);
					refVar.Extra.Add (r);

			referencedPackages = null;
コード例 #6
		void ReadFilesActual (MakefileVar fileVar, string buildAction, string id, bool promptForRemoval)
			fileVar.Extra.Clear ();
			if (!fileVar.Sync || String.IsNullOrEmpty (fileVar.Name))

			//All filenames are treated as relative to the Makefile path
			List<string> files = Makefile.GetListVariable (fileVar.Name);
			if (files == null) {
				//FIXME: Move this to the caller, try-catch there
				string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"Makefile variable '{0}' not found. Skipping syncing of '{1}' file list for project '{2}'.",
					fileVar.Name, id, ownerProject.Name);
				LoggingService.LogWarning (msg);
				monitor.ReportWarning (msg);

				fileVar.SaveEnabled = false;

			//FIXME: Trim?
			bool usePrefix = !String.IsNullOrEmpty (fileVar.Prefix);
			int len = 0;
			if (fileVar.Prefix != null)
				len = fileVar.Prefix.Length;

			Dictionary<string, ProjectFile> existingFiles = new Dictionary<string, ProjectFile> ();
			foreach (ProjectFile pf in ownerProject.Files) {
				if (pf.BuildAction == buildAction)
					existingFiles [ownerProject.GetAbsoluteChildPath (pf.FilePath)] = pf;

			// True if the user has been warned that filenames contain Variables
			// but no configure.in path is set
			bool autotoolsWarned = false;
			bool varFound = false;

			foreach (string f in files) { 
				string fname = f.Trim ();
				try { 
					if (usePrefix && String.Compare (fileVar.Prefix, 0, fname, 0, len) == 0)
						//FIXME: If it doesn't match, then?
						fname = fname.Substring (len);

					fname = FromMakefilePath (fname);

					string resourceId = null;
					if (buildAction == BuildAction.EmbeddedResource && fname.IndexOf (',') >= 0) {
						string [] tmp = fname.Split (new char [] {','}, 2);
						fname = tmp [0];
						if (tmp.Length > 1)
							resourceId = tmp [1];

					if ((fname.Length > 2 && fname [0] == '$' && fname [1] == '(') && !UseAutotools) {
						fileVar.Extra.Add (f);
						if (!autotoolsWarned) {
							string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString (
								"Files in variable '{0}' contains variables which cannot be parsed without the path " +
								"to configure.in being set. Ignoring such files.", fileVar.Name);
							LoggingService.LogWarning (msg);
							monitor.ReportWarning (msg);
							autotoolsWarned = true;

					varFound = false;
					fname = ResolveBuildVars (fname, ref varFound);
					EncodeValues [fileVar.Name] |= varFound;

					//File path in the makefile are relative to the makefile,
					//but have to be added to the project as relative to project.BaseDirectory
					string absPath = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (BaseDirectory, fname));

					if (existingFiles.ContainsKey (absPath)) {
						existingFiles.Remove (absPath);

					if (!File.Exists (absPath)) {
						//Invalid file, maybe we couldn't parse it correctly!
						string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString (
							"Ignoring invalid file '{0}' found in '{1}' for project '{2}'.", f,
							relativeMakefileName, OwnerProject.Name);
						LoggingService.LogWarning (msg);
						monitor.ReportWarning (msg);
						fileVar.Extra.Add (f);

					ProjectFile pf = ownerProject.AddFile (absPath, buildAction);
					if (buildAction == BuildAction.EmbeddedResource && resourceId != null)
						pf.ResourceId = resourceId;
				} catch (Exception e) {
					LoggingService.LogError (e.ToString ());
					fileVar.Extra.Add (f);

			if (existingFiles.Count > 0) {
				foreach (ProjectFile file in existingFiles.Values) {
					if (!IsFileExcluded (file.FilePath))
						ownerProject.Files.Remove (file);
コード例 #7
		void ReadFiles (MakefileVar fileVar, string buildAction, string id, bool promptForRemoval)
			try { 
				fileVar.SaveEnabled = true;
				ReadFilesActual (fileVar, buildAction, id, promptForRemoval);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Error in loading files for '{0}'. Skipping.", id);
				LoggingService.LogError (msg, e);
				monitor.ReportWarning (msg);
				fileVar.SaveEnabled = false;
コード例 #8
		string ProjectRefToString (ProjectReference pr, MakefileVar refVar)
			string [] tmp = pr.GetReferencedFileNames (ConfigurationSelector.Default);
			if (tmp == null || tmp.Length == 0)
				//Reference not found, ignoring
				return null;

			return AsmRefToString (tmp [0], refVar, true);
コード例 #9
		string AsmRefToString (string reference, MakefileVar refVar, bool isBuiltAssembly)
			if (EncodeValues [refVar.Name]) {
				if (!isBuiltAssembly)
					return ToMakefilePath (EncodeFileName (reference, "top_srcdir", true));
				else if (!reference.StartsWith (BaseDirectory))
					//Reference is external to this project
					return ToMakefilePath (EncodeFileName (reference, "top_builddir", true));

			// !external and !encode
			return ToMakefilePath (GetRelativePath (reference));
コード例 #10
		string GacRefToString (ProjectReference pr, Dictionary<string, bool> hasAcSubstPackages, MakefileVar refVar)
			//Gac ref can be a full name OR a path!
			//FIXME: Use GetReferencedFileName and GetPackageFromPath ?
			string fullname = pr.Reference;
			SystemPackage pkg = pr.Package;
			if (pkg == null) {
				//reference could be a path
				pkg = assemblyContext.GetPackageFromPath (Path.GetFullPath (pr.Reference));
				if (pkg != null) {
					try {
						fullname = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (pr.Reference).FullName;
						//If this throws : Invalid assembly!
						//let it fall through and be emitted as a asm ref
					} catch (FileNotFoundException) {
						pkg = null;
					} catch (BadImageFormatException) {
						pkg = null;

			if (pkg == null)
				return AsmRefToString (pr.GetReferencedFileNames (ConfigurationSelector.Default) [0], refVar, false);

			// Reference is from a package

			if (pkg.IsCorePackage)
				//pkg:mono, Eg. System, System.Data etc
				return fullname.Split (new char [] {','}, 2) [0];

			//Ref is from a non-core package
			string varname = null;
			if (UseAutotools)
				//Check whether ref'ed in configure.in
				varname = ConfiguredPackages.GetVarNameFromName (pkg.Name);
			if (varname == null) {
				//Package not referenced in configure.in
				//Or not a autotools based project,
				//so emit -pkg:

				if (!hasAcSubstPackages.ContainsKey (pkg.Name)) {
					if (UseAutotools) {
						//Warn only if UseAutotools
						string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString (
							"A reference to the pkg-config package '{0}' is being emitted to the Makefile, " +
							"because at least one assembly from the package is used in the project '{1}'. However, " +
							"this dependency is not specified in the configure.in file, so you might need to " +
							"add it to ensure that the project builds successfully on other systems.", pkg.Name, pr.OwnerProject.Name);
						LoggingService.LogWarning (msg);
						monitor.ReportWarning (msg);

					hasAcSubstPackages [pkg.Name] = false;
			} else {
				// If the package as AC_SUBST(FOO_LIBS) defined, then
				// emit FOO_LIBS, else emit -pkg:foo
				if (ConfiguredPackages.HasAcSubst (varname + "_LIBS")) {
					hasAcSubstPackages [varname] = true;
				} else {
					hasAcSubstPackages [pkg.Name] = false;

			return null;
コード例 #11
		bool WriteReferences (MakefileVar refVar, ReferenceType refType, bool makeRelative, string id)
			//Reference vars can be shared too, so use existing list
			//Eg. REF for both Gac and Asm ref
			List<string> references = Makefile.GetListVariable (refVar.Name);
			if (references == null) {
				//Var not found, skip
				string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString (
                                        "Makefile variable '{0}' not found. Skipping syncing of '{1}' references.", refVar.Name, id);
				LoggingService.LogWarning (msg);
				monitor.ReportWarning (msg);
				return false;

			//if .Value is true
			//	key -> Varname, Emit as $key_LIBS
			//if .Value is false
			//	key -> pkgname, emit as -pkg:$key
			Dictionary<string, bool> hasAcSubstPackages = new Dictionary<string, bool> ();

			foreach (ProjectReference pr in ((DotNetProject)OwnerProject).References) {
				if (pr.ReferenceType != refType)

				string refstr = String.Empty;
				switch (refType) {
				case ReferenceType.Gac:
					//Assemblies coming from packages are always added as Gac
					refstr = GacRefToString (pr, hasAcSubstPackages, refVar);
					if (refstr == null)
				case ReferenceType.Assembly:
					refstr = AsmRefToString (pr.Reference, refVar, false);
				case ReferenceType.Project:
					refstr = ProjectRefToString (pr, refVar);
					if (refstr == null)
					//not supported

				references.Add (String.Format ("{0}{1}", refVar.Prefix, refstr));

			//Add packages
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, bool> pair in hasAcSubstPackages) {
				if (pair.Value)
					references.Add (String.Format ("$({0}_LIBS)", pair.Key));
					references.Add (String.Format ("-pkg:{0}", pair.Key));

			foreach (string s in refVar.Extra)
				references.Add (s);

			Makefile.SetListVariable (refVar.Name, references);
			return true;
コード例 #12
		bool WriteFiles (MakefileVar fileVar, string buildAction, bool makeRelative, string id)
			if (!fileVar.Sync || !fileVar.SaveEnabled)
				return false;

			if (Makefile.GetListVariable (fileVar.Name) == null) {
				//Var not found, skip
				string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString (
                                        "Makefile variable '{0}' not found. Skipping writing of '{1}' files to the Makefile.", fileVar.Name, id);
                                LoggingService.LogWarning (msg);
                                monitor.ReportWarning (msg);
				return false;

			List<string> files = new List<string> ();
			foreach (ProjectFile pf in OwnerProject.Files) {
				if (pf.Subtype != Subtype.Code)
				if (IsFileExcluded (pf.FilePath))
				if (pf.BuildAction == buildAction) {
					string str = null;
					if (makeRelative)
						//Files are relative to the Makefile
						str = GetRelativePath (pf.FilePath);
						str = pf.FilePath.ToRelative (pf.Project.BaseDirectory);

					string unescapedFileName = Path.GetFileName (str);

					if (EncodeValues [fileVar.Name]) {
						if (pf.IsExternalToProject)
							str = EncodeFileName (str, "top_srcdir", false);
							str = EncodeFileName (str, "srcdir", false);
					str = ToMakefilePath (str);

					// Emit the resource ID only when it is different from the file name
					if (pf.BuildAction == BuildAction.EmbeddedResource && pf.ResourceId != null && pf.ResourceId.Length > 0 && pf.ResourceId != unescapedFileName)
						str = String.Format ("{0}{1},{2}", fileVar.Prefix, str, EscapeString (pf.ResourceId));
						str = String.Format ("{0}{1}", fileVar.Prefix, str);

					str = NormalizeFileName (str);
					files.Add (str);

			foreach (string s in fileVar.Extra)
				files.Add (s);

			// Keep the file list sorted in the makefile
			files.Sort (System.StringComparer.InvariantCulture);
			Makefile.SetListVariable (fileVar.Name, files);
			return true;
コード例 #13
		bool CheckNonEmptyFileVar (MakefileVar var, string id)
			if (var.Sync && String.IsNullOrEmpty (var.Name.Trim ())) {
				MessageService.ShowError (parentDialog,GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"File variable ({0}) is set for sync'ing, but no valid variable is selected. Either disable the sync'ing or select a variable name.", id));

				return false;

			return true;